RFS - Unit 3 - 2023
RFS - Unit 3 - 2023
RFS - Unit 3 - 2023
Operational Risk
Credit Risk
Definition of Operational Risk
“The risk of loss resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, people and
systems or from external events”. -The Bank for International Standards (BIS)
This definition covers legal risk (including fines, penalties and punitive(disciplinary) damage
resulting from regulatory actions, as well as private settlements), but excludes reputation risk.
“Operational risk is the risk of losses caused by flawed or failed processes, policies,
systems or events that disrupt business operations.” (Cause and Effect)
Operational Risk
Employment practices Losses arising from acts inconsistent with employment, health
and workplace safety or safety laws or agreements, from payment of personal injury
claims or from diversity and discrimination events
Clients, products and Losses arising from an unintentional or negligent failure to meet a
business practices professional obligation to
specific clients (including fiduciary and suitability requirements), or
from the nature or design of a
Damage to physical Losses arising from loss or damage to physical assets from natural
assets disaster or other events
2. Unfortunately, it also has the potential to enable the financial proceeds of crime to be
moved around the world quickly and easily.
3. The nature of the industry means that there are sometimes opportunities for unscrupulous
practitioners to make money through dishonest means, at the expense of clients or other
market participants.
Therefore, in most jurisdictions there are strict rules in place, enforceable through
national and international legal systems, to:
a. prohibit certain undesirable practitioner behaviours, collectively known as
market abuse;
these fall into two overlapping categories
i. – insider information & market manipulation
b. oblige financial services firms to monitor financial transactions and report any
that appear suspicious, to reduce the likelihood of criminal proceeds being
moved around the system;
c. these also fall into two related categories
Dirty money is difficult to invest or spend, and carries the risk of being used as
evidence of the initial crime.
Laundered money can be invested and spent with less risk of incrimination.
There are three stages to a successful money laundering operation:
1. Placement
2. Layering
3. Integration
1. Placement –
1. This is the introduction of dirty money into the financial system.
2. Typically, this involves placing the criminally-derived cash into a bank or building
society account, a bureau de change or any other type of enterprise which routinely
accepts large amounts of cash.
2. Layering –
1. This involves moving the placed money around the system in order to make it difficult
for the authorities to link the placed funds with the ultimate beneficiary of the money.
2. This might involve buying and selling foreign currencies, shares or bonds in rapid
succession, investing in collective investment schemes, insurance-based investment
products or moving the money from one country to another.x
3. Integration –
1. At this final stage, the layering has been successful and the ultimate beneficiary
appears to be holding legitimate funds (ie, clean rather than dirty money).
2. The money is regarded as ‘integrated’ into the legitimate financial system.
Terrorist financing
Terrorist financing refers to activities that provide financial support to terrorists
or terrorist groups.
Many of the requirements of national and international anti-terrorism legislation
on financial services firms are similar to the AML provisions described above,
and involve:
• customer identification
• record keeping
• reporting suspicious activity.
A person generally commits an offence if he enters into, or is linked with, an
arrangement that facilitates the retention or control of terrorist funds.
Risk Management Responses to
Financial Crimes
1. Educating staff on the risks to:
• society, if financial crimes are committed
• the firm, if placed under regulatory censure
• the individual, of a custodial sentence or heavy fine.
2. Putting systems and controls in place to mitigate the risk of occurrence.
3. Monitoring staff compliance with the internal rules and the external legal and regulatory
4. Escalating behavioural exceptions to a specific individual or committee for investigation.
5. Penalising contravention with the rules and if necessary informing the relevant authorities.
Operational Risk and its Consequential
When an operational risk materializes, it often causes other risk issues too.
These typically include:
1. Reputational risks – if clients or the media become aware of the issue
and it tarnishes the firm’s reputation.
c. legal risk, including the inability to enforce contracts in credit-related areas such as
the posting of collateral
d. failing to carry out suitable credit checks on counterparties, or wrongly assuming that
credit rating agencies always get ratings right.
4. Market risks – an undetected error in the portfolio management system might
lead to a breach of a market risk limit.
