Adaptive Equalization

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7.3.1 Operating Principle

In amobile cellular environment, the characteristics of the wireless dispersive
fuding channel change randomly with time. In order for an equalizer to
effectively combat ISI, the equalizer coefficients should change according to
the channel status so as to tr¡ck the time varying characteristics of the mobile
channel. Such an equalizer is called an adaptive equalizer as it adapts to the
channel variations.
If x() is the original information signal, and f(t) is the combined complex,
base band impulse response of the transmitter, channel, and the RF/IF sections
of the receiver.
The signal received by the equalizer may be expressed as,
y(t) =x(t) ft)+ n,(t)
f() -Complex conjugate of f(),
ns(t) - Baseband noise at the input of the equalizer, and
-Convolution operation
qualization 7.3

Original f(t) = combined impulse response of transmitter,

baseband multipath rad1o channet, and recever RFF
message x(t)
Modulator Transmitter

Detector RF Receiver
Matched filter IF stage
front end
Noise f(0)
Equalizer Decision
Maker message
y(t) heq(t) data d(t)

Equalizer Prediction Error

Fig.7.2. Block diagram ofa simplified communications system using an adaptive

equalizer at the receiver

If the impulse response of the equalizer is heg(), then the

output of the
equalizer is expressed as,

å (t) =x() or() ®h(t)+ n,()eh() ... (2)

=x(t) gt) +n,(t) h, (t)

g(t) is the combined impulse response of the transnitter, channel,
RF/IF sections of the receiver, and the equalizer at the receiver.
cqualizer is
The complex baseband impulse response of a transversal filter
given by,
... (3)

where, ch- Complex filter coefficients of the equalizers.

The desired output of the equalizer is x(t), the original data. ASsume
that n,()=0, then to get d(t) =x()inequation(2) 8(t) must be equal to
gl)= f')9 h,t) = 8) **. (4)
(4). So that the
The goal of equalization is to satisfy the equation combination
of the transmitter, channel and receiver appear to be an all-pass channel. In
frequency domain,the equation(4)can be expressed as,
H(f)F(-f)=1 ... (5)
H(f)and Ff) are Fourier transforms of h., t) and f(), respectively.

7.3.2 Operating Modes

The two general operating modes of adaptive equalizers are training and
(1) Training:
First, aknown fixed - length training sequence is sent by the transmitter,
then the receiver's equalizer may adapt to a proper setting of minimum b!
Error Rate (BER) detection, where the training sequence is a pseudorandom
binary signal or afixedand prescribed bit pattern.
(2) Tracking:

Immediately following this training sequence, the user data is sent, ald
auapave equalizer at the receiver utilizes a recursive algorithm to evaluate
uie chânnel and estimate filter coefficients to compensate the diStoruou
created by multipath in the channel.
hs user data are received, the adaptive algorithm of the equal1zer uas
changing channel.

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