03 Affirmative Policy
03 Affirmative Policy
03 Affirmative Policy
Jurnal Studi Gender dan Islam
Alimatul Qibtiyah, UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta
Siti Ruhaini Dzuhayatin, UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta
Euis NurlaelawatiUIN Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta
Mochamad Sodik, UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta
Inayah Rohmaniyah, UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta
Masnun Tahir, UIN Mataram, NTB
Dewi Candraningrum, Universitas Muhammadyah Surakarta, Jawa Tengah
Ummi Sumbulah, UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim, Malang, Jawa Timur
Dwi Setyaningsih,UIN Sunan Ampel, Jawa Timur
Nina Nurmila, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati, Jawa Barat
Rachmad Hidayat, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogayakarta
Sri Wiyati Eddyono, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta
Eve Warburton, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Tracy Wright Webters, University of Western Sydney, Australia
Language Editors:
Zusiana Elly Triantini, Fatma Amilia, Muh. Isnanto
Nomor: 2/E/KPT/2015, Tanggal 1 Desember 2015
Alamat Penerbit/ Redaksi: Pusat Studi Wanita UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta
Jl. Marsda Adisucipto Yogyakarta 55281 Telp./ Fax. 0274-550779
Email: [email protected]
Website: psw.uin-suka.ac.id
Musãwa adalah Jurnal Studi Gender dan Islam yang fokus pada kajian-kajian gender dan anak, baik yang terintegrasi
dengan Islam maupun Hak Asasi Manusia. Diterbitkan pertama kali Maret 2002 oleh Pusat Studi Wanita Universitas
Islam Negri Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta bekerja sama dengan Royal Danish Embassy Jakarta. Mulai tahun 2008 terbit
dua kali dalam setahun yaitu bulan Januari dan Juli. Mulai tanggal 1 Desember 2015 Jurnal Musawa mendapatkan
Akreditasi Nasional Kemristekdikti dengan Nomor: 2/E/KPT/2015
Redaksi menerima tulisan dengan tema Gender, Islam, dan HAM berupa hasil penelitian yang belum pernah
dipublikasikan atau diterbitkan di media lain. Artikel ditulis dalam 6.000 – 10.000 kata sesuai dengan gaya
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Musawa melalui alamat : http://ejournal.uin-suka.ac.id/musawa. Editor berhak melakukan penilaian tentang
kelayakan suatu artikel baik dari segi isi, informasi, maupun penulisan.
Nina Nurmila
Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
[email protected]
Agama itu bisa bersifat mendukung atau diskriminatif terhadap perempuan tergantung pada
bagaimana kita menafsirkan agama, misalnya dalam hal kepemimpinan perempuan. Artikel ini
akan mengkritisi penafsiran Al-Quran tentang kepemimpinan perempuan yang ada yang pada
umumnya bersifat patriarki dengan menawarkan penafsiran feminis yang baru tentang Al-Quran,
yang ramah terhadap perempuan, dan dengan menyarankan adanya kebijakan afirmatif untuk
meningkatkan jumlah pemimpin perempuan di Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam Negeri
(PTKIN). Artikel ini menggunakan metodologi feminis dengan menggunakan wawancara dan
studi literatur sebagai metode pencari data. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kepemimpinan di
PTKIN masih didominasi oleh laki-laki karena masih kuatnya budaya patriarki. Hanya ada tujuh
rektor perempuan pada 58 PTKIN di Indonesia. Berdasarkan penemuan ini, penafsiran baru
tentang Al-Quran yang ramah terhadap perempuan perlu dipromosikan dan kebijakan yang netral
gender yang ada sekarang ini tentang seleksi rektor di PTKIN perlu direvisi menjadi kebijakan
afirmatif untuk memberikan ruang yang lebih luas bagi kepemimpinan perempuan, agar dapat
mencapai Planet 50-50 pada tahun 2030.
