Holevo's Bound From A General Quantum Uctuation Theorem
Holevo's Bound From A General Quantum Uctuation Theorem
Holevo's Bound From A General Quantum Uctuation Theorem
Article in Physical review A, Atomic, molecular, and optical physics · July 2012
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.86.044302 · Source: arXiv
91 203
2 authors:
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leading to a tighter inequality. We conclude by analyzing equality conditions for the improved
Thermodynamics and information theory are inti- theorems [23], must therefore be treated with care.
mately connected. The most prominent evidence for this The purpose of the present paper is twofold. In the
relationship is that the Clausius entropy [1] is given by first part we derive a general quantum fluctuation theo-
the Shannon information [2] in systems at thermal equi- rem that accounts for the back action of measurements
librium [3]. In particular, Landauer’s principle [4, 5] illus- on reduced systems (see [24] for a similar approach). To
trates that information is a physical, measurable quan- this end, we consider an experimental point of view; we
tity. Thermodynamic work has to be performed in or- assume that the system of interest is coupled to an en-
der to create or erase information. Landauer’s principle vironment which is experimentally inaccessible. Such
can therefore be understood as a statement of the second measurements on open quantum systems are inherently
law of thermodynamics in an information theoretic con- incomplete, since they ignore environmental degrees of
text. This is also true for Holevo’s bound [6], which limits freedom. Information is lost that in principle could have
the amount of classical information that can be encoded been acquired by concurrent measurement of the reser-
in a generic quantum system. Recently, nano-devices - voir. A general formulation of quantum fluctuation the-
for which these principles are directly applicable - have orems must explicitly account for these effects. The inte-
become experimentally accessible [7]. These controlled gral fluctuation theorem we derive is applicable to arbi-
quantum systems have applications ranging from quan- trary orthogonal measurements, for systems undergoing
tum simulation [8, 9], cryptography [10], computing [11– both unitary and non-unitary dynamics.
13], to metrology [14–17]. The main obstacles towards re- In the second part we focus on an information the-
alization of such devices are control noise and interactions oretic consequence of the general quantum fluctuation
with the environment. Thus, a thermodynamic study theorem - Holevo’s theorem. The derivation and implica-
is necessary to fully understand their information theo- tions of this result have attracted much attention [25–29].
retic properties. However, most nano-devices operate far Like more recent works [30–32], our derivation results in
from thermal equilibrium, so tools from non-equilibrium a sharpened statement of Holevo’s bound, which takes
statistical physics are required. In recent years, formu- into account the choice of measurement used to obtain
lations of the second law have been derived which are the encoded information. Further our novel treatment
valid arbitrarily far from equilibrium. These so-called is based on results weaker than the monotonicity of rela-
fluctuation theorems, in particular the Jarzynski equal- tive entropy, and directly leads to necessary and sufficient
ity [18], enable the calculation of equilibrium quantities equality conditions. This illustrates an interesting con-
from non-equilibrium averages over many realizations of nection between quantum thermodynamics and quantum
a single process. They also encompass non-equilibrium, information theory.
information theoretic generalizations of the second law.
As Landauer’s principle is a direct implication of this ap-
General quantum fluctuation theorem Consider
proach [19–21], one may ask whether Holevo’s bound is
a time-dependent quantum system, S, with Hilbert space
also such a result. One complication in this case is that
HS and initial density matrix ρ0 . Information about the
the approach to fluctuation theorems for quantum sys-
state of the system is obtained by performing measure-
tems is mathematically and conceptually more involved.
ments on S at the beginning and end of a specific pro-
Thermodynamic quantities, which are not given as state
cess. Initially a quantum measurement is made of ob-
functions, cannot be assigned an Hermitian operator [22].
servable Ai , with eigenvalues aim . Letting Πim denote the
The proper formulation of quantum thermodynamics for
P projectors into the eigenspaces of Ai , we have
non-equilibrium systems, especially quantum fluctuation
A = m am Πm . Note that the eigenvalues {aim } can
i i i
be degenerate, so the projectors {Πim } may have rank the environment. It plays a crucial role in the following
greater than one. Unlike the classical case, as long as ρ0 discussion and is given by
and Ai do not have a common set of eigenvectors - i.e.
