Inter Annual Variability of Spring Precipitation Over The Indo China Peninsula and Its Asymmetric Relationship With El Niño Southern Oscillation
Inter Annual Variability of Spring Precipitation Over The Indo China Peninsula and Its Asymmetric Relationship With El Niño Southern Oscillation
Inter Annual Variability of Spring Precipitation Over The Indo China Peninsula and Its Asymmetric Relationship With El Niño Southern Oscillation
Received: 25 July 2020 / Accepted: 26 December 2020 / Published online: 18 January 2021
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH, DE part of Springer Nature 2021
Previous studies suggested that the dry–wet surface state over the Indo-China Peninsula (ICP), closely associated with the
local spring precipitation, is an important seasonal predictor for the East Asian summer monsoon and extreme climate.
Hence, this work investigates the inter-annual variability of spring precipitation over the ICP and its relationship with El
Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) during 1958–2019. The results show that the spring precipitation anomalies over the ICP
are highly linked to the ENSO-induced atmospheric circulation anomalies. In particular, there are large asymmetries in the
precipitation anomalies for the spring following ENSO. During the decaying spring of the El Niño events, the precipitation
decrease mainly occurs over the Western ICP associated with an anomalous low-level anticyclone over the western North
Pacific. In contrast, during the decaying spring of the La Niña events, a stronger precipitation increase broadly extends into
the Southeastern ICP. This is owing to a nonlinear effect of ENSO on the atmospheric circulation. Compared to El Niño,
the abnormal center of La Niña extends too far westwards, inducing a westward movement of the anomalous atmospheric
circulation, which results in a stronger effect on the spring ICP precipitation. Our findings emphasize the nonlinear responses
of the spring ICP precipitation to ENSO. This has important implications for the seasonal climate prediction over the ICP,
especially for the Southeastern ICP countries/regions.
1 Introduction
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Inter-annual variability of spring precipitation over the Indo-China Peninsula and its… 2653
and Halpert 1989; Power and Smith 2007; Sasaki et al. atmospheric data, including monthly wind, humidity, and
2014). During the El Niño and La Niña years, the Walker vertical velocity, are collected from the Japanese 55-year
circulation is weakened and intensified, respectively (Phi- reanalysis dataset (JRA-55; Kobayashi et al. 2015) pro-
lander 1990), affecting the precipitation anomalies around vided by the Japan Meteorological Agency. The monthly
the world. SST data with a resolution of 1° × 1° are from the Hadley
The ENSO-related climate responses are sensitive to the Center Sea Ice and SST dataset (HadISST; Rayner et al.
location and intensity of the SST anomaly center. However, 2003). The present study period is set to be 1958–2019,
due to the existence of nonlinearity in the climate system, which covers the common time span of these datasets. In
the warm and cold events of ENSO are not entirely coun- addition, a surface (0–10 cm) soil moisture dataset (1° × 1°)
tered, but with significant asymmetries (Timmermann et al. from the Global Land Data Assimilation System (GLDAS)
2018). For the intensity, previous studies indicated that the V2.0 during 1958–2012 is used in our discussion (Rodell
El Niño events tend to be stronger than the La Niña events et al. 2004; unavailable for the data after 2012).
(An and Jin 2004). Moreover, the SST anomaly pattern of The water vapor flux and its divergence are computed
the La Niña events exhibits a westward shift compared to the by the following equations:
El Niño events (Hoerling et al. 1997). Even the durations of
the warm and cold ENSO events exhibit asymmetries (Oku-
mura and Deser 2010). Some studies have suggested that
Table 1 List of the El Niño and La Niña decaying years during 1958–
asymmetries also consist in the climate effects of ENSO (An 2019 used in the composite analysis
et al. 2005; Chou and Lo 2007; Ng et al. 2019). For exam-
ple, Hoerling et al. (1997) investigated the tropical precipita- El Niño 1958 1964 1966 1973 1983
tion anomalies associated with ENSO, and pointed out that 1987 1992 1998 2010 2016
the maximum of precipitation anomaly over the equatorial La Niña 1971 1974 1976 1985 1989
Pacific during mature winter of El Niño is farther east than 1996 1999 2000 2008 2011
that of La Niña. Thus, both the linearity and nonlinearity
exist in the ENSO effects, causing a great challenge in the
seasonal prediction.
