Important Antonyms For PMS Punjab

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List of Most Important Antonyms For PMS Punjab
1000 Antonyms For PMS Punjab

1 Abandon Regain Retain Remain Revive

2 Abdicate Claim Snatch Plunder Seize

3 Aberration Insanity Derangement Sanity Resistance

4 Abhor Despise disdain demolish admire

5 Abhorrence Aversion Liking Appreciation Fear

6 Abjure Renounce Relinquish Abnegate Acquire

7 Aboriginal Modern Popular Current Contemporary

8 Abridgement epitome dissect abstract enlargement

9 Abrupt Obscure Gradual Concrete Rapid

10 Absolute Scarce Limited Faulty Deficient

11 Abstain Dismiss Indulge Disgrace Repel

12 Abstruse Abstract Shallow Recondite Profound

13 Abundance Poverty Wretchedness Scarcity Famine

14 Abundant Short Limited Petty Meagre

15 Abusive Laudatory Profuse Effusive Noble

16 Accelerate Creep Drag Lag Move slowly

17 Accentuate Disparage Enunciate Aggrandize Exacerbate

18 Acclamation Denunciation Suppression Termination Applause

19 Accolade Blame Reticent Decorate Permeate

20 Accomplice Friend Accessory Assort Opponent

21 Accord Solution Act Dissent Concord

22 Accumulate Disperse Dismiss Below Aware

23 Accumulated Sundered Receded Collected Garnered

24 Accusation Encouragement Complaint Felicitation Exculpation

25 Acquisitive Miserly Frugal Simple Austere

26 Acquit Despair Mild Smart Condemn

27 Acquitted Entrusted Convicted Burdened Freed

28 Acumen Intelligence Imbecility Potentiality Unfamiliarity

29 Acute Sharp Critical Dull Sensitive

30 Adamant Satisfied Comfortable Yielding Luxurious

31 Addition Multiplication Subtraction Enumeration Division

32 Adept Ignorance Inept Lacuna Inexperience

33 Adequate Profuse Abounding Scanty Abundant

34 Adherent Rival Alien Detractor Enemy

35 Admiration Blame Contempt Disapprove Despise

36 Admonish Commend Tolerate Flatter Approve

37 Audacious Smart Gluttonous Coward Even

38 Adulteration Purification Normalization Rejuvenation Consternation

39 Advance Retreat Restrain Withhold Defendable

40 Adversity Diversity Affliction Prosperity Catastrophe

41 Affectation Love Good Likable Natural

42 Affirm Refuse Reject Deny Disagree

43 Affirmation Denial Refusal Opposition Obstruction

44 Affirmed Contradicted Opposed Disputed Denied

45 Affluence Misery Stagnation Neglect Poverty

46 Affluent High Poor Rare fluent

47 Aggravate Depreciate Extinguish Subsidies Alleviate

48 Aggressive Dull Peaceful Doleful Inactive

49 Agile Apathetic Clever Prompt Quick

50 Agitate Please Disturb Pacify Rouse

51 Agony Conflict Sorrow Misery Ecstasy

52 Agreement Dislocation Discord Turbulence Fragmentation

53 Alacrity Liveliness Indifference Promptness Doubt

54 Alien Native Domiciled Natural Resident

55 Alienate Gather Identify Assemble Unite

56 Alight Disembark Embark Embalm Align

57 Alive Passive Dead Asleep Drowsy

58 Alleviation Exaggeration Exasperation Magnification Intensification

59 Allure Repulse Develop Entice Decoy

60 Ally alloy foe partner accessory

61 Altercation Explanation Challenge Compromise Opposition

62 Altruistic Selfish Cruel Unkind Evil

63 Always Never Sometimes Anytime Seldom

64 Amalgamate punish study separate reduce

65 Amateur Novice Professional Lover Apprentices

66 Amateurs Actors Promoters Democrats Professionals

67 Ambiguous Plain Clear Simple Easy

68 Ameliorate Lessen Hasten Expedite Worsen

69 Amenably Stubborn Docile Obedient Offensive

70 Amicable Cunning Shy Hostile Crazy

71 Amnesty Hostility Punishment Immunity Acquittal

72 Amorphous Amoral Definite Perfect Irregular

73 Ample Sufficient Minimal Meagre Optimal

74 Amplify Mummify Shock Curtail Embalm

75 Anathematize Radiate Regulate Deceive Bless

76 Ancestors Supporters Disciples Followers Descendants

77 Animosity Love Lust Luck None

78 Annexation supplement augmentation appendix none of these

79 Annihilate supplement augment append contract

80 Annoyance Exasperation Anger Vexation Calmness

81 Anomaly: Abnormality Inconsistency Regularity Deviation

82 Antipathy Obedience Admiration Agreement Fondness

83 Antique Common Recent Innovative Youthful

84 Anxious Fearful Worried Calm Concerned

85 Apocryphal Authentic Dubious Unsubstantiated Fictitious

86 Apotheosis departure from impatience demotion from surrender to

tradition with stupidity glory impulse

87 Appalling Shocking Consoling Scaring Horrifying

88 Apparent Illegible Hidden Mysterious Remote

89 Apparition Realness Perceptible Illusion Undetectable

90 Applaud Praise Loud Censure Acclaim

91 Appoint Dismiss Reward Yield Disunite

92 Appointment Disappointment Suspension Dismissal Discharge

93 Apposite Inappropriate Intemperate Inconsistent Irregular

94 Appreciation Appraisal Antipathy Admiration Assessment

95 Approached Retreated Reached Arrived Reproached

96 Approbate Ingratitude Condemn Dissatisfaction Master

97 Appropriate Undeserved Regardless Preempted Usurped

98 Archaic Modern Broken Old Dilapidated

99 Arid Cloudy Juicy Marshy Wet

100 Aromatic Tart Disagreeable Sour Odorous

101 Arrogant Simple Timid Civilized Modest

102 Artificial Solid Truthful Authentic Natural

103 Ascend Rise Descend Soar Climb

104 Asceticism Bliss Pleasure Joy Trance

105 Asperity Moistness Amenity Sour Generosity

106 Assent Confusion Dissent Self-interest Separation

107 Assert Agree Acquiesce Abjure Abdicate

108 Atheist Rationalist Theologist Believer Ritualist

109 Attract Repulse Reject Repel Distract

110 Audacious Meek Cowardly Mild Gentle

111 Audacity Quivering Cowardice Bravado Conciseness

112 Auspicious Spicy Unfavorable Conspicuous Condemnatory

113 Authentic Genuine Not True Factual Real

114 Autonomy Submissiveness Dependence Subordination Slavery

115 Avoidance Possession Passion Pursuit Power

116 Awry Badly Astray Straight Askew

117 Bacchanal Cautious Grave Cunning Sober

118 Baggy Strict Compact Firm Tight

119 Balmy Hard Genuine Mild Fragrant

120 Bane Curse Boon Base Violent

121 Banish Abandon Harbor Intrude Drop

122 Barbarous Ancient Civilized Gentle Savage

123 Baroque Direct Straight Plain Strong

