A Dedicated Computer For Ising-Like Spin Glass Models
A Dedicated Computer For Ising-Like Spin Glass Models
A Dedicated Computer For Ising-Like Spin Glass Models
Glass Models
Key words: Ising model, spin-glass, +/-J, 2d, dedicated machine, programmable
PACS: 07.05.Bx, 02.70.Lq, 05.50.+q.
DFTUZ/96/19 hep-lat/9611014
1 Introduction
Lattice Monte Carlo simulations are an important tool for the physicists work-
ing in Quantum Field Theory and Statistical Mechanics. These kind of simula-
tions require large amounts of computational power and the processing can be
often parallelized. Therefore, various groups have developed their own parallel
machines for these simulations [1] [2] [3] [4].
From the physical point of view, a standard way of studying the model is
by using several independent lattices, called replica [6]. For this reason we use
parallel processing in our machine, running n independent lattices, in a similar
manner to the multi-spin code used in conventional computers.
An essential tool for the analysis of the results is Finite Size Scaling [7]
which requires the use of different volumes. Our machine is capable of working
with different sizes of lattices by reprogramming a few components. Also, it is
possible to run on a single large volume considering the n spins living on the
same lattice. This option is more efficient if the thermalization time is very
The algorithm chosen for the simulation is the demon algorithm proposed by
Creutz [8]. It has been chosen as a starting point because of its simplicity since
it does not require a random number generator for the update.
The model we want to simulate is the 3-d Ising-like spin glass model with
first and second neighbour couplings (see [6] for a detailed description of the
model). The action of this model is given by the expression
S= σi σj Jij + σi σj Jij (1)
<i,j> <<i,j>>
where the value of the spins σ can be only 1 or −1. The same for the couplings
(multiplied by a constant). While the spins are variables, the distribution of
couplings is fixed. For a fixed set of {Jij } the partition function is
Z(β, {Jij }) = exp βS({Jij }, {σ}). (2)
The algorithm we use is a microcanonical one. It keeps constant the sum of the
energy of the lattice and a demon. In order to generate the representative set
of samples, we start from a spin configuration with an action S and a demon
energy equal to zero.
Now we use the algorithm to change the spins to generate new configurations
(one for every V updates). The update of a spin is as follows: if the flip lowers
the spin energy, the demon takes that energy and the flip is accepted. On the
other hand, if the flip grows the spin energy, the change is only made if the
demon has that energy to give to the spin.
At this level, the β value is missing and can be obtained in two ways. We can
compute the mean energy of the demon over all the sample, hEd i, and then
we obtain the β value as
1 4
β= log(1 + ). (4)
4 hEd i
For simplicity, in case of the prototype machine we use periodic boundary
conditions in one direction and helicoidal in the other (see paragraph 4.1).
The biggest lattice we can simulate has a size of 312 by 312 spins. We process
two independent lattices as an example of how the parallelism can be im-
plemented. For spin glass systems these independent configurations represent
two replicas. By reprogramming some components we can simulate either two
smaller lattices or a single larger lattice (624 × 312, or similar geometries).
To update the spin, its four nearest neighbours have to be supplied to the
updating engine, too. Then both the local energy Eσ and the local energy
with the flipped spin E−σ are computed. The energy balance of the flip ∆E =
E−σ − Eσ is consequently computed to decide whether the flip is accepted:
• If ∆E ≥ 0 then the flip of the spin is accepted and the demon energy Ed is
increased in ∆E.
• If ∆E < 0, but |∆E| ≤ Ed , the flip is accepted and the demon energy
decreases in |∆E|.
• Otherwise the flip is rejected and the spin does not change its value.
These steps are repeated for each spin of the lattice. In order to obtain an
updated spin every clock cycle we have designed a pipeline structure that
performs the latter algorithm step by step.
For all lattices processed in parallel, the spins to be updated as well as their
neighbours can be stored in memory in such a way that each bit of the memory
word belongs to a different lattice. The calculation of the energy balance is
independent for each lattice, so this part of the hardware must be repeated
for any of the lattices processed in parallel.