In this study, the primary objective is to explore the inter-
annual variability of spring precipitation over the ICP and
its relationship with ENSO. The results show that the spring
precipitation anomalies over the ICP are largely affected by
ENSO, with distinct asymmetrical responses to El Niño and
La Niña. Our findings are important for the seasonal climate
prediction over the ICP, especially for the Southeastern ICP
countries/regions. The rest of this work is arranged as fol-
lows. Section 2 introduces the data and methods used in this
study. Section 3 explores the connection between the spring
ICP precipitation and ENSO events. Section 4 demonstrates
the nonlinearity in the spring ICP precipitation responses to
ENSO. Section 5 investigates how the asymmetric ENSO-
induced circulation anomalies affect the spring precipita-
tion anomalies over the ICP. Summary and discussions are
presented in Sect. 6.
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Inter-annual variability of spring precipitation over the Indo-China Peninsula and its… 2655
3 Inter‑annual variability of spring (Fig. 2a). The largest precipitation anomalies are in the
precipitation over the ICP and its Western coast and the Northern region, and the anomalies
relationship with ENSO over the Eastern part are relatively tender. This is possibly
related to the topography and spring water vapor transport
The EOF analysis is applied for the inter-annual anom- over the ICP. There are high mountains along the coastal
alies of the spring (March–May) precipitation over the region of the ICP (Fig. 1a). Thus, when the moisture is
ICP. The first EOF mode demonstrates that the positive transporting from the Indian Ocean to the Southern China
anomaly dominants the whole ICP area, which indicates a (Fig. 1b), the air is forced to rise ahead of the mountains,
regional consistency of the abnormal spring precipitation causing relatively larger precipitation amount (Fig. 1c) and
Fig. 4 a Correlation coefficients of spring stream function (con- p < 0.1) and divergent wind (arrows; only arrows significant with
tours; contour interval (CI): 0.2; the shaded areas are significant with p < 0.1 are shown) anomalies at 200 hPa. The dashed and continu-
p < 0.1) and rotational wind (arrows; only arrows significant with ous lines denote the negative and positive values, respectively. The
p < 0.1 are shown) anomalies at 850 hPa with the preceding winter zero contours are not shown. All data are linearly detrended. The red
ONI for the period of 1958–2019. b Same as in (a), but for the veloc- boxes denote the ICP region
ity potential (contours; CI 0.2; the shaded areas are significant with
Fig. 5 Correlation coefficients between spring vertical velocity (con- tive values, respectively. The zero contours are not shown. A negative
tours; CI 0.2; the shaded areas are significant with p < 0.1) averaged (positive) value indicates an upward (downward) movement. All data
over 0°–20° N and the preceding winter ONI for the period of 1958– are linearly detrended. The red box is above the ICP region
2019. The dashed and continuous lines denote the negative and posi-
2656 G. Li et al.
variability along the Western coastal region and the North- in the air column, which is also an unfavorable condition for
eastern ICP. The first EOF mode contributes to about 54% the ICP precipitation.
of inter-annual variability of the ICP spring precipitation. To further examine the circulation responses at the upper
By contrast, the second EOF mode, which only contrib- layer of the troposphere, the correlation distributions of the
utes to about 9% of the spring ICP precipitation variation, 200 hPa velocity potential and divergent wind in the decaying
shows an opposite anomaly pattern between the northeast- spring with the preceding winter ONI are shown in Fig. 4b.
ern and southwestern parts of the ICP (figure not shown). There are evident divergence and convergence regions at a
Besides, the correlation coefficient between the principal higher level over the eastern and western Pacific during the
component time series of the first EOF mode (PC1) and El Niño events, respectively. It also indicates that there is an
the regional mean of spring precipitation anomaly over the abnormal ascending (descending) motion over the eastern
ICP (95°–110° E, 8°–22° N) even reaches 0.99 (p < 0.001;
Fig. 2b). Thus, the first EOF mode can well capture the
inter-annual variability of area-averaged spring precipita-
tion over the ICP.