γ = tr exp −Af E M i (ρ0 ) exp Ai
they do not commute - performing a measurement on S . (6)
alters its statistics. Measuring
am maps ρ0 to the state
Πim ρ0 Πim /pm , where pm = tr Πim ρ0 Πim is the probabil- Similar fluctuation theorems of the form hexp (−Σ)i = γcl
ity of the measurement outcome aim . Generally account- have been derived in the context of classical feedback pro-
ing for all possible measurement outcomes, the statistics cesses, where Σ is an entropy production [53]. We note
of S after the measurement are given by the weighted that by appropriate choice of initial and final observables
average of all projections, Ai and Af , Eq. (6) reproduces many known quantum fluc-
tuation theorems [22–24, 34–38], which we will discuss in
M i (ρ0 ) =
Πim ρ0 Πim . (1) detail elsewhere.
A complementary result to the fluctuation theorem
is Jensen’s Inequality, which states that for any convex
If ρ0 commutesPwith Ai , it commutes with each Πim , function φ′′ (x) ≥ 0 and random variable x, hφ(x)i ≥
so M i (ρ0 ) = i i φ(hxi) [39]. Applying this to Eq. (5) yields
m Πm Πm ρ0 = ρ0 and the statistics
of the system are unaltered by the measurement. Af-
ter measuring aim , S undergoes a generic time evolu- h∆ai ≥ − ln (γ) . (7)
tion, after which it is given by E(Πim ρ0 Πim )/pm . Here
For specific choices of thermodynamically relevant ob-
E represents any linear (unitary or non-unitary) quan-
tum transformation, which is trace-preserving and maps servables Ai and Af , this relation can be understood as
a formulation of the Clausius inequality. InRparticular,
non-negative operators to non-negative operators. Fur- τ
ther, we require that this holds whenever E is extended for a unitary time-evolution Uτ = T> exp −i 0 H(t)dt ,
an initial Gibbsian state ρ0 = exp (−βH(0))/Z0 and
to an operation E ⊗ IE on any enlarged Hilbert space
HS ⊗ HE (IE being the identity map on HE ). Such a corresponding energy measurements, Ai = βH(0) and
transformation is called a trace-preserving, completely Af = βH(τ ), Eq. (5) re-produces the quantum Jarzynski
positive (TCP) map [33]. After this evolution, a measure- equality [22, 40, 41]. Accordingly, Eq. (7) reduces to the
ment of maximum work theorem, β hW i ≥ β∆F , where hW i =
Pa second (not necessarily the same) observable, hH(τ )i − hH(0)i = h∆ai /β and β∆F = − ln (Zτ /Z0 ) =
Af = n afn Πfn , is performed on S. The probability of
measuring afn , conditioned on having first measured aim , − ln(γ).
is pn|m = tr Πfn E Πim ρ0 Πim /pm . Accordingly, the
joint probability distribution pm→n reads Holevo’s bound We now use the fluctuation theo-
rem (5) to derive a sharpened version of Holevo’s bound.
pm→n = pm · pn|m = tr Πfn E Πim ρ0 Πim . (2)
This bound sets a limit on how much classical informa-
tion can be sent through a (noisy) quantum channel.