124 Barren Oily Polished Sorrowful Fertile

125 Base Roof Height Top Climax

126 Bashful Dull Foolish Garbled Confused

127 Batty Prudent Sane Cunning Cautious

128 Baulk Admire Strengthen Clamor Encourage

129 Beautiful Bountiful Unique Bizarre Ugly

130 Beguile Persuade Cheat Flatter Smile

131 Belie Argue Justify Admire Approve

132 Benevolence Contempt Malevolence Hatred Derision

133 Benevolent Malignant Malevolent Equivalent Prevalent

134 Benign Gracious Sinister Novel Humane

135 Beseech Bully Solicit Command Dismiss

136 Betrayal Deception Treason Loyalty Distrust

137 Bizarre Droll Ridiculous Ordinary Comical

138 Blatant Noisy Quiet Barren Slow

139 Bleak Dull Dark Bright Exposure

140 Blemish Preserve Purify Defect Tarnish

141 Bliss Anguish Sorrow Agony Suffering

142 Boisterous Serenity Calm Cheerful Courageous

143 Bold Timid Nervous Coy Fearful

144 Boorish Handsome Happy Quite Genteel

145 Boost Hinder Obstruct Discourage Rebuke

146 Brace prop knock invigorate refresh

147 Brazen Modest Melodramatic Respectful Trashy

148 Breadth Shortness Narrowness Lightness Thickness

149 Bridge Divide Bind Release Open

150 Brilliant Dusty Dull Dumb Dud

151 Brusque Gold Opulent Gracious Suspect

152 Brutal Humane Fearless Criminal Adamant

153 Brutality Mercy Bestiality Cruelty Humanity

154 Bury Examine Open Disinter Dig

155 Buxom Slim Curvy Busty Ample

156 Cacophony Noise Discord Disharmony Harmony

157 Cajole Dissuade Detract Disclose Confide

158 Calculative Naive Gentle Docile Careful

159 Callous Careless Concerned Caress Carefree

160 Candid Cunning Diplomatic Doubtful Impertinent

161 Capacious Changeable Foolish Caring Limited

162 Capitulate Conquer Venerate Destroy Surrender

163 Capricious firm decided inflexible constant

164 Captious tolerant capable winning recollected

165 Captivate Distract Obscure Imprison Release

166 Captivity Slavery Permission Freedom Limitation

167 Carnal Civilized Spiritual Brave Friendly

168 Catholic Rigid Orthodox Strict Narrow


169 Cautious Unreasonable Careful Illogical Reckless

170 Cavil discern disclose introduce flatter

171 Cease Abandon Initiate Confront Confiscate

172 Celibacy virginity wedlock chastity single

173 Celibate Profligate Reprobate Extravagant Prodigal

174 Centifugal Nervus Renewal Ongoing Interruption

175 Chaffing Expensive Achieving Capitalistic Serious

176 Challenge Admire Accept Favour Praise

177 Chaos Turmoil Discord Bedlam Order

178 Chaotic Haphazard Organized Charming Charismatic

179 Charming Insolent Indignant Repulsive Handicapped

180 Chide Praise Fear Criticize Flatter

181 Chivalrous Gallant Dastardly Amorous Defiant

182 Choice Refusal Dilemma Harm Approval

183 Churlish Accommodating Polite Helpful Happy

184 Clarity Exaggeration Candor Confusion Reserve

185 Clear Implicit Effulgent Nebulous/opaque Lucid

186 Clumsy Foolish Inept Infer Dexterous

187 Co mitigate Appease Enhance Allay Relieve

188 Coarse Beautiful Soft Fine Attractive

189 Coax Dull Dissuade Active Speed

190 Coherent Disorganized Inept Carefree Distorted

191 Comedy Tragedy Trilogy Limerick Clergy

192 Comic Painful Fearful Tragic Emotional

193 Commend Suspend Admonish Hate Dislike

194 Commodious Limited Expensive Numerous Leisurely

195 Communicative Primitive Passive Dumb Reticent

196 Compact Shattered Enlarged Spread Diffused

197 Compassionate Unlawful Heartless Untrustworthy Indecisive

198 Competition Rivalry Compromise Monopoly Contest

199 Comply Refuse Agree Disagree Deny

200 Compulsory Easy Optional Unnecessary Mandatory

201 Comrade Friend Associate Follower Enemy

202 Conceal Unfold Reveal Open Discover

203 Concealment Identification Broadness Evidence Indication

204 Conciliation Dispute Dispute Separation Confrontation

205 Concise Extended Lengthy Protracted Elongated

206 Concord amity accord variance unity

207 Concur Agree Weak Praise Disagree

208 Condense Lengthen Expand Distribute Interpret

209 Condign Equitable Undeserved Aloof Lawful

210 Confess Deny Refuse Contest Contend

211 Confident Diffident Timid Preserved Shy

212 Conform Disappoint Reform Deform Dissent

213 Conformity Deviation Dilution Distraction Diversion

214 Confuse Lucid Extraordinary Dirty Muddle

215 Congeal liquefy mollify harden solidify

216 Congenial Accord Snug Engaging Unpleasant

217 Conjecture Critic Gathering Strife Reality 

218 Conscientious uncorrupt honorable principled profligate

219 Consent Resent Dissent Differ Recent

220 Considerate Harsh Infuriated Opposed Indifferent

221 Consistency Anomaly Constant Regularity Errant

222 Consolidate Isolate Weaken Divide Identify

223 Conspicuous Indifferent Harmless Insignificant Unknown

224 Contemplative Wistful Unreflective Numbed Aroused

225 Contented Dissatisfied Emptied Happy Unfriendly

226 Contentious Precious Controversial Benevolent Extravagant

227 Contradiction Opposition Adjustment Confirmation Agreement

228 Controversial Uncertain Dubious Undisputed Questionable

229 Convene Cancel Adjourn Dissolve Postponed

230 Convex Flat Protuberant Full Indented

231 Convicted Acquitted Pardoned Exempted Liberated

232 Convoluted: Puzzled Intricate Straightforward Tangled

233 Co-operation Rebellion Resistance Hindrance Opposition

234 Cordial Fast Heartfelt Friendly Hostile

235 Corrupt Honest Unclean Heartless Hateful

236 Cosset Neglect Divert Pamper Pinch

237 Courage Bravery Weakness Cowardice Fear

238 Courageous Cowardly Cool Gallant Poor

239 Covert Clandestine Open Virtuous Wide

240 Cowardly Bravely Poor Master Ignorant

241 Crass Refined Rude Boorish Rough

242 Credit Discredit Debit Honesty Failure

243 Criticize Finish Recommend Commend Request

244 Crooked Twisted Devious Bended Straight

245 Crowded Deserted Lonely Empty Barren

246 Cruel Rich Wicked Poor Kind

247 Cryptic Superficial Secret Artificial Candid

248 Culminate Frustrate Fail Begin Defeat

249 Culmination Completion Climax Conclusion Beginning

250 Culpable Defendable Blameless Careless Irresponsible

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251 Culprit Jury Witness Accused Victim

