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LIFE SKILLS DEVELOPMENT FOR HUMAN • defined as the process of enlarging people's

ENHANCEMENT freedoms and opportunities and improving their

• real freedom ordinary people have to decide
“The ability to use once knowledge effectively & readily
who to be, what to do, and how to live.
in the execution of performance”
Common benefits include the following:
Human skill
• gain a better understanding of one’s own life
• “Human skill is the sum total of talent,
knowledge, ability attitude of the individual or
• gain knowledge of how social context impacts
the total work in an organization put to
productive use”
Life skills - are capabilities that enables us to adapt • help others understand and contextualize the
positively to the changes in the environment, life skills ups and downs of life.
can also be called as Psychosocial competency. • understand how societal change can support
Psychosocial competency growth and development
• person's ability to deal effectively with the • become a more effective auditor, human
demands and challenges of everyday life. It is a resource, or business leader in many different
person's ability to maintain a state of mental industries
well-being and demonstrate this in an adaptive • support the physical and mental health of
and positive behavior, while interacting with individuals throughout their life span
others and his / her culture and environment.
Importance of life skills as well as its implication in the Life skills - refers to the skills you need to make the
below list. most out of life.
1) To develop ethics
2) It Helps to remove stage fear The importance of Life Skills at Work
3) To become self-confident • In addition to personal development, life skills
4) Facilitate to adopt of new skills prepare you for the professional world. You
5) For self-branding learn how to confidently tackle problems and
6) To showcase the hidden talent step outside of your comfort zone. You
7) To evaluate as well as choose best among continue to learn and grow every step of the
options way, making new skills and knowledge.
8) Helps to take the best life-changing decisions Human Enhancement
9) It Facilitates creative thinking as well as an • used to describe to improve human form skills
innovative approach beyond what is necessary to be able to sustain
in the demand of the workforce. It is also the
The 21st century life skills are: development of the inner and outer
1. flexibility personality of the person.
2. initiative Self-image
3. social skills • “the idea, conception, or mental image one has
4. productivity of oneself.”
5. leadership. • how you perceive yourself. It is a number of self-
impressions that have built up over time
Human growth and development - offers a wealth of • the most basic form an internalized mental
value for personal and professional growth and picture/idea you have of yourself.
understanding. • -is the impression you have of yourself that
Human development forms a collective representation of your assets
• centers on strengthening the attributes and and liabilities.
abilities that help people flourish in life. Your Image
• is a reproduction or mental picture of you as
seen by others
Three elements of a person’s self-image are: Personality Development
• The way a person perceives or thinks of • process of developing and enhancing one’s
him/herself. personality. Personality development helps an
• The way a person interprets others’ perceptions individual to gain confidence and high self-
(or what he thinks others think) of him/herself. esteem.
• The way a person would like to be (his ideal • consists of activities that develop a person’s
self). capabilities and potential, build human capital,
facilitate employability and enhance quality of
Six dimensions of a person’s self-image are:
• Physical dimension: how a person evaluates his
• No two individuals are similar
or her appearance
The importance of Personality Development
• Psychological dimension: how a person
• gain recognition and acceptance from the
evaluates his or her personality
society as well as the people around. It includes
• Intellectual dimension: how a person evaluates behavioral characteristics both inherent or
his or her intelligence acquired and distinguish one person from
• Skills dimension: how a person evaluates his or another. Your looks can’t make you interesting.
her social and technical skills Being interesting is how you grab people’s
• Moral dimension: how a person evaluates his or attention.
her values and principles Importance of Personality Development
• Sexual dimension: how a person feels he or she • Grooms an individual and helps him make a
fits into society’s masculine/feminine norms mark of his own
• It reduces stress and conflicts
CHAPTER 1: Personality Development & It’s • Helps you develop a positive attitude in life
• Plays an important role in developing not only
your outer but also inner self
• conglomeration of an individual’s thoughts,
• Helps individuals to inculcate positive qualities
feelings, emotions, attitudes, intelligence,
like punctuality, flexible attitude, willingness to
interests and abilities.
learn, friendly nature, eagerness to help others
• combination of traits patterns that play a vital and so on
role in the behavior, motivations, emotions and Personality development tips
thinking of the individual.