Kata Kunci: PTKIN, Kepemimpinan Perempuan, Islam, Tafsir Patriarki, Kesetaraan Gender
Religion can be supportive or discriminative toward women depending on how we interpret
religion. When religion is interpreted from patriarchal lenses, it tends to be discriminative toward
women, such as women’s leadership. This paper will challenge the existing mainstream
patriarchal interpretation of the Qur’an on women’s leadership by offering a new feminist
interpretation of the Qur’an which is friendly to women and suggesting affirmative policy to
increase the number of women leaders in State Islamic Higher Education (Perguruan Tinggi
Keagamaan Islam Negeri/PTKIN). This paper uses feminist methodology by using interviews
and literature studies as methods of data collection. This study shows that men still dominate
leadership in PTKIN due to the strong patriarchal culture. There are only seven female rectors
out of 58 PTKIN in Indonesia. Based on this finding, the new interpretation of the Qur’an, which
is friendly to women, needs to be promoted, and the existing gender-neutral policy on the
selection of rector in PTKIN needs to be revised into affirmative policy to allow more rooms for
women’s leadership to achieve Planet 50-50 by 2030.
Kemdikbud, “Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia,” 2016, 2
Asma Barlas, “Believing Women” in Islam: Unreading
https://kbbi.kemdikbus.go.id/; Nina Nurmila, Patriarchal Interpretations of the Qur’an, 1st Edition
“Pengaruh Budaya Patriarki Terhadap Pemahaman (Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 2002).
Agama dan Pembentukan Budaya,” KARSA: Journal of 3
Leila Ahmed, Women and Gender in Islam: Historical
Social and Islamic Culture 23, no. 1 (1 Juni 2015): 1– Roots of a Modern Debate, Reissue Edition (Yale
16, doi:10.19105/karsa.v23i1.606. University Press, 1993); Abdur Rahman I. Doi, Women
in the Qur’an and the Sunnah (Ta-Ha, 1988).
Nina Nurmila - Proposing Feminist Interpretation of The Qur’an And Affirmative Policy to Support Women Leadership in
Indonesian State Islamic Higher Education
This can become an obstacle for women to be are gender, which men can undertake. The term
leaders, including at PTKIN, because most gender is used to achieve gender justice because, in
academicians still believe that leadership is only a patriarchal society, most gender constructions
for men, and therefore, most leadership positions disadvantage women, such as stereotypes that
have been mainly given to men. The next part of women are emotional, weak, and irrational. To use
this paper, after methodology, will show some gender as a tool of analysis, there are four
examples of the patriarchal interpretations of the indicators of gender equality: access, control,
Qur’an on leadership, and this will be participation, and benefit, 8 and there are five
counterbalanced by the feminist interpretation, indicators of gender inequality: subordination,
which is more friendly to women. marginalization, stereotype, violence, and
This research uses feminist methodology and double/multiple burdens.9
gender as a tool of analysis. Feminist This research relies on both primary and
methodology criticizes the invisibility of women, secondary data sources. The primary data were
both as the object and the subject of social science. collected by interviewing PTKIN female
It is the development of sociology about women professors and candidates of prospective rectors,
to sociology for women.4 In this methodology, a the former Director of PTKIN, and the Ministry of
researcher’s function is to give voice to the Religious Affairs (MORA) staff. For ethical
silenced group,5 the women. Feminists argue that reasons, I use pseudonyms, not the interviewees’
the oppression against women has been real names. Secondary sources consist of literature
internalized and therefore is hidden. Therefore, related to women leadership and MORA policy on
the technique used in feminist methodology is rector selection, namely Peraturan Menteri Agama
consciousness-raising. 6 Gender is social (PMA) Nomor 68 Tahun 2015 tentang
differences in the expected/appropriate roles, Pengangkatan dan Pemberhentian Rektor dan
attributes, characteristics, attitudes, and behavior Ketua pada Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan yang
of men and women constructed in society. 7 diselenggarakan oleh Pemerintah (PMA 68/2015).
Gender is a crucial term to differentiate between
sex (biological differences between male and Muslim Interpretations of Women Leadership
This part of the article will discuss Muslim
female), which is God-given and unchangeable,
interpretations of the Quranic verse 4: 34 on
and the social construction of femininity and
leadership, in which classical exegetes and modern
masculinity, which is human-made and therefore
Indonesian interpreters believe that only men can
is changeable. Women are biologically different
be leaders. This earlier patriarchal interpretation
from men: women have breasts, womb, and
will be counterbalanced by feminist contextual
vagina, which allow them to menstruate, to be
interpretation of the Qur’an, which allows
pregnant, to give birth, and to breastfeed. Any
women’s leadership. However, this latest
roles, attributes, characteristics, and behavior
interpretation is still unpopular yet among many
constructed by society, such as that women should
PTKIN academicians, and therefore, women in
be at home, cook, and take care of the children,
Sherry Gorelick, “Contradictions of Feminist (Jakarta: Kemenkumham, KemenPPPA dan Kemendagri
Methodology,” Gender & Society 5, no. 4 (1 Desember RI, 2012), 21.