252 Cumbersome Heavy Convenient Smooth Automatic

253 Curb Help Allow Restrain Remove

254 Cursory Final Thorough Impulsive Customary

255 Curtail Lengthen Shorten Entail Close

256 Dainty Splendid Aggressive Vigorous Tolerant

257 Dastard Sneak Courage Cad None of


258 Dauntless Cautious Thoughtful Weak Adventurous

259 Dear Cheap Worthless Free Priceless

260 Dearth Extravagance Scarcity Abundance Sufficiency

261 Debacle Success Response Acceptance Agreement

262 Debauched Dissipated Depraved Honorable Unrestrained

263 Debauchee Moralist Thinker Schemer Dreamer

264 Debilitating Strengthening Enfeebling Occupying Inhabiting

265 Debonair Worried Pensive Grim Serious

266 Deceit Honesty Natural Sincere Plainness

267 Deep Shallow Hollow Steep Low

268 Defection Resignation Invitation Joining Co-operation

269 Defiance Dismay Suspicion Obedience Anxiety

270 Deficit Superfluous Surplus Explicit Implicit

271 Defile Yield Repair Purify Describe

272 Degenerate Create Progress Restore Relieve

273 Delete Impound Insert Inspire Injure

274 Deleterious nourishing injurious vital fatal

275 Deliberate Premeditated Sparking Methodical Impulsive

276 Delusion Reality Acceptance Precision Fiction

277 Demand Request Supply Petition Claim

278 Demented Sensible Sensitive Sensual Sensuous

279 Demolish Shift Build Repeat Hide

280 Demon Charitable Kind-hearted Angel Fair-minded

281 Demure Humble Bold Coy Sober

282 Denigrate: Compliment Defame Slander Impugn

283 Denounce Signify Confirm Grant Praise

284 Dense Scarce Slim Sparse Lean

285 Density Brightness Clarity Intelligence Rarity

286 Deplete Refund Replenish Fulfil Recover

287 Depraved Great Enhanced Moral Prosperous

288 Depth Deep Shallow Hollow Filled

289 Derogatory Immediate Praising Opinionated Roguish

290 Descent Discern Dissent Assent Ascent

291 Desecration Hopelessness Disbelief Veneration Manifestation

292 Desiccate lengthen hallow exonerate saturate

293 Desist Assign Continue Hope Request

294 Despair Sneer Compliment Irony Hope

295 Despise Appease Flatter Admire Appreciate

296 Despondency Humility Pleasure Cheerfulness Excitement

297 Destiny Vulnerability Chance Self- Fate


298 Destroy Invent Make Produce Create

299 Destructive Structural Constructive Wind speed Static

300 Detest Denounce Ignore Adore Castigate

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301 Deviate Attract Continue Concentrate Attend