• Smile a lot
• term “personality” came from the Latin word
• Think positive
‘persona’, which means “mask.” It is what
• Dress sensibly
people project which includes the inner areas of
• Be soft- spoken
psychological experience which we
• Evaluate yourself
collectively call as our ‘self’.
• Avoid back stabbing and criticizing people
• summation of overt and covert behavior. Overt
• Help others
behavior includes those traits that are readily
• Develop confidence
available to the eye, it is what the person
desires others to see, while covert behavior is • Be patient listener/ a good communicator
those that ‘more than meet the eye’. These are
the traits and characteristics that are hidden for Structure of Personality
some reason. Sigmund Freud
 believed that an individual’s personality has
• influences what we think, our beliefs, values
three parts and thus is often called as tripartite
and expectation. These are the personal
qualities and characteristics of an individual.
 Austrian Neurologist and the founder of
psychoanalysis, a clinical method for evaluating
and treating pathologies.
• ID - the core of our being • Super Ego - Develops through socialization.
• Ego - your conscious mind, part of your identity Concerned with morality, right or wrong
that is considered yourself
• Super Ego - this tells how to behave based on Determinants of Personality
learned moral and values Following are the factors which help in shaping one’s
Why do we study structure of personality? 1. Heredity
• Understanding personality allows • factors that are determined once an
psychologists to predict how people will individual is born. An individual’s
respond to certain situations and the sorts of physique, attractiveness, body type,
things they prefer and value. To get a sense of complexion, body weight depend on
how researchers study personality psychology, his/her parents biological makeup.
it will be helpful to learn more about some of 2. Environment
the most influential personality theories. • which an individual is subjected to
Id during his growing years plays an important role
• most primitive and is mainly concerned with the in determining his/her personality. The varied
instant gratification of physiological needs and cultures in which we are brought up and our
urges. It is the pleasure-oriented side of one’s family backgrounds have a crucial role in
persona. shaping our personalities
• An individual who seeks immediate pleasure in 3. Situation
order to satisfy their biological and • An individual’s personality also changes
psychological needs without taking into with current circumstances and situations.
• Part of the mind that responds immediately to Basic Personality Traits
wants and desires • also known as the 5-factor model of personality-
Ego developed in 1949 by D.W. Fiske
• Is rational and realistic area of the system. The 1. Openness to experience
ego is the “self” and it resolves the conflict  this trait means that a person is open to
between “id” and “superego”. It maintains the possible experiences and learning which
balance and the “homeostasis’ between two connotes wide interests, curiosity,
opposing system within one’s persona. flexibility, vivid fantasy, artistic
• The ego operates based on the reality principle, sensitivity, high motivation, creativity
which works to satisfy the id's desires in a innovativeness and unconventional
manner that is realistic and socially appropriate. attitudes. This trait also shows
For example, if a person cuts you off in traffic, conformity to the standards of the
the ego prevents you from chasing down the car society and community and resilience in
and physically attacking the offending driver times of adversity.
2. Conscientiousness
• Decision- making part of the mind
 People who are have this trait listen to
Superego their conscience and act accordingly.
• Is the moral arm of one’s persona. Sometimes it  Extremely cautious and self disciplined/
is termed as “conscience” which serves as focus on the details
gauge to measure how we fare in relation to  They never perform task in haste but
societal expectations. It reiterates on the good thinks twice before acting
of everyone else over one’s own pleasure.  Finish tasks right away
3. Extraversion and introversion
The ID, Ego, Super Ego
a) Extraversion - individuals that show
• ID - Unconscious. Pleasure oriented and selfish.
more concern towards what is
• Ego - Conscious. Driven by reality principle.
happening outside. Such individuals
Decision making personality
love interacting with people around and • refers to a pattern of behavior and personality
are generally talkative. associated with high achievement,
b) Introversion - Such individuals do not competitiveness, and workaholic
bother others and are seldom
Type A people mainly have the following behavior and
interested in what is happening around.
outlook in life:
They prefer staying back at home rather
1. They are great at multitasking unrelated
than going out and spending time with
duties and jobs.