Now, we give a brief survey of the structure of the spin machine that performs
the previous algorithm. The machine (let us call it SUE, for Spin Updating
Engine) is connected to a Host Computer (HC). SUE performs the update
of the configurations and the measurement of some local operators, such as
the energies and magnetizations. The rest of measurements are made by HC.
Anytime a complete configuration has been updated, HC can read the values
PCI Interface
Control Data
logic buffer
of the demons from SUE and periodically, after a certain number of iterations,
SUE is stopped and the configuration is downloaded to HC.
4 The d = 2 Prototype.
The prototype we have built shows how a processing module works, its inner
architecture and the placement of the algorithm of the simulation in electronic
devices. It also contains the input/output logic which can be handled from a
host equipped with a data acquisition card.
port C2 port C1
J - Memory
J -Bank 1
From To
PC PC Demon Demon
We have used the PLD’s Altera EPM7032-10 [5] to build the logic and the
static RAM’s (SRAM) KM62256-8. The speed grade of the SRAM limits the
maximum frequency of operation of the machine to 10 MHz. SUE performs
two updates at every clock cycle, one for each lattice, so the theoretical perfor-
mance is that a spin is updated in 50 ns. We have designed a pipeline structure
(discussed later), in order to obtain an updated spin by cycle. Fig. 2 shows
the block diagram of the board: every square is an Altera programmable chip,
the overlapped rectangular boxes are memory chips and the daughter board
is an address generator (see paragraph 4.3) that contains seven Altera chips.
The logic can be divided into five groups: addressing (daughter board), spin
selection, update, control and I/O logic.
The addressing logic prepares addresses for the fetched and stored (updated)
spins. The core of the addressing logic is a set of multiplexed counters which
provide the address for the spin memory.
The spin selection logic contains a subset of the lattice. It selects the spin to
be updated and its neighbours and sends them to the update logic. Each clock
cycle it receives an updated spin from the update logic.
The update logic takes the selected spins, the couplings between them, and
the demon energy from an 8-bit register and carries out the update algorithm,
sending the new spin to the spin select logic.
The control logic is a state machine that handles the set of internal signals
during the simulation and during the data transfer periods, and in addition to
the input/output logic it allows the reading and writing of the memory chips
and the demon registers, starting and stopping the machine.
The following subsections explain in detail step by step the function of the
different devices of the prototype.
spin in chip 1 and the last spin in chip 2, but the important fact is that the
generated addresses are the same for all the chips and depend only on the
block label. We number the blocks vertically in the XY plane, beginning from
0 on the top left corner, and then down in the X direction. The last block in
the first column is the L/3 − 1. We continue with the second column and so
on. The last block of the lattice has the number L2 /3 − 1. The individual spins
are numbered in the same way, from 0 to L2 − 1, and this is the chosen order
for carrying out the sequential update.
We present here a nomenclature which will help to clarify the idea. Let us also
tag the spins according to the position they occupy in memory, in the way
[chip, address]. Notice that here we use [, ] and for the position in the physical
lattice we use (, ). There is a relationship between these two nomenclatures:
As said above, the address where a spin is stored is actually the number of the
block in which this spin can be found. Fig. 3 shows the distribution of spins
in memory for the case of a lattice with 312 × 312 spins.
In order to write the new spin values during the same read cycle and for
doing this in a completely automatic manner, the solution is to duplicate the
memory. Then we have two banks of memory (three chips each) which we
call BankP and BankQ. We use the following update procedure. We want
to update a column of spins which are read from a bank (i.e. BankP) with
the neighbour columns. The updated spins are written into the second bank
(BankQ). When the column update is finished, the role of the banks is changed
for the next column: we read the lattice with the recently updated spins from
BankQ and the newly updated spins are stored into BankP. The neighbour
columns are written too (see paragraph 4.2), and due to the fact that an
updated column is a neighbour column for the next one, the two banks finally
contain the updated configuration.
The Read Buffer device (Fig. 2) has access to the spin memory data lines.
The Write Buffer chip generates a parity bit which is stored together with
the updated spins during the write cycles and it is checked during the read
accesses. The update process takes 8 clock cycles from the instant the spin is
read until it is updated, so a small buffer FIFO is required in order to bridge
over the change of the role of the memory banks. This component stores the
first updated spins of the column being processed.
Table 1
Spin Selector Registers.