302 Devout Irreverent Sincere Homely Magnificent

303 Diabolic Patient Generous Kind Simple

304 Diffidence Self- Expansiveness Shyness Sharpness


305 Diffident Shy Brave Confident Meek

306 Dilate Frustrate Contract Expand Rotate

307 Dim Bright Understandable Loud Clear

308 Diplomatic sagacious shrewd bungling prudent

309 Disavowal Rebuttal Repeal Approval Appeal

310 Disconsolate Prominent Joyous Thankful Unprejudiced

311 Discount Interest Premium Profit Concession

312 Discrepancy Variance Inappropriate Consistency Inconsistency

313 Discrimination Bias Equality Motivation Replenishment

314 Disdain Depreciate Admiration Penitence Contempt

315 Disgorge Discharge Emit Evacuate Retain

316 Disingenuous Industrious Cumbersome Slothful Naive

317 Disperse Collect Assemble Hoard Save

318 Dissent Agreement Dispute Disunity Controversy

319 Dissipate Sustain Conserve Preserve Maintain

320 Dissuade Incite Persuade Advise Instigate

321 Distant Far Close Imminent Along

322 Distraught Clever Serene Distressed Foolish

323 Dither Cry Refer Decide Defer

324 Diverge Repulse Converge Resurge Constrict

325 Doleful Mournful Cheerful Deceitful Beautiful

326 Dormant Acute Active Able Ablaze

327 Dorsal Inactive Ventral Peripheral Central

328 Dour Radical Active Young Cheerful

329 Dreary Plenty Monotonous Unhappy Cheerful

330 Droll Forget Charm Serious Absurd

331 Dubious Shady Delirious Laconic Certain

332 Dusky Visible Fear Obscure Shadowy

333 Dwindle Diminish Shrink Increase Decrease

334 Dynamic Static Stupid Strange Stout

335 Eccentric Normal Carefree Unusual Peculiar

336 Eccentricity Normalcy Similarity Equality Clarity

337 Eclipse Shine Enlarge Goggle Gleam

338 Edification Lamentation Annotation Corruption Segregation

339 Effeminacy Aggressiveness Attractiveness Manliness Boorishness

340 Effeminate Feminine Androgynous Soft Manly

341 Effete Strong Adamant Bold Courageous

342 Efficacious Productive Ineffective Improper Urgent

343 Egoist Spiritless Selfless Senseless Soulless

344 Egress decline entrance rude angry

345 Elegance Vehemence Fragrance Gracelessness Ostentatious

346 Elementary Involved Complex Compound Hard

347 Eloquent Elegant Lucid Articulate Inarticulate

348 ELYSIUM Abode Blessed Pendemonium Rash

349 Embrace Suspect Harm Reject Hurt

350 Emerge Disappear Fall Mark Fade

351 Eminent Renowned Ordinary Special Ignorant

352 Encountered Avoided Enriched Faced Overcome

353 Encourage Warn Discourage Dampen Disapprove

354 Encouraged Neglected Feared Discouraged Disowned

355 Endangered Protected Livening up Abundant Blissful

356 Endow Borrow Steal Snatch Extort

357 Enduring Abiding Unwavering Transient Transitory

358 Enfranchise: Empower Restrain Liberate Naturalize

359 Engulfed Detached Dislocated Devastated Disfigured

360 Enigmatic Simple Reticent Plain Nervous

361 Enlarge Condense Glorify Amplify Augment

362 Enough Inadequate Scarce Deficit Less

363 Ephemeral Eternal Transitory Mortal Temporal

364 Epicurean Ascetic Slovenly Impression Providential

365 Epilogue Conversation Dialogue Dramatic Prologue

366 Epitome Quintessence Paragon Enlargement Incarnation

367 Equanimity Excitement Duplicity Dubiousness Resentment

368 Equilibrium Composure Imbalance Stability Inequality

369 Eradicate Preserve Alleviate Removal Obstinacy

370 Erratic Regular Right Punctual Free

371 Erudite Unimaginative Immature Ignorant Professional

372 Escalate Lessen Subside Reduce Heal

373 Establish Disrupt Uproot Corrode Negate

374 Estute Cowardly Foolish Wicked Impolite

375 Eternal Usual Active Realistic Temporary

376 Eternity Heaven Transcience Mundane Abstract

377 Euphonious Strident Lethargic Literary Musical

378 Evacuate Admit Emerge Abandon Invade

379 Evade Invade Escape Shun Confront

380 Evanescent Blooming Growing Twinkling Teasing

381 Evasive Indefinite Explicit Unclear Categorical

382 Evident Suspected Disagreed Doubtful Unimportant

383 Evolving Retreating Stifling Stagnating Suffering

384 Exaggerate Extravagant Understate Abundance Excerpt

385 Exaggeration Fabricate Understate Confab Curse

386 Exalt Depreciate Ennoble Glorify Simplify

387 Exasperate Belittle Annoy Please Tarnish

388 Execrable Importable Acceptable Desirable Irritable

389 Execrate Care Praise Love Bless

390 Exemptions Generalization Liberalization Exclusions Inclusions

391 Exhaustible Tires Empties Invigorate Drains

392 Exhibit Conceal Prevent Withdraw Concede

393 Exodus Influx Home-coming Return Restoration

394 Exonerate Compel Accuse Imprison Boldness

395 Exotic Poor Inexpensive Ugly Conventional

396 Explicit Elusive Allusive Ambidextrous Ambiguous

397 Extempore Sudden Prepared Imprint Frenzy

398 Extension Condensation Subtraction Deletion Weakening

399 Extenuate Alleviate Preclude Worsen Subdue

400 Exterior Internal Inner Interior Inward

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401 Extinct Recent Distinct Alive Ancient