2. They are in a race to achieve higher goals.
4. Agreeableness
3. They find it difficult to accept failure.
 this trait refers to being a person with
4. They feel like time is an opponent that they
much altruism and benevolence meant
have to beat every day.
for others. They empathize, sympathize
5. This severe sense of urgency makes them
and cooperate a lot by volunteering
themselves in any moment of need.
They are trusting, cooperative and 6. Relaxation is difficult for them
highly dependable in nature. 7. They need to compete.
 they accommodate themselves to all Type B
situations and are friendly and kind • Type B people have lower incidence of heart
hearted. problems. They are indulgent and tolerant. They
 Has a great deal of interest in other also reported higher levels of satisfaction in life.
people • Type B people are relaxed, less stressed, flexible,
 Cares about others emotional and expressive, and have a laid-back
 Feels empathy and concern for other attitude.
 Enjoys helping and contributing to the Typically, these people have the following
happiness of other people characteristics:
 Assists others who are in need of help 1. They know their abilities and work steadily
5. Neuroticism for their goals.
 this trait connotes negativity as 2. They enjoy their achievements.
experiences are thought to be full of 3. They are not so stressed out to excel.
sadness, hostility, self-conscious, 4. They enjoy games and competitions
insecure, vulnerable and frustrated. The 5. They are reflective and innovative
individual is highly anxious and nervous 6. They are easy go lucky
about what will happen next. 7. They are even-tempered
 worry about many different things 8. They typically live less stressful in lives.
 stressed and feels anxious
Personality Disorder
Personality Type • Refers to certain abnormalities in the behavior
• In 1950 Cardiologist Meyer Friedman and R.H. of individuals
Rosenman conducted a study on personality • are conditions where an individual fails to
types. The two opposite personality types behave in the desired manner and his thought
namely Type A and Type B displayed behavioral process and mindset are not in line with the
and emotional tendencies that become the society’s norms and expectations
subject of the study.
Type A Why do we need to know about the personality
• Type A personality is more likely to be disorder?
preoccupied with social status, accomplishment • Having a personality disorder can make daily
in life, and self-esteem. This person is often functioning, such as participating in education,
domineering, impatient, and prone or quick to work and developing relationships- may become
anger. extremely difficult. It is important that people
with personality disorders learn how to manage  refers to a condition where individuals
behavioral symptoms as early as possible to can actually go to any limit to seek
maintain a healthy life attention
 they do not mind adopting wrong ways
Types of Personality Disorder like flirting, seductive ways to make
1. Paranoid Personality Disorder themselves popular
 Individuals with paranoid personality 7. Narcissistic Personality Disorder
disorder mistrust others for no reason.  individuals who are only concerned
 They adopt suspicious attitude towards about their own image, pride, social
others. status and often self-obsessed
 consider themselves unsafe wherever  thinks they are the most important
they go person on earth and no one else really
 consider every single person as their exists
enemy 8. Avoidant Personality Disorder
2. Schizoid Personality Disorder  feels ignored by others and fear being
 Finds socializing with others irrelevant ridiculed by the society
and a mere waste of time and energy.  fear interacting with others and feel
 Such individuals do not believe in social that others are making fun of him/her
relationship and prefer isolation.
 They detach themselves in from the 9. Dependent Personality Disorder
outside world and are lost in their own  individuals are extremely dependent on
small world. others
3. Schizotypal Personality Disorder  often lacks self confidence
 refers to a condition where individuals  dependent on others for their
generally think what is practically not emotional needs
possible 10. Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder
 has an odd behavior and easily get  Obsessed with discipline, perfectionism
nervous in social gatherings and orderliness (obsession)
 prefer staying at home  urge to do something over and over
4. Antisocial Personality Disorder again (compulsion)
 do not value the rights of other  cleaning and handwashing
individuals  hoarding
 often disrespect other people around
How does personality development important in the
 absolutely have no feelings or
Business Industry?
sentiments for others
• It teaches the employees to be calm, optimistic
 tends to develop hatred and jealousy to
and serene in their poise and this reclines the
customer. Good posture speaks a lot about an
5. Borderline Personality Disorder
individual. Hospitality industry deals with taking
 often suffer from extreme mood
care of the needs of the public and thus it is
important for all those people who work in this
 always think in extremes and there is
sector to focus on building the right personality
never a middle way for them
that would empower them succeed there.