1991): 459, doi:10.1177/089124391005004002. 8
Ibid., 41–42.
Ibid., 462. 9
Mansour Fakih, Analisis Gender dan Transformasi
Ibid., 463–64. Sosial (Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 1999).
Sasmita dkk., Parameter Kesetaraan Gender dalam
Pembentukan Peraturan Perundang-undangan
Musãwa, Vol. 19, No. 2 Januari 2020
PTKIN are still being discriminated against in Qur’anic exegetes such as Hasbi Ash-Shiddieqy
accessing leadership positions. (1904-1975), Hamka (1908-1981) and Quraish
As stated earlier, most Muslims mainly Shihab (b. 1944). On Qur’anic verse 4: 34, Ibn
believe that only men can become leaders, both Kathir wrote:11
inside and outside their homes. This belief, other الرجل قيم:سآءِّ } أي َ ِّعلَى ٱلن
َ َٱلر َجا ُل قَ َّوا ُمون
ِّ { :يقول تعالى
than due to patriarchal culture, is based on their والحاكم عليها ومؤدبها إذا، هو رئيسها وكبيرها: أي،على المرأة
literal interpretation of the Quranic verse 4: 34: ألن الرجال:ض } أي ٍ علَ َّٰى َب ْع
َ ض ُه ْم َّ ض َل
َ ٱّللُ َب ْع َّ َ { ِّب َما ف،اعوجت
ض ٍ علَ َّٰى َب ْع
َ ض ُه ْم َّ ض َل
َ ٱّللُ َب ْع َّ َسآءِّ ِّب َما ف َ ِّعلَى ٱلن َ َٱلر َجا ُل قَ َّٰ َّو ُمون ِّ ولهذا كانت النبوة، والرجل خير من المرأة،أفضل من النساء
َّ ظ
ُٱّلل َ ب ِّب َما َح ِّفِّ ي
ْ غ
َ ْ
ل ل
ِّ ٌت َ
ظ َّٰ ف
ِّ ح
َ َّٰ ٌتَ َّٰ
ت ن
ِّ َ َّٰ
ق ُت ح
َ َّٰ ل
ِّ ص
َّ َّٰ ٱل َ ف م ه ل
ْ ِّ َ وَّٰ م
ْ َ أ ْ
ن م
ِّ ْ او َُو ِّب َمآ أ َ ْنفَق وكذلك الملك األعظم؛ لقوله صلى هللا عليه وسلم،مختصة بالرجال
اج ِّع ِّ ضَ َوٱلَّتِّي تَخَافُونَ نُشُوزَ هُ َّن فَ ِّعظُوهُ َّن َوٱ ْه ُج ُروه َُّن فِّي ٱ ْل َم “لن يفلح قوم ولوا أمرهم امرأة “رواه البخاري من حديث عبد
ً علِّيا َ َٱّلل َكان َ َّ س ِّبيالً ِّإ َّن َ علَ ْي ِّه َّن َ ْط ْعنَكُ ْم فَالَ ت َ ْبغُوا َ َ َوٱض ِّْربُوه َُّن فَإِّ ْن أ ، وغير ذلك، وكذا منصب القضاء،الرحمن بن أبي بكرة عن أبيه
ً َك ِّبيرا من المهور والنفقات والكلف التي:{ َو ِّب َمآ أَنفَقُواْ ِّم ْن أ َ ْم َّٰ َو ِّل ِّه ْم } أي
Men are in charge of women by [right of] أوجبها هللا عليهم لهن في كتابه وسنة نبيه صلى هللا عليه وسلم
what Allah has given one over the other and ، وله الفضل عليها واإلفضال،فالرجل أفضل من المرأة في نفسه
what they spend [for maintenance] from their :فناسب أن يكون قيما ً عليها؛ كما قال هللا تعالى
wealth. So righteous women are devoutly
obedient, guarding in [the husband’s] } علَ ْي ِهنَّ د ََرجَة
َ { َول ِِلرجَا ِل
absence what Allah would have them, guard.