402 Extraneous Unusual Dispirited Relevant Intrusive

403 Facilitate Help Propagate Hinder Reject

404 Facsimile imitation model mutation pattern

405 Fact Fable Story Illusion Fiction

406 Factitious Ridiculous Genuine Engineered Magnificent

407 Fair Untrue Unjust Coarse Harsh

408 Fake Wrong Fanciful Real Ideal

409 Fallible Unerring Reliable Falsehood Trustful

410 Famous Well-known Unknown Unfamiliar Notorious

411 Fastidious Fussy Cooperative Promising Adjustable

412 Fat Clean Mean Weak Lean

413 Fatuous Crafty Frugal Sensible Inane

414 Fecund Barren Solid Unplugged Hard

415 Feeble Lean Strong Flexible Robust

416 Felicity Innocence Sorrow Mimicry Infidelity

417 Ferocious Mild Sweet Brutal Wild

418 Fetter Restore Liberate Exonerate Distract

419 Fickle Diseased Fast Constant Quick

420 Fiendish Diabolical Devilish Angelic Friendly

421 Filthy Stainless Shining Sterilized Clean

422 Flaccid Upright Taut Uneven Tough

423 Flagitious Cardinal Mercenary Mertorious Askew

424 Flaunt Whip Flatten Show off Hide

425 Flawless Deficient Defective Seconds Sick

426 Flexible Blunt Rigid Gentle Rough

427 Flippant Earnest Warm Urgent Busy

428 Flood Drought Dry Cyclone Desert

429 Flourish Perish Degenerate Decay Dismiss

430 Fluent Inappropriate Halting Degrading Insensitive

431 Flurry Disclose Soothe Pelt Achieve

432 Focus Disappear Disperse Link Layer

433 Foment Repulse Cease Control Quell

434 Forbid Provoke Appreciate Celebrate Permit

435 Forbidden Allowed Prohibited Agreed Forsaken

436 Foreigner National Stranger Native Alien

437 Forlorn Joyful Lucky Fortunate Free

438 Formal Pitiable Informal Heedful Plain

439 Former Subsequent Later Resultant Latter

440 Fortify Undermine Intensify Strengthen Support

441 Foster Repress Curb Check Control

442 Fragile Weak Brittle Strong Discard

443 Frail Vigorous Sturdy Hardy Strong

444 Frailty Vehemence Strength Weak None

445 Frantic Calm Hopeful Active Bitter

446 Fraternity Hospitability Hostility Brotherhood Enmity

447 Friend Rival Acquaintance Foe Competitor

448 Frugal prodigal intemperate extravagant profuse

449 Frugality Thrift Generosity Degradation Providence

450 Furtive Straight Obvious Unambiguous Open

451 Futile Distinct Open Pleased Fruitful

452 Gainsay Affirm Reject Appreciate Lose

453 Garrulous Talkative Frank Enlightening Taciturn

454 Gather Separate Suspend Scatter Spend

455 Gawky neat handy graceful handsome

456 Generous Stoic Stingy Poor Specific

457 Genial Stupid Intelligent Hostile Affable

458 Genteel Uncivilized Stuffy Urbane Prim

459 Gentleman Clown Boor Dud Buffoon

460 Genuine Innocent Reckless Spurious Diluted

461 German Irrelevant Indifferent Impartial Improvident

462 Germane Irrelevant Indifferent Impartial Improvident

463 Gigantic Weak Fragile Slight Tiny

464 Glibe Unwilling Dumb Modest Halting

465 Glut Dearth Limit Drain Supply

466 Goblin Angel Hermit Traveler Pilot

467 Goliath Lightweight Dwarf Curse Silent

468 Gorgeous Desperate Plain Fashionable Sumptuous

469 Gradually Hastily Suddenly Thoughtlessly Impulsively

470 Grating Musical Unmusical Hoarse Strident

471 Gratuity Annuity Stipend Discount Wages

472 Gregarious Unsociable Unsympathetic Ungrateful Unattractive

473 Grieve Agony Moan Rejoice Sadness

474 Grim Serious Satisfying Delightful Painful

475 Grotesque Imaginary Familiar Hateful Natural

476 Group Singular Individual Alone Solitary

477 Gruesome Attractive Beneficial Gracious Amicable

478 Guilty Dubious Honest Innocent Sorry

479 Gumption Ingenuity Stupidity Sagacity Acumen

480 Haggard Healthy Animated Robust Hearty

481 Hamper Open Release Hold Hasten

482 Hamstring Strengthen Enlarge Stimulate Awaken

483 Handy Cumbersome Handful Unwieldy Heavy

484 Hapless Lucky Kind Helpful Futile

485 Happiness Contentment Grief Renunciation Beatitude

486 Harass Reward Praise Flatter Relieve

487 Harmonious Sonorous Discordant Concordant Balanced

488 Harmony Hatred Friction Discord Enmity

489 Harsh Strict Gentle Jovial Somber

490 Hate Admire Abhor Concern Loathe

491 Haughty Pitiable Scared Humble Cowardly

492 Hawk Conciliation Dove Pacifist Pigeon

493 Heighten Widen Decrease Strengthen Dissolve

494 Henpecked Meek Assertive Obedient Rebel

495 Heresy Harmony Blasphemy Nonconformity Dissension

496 Hesitate Proud Confident Certain Reluctant

497 High-strung nervous tense costly calm

498 Hindrance Agreement Cooperation Persuasion Aid

499 Hoard Deposit Supply Satisfy Accumulate

500 Holy Offensive Orthodox Profane Obnoxious

501 Honest Infect Cleanse Corrupt Pollute

502 Host Accomplice Enlarged Spread Diffused

503 Hostile Friendly Sudden Costly Unfair

504 Humble Rich Powerful Naughty Strong

505 Humility Dignity Cruelty Anger Pride

506 Hypocrisy uprightness pretense cant deceit

507 Ignite Light Rekindle Extinguish Genuine

508 Ignore Support Favour Redress Accept

509 Illegible Clear Imitable Clean Readable

510 Illicit Liberal Intelligent Lawful Clear

511 Illusory Deceptive Real Imaginary Certain

512 Illustrious Uneducated Uncivilized Unintelligent Unknown

513 Immaculate Flawless Filthy Weak Strong

514 Immediate Delayed Gradual Leisurely Slow

515 Immense Huge Innocuous Tiny Gigantic

516 Immortal Eternal Permanent Deathly Temporary

517 Immune Free Vulnerable Powerful Weak

518 Impeccable Perfect Rude Inexact Predict

519 Impecunious Wealthy Cautious Hungry Tardy

520 Impertinent Arrogance Appropriate Respectful Modest

521 Impervious Penetrable Hidden Tolerable Gentle

522 Impetuous Agitated Impulsive Cautious Reckless

523 Important Trivial Clear Turning Wavy

524 Impound Generate Strengthen Stimulate Release

525 Impoverished Pure Affluent Important Efficient

526 Impromptu Prompt Forced Premeditated Inordinate

527 Impropriety Decorum Purity Ideal Conformity

528 Impulsive Cautious Considerate Clever Cunning

529 In toto Bluntly Partially Entirely Strongly

530 Inadvertent Accidental Disingenuous Forthright Calculated

531 Inane Absurd Bright Laughable Meaningless

532 Inception Commencement Foundation Conclusion Inauguration

533 Inclement rough unpleasant unfavorable genial

534 Include Embrace Embody Eliminate Enclose

535 Incongruous Conflicting Contradictory Ill-matched Harmonious

536 Incredible Believable Possible Imaginable Enjoyable

537 Incur shun run blamed meet

538 Indict Accuse Exonerate Incriminate Impeach

539 Indifferent Restless Inattentive Attentive Reliable

540 Indigenous Native Cheap Foreign Inferior

541 Indomitable Adamant Certain Arrogant Cowardly

542 Indulge Avoid Abstain Forego Neglect

543 Inevitable Avoidable Unnecessary Inseparable Uncertain

544 Infallible Erring Untrustworthy Dubious Unreliable

545 Infirm Strong Weak Supporter Believer

546 Inflame calm anger excite kindle

547 Infructuous Devious Straight Remote Active

548 Ingenious Brilliant Pedestrian Crafty Original

549 Inhale Insert Extricate Hate Exhale

550 Inimical Friendly Cheerful Neutral Emotional

551 Innocent Sinful Guilty Deadly Corruption

552 Innocuous Pernicious Fine Strong Hygienic

553 Inquisitive Intrusive Cooperative Unsympathetic Indifferent

554 Insanity Sanity Normality Lucidity Sobriety

555 Insert Depict Extract Defame Enhance

556 Insipid Bland Flavorless Flat Tasty

557 Insolent Ignorant Proud Laudable Humble

558 Instinctive Innate Rational Inherent Inborn

559 Insular Cosmopolitan Isolated Narrow Parochial