We are interested in the probability distribution of possi- Let us consider a message composed of code words wj
ble measurement outcomes, P (∆a) = hδ (∆a − ∆an,m )i, that appear with probability πj . A messenger (Alice) at-
where ∆an,m = afn − aim is a random variable determined tempts to transfer this message to a receiver (Bob) by
in a single measurement run. Its probability distribution encoding each word wj in a quantum state and transmit-
is given by averaging over all possible realizations, ting that state to Bob. We assume that Bob receives the
X state ρj , which may have come through a lossy medium
P (∆a) = δ (∆a − ∆an,m ) pm→n . (3) and therefore be different from the original state pre-
m,n pared by Alice. Bob attempts to infer the word wj from
the encoding by making a generalized measurement of
To derive the integral fluctuation theorem we follow the the state ρj . This corresponds to introducing a probe,
standard approach and compute its characteristic func- initially in a pure state |0i, and making an orthogonal
tion, G(s), which is the Fourier transform of P(∆a) [23] measurement on the compound state ρj ⊗ |0ih0| [42]. If
Z {Πk } represents the set of orthogonal projectors corre-
G(s) = d(∆a) P(∆a) exp (is ∆a) sponding to Bob’s measurement, the probability of mea-
(4) suring Πk , given message wj , is given by
= tr exp isAf E M i (ρ0 ) exp −isAi
πk|j = tr {ρj ⊗ |0ih0|Πk } = tr {ρj Mk } , (8)
Choosing s = i, we obtain the general quantum fluctua-
tion theorem where Mk = h0|Πk |0i are operators acting only on the en-
coding degree of freedom.
P Although the operators {Mk }
hexp (−∆a)i = γ . (5) are non-negative and k Mk = I, they are generally
not projectors, Mk2 6= Mk . Such a collection {Mk } is
Since it is explicitly dependent on the map E, the quan- called a positive operator valued measure (POVM), and
tity γ accounts for the information lost by not measuring describes the most general measurement on a quantum
system. The classical message distribution {πj }, output space. Note that HM is not a real, physically acces-
quantum encoding {ρj }, and POVM elements {Mk } de- sible subspace, but rather a mathematical construction
fine a classical-quantum channel [43]. denoting the memory for the classical information of the
A proper measure of how well Bob decodes Alice’s message [43]. We have
message is the mutual information between the en-
coded message and measurement distributions, I = X
P P ρ0 = πj ρj ⊗ |0ih0| ⊗ |jihj| , (11)
π π
jk j k|j ln πk|j /π k , where πk = j j k|j is
π π
the overall P probability of measuring Πk . Note
that I = π
j j D(π k|j ||πk ), where D(π k|j ||πk ) =
P where the states |ji, each corresponding to word wj , form
k k|j ln π k|j /πk is the (classical) relative entropy
an orthonormal basis for HM . We see that, with prob-
[44]. Hence I is a sum of non-negative terms and is 0
ability πj , ρ0 corresponds to the message state |ji. The
if and only if πk|j = πk for all k, j. That is, I vanishes
measured initial and final observables are
only if all outcomes of the measurement are independent
of the encoded word, so that Bob always learns nothing X
Ai = ln ρ̂−1
about the message. j ⊗ |0ih0| ⊗ |jihj|
The probability of the message being wj , conditioned j
on Bob measuring Πk is, πj|k = πk|j πj /πk . We have f
A = − ln (ρ̄ ⊗ |0ih0|) ⊗ IM (12)
X X − Ik,j Πk ⊗ |jihj| ,
I = S({πj }) + πk πj|k ln πj|k , (9)
k j
rewrite Eq. (14) with Eq. (15) as such that Ai Rmj = aim Rmj and ρ0 Rmj 6= 0. Since the
function exp (x) is strictly convex, the random variable
γ = tr exp −Af ρ0 exp Ai
∆anm obtained from the measurements of Ai and Af has
( ) to satisfy ∆anm = − ln(γ) for all measurements with
nonzero probability. Hence an initial measurement of aim
= tr exp −A πj P̂j ⊗ |0ih0| ⊗ |jihj|
j implies with certainty a final measurement aim − ln(γ).