 Such thinking is often called “Black and
Without this, it would trigger to dissatisfaction
White Thinking”.
of customers.
 tend to be extremely violent with
personal relationship
Skills that the Business Industry engraves which helps
6. Histrionic Personality Disorder
in building the personality of an individual:
• Good communication
• Compassion
• Knowledge • Charles Frederick Worth was an English fashion
• Good dressing and inner beauty designer who founded the House of Worth, one
of the foremost fashion houses of the 19th and
CHAPTER 2: Basic Wardrobe & Fashion early 20th centuries. He is considered by many
Fashion fashion historians to be the father of Haute
• Always changing, slightly elusive, extremely Couture.
seductive. It has the power to transform an • Haute Couture- French for “High Sewing” or
image and make a social statement. Clothing in “High Dressmaking”
general term means garments. It is also • The creation of impeccable, custom-fitted high
protection, comfort, modesty, and end fashion design that today is partially
enhancement of your beauty. Today, it has constructed by hand and often utilizes other
become a revelation of one’s life and a handmade, one-of-a-kind embellishments,
statement of individuality, status, and creativity. notions and trimmings.
• The prevailing custom, usage of style • The House of Worth was a French fashion house
• A popular trend, especially in styles of dress that specializes in haute couture, ready to
and ornament or manners of behavior wear clothes, and perfumes.
• fashion is the most general term and applies • In the beginning of the 20th century, new
to any way of dressing, behaving, writing, or developments in fashion would take place in
performing that is favored at any one time or Paris first, from where they would spread to the
place rest of the world.
• To some, fashion is an art form. To others, it is • New designs of clothes would be born in Paris
almost a religion. before they found their way to other parts of
• But for most people it is a method of utilizing a the world. In other words, Paris emerged as the
clothing, accessories and hair to show or hide 'fashion capital’.
something about yourself. • Fashion during this period was mostly 'haute
• You can use fashion to express yourself, to serve couture', exclusively designed for individuals
as an extension of your personality or you can
use fashion to disguise your true self
• People wear clothing for functional as well as
for social reasons. Every article of clothing also
History of Fashion
carries a cultural and social meaning.
• The history of fashion design refers to the
• Clothing (also known as clothes, apparel and
development of the fashion industry which
attire) is items worn on the body is for
designs clothing and accessories.
protection, comfort, modesty, and
• The modern industry, based around firms or
enhancement of beauty.
fashion houses run by individual designers,
started in the 19th century with Charles Guidelines in Clothing
Frederick Worth who, beginning from 1858 was 1. Appropriateness above all
the first designer to have his laser sewn into the • always dress within the bounds of
garments that he created classic good taste. A sense of propriety,
• Fashion started when humans began wearing dictated by the occasion and the
clothes. These clothes were typically made from company, is necessary.
plants, animal skins and bone. Before the mid- 2. Good materials and linens made more
19th century the division between haute attractive with elegance
couture and ready-to-wear did not really exist. • flashiness or fashionable extremes - are
But the most basic pieces of female clothing the unfailing guidelines that will ensure
were made-to- you comfort and ease.
measure by dressmakers and seamstresses deali 3. Dress conservatively.
ng directly with the client.
•Simplicity, expressed in the highest questions about the kind of lifestyle you lead. To
quality fabric and the most intelligent help you stay true to yourself, the following is a
design, has a special elegance. handy guide to help define your own style.