560 Intangible Ethereal Concrete Insubstantial Abstract

561 Integration Unity Synthesis Linking Fragmentation

562 Interim Temporary Interior Permanent Continuous

563 Intransigent Ever- ready Faithful Flexible Obedient

564 Intricate Foolish Simple Straight Easy


565 Intrude Withhold Withdraw Accept Surrender

566 Invaluable Priceless Rare Inestimable Worthless

567 Inveterate Stupid Uneducated Ignorant Inexperienced

568 Invincible Impregnable Omnipresent Powerless Potent

569 Irascible Cranky Choleric Amiable Waspish

570 Irregular Erratic Prevailing Difficult Enticing

571 Irresolute ineffective without yielding sturdy


572 Isolation Segregation Association Seclusion Deportation

573 Jade Defend Grasp Cheer Harass

574 Jeer Mourn Praise Mock Sneer

575 Jest Gravity Grim Genial Sport

576 Jettison Rejoice Surrender Accept Defend

577 Jinx Taunt Juncture Tour Spell

578 Jittery Profuse Tense Bold Shaky

579 Jocose Dull Humorous Playful Diseased

580 Jubilant Scared Disturbed Gloomy Quiet

581 Judicious Unequal Unlawful Impure Indiscreet

582 Justify Accuse Infuriate Absolve Vindicate

583 Juxtaposition Difference Opposition Separation Appropriateness

584 Keen Dull Rogue Ardent Shrewd

585 Kill Azure Relief Execute Animate

586 Kindle Ignite Encourage Ignore Extinguish

587 Knack Talent Dullness Dexterity Balance

588 Knowledge Ignorance Illiteracy Foolishness Backwardness

589 Kook Illiterate Sane Peculiar Foolish

590 Lackadaisical Enthusiastic Intelligent Classical Irresponsible

591 Lackey strange poor master ignorant

592 Laconic Prolix Profligate Prolific Bucolic

593 Lament Rejoice Rejuvenate Complain Cry

594 Languid Smart Energetic Fast Ferocious

595 Lapse Interval Strengthen Decline Blunder

596 Larceny appropriation peculation purloining indemnification

597 Lassitude Pleasure Lustrous Lethargy Enthusiasm

598 Latent Unspoken Later Implicit Obvious

599 Laudable Extol Unworthy Ignorance Praise

600 Lauded Disparage Applaud Settle Hesitate

601 Lead Conduct Guide Follow Direct

602 Leap Plunge Sink Immerse Fall

603 Legato Uneven Brief Silent Smooth

604 Lend Hire Pawn Cheat Borrow

605 Lenient Strict Solid Forgiving Stoic

606 Lethal Safe Playful Virulent Forgiving

607 Levity Stupidity Gravity Lofty Absurdity

608 Liability Treasure Debt Assets Property

609 Liberal Irrelevant Free Sensitive Intolerant

610 Liberalism Humanism Dynamism Sectarianism Totalitarianism

611 Liberation Movement Bondage Service Unrest

612 Liberty Permission License serfdom Bound

613 Lissome Limber  Huge Pungent Crude

614 Lofty Humble Soaring Aerial Abode

615 Loosen Fasten Accelerate Delay Paste

616 Loquacious Talkative Taciturn Diffident Bashful

617 Loyal Rebellious Courageous Faithful Friendly

618 Lunacy Sanity Stupidity Sensibility Insanity

619 Luscious Dry Sour Ugly Stale

620 Luxuriant Barren Small Ghastly Decaying

621 Luxury Sadness Treachery Duplicity Austerity

622 Magnanimous Selfish Naive Generous Small

623 Magnify Induce Diminish Destroy Shrink

624 Make Liberate Break Emancipate Bind

625 Malediction Blessing Termination Parochial Simian

626 Malformed Fetid Sketchy Curvaceous Shapely

627 Malice Honor Ecstasy Goodwill Happiness

628 Malicious Malevolent Spiteful Baneful Benign

629 Malleable Teachable Intractable Manageable Pliable

630 Mammoth Dull Weak Tiny Bright

631 Manage Direct Avail Bungle Wild

632 Mask Deface Injure Expose Hit

633 Masticate Gobble Conceal Chew Review

634 Maverick Dependable Conventional Redundant Old

635 Mawkish Sentimental Intelligent Certain Carefree

636 Meagre Average Plentiful Extravagant Excessive

637 Meander Determine Ramble Deputize Deduce

638 Melancholy sorrowful happy forbidden brisk

639 Melancholy: Gloomy Pensive Cheerful Mirthless

640 Meticulous Slovenly Meretricious Shaggy Mutual

641 Mettle courage boldness cowardice spirit

642 Migrate Return Rehabilitate Transfer Settle

643 Militant Religious Combative Spiritual Pacifist

644 Miniature Large Small Heavy Least

645 Minion Master Quorum Majority Host

646 Minor Heavy Tall Major Big

647 Minuscule Minute Menial Massive Impressive

648 Misanthrope Doubter Hater Believer Agile

649 Misanthropist Pedant Pragmatist Zealot Philanthropist

650 Miserable Solitary Happy Active Laudable

651 Miserly Liberal Spendthrift Charitable Generous

652 Mitigate Enlarge Reduce Increase Multiply

653 Moderate Radical Revolutionary Nihilist Anarchist

654 Modicum Simplicity A large Brazenness Immodesty


655 Moist Parched Dry Hard Crisp

656 Monologue Dialogue Prologue Epilogue Catalogue

657 Monotonous Disastrous Terrifying Terrible Interesting

658 Morbid Healthy Clever Upright Sickly

659 Mortal Eternal Spiritual Immortal Divine

660 Mournful Playful Joyous Laughable Humorous

661 Mundane Inferior Cheap Extraordinary Good

662 Musty Fresh Expensive Clean Fine

663 Mutational Paternal Crepuscular Maritime Marsupial

664 Mutilate Instruct Induct Conduct Mend

665 Myopic Short-sighted Feeble- Fore-sighted Far-sighted


666 Myth Truth Fact Falsehood Story

667 NADIR Modernity Zenith Liberty Progress

668 Naive Cunning Wealthy Sophisticated Complicated

669 Nasty Ugly Pleasant Unpleasant Beautiful

670 Native Alien Foreigner Newcomer Stranger

671 Ncredible Believable Possible Imaginable Enjoyable

672 Neat Sloppy Fragrant Spruce Orderly

673 Neglect Omit Destroy Mistake Nourish

674 Negligent Inattentive Imprudent Insignificant Careful

675 Nervous Bold Doubtful Timid Shrewish

676 Nimble Giant Clumsy Quick Frank

677 Noisily Loudly Quietly Clearly Distinctly

678 Nonconformist Conventional Practical Fashionable Nomad

679 Notorious Infamous Honorable Prominent Reputed

680 Nourish Starve Foster Sustain Strengthen

681 Novel Formal Ancient Customary Traditional

682 Nugatory Voluptuous Slender Valuable Worthless

683 Obfuscate Simplify Explain Describe Clarify

684 Obliterate preserve destroy ravage design

685 Obliterate: Obscure Construct Eliminate Eradicate

686 Obscene Disobedient Decent Dislocate Cautious

687 Obscure Clear Gloomy Unpleasant Dark

688 Obsequious Careful Domineering Opaque Clever

689 Obsolete Conducive Rare Useless Recent

690 Obstinate Docile Aggravate Offensive Oppressive

691 Obstruct Clear Block Instruct Prevent

692 Obtuse Sharp-witted Transparent Timid Blunt

693 Occlude Open Shut Impede Choke

694 Odious pours charming horrid offensive

695 Offer Beg Borrow Snatch Request

696 Official Domestic General Public Private

697 Omit Exclude Include Undertake Add

698 Onerous Straight- Easy Complex Plain


699 Opaque Misty Covered Clear Transparent

700 Opulence Luxury Transparency Wealth Poverty

701 Opulent Wealthy Poor Sumptuous Drooping

702 Oral Written Correct Mental Verbal

703 Ornate Spartan Blemished Sturdy counterfeit

704 Orthodox Revolutionary Heretical Anarchist Generous

705 Ostentatious Awkward Bankrupt Ignorant Unpretentious

706 Ostracize Crucify Shun Discard Patronize

707 Outmoded Polished Practicable Stylish Fashionable

708 Outrageous Justifiable Lusty Jolly Wicked

709 Overt Open Complete Hidden Culvert

710 Overweening Humble Sedate Miserly Clever

711 Overwrought Alert Alive Excited Calm

712 Pacify Insult Injure Offend Aggravate

713 Paltry Strong Worthwhile Mean Bitter

714 Pandemonium Platform Quietude Confusion Tension

715 Panic Alarm Indifference Serenity Cautiousness

