Ebio0603 TG C1

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Biology 603

Teacher’s Guide and Answer Keys


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Section 1 – Classification of Plants

called rhizoids. Rhizoids help the

Note to Teachers: Wherever plants to anchor in the soil and
applicable, key words are indicated in absorb water and minerals.
bold for subjective questions to ease • There is no true vascular tissue.
5. Characteristics of plants in the
Lesson 1.1 phylum Filicinophyta
Division in the Kingdom Plantae • They grow best in damp and
shady habitats. Examples are
1. ferns.
a. False (four) • They have true vascular tissues.
b. False (coniferophyta) • Their leaves are relatively large
c. False (filicinophyta) and known as fronds.
d. True • Spores are produced in
e. True sporangia which are usually in
a. thalloid 6. Both of the phyla
b. Vascular angiospermophyta and
c. Liverworts; mosses coniferophyta are seed bearing
d. fronds plants. Angiospermophyta produces
e. rhizoids flowers whereas coniferophyta
f. cones produces cones.

a. Angiospermophyta Lesson 1.2
b. Bryophyta Discus and Find Out
c. Coniferophyta
d. Filicinophyta Objective: Students to learn about
classification of angiosperms
4. Characteristics of plants in the
phylum Bryophyta Note to Teachers:

• They mostly grow in damp and

• This assignment must be
moist places like damp rocks,
assigned prior to the actual
moist soil and walls.
lesson. Allow students to
• Liverworts have a thalloid conduct research on their own;
plant body.
after school hours.
• Whereas in mosses the plant • Allocated time for each
body is differentiated into stem- application is 40 minutes.
like, leaf-like and root-like
• Recommended to be conducted
as pair-work or in a group of 3 –
• Roots are absent; instead they
4 students.
have thread-like structures

• First half of the lesson, students Lesson 1.3
discuss, combine and enhance Classification of Plants on the Basis
information. of Size and Duration of Life Cycle
• Second half of the lesson,
teachers to guide the students 1.
in the discussion. a. False (small, soft, green)
Then allow students to b. True
complete the lesson in the c. True
Activity Book. d. True
e. True
1. Angiosperms are further divided f. False (annual)
into two groups depending on the g. True
number of cotyledons in the embryo
enclosed in their seeds. 2.
a. Perennials
Monocotyledons (mono means b. Annuals
single): c. Biennials
These are the plants in which seeds d. Two
contain only one cotyledon. They e. Perennial
are also called monocot plants. For
example, wheat, rice, maize and 3. Annuals- The plants which live for
grasses. a few months or at the most a
year are called annuals. They grow
Dicotyledons (di means two): and produce flowers and fruits
These are the plants in which seeds within a season.
contain two cotyledons. They are Examples of annuals include wheat,
also known as dicot plants. For rice, maize, and mustard.
example, pea, bean, mango and
rose. Biennials- The plants which
complete their life cycle in two
years are called biennials. They
bear roots, stems and leaves in the
first year and flowers, fruits and
seeds in the second year. Examples
include cabbage, turnip and radish.

Perennials- The plants which live

for many years are called
perennials. They continue to grow
and produce flowers, fruits and
Differences between seeds. Examples include mango,
monocotyledon and dicotyledon rose. Some perennials like the
plants banyan and Eucalyptus may live for
(See Table 1 on Page 11) hundreds of years.

4. Teacher check for this question. They get their water supply from
rain water that trickles down the
stems of the host trees they grow
Lesson 1.4 on. Some orchids have roots that
Classification of Plants on The can absorb water vapour from the
Basis of Habitat air. Nutrients are generally
absorbed from the decomposed
1. debris that collects on the
a. Xerophytes supporting plants.
b. Mesophytes
c. Hydrophytes 5.
d. Hydrophytes a. Insectivorous plants
e. Hydrophytes b. Saprophytes
f. Mesophytes c. Parasites
g. Xerophytes d. Epiphytes
h. Xerophytes e. Symbionts
i. Mesophytes f. Saphrophytes
j. Xerophytes g. Insectivorous plants
h. Symbionts
2. (See Table 2 on Page 11) i. Parasites

Lesson 1.5
Classification of Plants on the Basis
of Mode of Nutrition

1. Autotrophs make their food with

the help of carbon dioxide and
water in the presence of sunlight
and chlorophyll.

2. The word ` autotroph` means

`auto` meaning self and ‘trophe’
meaning nutrition.
Heterotrophs are organisms which
obtain their food from other plants
and animals.

4. Epiphytes are autotrophs and not

heterotrophs as they do not absorb
food from the plant that they are
attached on. They produce their
own food through photosynthesis.


Note to teachers and facilitators:

This module consists of only 1 Section. The Section Test can be used as:
• a review or
• for further practice
before students take the Module Test. Alternatively, students may take the Module
Test without taking the Section Test if they are sufficiently prepared and/or based
on teacher’s assessment.