[0, A] [0, B] [0, C]
[1, A] [1, B] [1, C]
[2, A] [2, B] [2, C]
[0, D] [0, E] [0, F ]
[1, D] [1, E] [1, F ]
[2, D] [2, E] [2, F ]
• Step 0:
· Register A is sent to the Write Buffer and replaced by the following block.
· Spin 0E is sent to the update logic.
· Spin 1B updated is received.
• Step 1:
· Register B (the updated spins) is sent to the Write Buffer and replaced
by the following block.
· Spin 1E is sent to the update logic.
· Spin 2B updated is received and sent to the Write Buffer with the other
two spins (already updated) of its block.
• Step 2:
· Register C is sent to the Write Buffer and replaced by the following block.
· Spin 2E is sent to the update logic.
· Spin 0E updated is received.
• Step 3:
· Register D is sent to the Write Buffer and replaced by the following block.
· Spin 0A is sent to the update logic.
· Spin 1E updated is received.
• Step 4:
· Register E (the updated spins) is sent to the Write Buffer and replaced
by the following block.
· Spin 1A is sent to the update logic.
· Spin 2E updated is received and sent to the Write Buffer with the other
two spins (already updated) of its block.
• Step 5:
· Register F is sent to the Write Buffer and replaced by the following block.
· Spin 2A is sent to the update logic.
· Spin 0A updated is received.
The order in which blocks are read from memory and loaded into the corre-
sponding Altera register is given in the table 2, from left to right and top to
Table 2
Block reading order.
C0 C1 C2
0 104 208
1 105 209
2 106 210
3 107 211
4 108 212
5 109 213
6 110 214
... ... ...
32446 102 206
32447 103 207
0 104 208
1 105 209
As shown in table 2, the three columns contain memory locations with the
spin to be updated (column C1) and its neighbour spins. All three columns
(one line) has to be fetched before the update procedure of the spins can be
started. In this way, all memory locations are read and updated. The blocks
in column C0 feed the A and D registers, in column C1 the B and E registers,
and in column C2 the C and F registers. The spins to be updated are always
loaded into either the B or E registers. Remark that the previously updated
column feeds the A and D registers.
the columns in table 2, so C0 begins to count from 0, C1 begins from 104 and
C2 begins from 208, and they pass through all the values from 0 to L3 /3 − 1.
The update logic takes the spin to be updated and their neighbours in order
to calculate the amount of energy that the flip requires. One of the neighbour
spins arrives directly from the update logic. The four couplings that link the
spins are read from a memory bank (J). This memory is addressed by the J
Mem. Addr. device. This bank is 3 × 32k deep by 9 bits wide. As only four
bits are used for one lattice, two sets of couplings for two different lattices
can be stored in a single memory word. We have also incorporated a parity
bit which is checked by the Energy Look Up Table (LUT) device. The update
procedure is carried out in two clock cycles. During the first cycle the spins
and their relative couplings are fed into the Look Up Table whose output is
the energy balance of the update. Along the second cycle this value is added
to the demon energy in the device called Demon and the sign of the sum is
checked. If this sign is greater than or equal to zero, the flip is accepted and
the demon changes its value. If the sign is lower than zero, the spin and the
demon do not change. The updated spin is fed back to both the LUT and spin
selection logic.
The way in which the SUE works is programmed as a big status machine in
the Status Machine component. This chip receives the instructions released
by HC and together with the Control Logic chips it generates a set of signals
required to control the memories, buses, etc.
components allow HC to access to the different memory banks and registers
of SUE.
• Reset.
• Read/write demon energy for the first lattice.
• Read/write demon energy for the second lattice.
• Read/write a spin block (the two lattices at the same time).
• Write a coupling word.
• Start simulation.
When the start instruction is executed, SUE reads a number n from the data
acquisition board and it begins to generate 2n updates of the initial configura-
tion. Every time an update of the configuration is completed, SUE generates
an IRQ to HC and the demon registers can be read by HC. When the 2n
updates are performed, the SUE stops and HC can download the spin config-
urations. In order to restart the simulation it is not necessary to rewrite the
configurations, but to execute again a start instruction. Data transmission
speed through the ISA DAQ card is 2 kBytes/s, so storing a configuration of
spins takes 0.15sec.