However, those [wives] from whom you fear Tafsir Jalalayn had a similar but shorter
arrogance - [first] advise them; [then if they interpretation on men leadership over women in the
persist], forsake them in bed; and [finally],
strike them. However, if they obey you [once family, in which men are positioned to be in charge
more], seek no means against them. Indeed, of and to educate women, and that men are superior
Allah is ever Exalted and Grand in their knowledge, reason, and guardianship:12
(Qur’an.com, 2016).10 َ}ٱلر َجا ُل قَ َّوا ُمون
ِّ سآءِّ {مسلطون َ ِّعلَى ٱلن َ } يؤدِّبونهن
ض {ويأخذون على أيدي ِّه َّن ٍ علَ َّٰى بَ ْع
َ ض ُه ْم َّ ض َل
َ ٱّللُ بَ ْع َّ َأي } ِّب َما ف
The following hadith is also often quoted to َو ِّب َمآ {بتفضيله لهم عليهن بالعلم والعقل والوالية وغير ذلك
prohibit women from being a leader: ِّْم ْن أ َ ْم َّٰو ِّل ِّه ْم {عليهن }أَنفَقُوا
لن يفلح قوم ولوا أمرهم امرأة Here, I will use gender as a tool analysis in
“A group will never be prosperous if it is led by reading the above Qur’anic exegesis (tafsir) and
Indonesian male exegesis, which I will discuss later.
All these male exegetes, Ibn Kathir, Jalalayn, T.M.
Moreover, all the above verse and hadith are Hasbi Ash-Shiddieqy, Hamka, and Quraish Shihab,
supported by patriarchal and male-biased did not differentiate between gender and biological
interpretations written in major influential books differences (sex), assuming that the male
of Qur’anic exegesis such as those written by Ibn superiority over female is God-given (kodrat), not
Kathir (d. 774 H/1373), Jalaluddin al-Mahally (d. something should be achieved. All of them
864 H/1459 M), and Jalaluddin al-Suyuty (d. interpret that men are leaders for women because
1505 M) (Jalalayn) as well as Indonesian men are created by God to be superior to women;
“Surah An-Nisa - 4:34,” 34, diakses 26 Oktober 2020, 12
“Altafsir.com - The Tafsirs - التفاسير,” diakses 26
https://quran.com/4/34?translations=131. Oktober 2020,
“Altafsir.com - The Tafsirs - التفاسير,” diakses 26 https://www.altafsir.com/Tafasir.asp?tMadhNo=0&tTafs
Oktober 2020, irNo=8&tSoraNo=4&tAyahNo=34&tDisplay=yes&Use
https://www.altafsir.com/Tafasir.asp?tMadhNo=0&tTa rProfile=0&LanguageId=1.
Nina Nurmila - Proposing Feminist Interpretation of The Qur’an And Affirmative Policy to Support Women Leadership in
Indonesian State Islamic Higher Education
and that men are educators of women, assuming of the body, the leader, and the family’s most
that women are born subordinate to men in terms important person.13 Besides subordinating women,
of knowledge and reason. From a gender this interpretation also stereotypes women for
perspective, this is a form of subordination, one being weaker and less rational and, therefore,
of gender inequality indicators. One of the cannot lead men, another indicator of gender
reasons for these ulama for not differentiating inequality. Shiddieqy has the same interpretation as
between sex (God-given) and gender (human- Hamka in believing that men are biologically
made social construction) is because the term determined to be women’s leaders. However, he
gender only began to be used in feminist believed that in all other matters, the position of
discourse beginning 1970 (twentieth century), men and women are equal. 14 Like all the above
while these exegetes lived in the fourteenth male exegetes, Shihab also believes that men are
century (Ibn Kathir), fifteenth century (al- both physically and psychologically appropriate
Mahally) and fifteenth and sixteenth century (al- for their roles as leaders, and women are both
Suyuty) and Indonesian male exegetes lived in the physically and psychologically appropriate to be
twentieth century, except Quraish Shihab. The protected by men. In his opinion, men tend to
latter live in the twentieth and twenty-first century. choose the sport, hunting, and any activities
These Qur’anic interpretations could also involving physical movement, and they like
describe the situation of men and women at the challenges and fighting, while women tend to love
time of interpretation, which was dominated by peace and friendship; men tend to be aggressive
men and had strong patriarchal culture, except and involved in the conflict, while women tend to
Quraish Shihab. Quraish Shihab lives when be calm and peaceful. 15 This Shihab’s opinion
Indonesian women have better conditions, but he clearly shows that he was not familiar yet with the
might not have the opportunity to study gender. gender concept, assuming all of these social
As a result, all the Qur’anic exegeses written by constructions as God-given.
