TechnicalData EHSF

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Model EHSF: High Capacity Water Heater “The Green Calorifiers”

with Spiral Flat Heating Coil Enameling Lining Copper Lining Solvents

50 - 1,000 kW for water / water operation


The ECOTHERM's new patented high-performance spiral coil has a

maximum heat exchange area in the cold water zone or in the desired
temperature zone due to its design and horizontal installation.

• Storage water heater made of stainless steel duplex / V4A with patented
high-performance flat heating coil welded at the bottom of the tank.

• Optimal performance and layering, almost 100% storage volume avail-

able, bath pickled, low maintenance, improved hygiene, flange DN 200
(and DN100 up 500 liter) at front for cleaning purpose or for mounting an
additional heat exchanger or screw-in heating element, sleeve 6/4“ for
screw-in heating element in the upper third, sleeves ½“ for thermom-
eters and temperature sensors, cold water connection at the front, hot
water outlet at the center top.

• Fibre-fleece insulation of storage tank with robust outer sheath made

of PP (RAL7037, dusty grey), patented aluminum closure strips and
self-fixing closure caps, quick and easy installation, 80mm insulation up
to 1,000 litres and 100mm above. 100% recyclable, fire protection class
B2 (B1 upon request)

• Production by TÜV certified welding company according to HP-0 and ISO

3834-2, approval to SVGW and certified according to ISO 9001: 2015.

EHSF 2000L • Simple installation and short mounting time due to pre-assembled units.

• Maximum pressure/testing pressure: secondary 6/9bar; primary 3/6bar

➔ Heating Water

➔ Heating Water

Flat Spiral Heating Coil Flat Spiral Heating Coil

Plastic spacing guide with • avoids damage of the passive layer

KTW certification
• floated mounting of the heat exchanger
Metal framing profile - no forces transfered to the tank shell
Patented Spiral Flat Heating Coil
Conventional heating coils ECOTHERM Spiral Flat Heating Coils
Conventional heat exchangers are always in mixing tem- The patented spiral heating coil is mounted horizontally at the
perature zones from 10°C to 60°C and thus have a reduced bottom of the storage tank. It is 100% in the cold water zone,
heat transfer rate. During the heating phase heating coils respectively only in one temperature zone.
produce circulations in the storage tank and need more pri- The installation directly above the tank bottom and the
mary energy. The available standby volume is usually only low height (13cm) allow an almost complete heating of
about 70% of the capacity of the storage tank. the storage tank.

• Up to 30% reduced effective volume & • The special construction of the register ensures:
risk of legionella • High standby volume (97% of the tank capacity)
• Reduced power consumption and poor • Hygienic water
heat layering • High efficiency due to efficient heat transfer
• Limited heat exchanger surfaces and reduced • Optimized heat layering
installation options • Primary energy savings
• Increased primary energy consumption

Conventional heating coils ECOTHERM Spiral Flat Heating Coils

▲ ▲
Standby volume
50 %

50 %

▼ 3%
▼ Mixing water area
▲ and “dead” volume

• 50% Standby volume • 97% Standby volume

• 50% Mixing water area and “dead” volume • 3% Mixing water area and “dead” volume
Type: EHSF
Performance Data
temperature primary temperature primary temperature primary
75°C - 55°C 85°C - 65°C 60°C - 55°C

temperature secondary temperature secondary temperature secondary

20°C - 60°C 20°C - 60°C 20°C - 55°C

continuous hot continuous hot continuous hot

One heating coil Type
volume capacity
[l] [kW] [kW] [kW]
output [l/h] output [l/h] output [l/h]

EHSF-400-2,5 400 54 1161 77 1655 35 752

EHSF-630-3 630 64 1376 92 1978 42 903

EHSF-800-4,2 800 90 1935 129 2773 59 1268

EHSF-1000-5,5 1000 117 2515 169 3633 77 1655

EHSF-1250-7 1250 149 3203 215 4622 98 2107

EHSF-1500-9,4 1500 200 4299 288 6191 131 2816

EHSF-2000-11,2 2000 238 5116 344 7395 156 3353

EHSF-3000-13,2 3000 281 6040 405 8706 183 3934

EHSF-4000-15,3 4000 325 6986 469 10082 213 4579

temperature primary temperature primary temperature primary

75°C - 55°C 85°C - 65°C 60°C - 55°C

temperature secondary temperature secondary temperature secondary

20°C - 60°C 20°C - 60°C 20°C - 55°C

continuous hot continuous hot continuous hot

volume capacity capacity capacity
Type water water water
Two heating coils [l] [kW]
output [l/h]
output [l/h]
output [l/h]

EHSF-400-5,1 400 109 2343 157 3375 71 1526

EHSF-630-6,1 630 130 2794 187 4020 85 1827

EHSF-800-8,4 800 179 3848 258 5546 117 2515

EHSF-1000-11 1000 234 5030 337 7244 153 3289

EHSF-1250-14 1250 298 6406 429 9222 195 4192

EHSF-1500-18,8 1500 400 8598 576 12382 261 5610

EHSF-2000-22,4 2000 476 10232 687 14768 311 6685

EHSF-3000-26,4 3000 561 12059 809 17390 366 7868

EHSF-4000-30,6 4000 650 13972 938 20163 425 9136

temperature primary temperature primary 8 temperature primary
75°C - 55°C 5°C - 65°C 60°C - 55°C

temperature secondary temperature secondary temperature secondary

20°C - 60°C 20°C - 60°C 20°C - 55°C

continuous hot continuous hot continuous hot

volume capacity capacity capacity
Type water water water
Three heating coils [l] [kW]
output [l/h]
output [l/h]
output [l/h]