Being one of the most important climatic driving factors
on the inter-annual timescale around the world, ENSO plays
a crucial role in regulating the tropical precipitation in the
decaying spring (Ropelewski and Halpert 1987). The abnor-
mal spring ICP precipitation is highly in association with the
tropical SST anomalies. As shown in Fig. 3, the area-aver-
aged spring precipitation over the ICP exhibits significant
negative correlations with the equatorial eastern Pacific SST
anomalies for the preceding autumn (September–Novem-
ber), preceding winter (December–February), and spring. To
check this relationship between the precipitation and ENSO-
related SST anomalies, we further utilize the preceding win-
ter ONI from the CPC to denote the intensity of ENSO.
The correlation coefficient between the area-averaged spring
precipitation anomaly over the ICP and the ONI is − 0.47
during the past six decades (Fig. 2b), which is statistically
significant with p < 0.001. This indicates that there is usually
an enhanced precipitation in spring over the ICP when the
tropical SST over the eastern Pacific is abnormally lower,
i.e., La Niña events, and vice versa. The abnormal ENSO
SST would motivate the atmospheric circulation anomalies,
and further induce anomalous precipitation over Asia (Ju
and Slingo 1995). Particularly, an anomalous anticyclone
is usually developed over the western North Pacific dur-
ing the decaying spring as a response to the El Niño events
(Wang et al. 2000; Wang and Zhang 2002). Figure 4a shows
the abnormal spring stream function and rotational wind
at 850 hPa correlated with the preceding winter ONI. An
abnormal anticyclone circulation pattern exists with a center
to the east of the ICP. This indicates that when the SST
is abnormally higher over the tropical eastern Pacific, i.e.,
an El Niño event, the ICP would be under the effects of
an abnormal low-level anticyclone circulation system. This
abnormal circulation would guide the water vapor transport-
ing to the Southern China excessively. In turn, this implies
less moisture convergence over the ICP, lowering the water Fig. 6 a Correlation coefficients between the spring precipitation
anomalies and the preceding winter ONI for the period of 1958–
source for local spring precipitation. On the other hand, an
2019. The dotted areas are significant with p < 0.1. All data are lin-
anticyclone normally associated with a downward movement early detrended. b and c are the same as in (a), but for the years with
ONI > 0 and ONI < 0, respectively
Inter-annual variability of spring precipitation over the Indo-China Peninsula and its… 2657
(western) Pacific accompanied by a warmer equatorial east- the ICP is in the ascending branch of the Walker circulation,
ern Pacific. This could be attributed to the responses of the this further confirms that the ICP is under the evident effects
Walker circulation to the abnormal tropical SST. Theoretically, of ENSO-induced atmospheric circulation anomalies. Dur-
the abnormal higher SST over the tropical eastern Pacific can ing the decaying spring of the El Niño events, the weakened
weaken the Walker circulation during El Niño years (Philan- Walker circulation leads to an abnormal descent above the
der 1990). As shown in Fig. 5, the strong negative correla- ICP (Fig. 5), further hindering the local precipitation. On the
tions of vertical velocity anomalies with the preceding winter contrary, during the decaying spring of the La Niña events, an
ONI indicate an anomalous upward motion over the tropical abnormal low-level cyclone with an upward movement above
eastern Pacific in the El Niño decaying spring. On the other the ICP would favor the local precipitation.
hand, the significant positive correlations over the tropical
western Pacific denote an anomalous downward motion. As
2658 G. Li et al.
4 The nonlinear responses of the spring ICP Niño and 10 strongest La Niña events based on the preced-
precipitation to ENSO ing winter ONI for the composite analysis (see Table 1 and
Sect. 2 for details). During the decaying spring of the El
However, we know that the positive (El Niño) and negative Niño events, the Western ICP exhibit an evident precipita-
(La Niña) phases of ENSO are not simply the reverse of tion deficit, while there is no statistically significant pre-
each other, but with significant asymmetries in magnitude, cipitation anomaly over the Southeastern ICP (Fig. 7a). In
duration, and spatial structure (An and Jin 2004; Timmer- contrast, the precipitation anomaly is relatively larger during
mann et al. 2018). For example, compared to the El Niño the decaying spring of the La Niña events and most regions
events, the cool SST anomalies on the equator for the La of the ICP display a precipitation surplus, especially for the
Niña events often extends too westwards into the central Southeastern ICP (Fig. 7c).
