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© 2022 JETIR September 2022, Volume 9, Issue 9 www.jetir.

org (ISSN-2349-5162)

People Counting in Crowd: Faster R-CNN

Shreya Varkuti, 2SaikumarThumma, 3PranavAddala 4Muni Sekhar Velpuru, 5H Venkateswara Reddy
Student, 4,5Associate Professor, 1,2,3,4Department of IT & 5CSE
Vardhaman College of Engineering Hyderabad, India
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract— People counting in a crowd is a significant challenge in the field of computer vision. Head detection-based approaches are utilized
instead of density map-based crowd counting techniques to get more trustworthy crowd counting findings. This is because, in the case of
density maps, the right location does not necessarily contribute to the final crowd count. This leads to untrustworthy results, particularly in the
case of false positives. As a result, solving the problem of head detection in cluttered settings is a difficult issue. A population count may be
required for statistical purposes that aid in the development of marketing plans, or it may be utilized for crowd control in various scenarios.
Image processing is a technique of improving or extracting information from a photograph by performing operations on it. In our project, the
system's input is a surveillance system's picture/video, which is then separated into image frames. Our proposed system calculates the number
of people in the scene using the Faster R-CNN object detection algorithm.
Keywords – R-CNN, Untrustworthy, False Positives, Surveillance

People Counting is the process of computing the people in specified area. In general, we use an electrical instrument to count
the number [1] of persons passing through a corridor or entry for finding any specific patterns or customer visiting pattern in
an organization etc. Estimating the number of people in a given region may be incredibly important information for both
security and safetyreasons (for example, an unusual shift in the number of people could indicate the cause or result of a deadly
incident) as well as economic ones (for instance, optimizing the schedule of a public transportation system on the basis of the
number of passengers). As a result, this topic has been tackled in various studies in the domains of video analysis and
intelligent video surveillance.

Two ways have been used to address the problem of people counting. People in the scene are first individually recognized,
using some sort of segmentation and object detection, and then counted in the direct technique (also known as detection
based). Instead [2], in the indirect technique (also known as map based or measurement based), counting is done by
measuring some attribute that does not need the identification of each individual in the scene separately. Because accurate
segmentation of persons in a picture is a complicated problem that cannot be handled consistently, especially in crowded
settings, the indirect technique is thought to be more resilient.

Aside from the video processing methods that are routinely employed for surveillance in public locations, audio analysis is a
valuable addition. However, when a huge group of individuals arrives, the majority of image processing systems, which
frequently employ object detection and tracking, find it difficult to calculate their number. Background extraction-based
techniques, such as those developed at Gdansk University of Technology's Multimedia Systems Department, fail to separate
items adequately when individuals move at close distances or when their hands are linked. Other ways deal with the
segmentation problem by using numerous cameras or using models of human forms derived from studying the foreground of
a picture. Furthermore, given the structure under consideration, installing a large number of cameras would be impractical.

Fig .1: Crowd at different places

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Many factors play a role in determining the best approach for counting things. Apart from the challenges that any image processing
using Neural Networks faces, such as the size of the training data, its quality, and so on.

Counting Objects Problem Specific Challenges:

• Description of the counted items
• Overlapping
• A view from different angles
• The identified items smallest size
• Speed testing and training.


A. Existing System
In existing system, we count things by calculating a density map. The initial step is to create training samples so that a
density map may be generated for each image. Annotations in the positions of pedestrians' [3] heads have been added to the
image. Convolution using a Gaussian kernel is used to create a density map and normalized so that integrating it gives the
number of objects. The next step is to train a fully Convolutional network to map an image to a density map, which can then be
combined to determine the number of objects. So far, we've looked at U-Net and Fully Convolutional Regression Network
(FCRN) as FCN designs. U-Net is a popular FCN for picture segmentation that is frequently used with biological data. Its
structure is similar to that of an auto- encoder.

A block of convolutional layers processes an input picture, followed by a pooling layer (down sampling). This method is
repeated numerous times on the outputs of following blocks. The essential elements of an input image are encoded (and
compressed) in this way by the network. The second half of U-Net is symmetric, but instead of pooling layers, up sampling is
used to ensure that the output dimensions match those of the input picture.[4] suggested the Fully Convolutional Regression
Network (FCRN). The architecture resembles that of U-Net. The key distinction is that in the down sampling section,
information from higher resolution levels is not transmitted straight to the equivalent layers in the up- sampling half. The
research proposes two networks, FCRN- A and FCRN-B, with different down sampling intensities. FCRN-A pools every
convolutional layer, whereas FCRN-Bpools every second layer.
The majority of the head counting algorithms presented above employed SSD for foreground extraction and LBP feature-
based Ada boost for head recognition. When compared to Faster R-CNN, SSD has a slower computing performance. These
approaches are extremely light-sensitive additional restrictions or conditions If the photos are of poor quality, SSD will not
deliver accurate results.