2. Risk Identification: Defining the methodology used to identify and categorise the operational risks
that exist in the organisation
3. Risk Measurement: Defining the methodology used to measure and assess the significance of the
identified risks
4. Risk Mitigation:
a. Assigning responsibility to line managers for owning the mitigating actions required to
reduce risk exposures to within the risk appetite
b. Assigning responsibility for monitoring the effects of the mitigating actions
5. Risk Reporting: Establishing the reporting and escalating mechanisms for risk issues to
all levels of the organization in order to ensure transparency, and aid the
decision-making process.
Tesco is a British multinational grocery and general merchandise retailer,
headquartered in the United Kingdom. It is one of the world's largest retailers,
operating in various countries and serving millions of customers. The
company had a reputation for strong growth and profitability.
The Scandal:
In September 2014, Tesco announced that it had overstated its profits by £263
million ($422 million) due to accounting irregularities. The company initially
revealed that it had recognized income from suppliers earlier than it should
have, leading to an inflated presentation of profits. This overstatement
represented a significant misrepresentation of Tesco's financial performance.
Key Points:
Reputational Impact:
The scandal had severe consequences for Tesco's reputation, leading to a loss of
investor confidence, legal investigations, and regulatory fines.
Reputational risk is a critical aspect of operational risk and can have far-reaching
Risk Mitigation?
Areas Addressed by An Operational Risk Policy
2. To meet the prime objectives of operational risk management the risk policy and its
associated standards should address the following areas:
● identification of key officers
● roles and responsibilities
● segregation of duties
● cross-functional involvement and agreement.
Identification of Key Officers
It is important for firms to identify and empower those individuals who are given
key responsibilities in the management of operational risk.
Key officers will include the following:
1. Line managers: Responsible for monitoring and reporting to the board.
2. Senior business managers: Responsible for operational risks within their areas
of the business.
3. The risk management group: Responsible for the firm’s overall financial risk.
4. Risk representatives or risk champions (staff): To monitor a department’s
operational risks on behalf of the owning manager.
Roles and Responsibilities
1. The risk policy should include
a. clear lines of authority,
b. If they are accountable for managing risk, they also require the necessary control and
authority to be able to take action and implement risk reduction plans.
3. Non-compliance:
a. The risk policy should also make clear the consequences of non-compliance for staff not
observing the policy.
Segregation of Duties
2. Risk measurement and assessment – score the impact and the likelihood of the
risk against pre-defined criteria.
1. Impact and Likelihood Assessment
One of the simplest methods of assessing risk is the creation of an impact and likelihood
assessment. This enables risks to be ranked in order of their severity.
The assessment may be subjective (using the experience of the professionals involved) or
objective (being supported by historical data) – or both. In either event, the severity ranking
decision depends on two criteria: the likelihood of the risk being realised and the magnitude
of the impact.
The impact of the risk is the potential loss if the risk occurs. This can be represented as a monetary
and also assigned a rating. For example:
Very low
• under £1,000
• rating score = 1
• £1,000 to £10,000
• rating score = 2
• £10,000 to £50,000
• rating score = 3
• above £50,000
• rating score = 4
There is no ‘correct’ number of impact and likelihood scoring bands, although using four of
each, as in the example above, is common. However, regardless of the number of bands, it is
helpful to use an even number in order to prevent risks being scored ‘medium’ (ie, the middle
value) by default.
The overall risk score is the product of the likelihood rating scores and the impact rating scores:
The risks can then be ranked by their score. In addition, each risk can then be plotted on a heat
map according to its score, as shown in the following figure. The heat map can be coloured red,
amber, yellow and green to give an indication of which risks are inside or outside of risk
Advantages of an impact and likelihood assessment are the following:
• It provides a simple method for viewing the range of risks the business faces.
• It provides an evaluation of the effectiveness of the control environment if gross and net risk scores are
plotted separately.
• It focuses management attention on the most important risks.
• It can be used with minimal hard data: if historical loss data is not available, a useful subjective view can still
be obtained.
