Multi Grade Math 5 and 6 DLP
Multi Grade Math 5 and 6 DLP
Multi Grade Math 5 and 6 DLP
A. Content Standard At the end of the class, the A. Content Standard Ensure that the learner
students will be able to demonstrate understanding
demonstrates understanding of solid figures.
of polygons.
The learners able to construct The learner is able to
and describe polygons construct and describe the
B. Performance Standard B. Performance Standard different solid figures: cube
prism, pyramid, cylinder,
and sphere.
visualizes, names, describes and Visualize and describe the
draws polygons with 5 or more different solid figures: cube,
sides. prism, pyramid, cylinder,
M5GE-IIIc-19 cone, and sphere using
various concrete and pictorial
Describe and compare properties of model
C. Learning C. Learning
polygons. M5GE –IIIc –20
Competency/ Objectives Competency/ Objectives Differentiate solid figures
Write LC code Visualize congruent polygons. Write LC code from plane.
M5GE –IIId -22 M6GE-IIIa-28
*Prayer Let us all offer our day to almighty Let us all offer our day to almighty father
father and ask for his guidance. To lead and ask for his guidance. To lead our short
our short prayer may I call on (name of prayer may I call on (name of student).
*Checking of
Attendance For your attendance you don’t need to say For your attendance you don’t need to say
present, I Just want you to say PAK if you present, I Just want you to say PAK if you are
are here. Are you ready Kids? here. Are you ready Kids?
*Classroom Management
Okay you may all be seated. Before we Okay you may all be seated. Before we proceed
proceed to our studies, I Just want to ask if to our studies, I Just want to ask if how do you
how do you feel today? feel today?
Before we start to our lesson for today, Before we start to our lesson for today, here
here is my classroom rules: is my classroom rules:
Keep classroom clean Keep classroom clean
Raise your hand if you want to Raise your hand if you want to
answer answer
Be quiet Be quiet
Listen to the teacher Listen to the teacher
Follow directions Follow directions
Be kind to others Be kind to others
Use manners Use manners
Work hard Work hard
Do your best Do your best
A. Review “Who am I” –Types of angles Review
Let us first have a short recap of our past
lesson which is about the types of angles A. Let the students identify the name of
based on measurement. So these are the following polygons.
acute, right, obtuse, reflex, straight and
full rotation.
Rectangle/ polygon
From the items that she found, identify
which of them are plane figures and which
of them are solid figures.
What’s New
Decagon/ polygon
Discuss how to compare plane figures with
solid figures. What is the difference between
plane figures with solid figures?
Hexagon/polygon Plane figures are two-dimensional figures
which has length and width.
“Quad” means four. Solid figures have faces, edges, and vertices.
Quadrilateral has four sides A face is a flat surface surrounded by line
and four angles segments. Two faces meet at a line segments
called edge. Three or more edges meet at a
vertex. Each flat surface of a space figure is
“Penta” means five. a plane figure.
Has five sides and five Polyhedron is a three-dimensional figure
angles. with flat surfaces or faces which are
polygons. A prism is a polyhedron with two
parallel and congruent polygonal bases and
“Hexa” means six. Hexagon all other faces are parallelograms. A pyramid
has six sides and six angles. is a space figure with a polygon as its base
and the faces are triangles.
Properties of Polygon
Regular Polygon
Irregular Polygon
F. Finding practical Use of Games: Let the student get different shapes of plane
applications of concepts FACT OR BLUFF figures and solid figures that they have at
and skills in daily living home like detergent for rectangular prism,
Now let us apply what you have learned. glass for cylinder, linoleum for rectangle,
etc. And let them show it to the class.
Write FACT if the statement is true and
BLUFF if not.
1. The tiles that you walk on are
squared in shape, which implies
that they are polygons.
1. ND
2. D
3. D
4. D
5. D
6. ND
7. ND
8. D
9. D
10. D
J. Additional activities for Direction: Draw a polygon based on the II. Go for an Extra Mile!
application or remediation given characteristics. Solve the following problem.
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in evaluation
A. No. of learners
who require
Downloaded by Iacchus ([email protected])
activities for
remediation who
scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No of
learners who have caught
up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E.Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did this work?
F.What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G.What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other