these male exegetes tend to be gender-biased. Unlike the above gender-biased interpretation
For example, Hamka interpreted Qur’anic of the Qur’an 4: 34, Said Agil al-Munawar, the
verse 4: 34 that men and women’s position is not former Minister of Religious Affairs (2001-2004),
equal. He emphasized that “it is a fact [his interprets that this verse is about leadership the
emphasis] that men lead women, not the opposite. family because it mentions maintenance, not about
Because of this, men can have four wives because leadership outside the house. Outside the house,
men can control women, while women would be both men and women have the same political rights
miserable if they were permitted to have four to be leaders, as stated in the Qur’an Chapter At-
husbands because women cannot control men”. Taubah (9): 71. 16 Similarly, the late Asghar Ali
Like Jalalayn, Hamka believed that Allah has Engineer, a progressive ulama from India,
made some (men) more excellent than others interpreted that women can be leaders. According
(women) in their strength, reason, and to him, the Qur’an 4: 34 should be read as a socio-
responsibility. For Hamka, men are like the head theological verse, not theological verse. This
Hamka, Tafsir al-Azhar, vols. 1-6 (Jakarta: Pustaka 15
M. Quraish Shihab, Tafsir al-Mishbah. Pesan, Kesan dan
Panjimas, 1966), 46–52. Keserasian al-Qur’an, vol. 2 (Jakarta: Lentera Hati,
T.M.H. Ash-Shieddieqy, Tafsir al-Qur’anul Majid an- 2002), 426–27.
Nuur, vol. 1 (Semarang: Pustaka Rizki Putra, 1956), 16
Said Agil al-Munawar, “Kepemimpinan Perempuan
843. dalam Islam,” dalam Kepemimpinan Perempuan dalam
Islam, ed. oleh Shafiq Hasyim (Jakarta: Jaringan
Pendidikan Pemilih untuk Rakyat/JPPR, 1999), 18–19.
Musãwa, Vol. 19, No. 2 Januari 2020
means that this verse is a contextual verse requirements. At the moment, supespouse’s
describing the sociological condition at the time superiority is achieved by gaining a higher level of
of revelation: that at the time of revelation, “men education and income. At the time of the Qur’anic
were qowwam”; not “men should be qawwam.”17 revelation and the time of classical exegesis, most
Similarly, the late Nasr Hamid Abu Zaid, one of rijaal maybe men, but at the moment, it is changing.
the progressive ulama from Egypt, interpreted the There has been an increasing number of women
Qur’an 4: 34 as descriptive, not prescriptive, 18 with a higher level of education and income than
and in the interpretation of Husein Muhammad, it their husbands.
is informative, not normative verse (2011).19 This Similarly, Zaitunah Subhan also interprets that
means, gender relations at the moment can be the the Qur’an 4: 34 is not being normative for male
same or different from that described in the leadership, but it is a contextual verse on economic
Qur’an 4: 34, but the important thing is to roles. This means that men can only be superior if
maintain just relationship and shared distribution they are economically capable of supporting their
of responsibility inside and outside the house. families. She pointed out that the verse uses the
Moreover, Nasaruddin Umar’s finding of the word rijaal, the plural form of rajul or rijl (foot).
concept of gender in the Qur’an is essential to This means the person who walks or work to earn
counterbalance the existing patriarchal money, which usually takes place in public space,
interpretations of the Qur’an, which tend to see can be called rijaal, while the person who mostly
male superiority as God-given, as described at home is called nisa’, regardless of their
above. According to Umar, the Qur’an uses untsa biological sex. 22 Nurjannah Ismail also has a
(female) and dzakar (male) to refer to biological similar interpretation of the Qur’an 4: 34. She
differences, the God-given (kodrat) aspect of the believes that male leadership is contextual, not
human being; while the Qur’an uses rijaal normative. Like Wadud, Ismail also believes that
(masculine), nisa’ and mar’ah (feminine) to refer men can only be of the farm leader ily if they fulfill
to gender differences.20 The Qur’an 4: 34 uses the the two requirements written in verse 4: 34.