As it was formerly said, for the prototype version we have used the PLD’s
Altera EPM-7032-10. The logic has been designed with registered logic and
short propagation delay times, so the highest frequency of operation is fixed by
the memory access time to 10MHz. In these conditions, we obtain two updated
spins in 100 ns. Nevertheless, the reliability of the double side printed circuit
board allows us to work at 5MHz only. Consequently, the real update speed
of this machine is 1 updated spin in 100 ns.
6 Physical Results
In order to check the SUE performance and their reliability we have run a
simulation on the critical point of the Ising model. The exact (analytical)
solution of this model is known and so obtaining the correct value is a very
good test for the SUE’s global functionality. We √
start with a configuration as
close as possible to the critical energy S/V = 2/2. The obtained√ β value
from the simulation using (4) and (5) has to be βc = 21 log(1 + 2).
Due to the fact that the first configuration is very far from the equilibrium (it
is not in the representative sample), we must thermalize it first. We do that
by running 106 iterations. Then we run 2 × 106 iterations to measure. After
every iteration (update of V spins) SUE outputs the demon energy to HC.
Every 1024 iterations the full configuration is downloaded to HC and checked
in order to control that the global energy has not changed.
log p(Ed)
0 10 20 30
Fig. 4. Linear fit for the demon energy distribution.
shift in β [10] is
β∞ − βL ≈ = 5 × 10−4 (7)
To obtain β from (5) we plot the probability distribution of the demon energy
in fig (4). With a linear fit to the first 9 points we obtain β = 0.4404(15), which
is correct with a very larger error than in the previous case. The straight line
in the figure is the final fit.
7 The d = 3 Generalization
For the three-dimensional lattice we have to use blocks of 9 spins each, keeping
the same numbering system of blocks as before, plane by plane. The first plane
has blocks from 0 to L2 /9 − 1. The next plane has its blocks numbered from
L2 /9 to 2L2 /9 − 1. The last plane begins in the block (L − 1)L2 /9 and ends
in the L3 /9 − 1 block.
Fig. 5 shows the extension of the Spin Selector logic. We use 18 registers,
8 bits each: the central registers (E,N) contain the spins to be updated and
the rest of the registers store the neighbours: The D (M), E (N) and F (O)
registers contain the neighbours in the same XY plane; The A (J), B (K)
and C (L) registers store the neighbours in the plane below, and the G (P),H
(Q) and I (R) registers store the neighbours corresponding to the XY plane
above. The neighbours of two spins have been depicted in the figure, besides
the localization of the 9-tuples in the lattices. The spins to be updated are
selected along the X axis. Remark the boundary conditions between the two
sets of 9-tuples.
The addressing logic has to provide addresses in such a way that the registers
are fed in alphabetical order. For instance, when the spin E0 is sent to the
update logic, the block J is read from memory. This component will perform
a loop of 18 different states, like the 6-state loop for the bidimensional case.
The addressing logic keeps the structure of multiplexed counters. The bound-
ary conditions are periodical in one direction and helicoidal in the other two
For the construction of this board the high capacity Altera PLDs’ (CPLD)
and fast Static RAMs (with 20ns access time) has to be used. In this way, each
of the two memory banks P and Q will consist of from nine 128K × 8 SRAM
components. The 8-bit word is used in order to run 8 independent lattices and
9 memory components to build the 9-bit blocks. The largest symmetric lattice
that can be stored with L multiple of 9 is 99 × 99 × 99 spins. The I/O and
control logic will be placed in a single PLD and the Spin Selector and Update
Logic into another PLD. Modules bearing the latter PLDs allow us further
segmentation of the lattices and to speed up the spin update time (see fig. 6).
As the memory access time determines the maximum clock frequency (50
Ctrl. memory
Memory signals
We also want to include into the latter PLD’s a random number generator in
order to run a canonical simulation. The random number generation is a time
consuming task in a general purpose machine, making slow the simulation.
In a dedicated machine this generation can be carried out without time loss,
raising its performance with respect to conventional computers.
[6] M. Mezard, G. Parisi and M. A. Virasoro, Spin Glass Theory and Beyond. World
Scientific 1997.