and western Pacific (An and Jin 2004; Guan et al. 2019). To show the linear and nonlinear parts of the spring
Such an asymmetry in the ENSO spatial structure could precipitation responses more intuitively, the summation of
potentially exert complex influences on the global climate the anomalies in the above two cases is further illustrated
(Wallace et al. 1998; Alexander et al. 2002; An and Jin in Fig. 7e. The lower values indicate that the precipitation
2004; Timmermann et al. 2018). anomalies are usually opposite with similar magnitudes
To explore the linear and nonlinear responses of spring between the decaying springs of the El Niño and La Niña
precipitation over the ICP to ENSO, Fig. 6a–c demonstrate events. Correspondingly, the higher values highlight the
the correlations between the spring precipitation anomalies nonlinear component of the anomalies. In general, the spring
and the preceding winter ONI under different conditions. precipitation over the Western ICP is linearly related to the
Firstly, for the whole period of 1958–2019, the spring precip- ENSO SST anomalies from the regional average perspec-
itation over the ICP bears significantly negative correlations tive. However, the Southeastern ICP (including the Eastern
with the preceding winter ONI (Fig. 6a). However, when we Thailand, most of Cambodia, and the Southern Laos and
further investigate this relationship separately in the warm Vietnam) exhibits a distinct nonlinear response of the spring
and cold ENSO phases, the negative correlations exhibit evi- precipitation to ENSO. Different from El Niño, La Niña can
dent asymmetries (Fig. 6b and c). In the years with positive cause a strong precipitation anomaly in the decaying spring
SST anomalies over the NINO3.4 region (i.e., ONI > 0), the over the Southeastern ICP, suggesting a unique regional cli-
negative correlations mainly dominate the Western ICP. In mate effect. In addition, we also identify the El Niño (La
the years when the ENSO SST anomalies are lower than nor- Niña) events when the NINO3.4 index is greater (less) than
mal (i.e., ONI < 0), the domain with the negative correlation 0.5 °C (− 0.5 °C) for at least 5 months during 1958–2019 for
largely extends into the Southeastern ICP. This implies that comparison, the results are in agreement with the analyses of
the impact of ENSO-related SST anomalies on the spring the 20 strongest ENSO years (figure not shown).
ICP precipitation in the La Niña decaying years is relatively As an effort to preliminarily explore the ENSO asym-
larger than in the El Niño decaying years. metries in amplitude and duration, the composite evolutions
To verify the nonlinear components of spring precipita- of the NINO3.4 SST anomalies in the El Niño and La Niña
tion responses to ENSO events, we select 10 strongest El events are shown in Fig. 8. The El Niño SST anomalies are
Inter-annual variability of spring precipitation over the Indo-China Peninsula and its… 2659
slightly stronger from the developing summer to the mature precipitation over the ICP, especially for the Southeastern
winter than the La Niña ones. For their duration, both the El ICP. Now we turn our attention to investigate the nonlin-
Niño and La Niña SST anomalies could sustain to the decay- earity in ENSO and its asymmetric effects on the atmos-
ing spring, and the La Niña events exhibit a longer duration pheric circulation and spring precipitation over the ICP. In
until the decaying summer. For April and May of the decay- this section, we find that the western shift of the abnormal
ing spring, the El Niño SST anomalies are slightly weaker SST center in the La Niña events can lead to a westward
than the La Niña ones. In order to exclude the influence of
the amplitude and duration asymmetries of ENSO, we have
also normalized the composite spring precipitation anomalies
by scaling the absolute value of the preceding winter (Fig. 7;
or decaying spring, the results are similar, figure not shown)
ONI of the ENSO years. The results still display a strong
asymmetry in the precipitation anomalies over the ICP for
the spring following ENSO (Fig. 7b, d, and f). This indicates
that the amplitude and duration of the ENSO events have lit-
tle influence on our major findings in this study.