• It can capture a wide range of risk possibilities – from large, strategic risks to everyday, more detailed issues.
For this reason it can be effective at all levels of an organisation.
• It encourages a risk-aware culture and a more transparent risk environment. In order to maintain the risk
profiles, a culture of continuous assessment is needed. This encourages line staff and risk managers to work
closely and allows good practice to be adopted more easily.
2. Scenario analysis
● Scenario analysis is a ‘top-down’ method of
highlighting potential risk combinations in order
to allow preventative action to be taken.
It is called ‘bottom-up’ because it builds up a detailed profile of the risks that occur in
each area, aggregating them to provide overall measures of exposure for departments,
divisions or the firm as a whole.
It uses the experience of line managers and staff, coupled with loss data as its source
of information, so the resultant measures contain both qualitative and quantitative
Key Risk Indicators (KRIs)
❖ Having produced a list of risks, and having then ranked them in order of severity, the firm can
designate the top ‘x’ risks as its key risks.
❖ It is then possible to obtain data that describes the current status of those key risks, and to define
upper and lower acceptable limits on the behaviour of this data. This approach provides indicators
on a series of (KRIs).
❖ For example, if one of the key risks is ‘Loss of Key Staff’, then it might be felt that certain factors
will influence the likelihood of this risk occurring.
For instance, a ‘loss distribution’ curve may be created that records the value of all material (direct)
losses in a particular risk category over a time period of, say, three years. By analysing this curve (using
similar value-at-risk (VaR) techniques), some prediction of future losses can be made within specified
confidence limits. The major difference will be the shape of the curve and, specifically, the ‘fat tail’
which reflects the fact that losses are not ‘normally distributed’ – extremely high impact losses occur
only very rarely.
Practical Obstacle
The overall risk score is used to sort the risks so that the list runs from the most
significant to the least significant.
‘assurance’, and ‘oversight’, refer to the mechanisms used by the firm to provide
an objective view about the quality of each risk’s management.
Mitigating controls are ways in which the likelihood and impact of a risk are
In summary the risk register’s should consist of
• objectives, processes or products affected by this risk
• description of risk
• risk ranking
• lead person or department
• action plan
• target and completion dates
• sources of assurance and oversight (which may or may not be the lead person or
• mitigating controls, their effectiveness and owner(s).
Methods for Managing Operational Risk
❖ Once risks have been identified and measured, the firm can take action to
address those risks that fall outside of its risk appetite.
❖ Transferring risk can be achieved in a number of ways, such as outsourcing
or insurance.
❖ If the level of a particular risk is unacceptable, and managing it to within
acceptable levels would be too costly, then it may simply need to be avoided.
❖ In practical terms this could involve:
❖ • withdrawing from a business
❖ • changing a product offering
❖ • deciding not to take on new business through planned mergers or
Operational Risk Mitigation
Common methods for operational risk mitigation:
1. controls
2. business continuity and contingency planning
3. outsourcing
4. insurance
5. information and cyber security
6. physical security
7. financial reserves
8. risk awareness training
9. data protection
1. Controls
Operational Controls in the Trade Process
In general, controls fall into certain broad categories, the most common of which are
‘preventative’ and
Preventative controls
They attempt to tackle the root causes of risk and are most effective when incorporated
within processes at the outset by anticipating a risky outcome. Technology solutions are
often used as a key means of implementing preventative controls.
For example, a key preventative control is the provision of individual IT passwords and
system access control for all staff.
● detect errors once they have occurred, and quality assurance checks fall under
this category.
● If the control structure is not reviewed and assessed as part of this change, it is
possible that potential risks are introduced that are not coveredby adequate
● The identification of these control gaps is a key objective of the ORM function.
Business Continuity Planning (BCP) and
Disaster Recovery (DR)
● A business continuity plan (BCP) which deals with the premises and
people aspects – where will staff work if their main site is out of
● Disaster recovery (DR) procedures which deal with the IT and other
infrastructure required to keep the business running.