The aforesaid restrictions are an issue of the existing projects thus the main goal is to design a people counting system that
can count the number of people in real time at a low cost with accurate results. The image is obtained at a vertical perspective
from a video clip of a live event, and the number of heads present in the image is counted.
The suggested method takes real-time video from IP cameras as input, [5] turns it into multiple frames, and feeds it to our model as
training data. Even though the training images were of poor quality, we employed the Faster R- CNN method to improve the accuracy.
R-CNN is faster because it generates region suggestions using a novel region proposal network (RPN), which takes less time than
standard methods like Selective Search. The system is extremely efficient and has a high prediction rate. This project is
straightforward, cost-effective, and simple to set up and manage.

Fig. 2: Flowchart

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We utilized Open CV in our project to convert real- time video into frames. The Faster R-CNN uses these images as training images.
The original color image was transformed to a size of 1024x1024, before being supplied to the network input. It is supplied to the
Faster R-CNN, which uses the input to generate a set of proposals, each of which has a score indicating its likelihood of being a Head
as well as the Head's class/label. When estimating Head positions for the RPN, anchor boxes give a predetermined set of bounding
boxes of various sizes and ratios that are utilized as a reference. These boxes are often chosen based on object sizes in the training
dataset to capture the scaleand aspect ratio of a certain head class to detect.

Anchor Boxes are usually placed in the center of the sliding glass. They aid in the detecting process by speeding it up and increasing
efficiency. The anchor's initial FC layer (i.e., binary classifier) [6] has two outputs. The first is used to classify the region as a
backdrop, and the second is used to classify it as an object. Each anchor is given an objectless score, which is then utilized to generate
the categorization label. For each region proposal, the first layer generates a two-element vector. The region proposal is categorized as
background if the first element is 1 and the second element is 0. The area symbolizes ahead if the second element is 1 and the first
element is 0. Counting can then be done.

Fig. 3: Construction Diagram

ResNet50 Feature Extract

The initial phase in our method is feature extraction. The image is the input to the deep convolutional neural network, and the extracted
feature map is the output. Subsequent modules will use these features as well. Resnet-50 is the foundation of our model's fundamental
feature extraction network.

In 2015, He et al. presented this deep residual learning method to correctly train the deepest network. In our model, the original Resnet-
50 network is divided into two parts: part one, which includes layers conv1 to conv4 x, is used to extract common characteristics, and
part two, which includes layer conv5 x and above layers, extracts feature of proposals for final classification and regression. A region
proposal network follows the feature extraction network (RPN). The features in the window are mapped to a low- dimensional vector,
which will be utilized for object- background classification and proposal regression, and a window of size n n glides onto the feature map
and stays at each point. At the same time, according to k anchors, which are rectangular boxes of various shapes and sizes, k region
suggestions centered on the sliding window in the original image are retrieved.

ROI Align Layer

The Region proposal network is utilized in Faster RCNN to predict objectless and regression box differences (w.r.t to anchors). To
produce proposals,[7] these offsets are merged with the anchors. Rather than the feature layer, these approaches are frequently the size of
the input image. As a result, the recommendations must be scaled down to the level of feature maps. Furthermore, the ideas can have a
variety of widths, heights, and aspect ratios.
For a downstream CNN layer to extract features, these must be standardized. Both of these issues are addressed with ROI Pool.
From the feature map, ROI pooling extracts a fixed-length feature vector. The hxw Roi window is divided into a HxW grid of
approximately size h/H x w/W, and the values in each sub-window are then max-pooled. Each channel of the feature map is pooled
separately. However, in order to transfer the generated proposal to exact x,y indices, we perform a lot of quantization (i.e. ceiling, floor)
operations. These restrictions cause a misalignment between the ROI and the extracted features. This may not affect
detection/classification, which is resistant to minor perturbations, but it has a significant detrimental influence on pixel-accurate mask
prediction. To remedy this, the ROI Align solution was presented, which eliminates all quantization procedures. Instead, each proposal's
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exact values are computed using bilinear interpolation. The proposal is divided into a pre-determined number of smaller regions, similar
to ROI Pool.

Four points are sampled inside each smaller region. Bilinear interpolation is used to calculate the feature value for each
sampled point. The final output is obtained byperforming a max or average operation.

