Legal Portfolio
Legal Portfolio
Legal Portfolio
My Introduction
My name is Angie Catalina, and my last name is Mojica Becerra. I’m from Duitama
Boyacá, but I’m living in the last five years ago in Bogotá with my mother and my uncle. I’m a
law student now I am in my fourth semester at the Libre University. In my free time my
hobbies are read, sing, watch the series and spend time with people that I love. My contact
details are my e-mail address is [email protected] and my cell phone number is
three (3) two (2) two (2) six (6) one (1) six (6) two (2) four (4) one (1) four (4).
My Expectation
Some of my expectation for this class mainly is to learn to use this language in my
career in the best possible way. I would also clearly like to develop a better pronunciation and
something very important that is to improve my level in English, tis would also help me to look
2. Read the text and complete the table using information from the text.
Legal system
a. The methods of interpreting laws and putting them into effect is a (legal
4. Check the correct sentence that use the underline parts correctly
In the legal profession we found these jobs, plaintiff, attorney, jury, judge,
paralegal, defendant.
From these positions I would choose to develop the job of defending someone for
their actions, that is, an attorney, because I would like to fight to protect and enforce the
rights of people
2. Read the brochure and mark the following statements as true o false
I. Butler and Evans associates helps people who have been hurt (true) because this is the
II. The firm’s clients are responsible for bringing proof to the attorneys (false) because this
evidence is obtained both by the investigation of the attorney’s and those delivered by
the clients
III. The firm does not charge clients whose cases are not won or settled (false) because
regardless of whether the case is won or not charged is for carrying out the process
2) The law firm helps people involved in an argument or conflict with their neighbors (a
4) Everyone in the court has the right to receive justice according to established rules (due
5) Mr. Tan initiate a legal course of action against his neighbor because her dog barks too
much (lawsuit)
• Family law
○ Divorce
○ Adoption
○ Cohabitants (UMH)
○ Dissolution of marriage (cesación de efectos civiles del matrimonio
religioso) L 25/1992
○ Successions
○ Everything related to minors
4. Fill in the blanks with the correct words and phrases from the word bank
Legal action
I. Hopefully Mr. Wilton will be able to settle this problem without going to court
II. Mrs. Janson decided to appeal after the judge ruled against her.
IV. Ms. Britt wants to take legal action against her employer for not giving her a promotion
V. Attorneys don’t win cases when there is not enough proof to support their arguments
Because there are people that have been injured because of someone else’s carelessness.
The people must call an attorney and then they are going to get the damages of they’re entitled
also the investigators are going to get the proof that the people needed for their trial.
Legal Terminology
Accused – acusado
Administrative law- derecho administrative
Amend the law- corregir la ley
Appeal: interponer un recurso de apelación
Alimony: alimentos debidos entre cónyuges, hijos, padres
Attachment proceeding: proceso ejecutivo
Attach: embargo
Attorney: abogado
Administrative contracts: contratos administrativos
Adoption: adopcion
Bring a prosecution: denunciar (criminal law y court law)
Bring an action: demandar
Blended procedure: procedimiento mixto
Bodies of the Public Ministry who ensures the process legality
(Procuraduría, Defensoría, Contraloría).
Citizens: ciudadanos
Civil law: derecho civil
Commercial law: derecho commercial
Comes into a force: entrar en vigencia
Constitutional law: derecho constitutional
Criminal law: derecho penal
Complaint: demanda o problema
Court: corte
Cohabitants: compañeros permanentes
Carelessness: deber objetivo de cuidado
Case: proceso (procedure, proceeding)
Contract: contrato
Crimes: delito
Criminal law: Conducta típica, antijurídica y culpable
Check: cheque
Crown Prosecution Office: The person is the prosecutor. (Fiscal)
Criminal judge: juez penal
Deposition: interrogatorio
Derogate the law: derogar la ley
Draft: letra de cambio
Defendant: demandado
Due process: debido proceso
Family law: derecho de familia
Final decisión: sentencia
Fraud: fraude
Guilty: culpable
Guarantee: garantía derecho ocnstitucional
Guaranty: promesa (con artículos que puede comprar
Garanty: fianza en criminal law
High judge: juez
High court: corte suprema de justicia
Hired: contratado
Here in after: de aquí en adelante
Homicide: homicidio
International law: derecho internacional
Interpreting law: interpretar la ley
Innocent: inocente
Injured: injuria
Invoice: factura
Impound: secuestro
Jugde: juez
Jury: jurado
Labor law: derecho laboral
Represented: representado
Supreme court of justice: corte suprema de justicia
Speak on behalf: hablar en representación de alguien
Successions: sucesiones
Shoplifting: hurtos menores en establecimientos comerciales