Poultry Keeping Project Proposal

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Poultry keeping project proposal

Organisation information

Name of organization
Name of contact
Position held
Project title
Amount requested
Project period

Executive summary

This poultry project is specifically designed for egg production. It’s planned to start with 500
layer birds. The total project cost for the poultry project alone shall be $4,958.63

To increase the sustainability of the Poultry Keeping project enabling it to continuously support
its mission, helping to improve the socio economic welfare, sustainable food security and create
job opportunity for youth, Orphans and vulnerable children, the following activities must be

1. Construct a modern chicken house

2. Select and train youth, orphans and vulnerable children, especially school drop outs to
support the project
3. Procure and rear chicken to lay eggs to be sold for consumption.
4. Continuously monitor and evaluate activities to ensure objectives are met.

If these activities are implemented, it will create a great impact in the lives of the project
beneficiaries. I the first place the project will create employment or at least 10 young stars
currently not employed in any productive venture. This employment will give them an
alternative way to generate income, decreasing their dependence in handouts and thereby
decreasing their risk of transmitting and contracting HIV/STDs especially girls. In the second
place it will provide XXX a secure source of funding for its program activities allowing it to
continuously sustain 20% of its current activities inspite of these goals, XXX lacks financial
resources necessary to realize this project. This organization seeks $2000 ti aid in the start up of
this income generating project.


The overall goals

To increase the sustainability of the organization to continuously support its mission, promoting
educational and health programs to OVC and youths.

Specific objectives

1. To establish a business, raising and selling chickens and eggs (poultry products) and use
its profit to support the activities of the XXX
2. To improve the economic welfare of OVC and the youths by employing them to run and
support the poultry farming project.
3. To train the Youths and OVC who have no opportunity to continue for secondary
education in business and management so that they may successfully support their needs.


1. Procure materials for constructing a permanent poultry house with favourable condition
for raising chickens and eggs.
2. Contract builders to build structure (poultry house) for raising chickens and eggs
3. Contract the services needed for the installation of solar power
4. Contract the services needed to install water system
5. Procure 2000 chicks and the necessary foods and supplies needed to support them.
6. Recruit and hire the agriculture extension officer to provide veterinary services to layer
birds and to support the need of the project
7. Train selected Youths with the help of partners and organizations for the business
management in poultry farming.
8. Monitor and evaluate the activities of the poultry farm and its overall impact to its target
group and XXX as an Agribusiness entity reviewing the management of the project and
sale of poultry products

Justification of the project

The project is a threefold strategy, in that it seeks to create a viable income generation project.
XXX giving it an alternative way to support its daily activities and to improve the welfare of the
OVC and the youths. The project will produce poultry products for sale and the proceeds will not
only assist the Agribusiness entity to meets the basic necessities of for OVCs such as medical
care and scholastic materials but also reduce the financial cost the organization spends on buying
these products for daily consumption. And it has been proved that poultry products are a cheap
source of protein which is vital in maintaining the immune systems. This will be a great help to
boost the nutrition needs.

The project seeks to create employment opportunities to some of our youths such that they cater
for themselves and to some extent their dependants. With respect to multiplier effects, the
activities of this project will be scaled by none members. Or the project will be a model for
future income generation project within the community and will be replicated by both XXX and

Timeline for the implementation of the activities

Core activities 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Persons

Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter responsible
1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
Procure materials to construct poultry house
Contract builders for poultry house
Procure and contract solar panel installation
Contractor to construct well and water system
Recruit project staff to manage the poultry
Training the project staff in poultry management
Procure baby chicks
Procure supplies- poultry feeds, vitamins, house
heaters etc
Rear chickens (daily monitoring)
Sell eggs (daily monitoring)
Evaluate activities
Post evaluation Joint

Project sustainability

In the initial stage, the project will be sustained by donor funds. However, in the long run the
project will finance its self. Part of the funds will be used to execute the organization while
another percentage will be reinvested in the poultry business to expand the project hence
increasing sales and profit.

Through the capacity building workshops, the project staff will be empowered with skills in the
treatment of layer birds and have the appropriate knowledge for feeds rational.
The project budget

Item Quantity Unit cost Total amount

Chickens 100 $5 $500
Purchasing blocks 500 $1 $500
Sand 2 trips $150 $300
Cement 10 $15 $150
Iron sheets 15 pieces $10 $150
Wood 20 pieces $5 $100
Mesh 5 rolls $50 $250
Labour cost (15%) $292.5
Chicken feeds
Chick mash 3 (50kgs) $60 $180
Growers mash 5 (50kgs) $60 $300
Layers mash 5 (50 kgs) $60 $300
Vaccines $500
Other expenses
Incentives to project 10 ( 12 months) $100 $1,200

Contingency 5% $236.13
Total grand $4,958.63

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