word rijaal, not dzakar. This means the person Therefore, a man cannot claim to be the family
who can become a family leader is not necessarily leader if the context changes or cannot fulfill the
male, but the person who fulfill the two two requirements. 23 All of these progressive
requirements stated in the Qur’an 4: 34: (1) to feminist interpretations of the Qur’an 4: 34 can also
have superiority over his/her spouse; and (2) to be applicable in reading the above hadith on
spend the money for his/her family, as argued by leadership, that each of us is a leader and will be
Wadud.21 This also means that dzakar can never asked for the accountability of our leadership, to
be rijaal, if he cannot fulfill the two requirements; mean that this leader does not need to be
and that untsa can be rijaal if she fulfills the two necessarily male, but someone, either male or
Asghar Ali Engineer, The rights of women in Islam 21
Amina Wadud, Qur’an and Woman: Rereading the
(London: C. Hurst & Co, 1992), 45–46. Sacred Text from a Woman’s Perspective (New York:
Nasr Hamid Abu Zaid, “The nexus of theory and Oxford University Press, 1999), 70.
practice,” dalam The New Voices of Islam. Rethinking 22
Zaitunah Subhan, Tafsir Kebencian: Studi Bias Jender
Politics and Modernity, ed. oleh Mehran Kamrava dalam Tafsir al-Qur’an (Yogyakarta: LKiS, 1999), 177–
(Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California 80.
Press, 2006). 23
Nurjannah Ismail, Perempuan dalam pasungan. Bias
Husein Muhammad, Ijtihad Kyai Husein. Upaya laki-laki dalam penafsiran (Yogyakarta: LKiS, 2003),
membangun keadilan gender (Jakarta: Rahima, 2011). 326.
Nasaruddin Umar, Argumen Kesetaraan Jender
Perspektif Al-Qur’an (Jakarta: Paramadina, 1999),
Nina Nurmila - Proposing Feminist Interpretation of The Qur’an And Affirmative Policy to Support Women Leadership in
Indonesian State Islamic Higher Education
Fatima Mernissi, The Veil And The Male Elite: A 25
al-Munawar, “Kepemimpinan Perempuan dalam Islam,”
Feminist Interpretation Of Women’s Rights In Islam, 18.
trans. oleh Mary Jo Lakeland, Reprint Edition
(Cambridge, Mass.: Basic Books, 1992), 93–108.
Musãwa, Vol. 19, No. 2 Januari 2020
Andy Yentriyani dan Dahlia Madanih, Pedoman Affirmative Action,” Lexico Dictionaries | English,
Pengujian Kebijakan Konstitusional untuk Pemenuhan diakses 26 Oktober 2020,
Hak Konstitusional dan Penghapusan Diskriminasi https://www.lexico.com/definition/affirmative_action.
terhadap Perempuan (Jakarta: Komnas Perempuan, 29
Lexico.com, UK Dictionary.
2016). https://www.lexico.com/definition/affirmative_action
Siti Ruhaini Dzuhayatin, “Gender Glass Ceiling in (2020) accessed 10 September 2020 at 10.05.
Indonesia: Manifestation, Roots, and Theological 30
Ellen Gutoskey, “What’s the Difference Between
Breakthrough,” Al-Jami’ah: Journal of Islamic Studies Equity and Equality?,” 11 Juni 2020,
58, no. 1 (3 September 2020): 209–40, https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/625404/equity-vs-
doi:10.14421/ajis.2020.581.209-240. equality-what-is-the-difference.
“Affirmative Action | Definition of Affirmative Action
by Oxford Dictionary on Lexico.Com Also Meaning of
Nina Nurmila - Proposing Feminist Interpretation of The Qur’an And Affirmative Policy to Support Women Leadership in
Indonesian State Islamic Higher Education
Dzuhayatin, “Gender Glass Ceiling in Indonesia,” 211. 33
Ratna Puspita, “Menteri PPPA: Indonesia Menuju Planet
Ashleen Knutsen, “What Is the Planet 50-50 50:50,” Republika Online, 8 Oktober 2019, 50,
Campaign?,” Your Dream Blog, 30 Oktober 2017, https://republika.co.id/share/pz1yjp428.