4. Mix and match and feel comfortable and at Preppy
ease. • polished pieces as a collared shirt and khakis,
• Remember that choice is not a static along with classic sporty gear, like a tennis skirt
and does not forbid some crossing over and polo shirt
for variety and experimentation. Classic
• The clothing in this man's wardrobe is all about
Lines in Clothes being timeless. It's about quality. It's about
1. Vertical line - creates an illusion of height and proven pieces that are not going to go out of
makes a person look taller. It is ideal for the style.
plump person. Hipster
2. Horizontal line - it cuts height and adds width. • Natural and carefree, this style is pretty vast, yet
Contrasting colors in two-piece outfits create trendy. Men’s hipster styles are usually a mix of
horizontal lines and minimize height. The longer casual, grunge, and punk with some ‘60s hippie
the unbroken area from the hem to the figure, influence thrown in.
the taller you look. Trendsetter
• a designer, promoter, or follower of the latest
Factors Affecting Choices of Colors fashions
A person should know how to use colors more Sporty/Casual Chic
effectively to enhance her personality. Choice of color is • a laid-back street style that brings sporty
not expensive, but it can add a lot to achieve the smart elements and urban aesthetics together in one
look. outfit
1. Color of skin, eyes, and hair. The Filipino’s
• Artist or those who work in a more relaxed
“kayumanggi” complexion looks best in shades
environment, such as the entertainment
of coral, orange-reds, brown, greenish blues. If
industry, whether as sound engineers, DJs or
you have rosy complexion, you will look well in
promoters, are most able to sport a rock style
shades of red and orange tones. Beige with
during the day.
touches of brown is flattering for you.
2. Personality. Your personality is an important Men’s Fashion Tips
factor in the choice of colors. The color should Tall guys should:
make you feel right. A bright, red dress may • Dress in layers
disturb you if you are shy and retiring if you are • Style with belts
a dynamic person a delicate pastel may not look • Get custom-tailored clothes
right on you. • Skip the vertical stripes
3. Occasion. Office clothes should not be as bright • Avoid wearing too-tight jeans
as sports clothes. Evening clothes should be Styling tips for short guys
more dramatic than daytime clothes. As a • Avoid loose-fitting garments
whole, office clothes should be more • Don't wear a belt
conservative, more subdued than clothes for • Use accessories proportionate to your size
social clothes. • Wear medium or high waisted pants
• Don't wear bulky outerwear
Defining Men’s Style 5 most popular haircuts for men in 2022
• To identify one’s personal style, you must begin 1. Combed Over
by getting rid of anything in your wardrobe that • classic comb
seems more suited to who you were five years 2. Quiff
ago than to who you are today. Next, ask yourself • slightly messy yet well-kept
3. French Crop • Being able to identify your body shape is the
• short haircut who wants a masculine first step to finding the most flattering fit in a
and low-maintenance style dress.
4. Buzz Cut • Style is not all about sporting the trendiest
• time-tested favorite among busy men outfits; it’s about highlighting the best features
who like the clean, no-nonsense look on your body. Flatting your body shape can
and masculine vibe elevate the look of any wardrobe.
5. Slide Back
Body Types
• This cut requires some maintenance
The four body
and a commitment to strong styling
types we will
products, but most men find it simple
predominantly be
enough to style on the go.
addressing are
WOMEN’S FASHION hourglass, pear
• Women fashion is not just about wearing (or triangle),
woman fashion clothing. It is something that athletic and
you can associate yourself with. round. Follow the
• Beauty, self-expression, self-confidence, below chart to determine which body type you are.
progression 1. Hourglass
• Your body frame, skin tone, comfort level and • Your Body: Hourglass figures are curvy
personal attitude are some factors that with proportionate hips and bust.
determine your fashion statement. Individuals with this body type have an
upper body that is considered
Women’s General Fashion Tips “balanced” with their leg length.
1. The foundation of your wardrobe should be Hourglass figures also have well-defined
clothing basics waists, and this asset should be
2. Wear clothes you are comfortable in and that accentuated.
reflect your personality. • Best Dresses for You: Look for dresses
3. Please wear only your size. that have V-necklines, open necklines,
4. Black is not as body flattering/looks attractive as cinched-in waistlines, and/or form-
you might think fitting tops. Wrap dresses with belted
5. With makeup, less is more. waists are also a great option for
6. Be careful while adding on accessories hourglass figures
7. Stocking should be flesh toned or match your
• What NOT to Wear: Baby doll dresses,
shapeless styles, empire waist styles,
The Best Fashion Advise of All Time and oversized dresses.
