Philbarfly's Missing Record Sheets Wave 2 Cynder

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UNSPEAKABLE ÎERROR (2) - A hero starting their

Activation on îhe same or adjacent Map Tile ENDURANCE (3) - This Enemy
automatically takes 2 Horror Hits that do 2 Sanitv
Damage each. cannot take more than 3 Wounds
ENDURANCE (4) -This Enemy cannot take more
from any single Hit (extra
than 4 Wounds from any single Hit (extra Damage is wasted) .
Damage is wasted). *V1c10us WEAPONS - Torture Drones
MAssIVE WINGS - Move through other models, and Hits ignore Armor and have a
changes targets each tum on the D6 roll of 4+. Damage value equal to the To
SHADOw MAGIK - At the start of his Activation, Hit roll.
Shade of Beli'al casts a random Spell from the
Shadow Magik Deck. TORTURE BLADES - Any Hero that takes 1
ARMoR OF DARKNESS - Critical Hits only reduce or more Wounds from Torture Drones
Shade of Beli'al's Defense to 2 (instead of 0), and during a tum also gains a Bleeding
also cause 1 Corruption Hit to that Hero. Shade marker.
of Beli'al is immune to Burning and Hellfire

1) STARE INTO THE ABYSS - Any Hero .adjacent to Shade of Beli'al at the start of their
Adivation takes Unspeakable Terror (4) mstead of only (2).
, 2) DECAYED BINDINGS - On any turn in which the Hold Bac~ the Darkness roll is failed, ' 2) FAILED EXPERIMENTS - Torture Drones gain the Keyword Undead and have '
Shade of Beli'al is +3 Damage and casts an extra Shadow Magik Spell. REGENERATION (2) - At the start of each turn, Heals 2 Wounds.
3) FEEDS ON SouLS - Shade of Beli'al is +15 Health and an extra +5 Health more per Hero. 3) KA.TARI-REINFORCED SKELETONS - +3 Health.
' 4) HAND OF DEATH - Melee To Hit is now 4+. 1
5) BURNING RUNES - Any Hit clone to Shade of Beli'al while adjacent to him also does 1 5) NITRO INFUSERS - Torture Drones are now +2 Initiative and Melee Ta Hit 3+.
Hit back on that Hero.
6) CHARGED WEAPONS - A Hero that takes one or more Wounds from a Torture
6) .MAsrER OF ARMAGEDDON - Ail other Enemies are +l Damage on ail of their A Drone's Melee Attack also gains a Stunned marker.
and +2 Heahh (may be ugraded m ti le · 1es). •
UNSPEAKABLE ÎERROR (3) - A hero starting their
ENDURANCE (3) - This Enemy Activation on the same or adjacent Map Tile
automatically takes 2 Horror Hits that do 2 Sanity
cannot take more than 3 Wounds Damage each.
from any single Hit (extra ENDURANCE (4) - This Enemy cannot take more
Damage is wasted). than 4 Wounds from any single Hit (extra
*V1cmus WEAPONS - Torture Drones Damage is wasted).
Hits ignore Armor and have a MAss1vE DEMONIC WINGS - Move through other
Damage value equal to the Ta mOdels, and changes targets each tum.
Hir roll. SHADOW MAGIK - At the start of his Activation,
Shade of Beli'al casts a random Spell from the
TORTURE BLADES - Any Hero that takes 1 Shadow Magik Deck.
or more Wounds from Torture Drones ARMoR OF DARKNESS - Critical Hits only reduce
during a turn also gains a Bleeding Shade of Beli'al's Defense to 2 (instead of 0), and
marker. also cause 1 Corruption Hit to that Hero. Shade
of Beli'al is immune to Buming and Hellfire

1) STARE INTO THE ABYSS - Any Hero adjacent to Shade of Beli'al at the start of their
Activation takes Unspeakable Terror (5) instead of only (3).
2) DECAYED BINDINGS - On any turn in which the Hold Back the Darkness roll is failed,
' 2) FAILED EXPERIMENTS - Torture Drones gain the Keyword Undead and have ' Shade of Beli'al is +3 Damage and casts an extra Shadow Magik Spell.
REGENERATION (2) - At the start of each turn, Heals 2 Wounds. 3) SHADOW R:ISING - At the start of each turn, every Hero takes 1 Corruption Hit.
, 3) IRON-FIBER MuscLE IMPLANTS - +4 Health. , 4) SouL DEVOUR - Heroes KO'd by Shade of Beli'al roll a D8 on the Injury or Madness ,
' 4) ]AGGED BLADES - Torture Drones now use a DS for their Ta Hit rolls.. ' Chart instead of the normal 2D6..
5) MIND LEECH - Heroes adjacent to Torture Drones cannot Recover Grit. 5) HELL RUNES - Any Hit clone to Shade of Beli'al while adjacent to him also does 1
Combat Hit from Shade of Beli'al back on that Hero.
6) CHARGED WEAPONS - A Hero that takes one or more Wounds from a Torture 6) .MAsrER OF ARMAGEDDON - Ail other Enemies are +l Damage on all of their Atta
Drone's Melee Attack also gains a Stunned marker.
• 1 and +2 Health (may be ugraded _multi le timesL- ~

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