Transurfing of Reality in A Nutshell
Transurfing of Reality in A Nutshell
Transurfing of Reality in A Nutshell
4. Excessive potentials
Excessive potentials are created when you give too much attention and value to a certain
object or event. The subjective evaluation distorts the objective reality giving an object or
event exaggerated negative or exaggerated positive attributes.
Excessive potentials are invisible and insensible but they play a significant and often
insidious role in people’s lives. The equilibrium forces which are targeted to remove the
excessive potentials will come into play. They cause massive problems because their action
is opposite to the intent that created the potential.
Or here is another more of a “cheat-sheet quick-reminder version” of it that I made:
All of the excessive potentials can be generally described with one word — “importance”.
The importance is the purest form of excessive potential and equilibrium forces create
massive problems for a person who creates it.
This knowledge results in the fourth rule of Transerfing:
In order to get in balance with the outside world, have freedom from pendulums and freely
fulfill your desires — one needs to reduce the importance.
After dropping the importance you will immediately enter the state of balance, you become
empty and the pendulums can’t establish their control because they simply can’t hook up the
emptiness. You shouldn’t become an emotionless statue. You should simply change your
attitude and stop struggling constantly keeping in mind that you always have a right to
5. Induced transition
The concept of Transurfing implies that each person creates his own thoughts with a
separate layer of the world in which he lives. An emotional response to a negative event
induces a transition to a negative line of life pulling you into the pendulum vortex.
By being actively interested in any negative information and emotionally responding to the
negative news a person subconsciously draws the “bad stuff” into his life and at some point
turns from an outside observer into a participant of the “nightmare”. The most common
vortexes of destructive pendulums are war, a crisis, unemployment, epidemics, panics,
disasters, and others.
You can prevent dragging yourself into such vortex by applying the fifth rule of Transerfing:
Do not let any negative information into your layer of the world, intentionally ignore it, deprive
it of attention and don’t engage with interest.
There is no need to actively avoid “the bad stuff” and even more so you shouldn’t fight it. You
just have to stay indifferent, “empty”.
8. Intent
Transurfing is like surfing on the waves but surfing from one variation of reality to another.
The transition to the desired sector of the Space of Variations is realized not by the desire
itself and not by the thoughts of the desired, but by a firm attitude — our Intention.
The Intention is the determination to own and to act.
The Intention does not imply thinking if the goal is achievable or not. The Intention implies
that the goal is defined, the decision to implement has been made, so the only thing that
remains is to act.
Zeland divides the concept of intention into two types:
● The Internal Intention is the intention to do something by ourselves, to influence the
world around us by focusing our intention on the process of our movement to a goal.
● The External Intention is the choice of the line of life in the Space of Variations. This
is the “green light” of the self-realization of the variation of reality. It’s a focus on how
the circumstances align themselves so that the goal realizes itself.
If the Inner Intention is the determination to act, then the External Intention is the
determination to own.
The External Intention arises not as an act of will, but as a consequence of the unity of the
soul and mind, therefore it is also called Pure Intent.
In order to realize the external intention, it is necessary to clear it of excessive potentials and
to conduct a conscious observation of your life, preventing the pendulums from hooking you
The eighth golden rule of Transurfing Reality can be formulated as follows:
The Internal Intention (our determination) must be directed towards the unity of the Soul and
of the Mind. Our wishes are realized by the External Intention, i.e. intention to own, our deep
belief and concentration on how the goal is realized by itself. “
The unity of the soul and mind with respect to the goal/wish is a sense of clarity without
words, knowledge without faith, and a confidence without hesitation.
9. Slides
One of the key concepts in Transurfing is the Slide. The Slide is a product of the imagination,
a distorted picture of reality. Our vision of ourselves and the world around us is often formed
through slides that exist only in our heads.
Slides appear when you attach excessive importance to what others think of you. They
appear as a magnifying glass of your shortcomings. If the slide is negative and filled with
importance, it can transfer you to the sector of the Space of Variations where the negative is
materialized in full force and turn your life into hell. In order to erase the negative slide, you
need to reduce the importance and get rid of your complexes.
The ninth golden rule of Transurfing says:
Create yourself a positive slide pleasant to your soul and mind. Do not look at the slide as a
picture, but live in it, at least virtually. Often look through your slide and add new details.
Your slide should be yours, not a copycat from someone else’s dream. Put on the positive
slide all that will bring you happiness — love, good looks, a successful career, health,
abundance, and excellent relationships with others.
Positive slides help to incorporate the unbelievable into the zone of your comfort. Embrace
the luxury of being worthy of all the best things in life. Absorb any information to strengthen
the world of your dreams.
Sound slides aka affirmations include repetitions of the setting for a certain goal and serve
as a self-programming for success.
While repeating affirmations, it is important to feel and experience what you are saying. A
separate affirmation should be narrow and positive. You need to adjust the parameters of
your transmission as if you already have what you wish.
10. Visualization
According to Transurfing, the focus on the goal, the final result, extends the comfort zone (a
zone of what we can at least mentally afford).
The Intention is the concentration of attention on the moving towards the goal.
You are moved not by the goal itself but by the Visualization of the process of moving
towards the goal.
If the path to the goal is known, it can be broken down into separate stages and then the
objective becomes to concentrate attention only on the current stage.
The tenth golden rule can be formulated as follows:
Visualization in Transurfing is a vision of the process of realizing the current stage on the
way to the goal.
In other words, you need to direct your thoughts in a certain way: to think about the current
stage, to imagine how it is already happening, to enjoy it and to be interested in everything
related to it.
Don’t worry if you do not see yet the way your goal will be realized. Continue to quietly and
systematically visualize the slide. When the goal will completely enter your comfort zone (will
stop seeming impossible), the External Intention will show an appropriate solution.
11. The Soul Fraile
Each soul has its own individual “star” sectors (the path of complete self-realization). To get
there, you need to stop your attempts of being like someone else, stop attempts of repeating
another person’s scenario, and to recognize the magnificence of your own individuality. You
have to be daring to turn your mind to your unique soul. Do not be afraid to break
stereotypes of pendulums that scream: “do as I do” and “be like everyone else.”
The soul of each person has a unique individual set of attributes that characterize it — this is
the Soul Fraile. It is implicit, it is hidden under the masks of the mind.
When your mind is tuned to the Soul Fraile, you are satisfied with yourself, you love yourself,
you live with pleasure and you do what you love. It is a Shine — your inner light.
This is the secret of charming beauty, charisma, and attractiveness of a person — the
harmony between the soul and mind.
Pendulums try to take us away from this harmony, setting their standards of prestige and
success, because their favorite food is the energy of “discontent, envy, fear, and
Therefore, the eleventh golden rule of Transurfing sounds like this:
Your Soul Fraile is the Holy Grail within you. In order to tune your mind to your Soul Fraile,
you need to convince yourself that your soul is worthy of love in the first place.
Take a good care of yourself, pay attention to the slightest movements of your soul. Dare to
ignore the stereotypes of pendulums and allow yourself to own your magnificent individuality.