1. Balance Proportion 2. Pear (or Triangle)
2. Wear trends in an age-appropriate way. • Your Body: Girls with a triangle body
3. The right bra makes you look slimmer. type typically have a thinner upper body
4. Don’t be too matchy matchy and larger hips and thighs. To appear
5. Show skin selectively more balanced and proportionate,
6. Spend as much as you can afford triangle body types should opt for
something that's not controlled by trend dresses that add more volume to their
7. Develop a signature style upper half.
8. Everyone should own a classic white shirt • Best Dresses for You: Any dress with a
9. Mix prints and patterns strapless top, a fitted open neck, a V-
10. Jewelry should accentuate your features neckline, A-line or full skirt will help
hide a wider hip. Dresses with details in
Flattering Dresses for your Body Shape
the bust area will help create a (less than 5ft 3inches tall) with a slender
balancing effect. body type.
• What NOT to Wear: • For these women, they suggest wearing
Oversized/shapeless styles, full poofy fitted dresses to accentuate their lean
skirts, super-short hemlines, and curve- physique and dresses with a belt around
hugging fabrics the waist to help create a more
3. Athletic flattering shape. Short dresses that
• Your Body: If you have an athletic body, allow you to show a little leg can go a
your silhouette is slightly more narrow long way.
in the hips than in the shoulders.
Athletic body types also tend to have
waists that are not well-defined and
broader shoulders. The key with this
body type is to balance your upper body
with your narrower lower body.
• Best Dresses for You: Any dress that will
balance the upper body and fill your
slight hips, such as dresses with
embellishment, ruffles or any other
volume-increasing details. A-lines and
lower waistlines are very flattering.
• What NOT to Wear: Strapless dresses
and dresses that don’t have enough
4. Apple (or Round)
• Your Body: Women with apple body
types carry their weight in their
midsection and usually have a shorter,
undefined waist, and slim legs. Apple
body types also tend to have flatter
• Best Dresses for You: Any dress that
draws attention to your upper body is a
good option. Belted styles, drop-waist
dresses, swing dresses, dresses with an
embellished top or an empire waist all
fit this criterion. A-line dresses, wrap
dresses, and dresses with full skirts are
also great options, as they help conceal
the midsection. A major asset of apple
body types is their legs, so feel free to
flaunt them in shorter dresses.
• What NOT to Wear: Anything that
turns the eye to your midsection, such
as horizontal lines, natural waistlines,
and fitted tops.
5. Petite
• Some styling experts also create a
separate category for petite women
Shopping Guidelines
1. Go shopping alone
2. Consider the versatility of the garments you’re
3. Do not choose a costly blouse/skirt that goes
with nothing in your closet.
4. Look for new trends in the Internet or fashion
magazines to what is in sale and available.
Never pick a trend if you feel you could wear it
for a few months only.
5. Treat yourself to a touch of today’s trends but
also invest in timeless traditions - select the best
quality you can afford.
6. Pre-shopping or window shopping is
recommended. Determine what you need for
school and work. Be sure to try on clothes
before buying them to see if they really actually
fit you.
7. Avoid high-fashion fads (catching on the
population), concentrate on conservative stylish

Shopping Traps to Avoid

1. Think twice before shopping with a friend. A
friend is a distraction and may keep you from
focusing in what you came for.
2. A friend's taste and aims may be different from
3. Avoid shopping out of loneliness.
4. Don’t shop for bargains. Don’t judge a
merchandise by its price tags.

Ultimately, what fashion boils down to is personal

style. Sometimes, breaking the rules is that it takes
to create that style. The most important rule to keep
in mind-and one that will never expire - is to be
comfortable with what you wear. Personality should
never be compromised for trends.

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