Guinea Bissau APPEX 2012

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Guinea Bissau

Why Explore Guinea Bissau?

The Republic of Guinea Bissau is located on the
north west Atlantic margin of Africa.

The offshore area marks the southern extent of a

series of passive continental margin sub-basins
which make up the Mauritania-Senegal-Guinea
Bissau Basin (‘MSGBC’) that runs parallel to, and
locally overlapping, the North West African

Guinea Bissau represents one of the last remaining

under evaluated petroleum frontiers in West Africa
with only 18 exploration wells including onshore.

The deeper offshore remains undrilled, unlicensed

and still remains frontier.

Numerous Oil seeps demonstrate an active working

hydrocarbon system

Spectrum is currently brokering on behalf of

Petroguin over 16,000 line km of 2D regional
seismic. The six datasets were acquired between
1981 and 2004 and cover both the shallow and
deep water areas.
Exploration History

There has been limited offshore hydrocarbon

exploration with no deep water exploration
wells. 18 exploration wells drilled on the shelf
in less than 200 m of water and of those
wells, 9 have been drilled in diapiric salt

Exploration began in 1960’s and last drilling

campaign in 2007.

Nearly every well drilled had live oil shows

and frequently encountered quality reservoirs
and source rocks.
Regional Geology

MSGBC essentially a Mesozoic rift basin, which

developed as the Atlantic Ocean opened in the Late
Triassic to Early Jurassic. forming a series of grabens,
half-grabens and horst blocks along the coastal areas.

Thick Jurassic salt was deposited in the grabens and


At the end of rifting, the margin became passive

Carbonate platform building began in the Mid-Jurassic

and continued until the Late Cretaceous.

Thick sequences of Cretaceous marine and deltaic

sediments were deposited above the salt, loading it and
initiating diapiric movement.
Petroleum Systems
Proven working hydrocarbon system offshore Guinea Bissau.

Presence of mature, oil prone, Albian, Cenomanian and Turonian

shale source rocks.

The reservoirs on the shelf are generally of excellent quality. Primary

reservoir targets for exploration wells have been Upper Cretaceous
Maastrichtian and Albian sandstones derived from a large onshore
delta system.

Structural and stratigraphic trapping geometries are present and

associated with contemporary salt diapirism.

Incised channels within the carbonate platform could provide an

effective transport mechanism for reworked carbonates and
siliclastics down the slope resulting in deposition in large fan

The extension of the regional offshore Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous

carbonate platform from the north in Senegal could provide high
impact hydrocarbon exploration targets.

A thick sequence of Late Cretaceous shales are thought to provide a

regional seal for potential reservoir sequences.
Seismic Database

The six offshore 2D surveys were acquired

between 1981 and 2000 and provide extensive
coverage throughout both the shallow and
deepwater acreage.

Total 2D seismic coverage over 16,000 km

All of the Guinea Bissau multi-client data has

been processed with fully ray-traced Kirchhoff
pre-stack Time Migration.

Processing of these data prioritised salt-imaging

techniques that were able to bring new imaging
techniques to what is still an under-exploited
play; the petroleum system is there, the
reservoirs are there.
Guinea Bissau Seismic Rejuvenation Project
• Spectrum has identified a number of seismic lines
that tie in all of the near shore exploration wells and
would benefit from more modern processing

• The reprocessed dataset would therefore provide a

regional cost effective, high quality reconnaissance
tool and enable extrapolation of near shore plays
into the deeper water, to delineate deeper water
play concepts. 3000 km of data is currently being
reprocessed to provide a representative view of
improvements all vintages of data.

• In addition to the reprocessing, a rock physics study

is being conducted. A regional gravity/magnetic
study has started which will provide a regional
structural framework for the interpretation of all the
entire Guinea Bissau offshore

• The reprocessing, rock physics and

gravity/magnetic studies will be drawn together in a
geological report.
Data Examples
Base Map
PGB04- 05
PGB04- 40
• Proven petroleum system:
• Source rock present
• Reservoirs present
• Trapping Geometries

• Play Types:
• Deep anticlinal structures
• Carboante bank
• Diapiric salt trap
• Incised channels in Carbonate
• Potential deepwater fan system

• Attractive Fiscal regime

• New Petroleum Law in the

approval process

• Open and available blocks –

highly underexplored

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