The BCP and DR solutions must be subject to regular testing and any shortcomings
brought to the required standard.
As well as thoroughly testing the BCP and DR arrangements, firms also need to define
crisis management teams (CMTs), and the methods to be used for both crisis management
and business resumption.
CMTs also benefit from periodic rehearsals of potential disasters so that they can practice
how to respond to them.
A firm may choose to outsource some aspects of its business to a third
party with specific expertise in managing certain risks.
A firm should categorise the types of information which it receives and processes so
that appropriate steps can be taken to protect it regardless of the medium.
For example, personal staff or customer information needs greater care than a report
downloaded from the internet which is already in the public domain.
‘10 Steps To Cyber Security’
1. Information risk management regime
2. Secure IT systems
3. Network security
4. Penetration testing
5. Managing user privileges
6. User education and awareness
7. Incident management
8. Malware prevention
9. Monitoring
10. Home and mobile working
Physical Security
The operational risks associated with physical security can be reduced by firms
making often quite simple arrangements, including, for example:
• vetting all staff and contractors for previous criminal records
• visible ID cards for all staff
• sign-in for all visitors to the building
• remaining vigilant and preparing for external threats such as protests or marches,
especially those aimed at financial services firms.
Risk Awareness Training
Risk awareness training for all relevant staff should be given by the firm to
help staff understand the principle of reducing the likelihood of risk
occurring, and the key role which they play in achieving this.
Details of the training being given, and attendance, should be recorded and
tracked by the operational risk function.
Data Protection
2. Issuer Risk- risk of the issuer's insolvency, changing of credit and other ratings
of the issuer, bringing suits or claims against the issuer that may result in dramatic
decrease of value of the issuer's securities or failure to redeem the debt securities.
Settlement risk
● is the possibility that one or more parties will fail to deliver on the terms of a
contract at the agreed-upon time.
● Settlement risk is a type of counterparty risk associated with default risk, as well
as with timing differences between parties.
Systematic risk refers to the risk inherent to the entire market or market
• credit exposure
• credit risk premium
• credit ratings.
Potential future exposure is an estimate of the likely loss at some point in the
future and this is harder to calculate because of uncertainty arising from:
• credit facilities which banks make available to companies – and, by their
nature, these are often not actually drawn down until the company is in
financial trouble
• financial instruments which have different future economic values
according to circumstances which have not yet arisen, such as changes in
interest rates.
Credit Risk Premium
● A credit risk premium is the difference between the interest rate a firm pays
when it borrows and the interest rate on a default-free security, such as a
government bond.
● This increase is necessary to offset the heightened probability that the loan
will not be repaid in accordance with its terms.
Credit Ratings
There is a strong relationship between credit risk premium and credit rating.
In theory, the higher the rating is, the more creditworthy the obligor is and the
lower the obligor’s risk premium.
This means that the cost of borrowing will be less for a higher rated firm as a
reflection of its lower likelihood to default.
From the perspective of potential investors and lenders, one measure of a firm’s
credit risk is its credit rating. A credit rating is an expression of a firm’s
creditworthiness and financial health.
An independent credit rating agency will assign a credit rating to companies based
on ‘numeric’ factors, such as the analysis of the company’s financial statements.
Role and Influence of Credit Rating
Enable nations
Provide credit Depict the
Help investors Encourage and states to
scores to likelihood of
make well entities to pay sell bonds to
companies, borrower to
informed on time and investors in
nations, and default or
investment clear off their domestic and
fixed income repay a loan
decisions duties regularly international
debt securities with interest
Credit rating agencies in India
1. CRISIL (Credit Rating Information Services of India Limited)
Loan portfolio
Market Reputation
Freedom of
Helps in Investment Choice of
Investment Assurance of safety
Decision Instruments
Lower the Cost of Easy and Lowers Help Non-popular Rating Facilitates
Public Issue Cost of Borrowing Companies Growth
Demerits of credit rating
Non-disclosure of Important
Possibility of Biasness Problems for New Company
PD = Probability of Default (%)
EAD = Exposure at Default (Amount)
LGD = Loss Given Default (%)
These terms will be explained in more detail, as will the following related
credit risk concepts:
• credit events
• maturity.