( !) Since Rmj is a projector into an eigenspace of ρ0 , any
state satisfying Rmj |ψi = |ψi must therefore also be an
≤ πj tr exp ln (ρ̄ ⊗ |0ih0|) + Ik,j Πk .
j k eigenstate of Af with eigenvalue aim − ln(γ), so
(Af − Ai )Rmj = − ln(γ)Rmj . (20)
where the inequality P is justified by noting that
exp (ln (ρ̄ ⊗ |0ih0|) + k Ik,j Πk ) is non-negative and Using the definition (12) and Mk = h0|Πk |0i, Eq. (19)
P̂j ⊗ |0ih0| is a projection operator. We now use a
follows by summing on m noting that m Rmj = P̂j ⊗
statement of the Golden-Thompson inequality [45, 46], |0ih0| ⊗ |jihj|.
that is for any Hermitian operators A and B, we have Conversely, assume that Eq. (19) holds for all j. Since
tr {exp (A + B)} ≤ tr {exp (A) exp (B)}. Note that in Ai and ρ0 commute, we have
the present case, A and B are both logarithms of bounded
Hermitian operators, and are only bounded from above, χ − I = tr ρ0 (Af − Ai )
though the Golden-Thompson inequality still holds [47]. ( ! )
Accordingly, we have X X
= πj tr ρj ln(ρj ) − ln(ρ̄) − Ik,j Mk P̂j
γ = tr exp −Af ρ0 exp Ai j k
X n o X
= πj tr ρj − ln(γ)P̂j = − ln(γ) πj
( !)
≤ πj tr exp (ln (ρ̄ ⊗ |0ih0|)) · exp Ik,j Πk j j
j k = − ln(γ)
( )
X X (21)
= πj tr (ρ̄ ⊗ |0ih0|) πk|j /πk Πk .
j k
We conclude that Eq. (19) is equivalent to equality in
Eq. (13). Observe that since χ − I ≥ − ln(γ) ≥ 0, the
P equality condition for χ = I, Eq. (19) with ln(γ) = 0,
From the definition πk = j πj πk|j we finally obtain
is obtained as a corollary of our result [48]. The equal-
( ) ity condition (19) may be used to determine the bound
saturating observable Af self-consistently.
γ ≤ tr ρ̄ ⊗ |0ih0| Πk = 1, (18)
which shows that − ln (γ) ≥ 0, as desired. We note that Concluding remarks We developed a general
our derivation does not invoke the monotonicity of the framework for quantum fluctuation theorems by explic-
relative entropy or equivalent statements [48]. Instead itly accounting for the back action of quantum measure-
we have used only Jensen’s inequality and the Golden- ments. With this new result, we showed that quantum
Thompson inequality, which are weaker results [49, 50]. mechanical formulations of the second law are intimately
Equality conditions Holevo’s bound (12) is obtained tied to quantum information theory by deriving Holevo’s
with the help of Jensen’s inequality. For strictly convex bound as a consequence of a fluctuation theorem. The
functions φ′′ (x) > 0, the Jensen bound hφ(x)i ≥ φ(hxi) new approach not only provides a simple derivation, but
achieves equality if and only if the random variable x is also a sharpened statement of the original bound and a
constant valued. This allows us to derive the equality corresponding equality criterion.
conditions for (13) in a straightforward manner. Specifi-
cally, equality is achieved only if
! Acknowledgments
− ln(ρ̂j ) − ln(ρ̄) − Ik,j Mk P̂j = − ln(γ)P̂j
k The authors thank Jacob Taylor and Eric Lutz for in-
(19) teresting discussions. SD acknowledges financial support
for all j. This follows from a few simple observations. by a fellowship within the postdoc-program of the Ger-
First assume that χ − I = − ln(γ). As Ai , ρ0 and the man Academic Exchange Service (DAAD, contract No
projectors I ⊗ |0ih0| ⊗ |jihj| mutually commute, we con- D/11/40955). DK acknowledges financial support by a
sider a mutual eigenprojector Rmj = Rm ⊗ |0ih0| ⊗ |jihj| fellowship from the Joint Quantum Institute.