Section 1 Test

1. 4. Two special characteristics of

a. Angiospermophyta; phylum Coniferophyta are:
Coniferophyta • They produce cones within
b. fronds which spores and seeds
c. true vascular develop.
d. Bryophyta • Their leaves are needle-like.
e. Bryophyta
Examples of conifers are
2. pines, firs, larches , spruces and
a. True cedar
b. False (autotrophs)
c. False (heterotrophs)
d. True
e. False (autotrophs)
f. False (many years)

3. Filicinophyta
• Non seed-bearing plants
• Have sporangia
• Have large leaves known as
• No flowers

• seed bearing plants
• No sporangia
• Have flowers

Module Test 5. Biennials
• The plants which complete their
1. life cycle in two years are called
a. False (seed bearing) biennials. They bear roots,
b. False (damp and moist) stems and leaves in the first
c. True year and flowers, fruits and
d. False (saprophytes) seeds in the second year.
e. True Examples include cabbage,
f. False (heterotrophs) turnip and radish
g. False (flower bearing)
2. • The plants which live for many
a. Angiosperms years are called perennials. They
b. thallus continue to grow and produce
c. Coniferophyta flowers, fruits and seeds.
d. Saprophytes Examples include mango, rose.
e. epiphytes Some perennials like the banyan
and Eucalyptus may live for
3. hundreds of years.
a. F
b. H 6. When two organisms live
c. I together and mutually help each
d. A other, they are called symbionts.
e. D Lichens are organisms consisting of
f. G a combination of algae and
g. J fungi. The fungi provides the
h. C framework and protection for the
i. B algae to grow and thrive whereas
j. E the algae is an autotroph which
photosynthesizes and at the same
4. Bryophyta time provides the fungi with
• No true stem and roots – carbon compounds.
thalloid body
• No true vascular tissues 7. Adaptive characteristics of
Filicinophyta • They have long horizontal roots
• Stem, leaves and roots present that are able to absorb
• Vascular tissues present rainwater quickly before it
• Clusters of sporangia present percolates deeper into the
• The leaves are modified into
spines and are tiny so as to
reduce water loss by

• They are able to store water in Alternate Test
their swollen stems or fleshy
leaves. 1.
• They have a waxy coat on their a. Filicinophyta
surfaces to stop water from b. Trees
evaporating. c. Xerophytes
d. Angiosperms
8. Adaptive characteristics of
hydrophytes (any two) 2.
• They have very small or no a. four
roots. b. Herbaceous
• The stems are long, slender, c. Bryophyta
soft, and spongy. d. parasitic
• They contain a large number of e. spines
air cavities filled with air which f. biennials
help them float on water. g. Epiphytes
• The leaves of submerged plants
are thin and ribbon-shaped. 3.
• Floating plants have well- a. True
developed leaves with a waxy b. True
coating which protects them in c. False (saprophytes)
water. d. False (saprophytes)
• They have big leaves that float e. False (Coniferophyta)
on the water's surface to f. True
attract ample sunlight for
photosynthesis 4. C (damp rocks and moist soil0
5. A (bryophytes)
9. 6. B (conifers)
a. Autotrophs 7. B (autotrophs)
b. Heterotrophs 8. D (mesophytes)
c. Saprophytes
d. Insectivorous plants 9.
e. Symbionts a. C (Cabbage)
b. D (Banyan Tree)
c. B (Orchid)
d. A (Hydrilla)
e. E (Cactus)

10. Adaptive Characteristics of

hydrophytes (any four)
• They have very small or no
• The stems are long, slender,
soft, and spongy.

• They contain a large number of
air cavities filled with air which 13. Autotrophs make their food with
help them float on water. the help of carbon dioxide and
• The leaves of submerged plants water in the presence of sunlight
are thin and ribbon-shaped. and chlorophyll.
• Floating plants have well- Heterotrophs are organisms
developed leaves with a waxy which obtain their food from other
coating which protects them in plants and animals.
• big leaves that float on the Examples of heterotrophs: any
water's surface to attract three examples of plants that are
ample sunlight for photosynthesis either parasites, saprophytes,
symbionts or insectivorous plant
11. Filicinophyta
• Non seed-bearing plants
• Have sporangia
• Have large leaves known as
• No flowers

• seed bearing plants
• No sporangia
• They produce flowers

12. Characteristics of plants in the

phylum Bryophyta (any three)
• Mostly grow in damp and moist
places like damp rocks, moist
soil and walls.
• Liverworts have a thalloid
plant body.
• Whereas in mosses the plant
body is differentiated into stem-
like, leaf-like and root-like
• Roots are absent; instead they
have thread-like structures
called rhizoids. Rhizoids help the
plants to anchor in the soil and
absorb water and minerals.
• There is no true vascular tissue.
Examples: liverworts, mosses

Answer for Question 1 Lesson 1.2

Table 1

Monocotyledon Dicotyledon

Seeds having one cotyledon Seeds having two cotyledons

Veins on leaves are usually Veins on leaves are usually net-like

Fibrous roots Taproot (main root) usually present

Flower parts in multiples of three Flower parts in multiples of four or

Vascular bundles are scattered Vascular bundles arranged in rings

Answer for Question 2 Lesson 1.4

Table 2

Adaptive feature Advantage/s

Leaves modified into spines to reduce water loss through

Waxy coat on the upper side of leaves
to keep the upper surface dry
in a Water Lily
Narrow thin leaves in a Hydrilla
to reduce water resistance

Waxy coat on a cactus

to prevent water from evaporating

Long horizontal roots in a cactus to be able to absorb rainwater quickly

before it percolates deeper into the
Swollen stems in a cactus
to store water

Big leaves which float as in a Water to attract ample sunlight for

Lily photosynthesis


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