Brain Jam Rocks Shillong: Career at Shillong SMU

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Brain Jam rocks Career at Shillong SMU

In keeping with its motto of “CA-
New power equation!
The Meghalaya government has
scrapped the power deal that it had

REERS PAR EXCELLENCE”, the with various companies for lack of
Sikkim Manipal University, Shil- what they called “transparency”.
long Centre has done the state of The Government spokesper-
Meghalaya proud by achieving the son and Minister of Power, Conrad
Excellence Award from Mr. Anil Sangma, said three of the hydel
Kumble, Captain-Indian Test Team, power projects above 100 mega-

I t was probably the life-time oppotuni- at the Conclave held at Manipal re- watts had to be scrapped because
ty for many inquisitive knowledge cently. the State Power Policy norms and
hunters in Shillong who had the chance Sikkim Manipal University, the International Committee Bid-
of meeting one of the most prolific quiz Shillong Centre has gone from ding (ICB) route has been breached.
masters in the country -- Barry O’Brian strength to strength over the past 3 “The agreement with the power de-
-- and go back with jammed brain. years, growing both in infrastruc- velopers who are supposed to tap
Thanks to Brain Jam extravaganza. ture and number of students in the the hydel power from Kynshi river
The People behind this Brain Jam Departments of Business Admin- basin stage 1 and 2 and the Umgot
were Aroop Khanna and Banlumlang istration, Information Technology, river basin was not transparent.”
Blah who tried to inculcate reading hab- Computer Applications, Mass Com- Athena and Jay Pee group are the
its amongst the youth, which seems to munication & Journalism, Bio Tech- two power developers, which were
be vanishing in today’s world. nology, Bio Informatics and Fashion offered three mega power projects
“We would start quiz programmes Designing. With a good placement in the state by the then Congress-
at school and college levels very soon,” record with prestigious companies led Meghalaya Democratic Alliance
they said.
“These days we hardly see children
reading. They are most of the time ei-
A Shillong Centre director Gagan
Jain receiving Excellence Award
from Indian Test Team captain
like Wipro, ICICI, HDFC etc. Sik-
kim Manipal University, Shillong
Centre, continues to draw students
(MDA) in December last year.
The State Cabinet on July 24
decided to go for fresh agreements

ther in front of the TV or surfing on in- from all the North Eastern States, with the companies, which had been
Anil Kumble.
Crooked Deals’ represented by Tarun Bharatiya and Ban walked ternet,” said Aroop. Similar views were Bhutan, Nepal and Bangladesh. allotted with five projects. (NNN)
away with the winner’s prize. also echoed by Meghalaya’s Minister
for Youth Affairs Paul Lyngdoh and
Alethea Lyngwa.
Positive action against AIDS
Finally, the entire programme was Wasbir Hussain is a widely read journalist from Assam who
‘PPP’ represented by summed up by Trevor Lyngwa, the is also a renowned writer. Hussain’s latest book Positive in
Barry and Dominic Head of Marketing (Northeast) Air Cell, Rhino Land: Battle against HIV/AIDS, published by Word-
Rymbai lift the runners- who, while addressing the huge gath- weaves India, was launched by Assam Chief Minister, Tarun
up trophy as Paul Lyn- ering at the State Central Library, said Gogoi, in Guwahati this month.
gdoh, the Meghalaya that the time has come for knowledge Book launch functions are normally dull affairs, but the
Minister for Sports and based infotainment. “Sooner we realise presence of a smiling Jahnabi Goswami among a select bunch
Youth Affairs looks on. and promote it, better it would be for the of serious intellectuals, and Satyakee DCom Bhuyan’s enter-
generations to come.” We in the TNT taining announcements added flavour to the function.

definitely agree with this notion. Jahnabi Goswami is a HIV-positive person, who has
earned a world-wide reputation for her courageous and in-
A spiring battle against HIV/AIDS. She is the first person in the
Northeast to openly declare her HIV positive status and now
Meghalaya Minister for lives in a house provided by the Chief Minister after her fam-
Higher and Technical Ed- ily discarded her.
ucation, Manas Choud- The book is priced at Rs 295 and speakers at the function
hari, and the Maharaja of felt that a vernacular version of the English book is highly
Tripura sharing a knife to recommended.

UB Photos
cut the cake that marks A press communiqué from Hussain states that the HIV
the inaugrating of Brain /AIDS scenario in Assam, particularly the level of awareness

Jam. Arup Khanna, the among the people, have undergone a sea change from August

organiser of the event in 1990 when the first AIDS case was reported in the state. Assam Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi
Guwahati, and Banlum- Quiz Master Barry O’Brien sharing Hussain was inspired by Jahnabi Goswami to write this releasing the book at a function in
lang Blah, the organiser a lighter moment with Trevor Lyn- book and the book is based on filed studies, interviews with Guwahati.
of the event looks on. gwa as Alethea looks on. sex workers, NGO stalwarts and government officials. (DS)

28 August 08 August 08 29

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