When a counterparty defaults on payment, the loss to the bank is not necessarily the total of what the
counterparty owes.
For example, if New bank lent ABC Co. £500 million, and ABC then defaulted, how much would
Newbank lose?
• New bank may have a guarantee in place with ABC and may be able to reclaim some of that
amount through the legal process. In addition, ABC may have placed collateral with Newbank
which would offset some of loss to the bank.
• If the actual loss is £300 million then the loss given default (LGD) would be 60% (LGD is
expressed as a percentage).
Probability of default (PD) & Exposure at
default (EAD)
The probability of default (PD) of a borrower or group of borrowers is a measure
of the likelihood of failing to pay what they owe.
• The bank will estimate the probability of default using historical experience and
empirical evidence.
• The higher the default probability estimate, the higher the interest rate the
lender will charge the borrower to compensate for the higher default risk.
The exposure at default (EAD) is the amount which a bank will be exposed to in
the future at the point of a potential default.
EAD and Maturity
EAD will also depend on the maturity, or ‘time to completion’, of the loan
The longer the time to maturity, the larger is the probability that the credit quality
will decrease, as the obligor has both an increased opportunity and perhaps an
increased need to draw down the remaining credit line.
When a bank’s counterparty defaults, the bank may lose all the market value of the
position, but often a certain ‘recovery value’ is to be found through bankruptcy
proceedings or other agreed settlement.
The amount it is likely to recover is called the ‘recovery value’, or, expressed as a
percentage, the recovery rate (RR). RR = 100% – LGD
Credit Events
It is important for firms to know when a credit risk has materialised because
that will trigger certain actions on the part of the bank and other creditors of
the bankrupt firm.
Although the term ‘credit event’ is a recognised industry trigger point, it does
not have a precise definition.
❖ This is because the nearer to default the counterparty moves, the lower the value
of its equities and hence the less they provide the required cover against default.
Non-Performing Assets
• Non-performing assets are loans whose repayments are not being made on time. If payments
are late for a short time, a loan is classified as past due.
• Once a payment becomes really late (usually 90 days), the loan is classified as
• A high level of non-performing assets compared to similar lenders may be a sign of problems,
as may a sudden increase in the level of non-performing assets.
• Some banks lend to higher-risk customers than others and, therefore, tend to have a higher
proportion of non-performing debt, but will compensate for this by charging borrowers higher
interest rates.
• Equally, where the loan is backed by security, a default will be less of a concern than in the
case of an unsecured loan.
Credit Risk Management - Credit Risk
Protection and Mitigation
Guarantees; Credit limits; Netting;
Credit limits are maximum limits for all aspects of credit exposure
set by financial institutions.
A netting agreement allows two parties that exchange multiple cash flows
during a given day to agree bilaterally to net those cash flows to one payment
per currency.
This reduces each party’s settlement risk, and also reduces transaction costs
and communication expenses.
It can be a physical asset (such as a house that secures a mortgage loan), or can
be in the form of cash or securities, and is used by the lender as a form of
insurance to reduce credit exposure to a counterparty.
In the event that the obligor defaults, the lender may retain the collateral.
• A unilateral arrangement means that one party gives collateral to the other.
• A netted arrangement means that the net obligation may be collateralised so that, at
any point in time, the party which is the net obligor posts collateral for just the value
of the net obligation.
The earnings of some of the loans in the portfolio will therefore offset the losses of others,
making it less likely that the portfolio will lose money overall.
The portfolio ‘highs’ will not be as high, but neither will the ‘lows’ be as low, and so the
volatility of returns will be lower.
Insurance and Credit Derivatives
In addition to loan-based instruments such as bonds, a range of ‘secondary’ instruments exist
which derive their value from an underlying loan or series of loans.
These are called credit derivatives, and the two most common types are the credit default swap
(CDS) and the collateralised debt obligation (CDO).