Musãwa, Vol. 19, No. 2 Januari 2020
Kurniawati Hastuti Dewi, Indonesian Women and women-and-local-politics; Kurniawati Hastuti Dewi,
Local Politics: Islam, Gender and Networks in Post- Pemimpin Kepala Daerah dalam Jejaring Oligarki
Suharto Indonesia (Singapore: NUS Press and Kyoto Lokal (Jakarta: LIPI Press, 2017).
University Press, 2015), 35
“Untuk apa? Kalaupun ikut, laki-laki yang akan dipilih”.
Nina Nurmila - Proposing Feminist Interpretation of The Qur’an And Affirmative Policy to Support Women Leadership in
Indonesian State Islamic Higher Education
females but also for male academicians, but challenge for Dian, but she could overcome this
female academicians face more barriers in challenge and finally climb to vice rector’s position
achieving this highest academic position due to at UIN in Kalimantan at the interview time.
their biological and patriarchal cultural Therefore, there is no reason to justify
expectation that women should take care of the discrimination against women by not giving any
children and do housework. The multiple burdens position on campus, assuming that women’s proper
that women have in a patriarchal society are roles are just being mothers at home.
depicted, for example, in the following case study
of Dian: Suggestions to Increase Women’s Participation
in the Selection of Rector
My first baby was so little when I got other
This part of the paper will discuss suggestions
younger ones. I was back and forth, juggling with
from my interviewees on how to increase women’s
motherhood, working as an academic, being a
participation in the selection of PTKIN rector. The
secretary in the department, and studying. My
former Director of PTKI himself did not need to
husband came and gone to Jakarta as he worked
change the existing policy to increase women’s
in Jakarta. Mostly my life becomes more
participation. For him, the policy is based on merit
challenging when he got three-month
and is open for both men and women:
scholarships to Australia. I took care of my
There are meritocratic criteria that become a
children while studying. It indeed hurt me.36 guide. Therefore, whoever fulfills the criteria,
The above quote does not mean to both men and women, can be promoted to be the
discourage PTKIN to give the position to young leader. The experience in the last several years has
shown efforts to increase the participation of
female academicians but to show the importance women who have the quality and capability to be
of the support that needs to be provided for young leaders (interview with the author, 5 June 2020).37
female academicians to free them from multiple Unfortunately, he did not give me further
burdens. Bearing children is indeed a female elaboration when I asked what efforts MORA has
kodrat, which can biologically only be done by made to increase women’s participation, but he
women, but both men and women can do rearing sent me the rector selection result at UIN Raden
children. Multiple burdens are one of the Fatah Palembang, whose selected rector was
indicators of gender inequality. Therefore, to female, on 23 July 2020.
achieve gender equality, a support system on Different from the Director of PTKI, most
campus such as in the form of qualified and women I interviewed show the need for affirmative
subsidized daycare need to be provided if shared policy. For example, from UIN Yogyakarta, Prof
responsibility with the spouse is not possible such Muslimah suggested: to include the clause that
as in the case of Dian, whose husband should be narrates the importance of women’s involvement
a way to study in Australia. Reproductive time is and their empowerment in leading State Islamic
indeed a challenge for women, even though this University/Institute (UIN/IAIN) (interview with
time will end after 10 to 15 years when the the author, 30 March 2020). 38 Based on this
children have grown up. Multiple burdens were a
Siti Muflichah, “Storying female academics’ career menjadi pejabat. Pengalaman beberapa tahun terakhir ini
development in Indonesian Islamic higher education: a telah menunjukkan upaya meningkatkan partisipasi
postcolonial feminist analysis” (PhD Thesis, School of dosen perempuan yang memiliki kualitas dan kapasitas
Education, The University of Queensland, 2020), untuk menjadi pejabat.
https://espace.library.uq.edu.au/view/UQ:a6176c0. 38
Klausul di depannya .... mungkin lebih dipadatkan yang
Ada kriteria meritokrasi yang jadi pedoman, sehingga memuat narasi tentang pentingnya keterlibatan dan
siapapun yang memenuhi kriteria tersebut baik menjadi penting untuk penguatan perempuan dalam
perempuan maupun laki-laki dapat dipromosikan memimpin UIN/IAIN.