We further select two sub-regions of the ICP: the West-
ern ICP (96°–104° E, 12°–21° N) and the Southeastern ICP
(104°–109° E, 11°–17° N). Figure 9 shows the detailed rela-
tionships between the preceding winter ONI and spring pre-
cipitation anomalies averaged over different regions. For the
whole ICP region, the correlation coefficients between the
preceding winter ONI and spring precipitation anomalies are
− 0.38 (p < 0.05) and -0.40 (p < 0.05) during the warm and
cold phases of ENSO, respectively (Fig. 9a). This implies
that the La Niña events could result in a relatively stronger
effect on the ICP precipitation in the decaying spring than the
El Niño events. For the Western ICP region, a linear response
is dominated between the spring precipitation anomalies and
the ENSO. The negative relationships are both robust for
the years with ONI < 0 and ONI > 0 (Fig. 9b), with a cor-
relation coefficient of − 0.41 (p < 0.05). In particular, for the
Southeastern ICP region, the negative relationship is strong
under the condition of ONI < 0, but it nearly vanishes when
ONI > 0 (Fig. 9c). This is suggestive of an asymmetric rela-
tionship between the spring precipitation over the ICP and
the ENSO. During the decaying phase of ENSO, the Indian
Ocean basin-wide SST anomalies, i.e., the Indian Ocean
basin mode (IOBM), can usually affect the Asian climate by
regulating the atmospheric circulation (Xie et al. 2016; Tao
et al. 2016). We further examine the relationship between
the preceding winter ONI and the spring ICP precipitation
anomalies after removing the IOBM signals in each condition
(figure not shown). The results also support our conclusion
that the effect of La Niña on the following spring precipita-
tion over the ICP is larger than El Niño.
2660 G. Li et al.
movement of the atmospheric circulation response. The (Hoerling et al. 1997; An and Jin 2004; Timmermann et al.
anomalous low-level cyclone associated with La Niña shifts 2018) on the ENSO nonlinearities for their mature phases
westwards covering the ICP, compared with the anomalous (boreal winter).
low-level anticyclone in the El Niño events. This induces a Figure 11 demonstrates the evolution of SST anomalies
more effective influence on the precipitation over the ICP along the equatorial Pacific from the developing summer to
during the decaying spring of La Niña. decaying summer of ENSO events. For the El Niño events,
To analyze the causes of the nonlinear responses of the SST over the equatorial eastern Pacific is abnormally
atmospheric circulation and precipitation, we further higher during the developing summer to decaying spring,
look into the asymmetries of the ENSO patterns during with its maximum in the mature winter (Fig. 11a). For the
the decaying spring. Due to the huge thermal capacity La Niña events, the situation is basically on the contrary
of the ocean and the strong memory of SST anomalies, (Fig. 11b): such SST is abnormally lower during the devel-
the SST anomalies generally maintain the pattern in their oping summer to decaying spring. The nonlinear pattern
mature phases for the ENSO decaying spring (Fig. 10a shows a negative center and a positive center over the central
and b). In the El Niño cases, the abnormally higher SST and eastern Pacific since developing summer, respectively
anomalies are mainly located in the tropical eastern Pacific (Fig. 11c). This indicates that the westward movement of
and Indian Oceans. In the La Niña cases, the equatorial the SST anomaly center exists in the whole process of the
cool SST anomalies extend westwards. Figure 10c high- La Niña events, which also implies that the response of
lights the nonlinear part of the tropical SST anomalies, the abnormal atmospheric circulation system might move
and indicates that the SST anomaly center for La Niña westwards.
moves westwards. This indicates that the equatorial Pacific To verify our hypothesis, Fig. 12 shows the anomalous
SST anomalies during the decaying spring for the La circulations at 850 hPa in the two ENSO phases. During the
Niña events extend too far westwards in comparison to decaying spring of the El Niño events, it is evident that an
the El Niño events, which is similar with previous studies anomalous anticyclone exists over the western North Pacific,
Inter-annual variability of spring precipitation over the Indo-China Peninsula and its… 2661
Fig. 11 Composite evolutions of SST anomalies (contours and colors; Niña cases. The dashed and continuous lines denote the negative and
units: °C; CI 0.2 °C; the zero contours are not shown; only areas sig- positive values, respectively. c The summation of a and b. Numeral
nificant with p < 0.1 are shaded with colors) averaged over 2° S–2° N “− 1” in the bracket denote the developing year of ENSO events. All
from June of the previous year to July in the a El Niño cases and b La data are linearly detrended
and the anomalous center is to the east of the ICP (Fig. 12a). west side of the ICP. On the contrary, the abnormal cyclone
Normally, this would guide the moisture transporting to the over the ICP in the La Niña events prevents the water vapor
Southern China, and hamper the local precipitation over the transporting northeastward (Fig. 13b), resulting in an abnor-
ICP. For the La Niña events, an anomalous cyclone is located mal convergence of air moisture over the ICP. This would
over the western North Pacific (Fig. 12b). In addition, the benefit local spring precipitation. The nonlinear part of
anomalous center moves westwards and covers the whole water vapor flux anomaly in the ENSO events indicates that
ICP compare with the El Niño events. Figure 12c shows a the Na Niña events exert a stronger effect on the moisture
La Niña-like pattern of nonlinear response anomalies, con- flux over the ICP (Fig. 13c), owing to a westward shift of the
firming that the abnormal low-level circulation system in low-level abnormal cyclone in the La Niña years (Fig. 12c).
