L2 H S5 Counting MoreWithCombinations

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Level 2: Counting and probability 5.

More With Combinations:

1. Consider the grid in Figure , each block on the grid is 1 unit by 1 unit.
(a)How many 4-step paths are there from to ? 6
(b)How many 5-step paths are there from to ? 10
(c)How many 9-step paths are there from to ? 126
(b)How many of those paths in (c) pass through ? 60

2. Consider the grid in Figure, each block on the grid is 1 unit by 1 unit.
(a)How many 4-step paths are there from to ? 6
(b)How many 5-step paths are there from to ? 6+1=7
(c)How many 9-step paths are there from to ? 126-60=66
(b)How many of those paths in (c) pass through ? 42

3. There are 8 girls and 6 boys in class. We need to divide into two groups of 7. In how
many ways can we do this:
(a) Without restrictions? 0.5C(14,7)=1712
(b) How many ways we can make at least one girl and one boy in each group?
(c) How many ways we can make all girls in same group? 0

4. There are 8 different math books and 6 different English books in bookshelf. In how
many ways I can choose 5 books in my bag.
a. With no restrictions? C(14,5)=2002
b. At least one math books? 2002-C(6,5)=1996
c. At most one math books? C(6,5)+C(6,4)C(8,1)=126
5. How many ways are there to put 6 balls in 2 boxes if
a. the balls are distinguishable and the boxes are distinguishable? (64)
b. the balls are distinguishable but the boxes are not? (32)
c. the balls are not distinguishable but the boxes are? (7)
d. the balls are not distinguishable and neither are the boxes? (4)

6. How many ways are there to put 6 balls in 3 boxes if

(a)the balls are distinguishable and the boxes are distinguishable? (36=729)
(b)the balls are distinguishable but the boxes are not? (122)
(c)the balls are not distinguishable but the boxes are? (28)
(d)the balls are not distinguishable and neither are the boxes? (7)

7. Six lines are drawn in a plane. What is the largest possible number of points in the
plane at which at least two of the six lines intersect? C(6,2)=15

8. Six different circles are drawn in a plane. What is the maximum number of different
points at which the circles can meet? 2C(6,2)=30

9. A bug starts at the point at noon and each minute moves one unit in either
the positive -direction, the positive -direction, or the positive -direction. Thus,
after 1 minute it could be at , , or ; after 2 minutes, it could
be at , , , , , or . How many
different paths could he take to (2,3,4)? (2+3+4)!/(2!3!4!)=1260

10. (a) How many non-negative integer solutions are there to the equation
𝑎 + 𝑏 + 𝑐 + 𝑑 + 𝑒 = 8? C(8+4,4)=495
(b) How many non-negative integer solutions are there to inequality equation
𝑎 + 𝑏 + 𝑐 + 𝑑 ≤ 8? C(8+4,4)=495

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