In the simplest form of CDS, the bank making a loan pays a premium to a third party that, in
turn, agrees to make the bank whole in the event of a default on the underlying loan or bond.
This transaction resembles an insurance contract, where the insured pays a premium to a third
party (an insurance company) in return for a promise to make the insured whole in the event of
a loss.
Credit Default Swaps (CDSs)
As with other credit derivatives, institutions can use CDSs to increase or decrease their credit
exposure to a particular counterparty, for a particular period of time.
They are attractive because they allow financial institutions to:
• buy (or sell) a form of insurance to mitigate their (or the other party’s) credit risk
• improve their portfolio diversification by reducing undesirable credit risk
• customise their credit exposure to another party without having a direct relationship
with them
• transfer credit risk without adversely affecting the customer relationship.
CDS contracts are an important innovation in credit risk mitigation, but they can also expose
the user to other types of risk such as operational, counterparty, liquidity and legal risks.
Example of a Credit Default Swap (CDS)
Lenders with loans on their balance sheets can create an income stream from those loans, assuming
that they continue to perform. Instead of simply relying on the underlying income stream as a source
revenue running for the length of the loan agreement, the lender can choose to sell the loans to
institution in order to receive an immediate ‘lump sum’ payment. This is a loan sale.
Another form of loan sale is securitisation, and the process involves a number of participants. The
‘originator’ is the firm whose assets are being securitised. The most common process involves an
acquiring the assets from the originator and issuing bonds to finance the purchase of the securitised
loans. The income stream from the underlying loans is then used to repay the bondholders.
Central Counterparties (CCPs)
The use of a central counterparty (CCP), or clearing house, is a method used by many exchanges
to reduce credit risk.
The clearing house acts as the guarantor of all transactions, limiting the exposure of its clearing
members by protecting them from defaults.
Rather than two members of an exchange being involved in a direct counterparty-to-counterparty
contract (and so assuming each other’s credit risk), the clearing house acts as a simultaneous
counterparty to each.
If one clearing member defaults, the clearing house will guarantee the performance of the
contract to the other member. CCPs also boost the scope for netting among the members of an
For clearing houses to be able to reduce credit risk, they need to have significant resources to
cope with any potential defaults. They obtain these resources through capital supplied by:
• their members , • fees generated by the exchange, or • other parties that do not have a direct
relationship with their market.
Managing and Measuring Credit Risk
Factor Stress Segmentatio
inputs testing n
External Internal
Credit limits Impairment
ratings credit rating
Provisioning KPI s
Credit Scoring Systems
Credit scoring systems include using questionnaires and standard credit request
application forms which are subsequently scored.
The questions are chosen to enable standardized credit profiles to be applied to new
applicants, and would include:
• age • credit history • occupation • years in current job • home owner or renting.
Credit scoring for firms would include the factor inputs described below.
Banks should also consider the results of stress testing as part of their overall credit
risk limit setting and monitoring processes.
Factor Inputs
Areas for stress testing which recommends that banks could ‘usefully examine’
• Economic or industry downturns
• Interest rate and other market movements
• Market-risk events, and
• Liquidity conditions.
This is because it is often too historic and credit rating agencies have, to date,
been slow in their response to adverse events.
In addition, the output from the credit rating agencies may not be detailed
enough to fully meet the firm’s requirements and is not as sensitive to changes
as the firm’s own analysis.
Internal Credit Rating
A well-structured internal risk rating system is a good means of differentiating the
degree of credit risk in the different credit exposures of a bank.
This allows more accurate determination of the overall characteristics of the credit
portfolio, concentrations, problem credits and the adequacy of loan loss reserves.
More detailed and sophisticated internal risk rating systems, used primarily at larger
banks, can also be used to determine internal capital allocation, pricing of credits, and
profitability of transactions and relationships.
• The granting by the lender to the borrower, for economic or legal reasons relating
to the borrower’s financial difficulties, of a concession that the lender would not
otherwise consider.
Loan impairment will result in a loss for the lending firm, and the firm
therefore needs to set aside an allowance for this loss in its accounts.