716 Panicky Confident Sober Quiet Calm

717 Parallel Divergent Curved Random Wavy

718 Parochial Narrow International Global World wide

719 Parsimonious Generous Frugal Crude Stingy

720 Particularly Elaborately Generally Comprehensively Entirely

721 Passionate Calm Arrogant Sure Fervent

722 Pastel Urban Delicate Bright Sweet

723 Patchy Clear Simple Uniform Attractive

724 Paternity Posterity Successors Offspring Ancestors

725 Paucity Surplus Scarcity Presence Richness

726 Peaked Tired Arrogant Pointy Ruddy

727 Penchant Dislike Attitude Imminence Distance

728 Penurious Destitute Impoverished Impecunious Opulent

729 Perdition Excitement Reward Inspiration Salvation

730 Peril Fatal Mortal Uncertainty Safety

731 Permit Endorse Approve Certify Forbid

732 Pernicious Prolonged Ruinous Ruthless Beneficial

733 Perpetual Intermittent Frequent Continuous Rare

734 Persistent Wavering Obstinate Enduring Steady

735 Persuade Promote Pervade Dissolve Dissuade

736 Persuasive Demoralizing Not True Discouraging Unconvincing

737 Pertinent Indifferent Detached Determined Irrelevant

738 Pessimist Theist Optimist Vocalist Believer

739 Philanthropic Self centered Benevolent Benign Unsparing

740 Philanthropist Philistine Moralist Spendthrift Miser

741 Philistine Debutante Novice Intellectual Pious

742 Phlegmatic dull active lymphatic frigid

743 Picket Demonstration Protester Lazy Conformist

744 Pilferer Sniper Punk Lifter Police

745 Placate Embroil Antagonize Amuse Pacify

746 Placid Urgent Dull Moving Stormy

747 Plain clean Distinct ambiguous frugal

748 Plausible Implausible Friendly Applicable Flexible

749 Pliable Rigid Friendly Flexible Applicable

750 Podgy Short Thin Weak Slim

751 Polemic Cooperation Amity Friendship Agreement

752 Pompous Apish Humble Meek Grandiose

753 Pooh-pooh Ridicule Reprehend Ravage Praise

754 Potent Inefficient Soft Fragile Weak

755 Praise Heckle Accuse Hate Scold

756 Precarious Dangerous Safe Cautious Easy

757 Precise Indecent Vague Incorrect Indistinct

758 Predilection Denial Concealment Aversion Attraction

759 Presentable unable scruffy suitable personable

760 Presumption Resumption Proposition Humility Assumption

761 Pretend sham substantiate feign fabricate

762 Pretentious Deranged Small Depressing Humble

763 Prevent Protect Block Hinder Induce

764 Pride Humility Shame Humbleness Debasement

765 Prim Rash Extravagant Foul Shameful

766 Primed Fit Able Unready Prepped

767 Problem Reply Solution Answer Resolution

768 Procrastinate Experiment Expedite Exclude Propagate

769 Profane Arrogant Benign Respectful Pious

770 Profound Mysterious Difficult Superfluous Superficial

771 Profuse Sacred Ambiguous Meager Adverse

772 Prohibit Accept Permit Agree Grant

773 Promethean Clever Imaginative Unoriginal Fertile

774 Prominent Unknown Eminent Renowned Important

775 Propel Hide Shove Hesitate Check

776 Proscribe Interdict Allow Extend Betray

777 Protean Amateur Catholic Unchanging Rapid

778 Provide Ignore Defy Deceive Deny

779 Provocation Destruction Peace Pacification Vocation

780 PRUDENT Silly Unwise Idiotic Poor

781 Publicize Silence Disseminate Promulgate Withhold

782 Punctilious Irregular Fussy Careless Curious

783 Putative powerful colonial undisputed unremarkable

784 Putrid Fresh Fragrant Sweet Agreeable

785 Querulous Bright Splendid Smart Happy

786 Quiescent Lackadaisical Active Dull Prescient

787 Quiet Strong Noisy Incomplete Violent

788 Rabid Decent Fair Rational Pure

789 Radical Uncompromising Basic Thorough Superficial

790 Rancid Putrefied Delicious Fresh Stale

791 Rapid Glorious Silly Slow Simple

792 Rapidly Lazily Secretly Slowly Firmly

793 Ratification Disapproval Disagreeable Denial Disturbing

794 Raucous orderly absorbent buoyant contentious

795 Rear Front Foreground Forehead Forward

796 Reassure Comfort Console Inspire Discourage

797 Rebellion Forgiveness Retribution Submission Domination

798 Recede Advance Retrograde Retreat Withdraw

799 Recondite Manifest Flexible Provident Sociable

800 Redolent Stinking Sickly Yellowish Gloomy

801 Redundant Repentant Surplus Singular Required

802 Reject Agree Accept Embrace Adopt

803 Release Hide Bury Close Confine

804 Relentless Sensitive Yielding Kind Gentle

805 Religious Atheistic Immoral Secular Sinful

806 Relinquish Withdraw Attack Assume Conquer

807 Reluctant Hesitant Reserved Anxious Willing

808 Reluctantly Pleasingly Willingly Satisfactorily Happily

809 Repel Attend Concentrate Continue Attract

811 Reprimanded Rebuked Praised Admonished Shouted

812 Reprisal Relief Forgiveness Exemption Relaxation

813 Repulsive Attractive Reflective Distinctive Progressive

814 Requisite Dispensable Random Inappropriate Chaotic

815 Rescue Extricate Waver Bind Desert

816 Reserved Likeable Talkative Popular Companionable

817 Resist Remain Decline Yield Adjust

818 Respite Tension Exertion Regularity Delay

819 Retain Reject Renounce Spare Eject

820 Reticent Forward Developed Sophisticated Communicative

821 Retrench Revamp Belie Deviate Recruit

822 Retrieve Respond Dismiss Foil Abandon

823 Reveal Conceal Insert Excavate Absolve

824 Revile Vilify Bless Abuse Ream

825 Revoke Negate Annul Invalidate Implement

826 Reward Demotion Forfeiture Penalty Retribution

827 Robust Thin Emancipated Light Strong

828 Rough Refined Charming Smooth Polite

829 Roughly Exactly Completely Pointedly Largely

830 Rugged Hard Sturdy Smooth Rough

831 Ruthless Mindful Compassionate Majestic Merciful

832 Sacred Profuse Prolific Profound Profane

833 Satisfied Rash Gluttonous Beneficial Harsh

834 Sagacious Casual Culling Foolish Not True

835 Sage Rogue Fool Egoist Snob

836 Salutary Beneficial Sound Unhealthy Wholesome

837 Salvage Outfit Lose Burn Remove

838 Salvation escape starvation doom rescue

839 Sanctify Dedicate Patronize Venerate Pollute

840 Sanguine Diffident Hopeless Cynical Morose

841 Sapient Hunched Strong Simple Simian

842 Sartorial Cheerful Sincere Inelegant Homespun

843 Sceptical Inquisitive Hopeful Indictive Intuitive

844 Scold Enamor Rebuke Criticize Praise

845 Scurrilous Insulting Moral Lewd Offending

846 Scurrilous: Insulting Moral Lewd Offending

847 Seamy Honest Pure Unpleasant Sincere

848 Secular Righteous Religious Spiritual Moral

849 Sedentary afraid loyal active torpid

850 Seedy Elegant Crummy Tacky Torn

851 Seethe Plumb Cool Freeze Chill b

852 Segregation Appreciation Cohesion Integration Union c

853 Seldom Never Sometimes Anytime Always d

854 Serene Jovial Moving Agitated Nervous c

855 Servile Defiant Fawning Sycophantic Psychotic a

856 Shallow High Hidden Deep Hollow c

857 Shame Glorify Exalt Dignify Enshrine b

858 Shameful Naked Brazen wanton Unblushing b

859 Slack Inefficient Incompetent Meticulous Lax c

860 Slave Surf Landlord Master Tenant c

861 Slur Promise Hope Credit Virtue c

862 Smooth Ugly Awkward Hard Rough d

863 Sobriety Moderation Drunkenness Dizziness Stupidity b

864 Sonorous Loud Heavy Sleepy Bright a

865 Sordid Steady Enthusiastic Generous Splendid c

866 Sparse Expensive Heavy Scattered Lavish d

867 Spending Sober Mute Revenue Spendthrift b

868 Spread Subdue Repress Suppress Contract d

869 Spunk success Timidity growing loss of b

awareness prestige

870 Spurious Illegitimate Authentic Mysterious Dangerous b

871 Squander Spend Reduce Slander Skimp d