response to the La Niña events shifts westwards obviously. For the Walker circulation anomalies in response to
This hints that the atmospheric circulation and precipitation ENSO in the decaying spring, there also exist distinct dif-
over the ICP can be affected more effectively by the La Niña ferences reflected by the vertical motion anomalies above the
in the decaying spring. ICP. In the El Niño years, there is an abnormal descending
Generally, the lower tropospheric circulation anomaly movement at the middle troposphere over the ICP (Fig. 14a).
would lead to an abnormal water vapor transport. In the Particularly, the west side of the ICP shows most evident
decaying spring of the El Niño events, the abnormal south- positive (downward motion) velocity anomaly, which is in
westerly wind along the west rim of the abnormal anticy- corresponding to the spring precipitation deficit over the
clone brings excessive water vapor from the ICP and South Western ICP. During the decaying spring of the La Niña
China Sea to the Southern China (Fig. 13a). Meanwhile, events, the anomaly area with abnormal ascending move-
there exists an evident divergence of moisture flux over the ments extends eastward, and the vertical velocity anomalies
2662 G. Li et al.
are evidently enhanced compared to the El Niño events ICP precipitation in the decaying spring when the tropical
(Fig. 14b). This would benefit the spring precipitation for eastern Pacific SST is abnormally colder (i.e., a La Niña
the entire ICP to a great extent. The nonlinear responses event), and vice versa.
of vertical motion to ENSO also confirm that the La Niña Further analyses show that the responses of precipita-
events exert a stronger effect over the ICP than the El Niño tion anomalies over the ICP exhibit large asymmetries in the
events (Fig. 14c). This suggests a more favorable condition decaying springs of the El Niño and La Niña events. This
for the ICP precipitation anomaly during the La Niña decay- is owing to the nonlinear effects of the ENSO events. Dur-
ing spring. ing El Niño years, the abnormally warmer tropical eastern
Pacific SST motivates an anomalous anticyclone at the lower
troposphere over the western North Pacific near the ICP.
6 Summary and discussions This would result in water vapor transporting from the ICP
to the Southern China excessively. Besides, the abnormal
The agrarian-based socioeconomic livelihood of densely downward movement responding to the ENSO SST anom-
populated ICP countries/regions is vulnerable to modest aly only covers the western part of the ICP. Therefore, the
changes in spring precipitation. Thus, this study further abnormally lower precipitation usually occurs over the West-
explores the inter-annual variability of spring precipitation ern ICP during the El Niño decaying spring. Compare to El
over the ICP and its asymmetric relationship with ENSO. On Niño, La Niña SST anomalies tend to extend too far west-
the inter-annual timescale, the ENSO strongly affect the pre- wards. As a result, the anomalous low-level cyclone in the
cipitation anomaly over the ICP during the decaying spring decaying spring induced by La Niña shifts westwards with
through inducing the atmospheric circulation variation. The an abnormal center covering the whole ICP. This impedes
spring precipitation averaged over the ICP and the preced- the water vapor transporting to the Southern China and leads
ing winter ONI are closely correlated with a statistically to an abnormal moisture convergence over the ICP. Mean-
significant (p < 0.001) correlation coefficient of -0.47 during while, the resultant abnormal upward movement coverage
1958–2019. This indicates that there is usually excessive extends eastward and covers the whole ICP (including the
Inter-annual variability of spring precipitation over the Indo-China Peninsula and its… 2663
2664 G. Li et al.
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