Musãwa, Vol. 19, No. 2 Januari 2020
suggestion, I propose the following revision of position of being Head of Department with a
PMA 68/2015 Article 3 (1) (the proposal is in minimum period of two years, except women.
italic): With the above-proposed revision, women
1. The civil servant who has become a lecturer, such as Nani and four other female candidates of
especially women; prospective rector can be included in the next level
Or of rector selection. Moreover, based on Nani’s
2. The civil servant who has become a lecturer, second recommendation, I propose the following
women, are encouraged to apply; additional point for PMA 68/2015 Article 3:
Such affirmative action has been commonly The representation of female prospective
undertaken abroad, especially in a male- rectors in each campus is 50 percent of all the
dominated job. For example, in recruiting Project proposed prospective rectors.
Management Specialist (Engineering), USAID in The above point is based on the current
Afghanistan wrote the following job number of affirmative action to achieve Planet 50-
advertisement: “Female candidates are strongly 50 by 2030. Previously, the number proposed for
encouraged to apply.” 39 This job advertisement affirmative action was 30 percent; but this was
even has the word firmly, encouraged, to show revised by the UN Women on 8 March 2016, as
the eagerness to give better access to women. discussed above 43 , and this was agreed to be
Affirmative action does not necessarily for adopted in Indonesia, as expressed by former
women only, but any group left behind, such as Minister Yohana Yambise, on 8 October 2019.
indigenous groups. This can be seen from the However, since the number of female professors
following job advertisement from BHP, Australia: within PTKIN still low, MORA can start this
“We are an Equal Opportunity Employer, and we affirmative action from 30 percent. This
encourage applications from women and affirmative policy, I believe, can motivate many
Indigenous people.40 female lecturers to speed up their career promotion
Besides, Nani recommends two essential into becoming full professors to enjoy democracy
points to support women’s participation in the on campus, which is friendly to women. This
rector selection process: first, “to give an affirmative policy can be changed back into a
exception to female academicians who cannot gender-neutral policy when Planet 50-50 is
fulfill one of the requirements to apply for rector achieved as a temporary measure.
position, as an affirmative action for women.”41
Second, she recommends a certain percentage of Conclusion
Islam is a religion of justice. Almost all
women’s representation in their participation in
Muslims believe that God is just. If Muslims
rector selection.42 Based on her first suggestion, I
believe that God is just, it is impossible that the
propose the following revision of PMA 68/2015
Qur’an, the word of God, support any injustice.
Article 3 (4):
Likewise, the Prophet Muhammad, God’s
Having managerial experience in higher
educational institutions with the lowest massager, the best model for Muslims, must
USAID, “Afghanistan,” 2017, 41
“Jika dari persyaratan itu tidak ada perempuan [yang
https://www.usaid.gov/sites/default/files/documents/1 mendaftar], harus ada keberpihakan kepada perempuan,
871/Solicitation-306-17-15- buat pengecualian ... perlu afirmasi [untuk
OI%20Project%20Management%20Specialist%20(En perempuan].”
gineering)%20FSN%2010.pdf. 42
“Harus ada ketentuan persentase supaya ada
BHP, “Entry Level Opportunities,” 2020, keterwakilan perempuan.”
https://au.indeed.com/viewjob?from=socialmediatags 43
Knutsen, “What Is the Planet 50-50 Campaign?”
minimal&jk=e6927b7e2db07ca7. 44
Puspita, “Menteri PPPA.”
Nina Nurmila - Proposing Feminist Interpretation of The Qur’an And Affirmative Policy to Support Women Leadership in
Indonesian State Islamic Higher Education
Musãwa, Vol. 19, No. 2 Januari 2020
Nina Nurmila - Proposing Feminist Interpretation of The Qur’an And Affirmative Policy to Support Women Leadership in
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Transliterasi Arab-Latin yang digunakan dalam tulisan berbahasa Inggris pada Jurnal Musãwa ini
adalah literasi model L.C. (Library of Congress). Untuk tulisan berbahasa Indonesia, memakai model
L.C. dengan beberapa modifikasi.
=زz =رr = ذdh =دd = خkh
= ظz} = طt} = ضd} = صs} = شsh
=لl =كk =قq =فf = غgh