Multilin 750760-3-4

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This means the 750/760 can be used

to provide sensitive tripping for faults in one
direction. Typical applications for directional
overcurrent include:

• Isolation of the faulted feeder in ring bus or

parallel feeder arrangements.
• Prevention of back-feeding utility source fault
from industrial plant generators
• Sensitive hi-speed ground protection of
Sensitive ground and Restricted Earth Fault (REF)

Sensitive ground and RGF protection features

provide sensitive detection of ground faults.
Sensitive ground fault protection includes:

• Instantaneous (50N) & Tim (51N) - 2 levels

• Directional supervision allows to discriminate
between forward and reverse faults.
• Dual polarization (current & voltage) provides
max security and reliability
750/ 760 employed to provide transformer back
up protection (grounded wye windings and
autotransformers) using the RGF feature.

Voltage Protection
Overvoltage/Undervoltage protection features
can cause a trip or generate an alarm when the
voltage exceeds a specified voltage setting for
a specified time. Voltage protection includes a
negative sequence voltage element to detect
abnormal system unbalance conditions, and a
neutral displacement voltage element using the
calculated zero sequence voltage (3V0) to detect
ground faults.

Frequency Protection Reverse power detection

750/760 provides functionality to improve 750/760 relay allows to trip or alarm when
network (grid) stability using voltage or power flows against the intended direction. In
frequency based techniques. Also allows to systems having in-plant generation parallel
provide back up protection and trip breakers to the utility supply, detection of power flow
directly when protecting generators and other toward the utility is necessary. For such
frequency sensitive power equipment. applications, 750/760 eliminates requirement
Phase directional (for phase A). for separate device to detect power flow
• 2 Under-frequency elements (81U)
direction and reduces overall cost. This feature
• 2 Over-frequency elements (81O) can also be used to detect motoring power into
• Frequency decay: 4 df/dt elements (59/81) the generator.
• 2 Undervoltage elements 3
Synchronism Check
Breaker closing can be supervised by ∆V,

∆f and ∆Hz setpoints. Dead-source alternatives

are provided.

Cold Load Pickup Control

This function allows automatic or manual
blocking or raising of trip settings for a period
after the breaker is closed. Built-in scheme
available to perform main-tie-main transfer
using a set of three relays, two on incoming and
one on a normally open bus tie breaker. This
scheme uses “ open before close “ sequence for
safe operation.

Manual Close Control

After the breaker is closed manually, the The 750/760 saves up to 256 power frequency cycles of waveform data
relay can block any IOC element or raise the
pickup value of any TOC element, each for a
programmable time delay, after which normal
Breaker Conditions Analog Input
operation is restored. The relay calculates the per-phase wear on the Any external quantity may be monitored via an
breaker contacts to establish a threshold. When auxiliary current input. Two analog input level
Bus Transfer Scheme the breaker maintenance threshold is exceeded monitoring elements and two rate-of-change
A set of three relays, two on incoming and one the relay can trigger an alarm. An alarm is also elements are available. When the measured
on a normally open bus tie breaker can perform generated if the relay detects that the supervisory quantity exceeds the pickup level, the relay can
transfer on loss-of-source. trickle current is not present. A failure to respond trigger an alarm or signal an output.
to an open or close signal in a programmed time
Recloser (760 Only) can be used to generate an alarm. Event Recording
Autoreclosing can be initiated externally or The relay captures and stores the last 256
VT Failure events, recording the time, date, cause, and
from an overcurrent protection. Up to four
reclose operations are possible, each with a The VT failure feature monitors each phase of system parameters. Events may be recorded
programmable dead time. For each reclose shot, input voltage, generating an alarm and sending selectively by category, so that only events of
the relay can be programmed to block any IOC the programmed output signals when a failure interest are recorded.
element, and to adjust the curve characteristics is detected.
of any TOC element. The number of shots can be
reduced by high currents.
Power Factor A block of configurable volatile memory
Two independent elements monitor power can be used for recording samples of the
Equipment Management factor, each with programmable pickup, dropout AC input voltages and current , and the
The following comprehensive features in the and time delay. status of logic inputs and output relays. This
relay allows to manage the primary breaker: memory can be configured between the ranges
of two to 16 blocks with 16 to 256 power
• Trip counter to keep track of number of frequency cycles of data respectively. The
amount of pre-event data recorded is set by the
• Per-phase breaker contact wear calculations user. Trace memory recording can be triggered
for maintenance by operation of selected features or logic inputs.
• Breaker failure detection
Trip Counter
• Trip coil monitoring
The number of breaker trip operations is
recorded, and can be displayed for statistical
Monitoring and Metering purposes (useful for units without operation
The 750/760 features advanced monitoring and counters).
metering functions which include:
By monitoring the power factor the 750/760 can
Fault Locator help minimize both costs and voltage excursions.

The relay uses captured data to calculate the

type, distance to and the impedance of the
fault. Records of the last 10 faults are stored.


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