872 Squandering Discarding Saving Boarding Collecting b

873 Stability Opposition Carelessness Disparity Inconsistency d

874 Start Close Shut End Finish d

875 Stationary Slowing Standing Moving Writing c

876 Sterile Fertile Infertile Dense Barren a

877 Stern Lenient Crabby Polite Unreasonable a

878 Stingy Clean Tight Generous Cheap c

879 Strenuous Unfaltering Irresolute Unwavering Lazy d

880 Strident Stable Pleasant Musical Melodious b

881 Strident: Loud Quiet Blatant Hoarse b

882 Strife War Peace Anger Woe b

883 Stringent Magnanimous Lenient Vehement General b

884 Stubborn Willing Consenting Pliable Easy c

885 Sub rosa Fresh Intoxicating Open Repulsive c

886 Subjugate Enrich Liberate Enslave Free b

887 Sublime Amusing Ludicrous Hilarious Mean b

888 Subsequent Aloof Preceding Inferior Dismissive b

889 Subservient Aggressive Dignified Straight Supercilious b


890 Substantial Flimsy Hefty Actual Excess a

891 Successor Failure Loser Predecessor Predator c

892 Succumb Curb Resist Injure Shoot b

893 Summit End Last Bottom None c

894 Supercilious Unimportant Relevant Serious Meek d

895 Superficial Genuine Natural Artificial Amicable a

896 Superfluous Essential Excess Unwanted Necessary d

897 Supervise Overlook Misdirect Neglect Forget b

898 Suppress Reveal Increase Open Explain a

899 Survival Evolution Development Creation Extinction d

900 Susceptible Incredible Immune Predictable Unpredictable b

901 Suspicion Doubt Whim Indifference Trust

902 Sweltering Smelly Clammy Freezing Cozy

903 Sympathy Enmity Cruelty Abhorrence Apathy

904 Synopsis Discussion Preview Summary Report

905 Synthetic Cosmetic Plastic Affable Natural

906 Tacit Order Written Oral Understanding

907 Taint Construct Clear Purify Repair

908 Tardy Prompt Gradual Late None

909 Tasty Delicious Insipid Appetizing Palatable

910 Tedious Pleasant Lovely Lively Gay

911 Tentative Definite Insufficient Plentiful Active

912 Terminate Hasten Depart Begin Change

913 Terrible Horrible Awesome Delightful Hideous

914 Terse Concise Detailed Expressive Descriptive

915 Theoretical Punctual Uncritical Emotional Practical

916 Theory Imagination Fact Chance Thought

917 Thorough Cursory Detailed Intensive Utter

918 Thrift Purchase Destroy Waste Invest

919 Thwart Facilitate Prevent Oppose Frustrate

920 Tiff Clash Dispute Disagreement Reconciliation

921 Timorous Trembling Cowardly Bright Bold

922 Tortuous Winding Indirect Straight Snaky

923 Traditional Avant- Present Unusual Fresh


924 Tragedy Humorous Comedy Romance Calamity

925 Tragic Funny Comic Light Humorous

926 Traitor Migrant Member Patriot Officer

927 Tranquil Impatient Agitated Vociferous Noisy

928 Tranquility Quiet Serenity Peace Disturbance

929 Transience Eternity Shallow Slow Rest

930 Transparent Colorful Childlike Opaque Imminent

931 Treachery Betrayal Mulling Loyalty Rebellion

932 Tremulous Healthy Steady Obese Young

933 Triumph Defeat Victory Success Subjugation

934 Trumpery Defeat Wastage Treasure Vague

935 Turbid muddy clear invariable improbable

936 Turbulent Turbid Violent Steady Critical

937 Twine straighten continue unravel detach

938 Unapproachable Unclear Accessible Withdrawn Casual

939 Uncouth Crude Awkward Courteous Refined

940 Underhand Cruel Quiet Secret Open

941 Underling Superior Servant Inferior Subordinate

942 Undertaking Resignation Trial Refusal Denial

943 Unfazed Calm Relaxed Baffled Confident

944 Unitary Single Triple Multiple Double

945 Universal Narrow Regional Miniature Subsidiary

946 Unpredictable Pliable Reliable Possible Potential

947 Unrealistic Natural Visionary Reasonable Actual

948 Unruly Uneven Undue Orderly Dirty

949 Unscrupulous Dedicated Single– Conscientious Superfluous


950 Unstable Changing Constant Stagnant Steady

951 Unsullied Visible Foul Stainless Strong

952 Urban Country-made Pastoral Provincial Rural

953 Urbane Loud Native Crude Rural

954 Vacillate Relieve Injure Decide Repel

955 Vacillation Steadfastness Relief Inoculation Remorse

956 Vague Clear Dull Unknown Shady

957 Valedictory farewell final hopeful parting

958 Validate Legalize Spurious Authenticate Disprove

959 Valuable Inferior Invaluable Lowly Worthless

960 Vanity Pride Love Courage Humility

961 Vanquish Surrender Debase Destroy Ruin

962 Venerate Accuse Defame Criticize Abuse

963 Veneration Fear Reverence Remorse Disrespect

964 Venial Minor Pardonable Unpardonable Clean

965 Verdant Dishonest Suspicious Mouldy Arid

966 Veteran Novice Pious Intellectual Debutante

967 Vie Guard Maintain Discover Yield

968 Vigor Failure Negligence Frailty Health

969 Vilify Commend Pray Admonish Worship

970 Vindicate Exonerate Condemn Defend Excuse

971 Violent Tame Humble Gentle Harmless

972 Virtue Wiles Curse Vice Cunning

973 Virtuous Scandalous Vicious Wicked Corrupt

974 Virulent Harmless Malignant Hostile Vicious

975 Visionary Realist Artist Idealist Socialist

976 Vital Peripheral Dead Unimportant Outer

977 Vivacious Quarrelsome Sober Notorious Drunken

978 Vocal Voluble Calm Quite Silent

979 Vociferous Quiet Noisy Shrill None of these

980 Voluntary Ordered Alternative Compulsory Essential

981 Vulgar Refined Cheerful Jolly Relevant

982 Wane Alleviate Dim Enhance Dwindle

983 Wary Kind Watchful Careless Free

984 Wean Flourish Flush Addict Nourish

985 Wise Silly Prudent Idiotic Poor

986 Wither Shine Bloom Excel Wilt

987 Wise Prudent Clever Over Astigmatism

988 Wonder Stock Amusement Expectation Surprise

989 Wrath Solace Peace Delight Choler

990 Wreck Make Build Restore Relieve

991 Yield Respond Survive Attack Resist

992 Zany Cautious Calculating Cunning Sane

993 Zeal Hostility Diffidence Apathy Contempt

994 Zenith Nadir Shallow Low Bottom

995 Zest Restive Callous Indifference Distaste

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them to score high? Let’s click on the link below to read them all freely. All past
papers’ questions have been attempted by Sir Kazim’s students, who scored the
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CSS Solved Pakistan Affairs

More Essays

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1 Bureaucracy Doldrums Essay

2 Is Gender Equality a Myth? Essay

3 Meaning Purposive Education Essay

4 Islamophobia: Causes and Consequences Essay

5 Pros and Cons of Globalization for Pakistan Essay

6 Artificial intelligence: Its Merits and Demerits Essay

7 Pakistan: Political Instability and Economic Growth Essay

8 IMF Bailouts: Roads to Stability or Recipes for Disaster Essay

9 Terrorism in Pakistan: Causes, Impacts, and Way Forwards Essays

10 Can Foreign Aid Help A Country Achieve Economic Stability? Essay

11 I Disapprove of What You Say But I Defend Your Right to Say Till Death Essay

12 Consequences of American Withdrawal from Afghanistan on South Asia Essay

13 Almost Always, The Creative, Dedicated Minority Has Made The World Better

14 Cooperation, Not Competition, Leads The World Towards Peace and Prosperity

15 Money And Success Do Not Change People; They Merely Amplify What Is Already
There Essay

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papers have been solved by Miss Iqra Ali & Dr Nishat Baloch, Pakistan’s top CSS
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General Science & Ability Solved Past Papers

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