EHSF-400-7,6 400 162 3482 233 5009 106 2279

EHSF-630-9,1 630 194 4170 279 5997 127 2730

EHSF-800-12,6 800 268 5761 386 8298 175 3762

EHSF-1000-16,5 1000 351 7545 506 10877 229 4923

EHSF-1250-21 1250 447 9609 644 13844 292 6277

EHSF-1500-28,2 1500 599 12876 864 18573 391 8405

EHSF-2000-33,6 2000 714 15348 1030 22141 466 10017

EHSF-3000-39,6 3000 842 18100 1213 26075 549 11801

EHSF-4000-45,9 4000 975 20959 1406 30224 637 13693

temperature primary temperature primary temperature primary

75°C - 55°C 85°C - 65°C 60°C - 55°C

temperature secondary temperature secondary temperature secondary

20°C - 60°C 20°C - 60°C 20°C - 55°C

continuous hot continuous hot continuous hot

volume capacity capacity capacity
Four heating coils Type
[l] [kW]
output [l/h] output [l/h] output [l/h]

EHSF-400-10,1 400 215 4622 310 6664 140 3009

EHSF-630-12,2 630 260 5589 374 8040 170 3654

EHSF-800-16,8 800 357 7674 515 11071 233 5009

EHSF-1000-22 1000 468 10060 674 14488 305 6556

EHSF-1250-28 1250 595 12790 858 18444 389 8362

EHSF-1500-37,6 1500 799 17175 1152 24764 522 11221

EHSF-2000-44,8 2000 952 20464 1373 29514 621 13349

EHSF-3000-52,8 3000 1122 24119 1618 34781 732 15735

EHSF-4000-61,2 4000 1300 27945 1875 40305 849 18250

EHSF: key to model number

_ _ _ – _ kW
_ _ _ – _ t_1 _ _ – _t2_ _ _ – _ Vol
_ _ _ – _Opt


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

1st digit: E = ECOTHERM
8th digit: domestic cold water inlet temperature in °C
2nd digit: H = high capacity water heater
9th digit: domestic hot water output temperature in °C
3rd digit: S = spiral internal heating coil
4th digit: F = flat
10th digit: tank capacity in liters
5th digit: heat exchanger nominal rating in kilowatt
Opt - Options
11th digit: E ... kW = electric heating element ... kW,
6th digit: feed temperature from boiler in °C
G ... kW-t1 = tube heat exchanger ... kW + t1 boiler feed & return °C,
7th digit: return temperature to boiler °C
A = electric anode
Measurements and ports Storage tank ports
D port size angle° description
N1 50-75 kW 1“ ext 180° cold water inlet
N1 100-150 kW 5/4“ ext 180° cold water inlet
N1 200-250 kW 6/4“ ext 180° cold water inlet
N1 300-450 kW 2“ ext 180° cold water inlet
600 Fühlerleiste

N7 N1 500-800 kW DN65 180° cold water inlet

N10 N1 900-1000 kW DN80 180° cold water inlet
N2 50-75 kW 1" int top hot water outlet


N2 100-150 kW 5/4" int top hot water outlet


600 Fühlerleiste

N3 N2 200-250 kW 6/4“ int top hot water outlet


N11 C N2 300-450 kW 2“ int top hot water outlet
N2 500-800 kW DN65 180° hot water outlet

N2 900-1000 kW DN80 180° hot water outlet



N3 DN 200 180° purification flange (up to 3000 l)

N3 DN 400 180° manhole (ab 4000 Liter)

N4 DN 100 180° purification flange (from 630 l)
N6 1/2" IG 225° thermometer
N7 - 225° temperature sensors on top
270° 90°
N8 - 225° temperature sensors on bottom
N10 6/4" IG 180° circulation, electric element
N11 50-100 kW
1“ ext 180° boiler feed boiler return
N11 100-150 kW
180° 5/4" ext 180° boiler feed boiler return
N11 200-250 kW
6/4“ ext 180° boiler feed boiler return
N11 300-450 kW
2“ ext 180° boiler feed boiler return
N11 500-800 kW
DN65 180° boiler feed boiler return
N11 900-1000 kW
DN80 180° boiler feed boiler return

Storage tank dimensions

weight C tipping insulation
storage capacity A B D D1 H
empty* 1/2/3/4 Reg. mass thickness
Model Liter kg mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm

EHSF-..-..-400 400 80 90 610 100/250/400/550 650 890 1920 1840 120

EHSF-..-..-630 630 105 90 610 100/250/400/550 700 940 1980 1920 120
EHSF-..-..-800 800 120 80 610 100/250/400/550 790 1030 1980 1945 120
EHSF-..-..-1000 1000 147 70 610 100/250/400/550 890 1130 1980 1945 120
EHSF-..-..-1500 1500 228 70 610 100/250/400/550 1100 1340 2025 2010 120
EHSF-..-..-2000 2000 335 70 610 100/250/400/550 1200 1440 2050 2045 120
EHSF-..-..-3000 3000 470 115 660 100/250/400/550 1350 1590 2615 2490 120
EHSF-..-..-4000 4000 557 165 740 100/250/400/550 1500 1740 2630 2750 120
EHSF-..-..-5000 5000 662 165 740 100/250/400/550 1680 1920 2900 2960 120

*) weight of empty storage tank excl. internal heating coil

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