Faster R-CNN architecture contains 2 networks:
A. Region Proposal Network (RPN)
B. Object Detection Network
A. Region Proposal Network (RPN)
The anchors formed by sliding window convolution applied to the input feature map are output by this area proposal
network, which uses a convolution feature map generated by the backbone layer as input.
The network generates the maximum number of k- anchor boxes for each sliding window. For each of the different
sliding positions in the image, [8] the default value of k=9 (3 scales of (128*128, 256*256, and 512*512) and 3 aspect ratios of
(1:1, 1:2, and 2:1) is used. As a result, we get N = W* H* k anchor boxes for a convolution feature map of W * H. These
region proposals are then transmitted through an intermediate layer with 3*3 convolution and 1 padding, as well as 256 or
512 output channels (for ZF or
VGG-16). This layer's output is sent through two 1*1 convolution layers, the classification layer, and the regression layer. the
regression layer has 4*N (W * H * (4*k)) output parameters (denoting the coordinates of bounding boxes) and the
classification layer has 2*N (W * H * (2*k)) output parameters (denoting the probability of object or not object).

Fig. 4: Anchor Variations

Training and Loss Function (RPN)
To begin, we remove any cross-boundary anchors so that the loss function does not rise. There are around
20000(60*40*9) anchors in a typical 1000*600 image. When we remove the cross-boundary anchors, [9] we're left with about
6000 anchors per image. Based on their classification and IoU, the paper also employs Non-Maximum Suppression. They
employ a fixed IoU of 0.7 in this case. This brings the total number of anchors down to 2000. The benefit of employing non-
Maximum suppression is that it does not degrade accuracy. Back-propagation and stochastic gradient descent can be used to
train RPNs from start to finish. Each mini-batch is created from the anchors of a single image.
It selects 256 random anchors with positive and negative samples in a 1:1 ratio rather than training a loss function on each one.
If there are 128 positives in an image, additional negative samples are used. We need to assign a binary class label to RPNs
before we can train them (whether the concerned anchor contains an object or background). To apply a positive label to an
anchor in the R-CNN article, tworequirements are used.


Pi= is the likelihood that an anchor will include an object ornot.

Pi*= is the ground truth value of anchors that determines whether or not they contain an object.
ti = predicted anchor coordinates
ti*= is the ground truth coordinate for bounding boxes. Lcls= stands for Classifier Loss (binary log loss over twoclasses).

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Lreg = Loss of Regression (Where R is smooth L1 loss,Lreg = R(ti-ti*))

Ncls = Mini-batch size (256) normalization parameter Nreg = Regression's normalization parameter (equivalent to2400 anchor
locations). To ensure that the n=btoh loss parameter is equally weighted,

B. Object Detection Network

Faster R-CNN uses an object detection network that is quite similar to that of Fast R-CNN. It can also be used as a backbone
network with VGG-16. It also employs the RoI pooling layer for creating fixed-size area proposals, as well as twin softmax classifier
layers and the bounding box regressor for object and bounding box prediction.

Fig. 5: Comparison of test-time speed of Object Detection

RoI Pooling
We transmit the output created by region proposal onto the Roi pooling layer, which performs the same purpose as Fast R-CNN in
converting [10] different-size RPN region proposals into a fixed-size feature map. In this article, we went through RoI pooling in great
detail. The output of this RoI pooling layer is of size (7*7*D) (where D =256 for ZF).

SoftMax and Bounding Box Regression Layer

The RoI pooled feature map of size (7 * 7 * D) is then transmitted to two completely connected layers, which flatten the feature maps
and then send the output to two parallel fully connected layers, [11][12] each with a distinct task assigned to them: The first layer
predicts the objects in the region proposal using a SoftMax layer with N+1 output parameters (N is the number of class labels and
background). A bounding box regression layer with 4* N output parameters is the second layer. This layer regresses the object's
bounding box location in the image.

Fig 6: User Interface of our System

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Fig 7: Output Screen

The results of the tests reveal that using deep convolutional neural networks, we can successfully detect the human head on 2D images
regardless of the observer's turn. Even on low-quality images, the Faster R- CNN architecture displays acceptable accuracy rates and
provides significant speed. However, a vast number of computer vision applications do not require real-time object detection. Our
system uses IP cameras, which ensures its scalability for detecting waits in buffets, monitoring visitors in retail, recognizing pedestrians
on roadways using outdoor video cameras, determining the workload of public transportation stations, and so on, as well as displaying
the number of people.
We now use Faster R-CNN to create our model, but we will experiment with additional methods in the future, such as YOLO, to
enhance accuracy.
We will try to propose a better approach to the problem by comparing the two models in terms of accuracy and computing performance.


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