Algo Assignment-21.1 RedBlack Tree (TH)

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Red-black tree in Data Structure

The red-Black tree is a binary search tree. The prerequisite of the red-black tree is
that we should know about the binary search tree. In a binary search tree, the values
of the nodes in the left subtree should be less than the value of the root node, and the
values of the nodes in the right subtree should be greater than the value of the root
Each node in the Red-black tree contains an extra bit that represents a color to ensure
that the tree is balanced during any operations performed on the tree like insertion,
deletion, etc. In a binary search tree, the searching, insertion and deletion
take O(log2n) time in the average case, O(1) in the best case and O(n) in the worst
Why do we require a Red-Black tree
• Red-Black tree is a self-balanced binary search tree. The Red-Black tree is
used because the AVL tree requires many rotations when the tree is large,
whereas the Red-Black tree requires a maximum of two rotations to balance the
tree. The main difference between the AVL tree and the Red-Black tree is that
the AVL tree is strictly balanced, while the Red-Black tree is not completely
height-balanced. So, the AVL tree is more balanced than the Red-Black tree, but
the Red-Black tree guarantees O(log2n) time for all operations like insertion,
deletion, and searching.
• Insertion is easier in the AVL tree as the AVL tree is strictly balanced, whereas
deletion and searching are easier in the Red-Black tree as the Red-Black tree
requires fewer rotations.
• As the name suggests that the node is either colored in Red or Black color.
Sometimes no rotation is required, and only recoloring is needed to balance the
Properties of Red-Black tree
o It is a self-balancing Binary Search tree. Here, self-balancing means that it
balances the tree itself by either doing the rotations or recoloring the nodes.
o This tree data structure is named as a Red-Black tree as each node is either Red
or Black in color. Every node stores one extra information known as a bit that
represents the color of the node. For example, 0 bit denotes the black color

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while 1 bit denotes the red color of the node. Other information stored by the
node is similar to the binary tree, i.e., data part, left pointer and right pointer.
o In the Red-Black tree, the root node is always black in color.
o In a binary tree, we consider those nodes as the leaf which have no child. In
contrast, in the Red-Black tree, the nodes that have no child are considered the
internal nodes and these nodes are connected to the NIL nodes that are always
black in color. The NIL nodes are the leaf nodes in the Red-Black tree.
o If the node is Red, then its children should be in Black color. In other words, we
can say that there should be no red-red parent-child relationship.
o Every path from a node to any of its descendant's NIL node should have same
number of black nodes.

Is every AVL tree can be a Red-Black tree?

Yes, every AVL tree can be a Red-Black tree if we color each node either by Red or
Black color. But every Red-Black tree is not an AVL because the AVL tree is strictly
height-balanced while the Red-Black tree is not completely height-balanced.

Creation / Build / Insertion in Red Black tree

The following are some rules used to create the Red-Black tree:
1. If the tree is empty, then we create a new node as a root node with the color
2. If the tree is not empty, then we create a new node as a leaf node with a color
3. If the parent of a new node is black, then exit.
4. If the parent of a new node is Red, then we have to check the color of the
parent's sibling of a new node.
a) If the color is Black, then we perform rotations and recoloring.
b) If the color is Red then we recolor the node. We will also check whether
the parents' parent of a new node is the root node or not; if it is not a root
node, we will recolor and recheck the node.

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Let's understand the insertion in the Red-Black tree
10, 18, 7, 15, 16, 30, 25, 40, 60

Step 1: Initially, the tree is empty, so we create a new node having

value 10. This is the first node of the tree, so it would be the root
node of the tree. As we already discussed, that root node must be
black in color, which is shown below:

Step 2: The next node is 18. As 18 is greater than 10

so it will come at the right of 10 as shown below.

We know the second rule of the Red Black tree that if

the tree is not empty then the newly created node will
have the Red color. Therefore, node 18 has Red
color. Now we verify the third rule of the Red-Black
tree, i.e., the parent of the new node is black or not.
In the above figure, the parent node is black in color.

Step 3: Now, we create the new node having value 7

with Red color. As 7 is less than 10, so it will come at
the left of 10 as shown below.

Now we verify the third rule of the Red-Black tree,

i.e., the parent of the new node is black or not. As
we can observe, the parent of the node 7 is black in
color, and it obeys the Red-Black tree's properties.

Step 4: The next element is 15, and 15 is greater than 10, but less than 18, so the
new node will be created at the left of node 18. The node 15 would be Red in color as
the tree is not empty.
The above tree violates the property of the Red-Black tree as it has Red-red parent-
child relationship. Now we have to apply some rule to make a Red-Black tree. The rule

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4 says that if the new node's parent is Red, then we have to check the color of
the parent's sibling of a new node. The new node is node 15; the parent of the
new node is node 18 and the sibling of the parent node is node 7. As the color of the
parent's sibling is Red in color, so we apply the rule 4a. The rule 4a says that we have
to recolor both the parent and parent's sibling node. So, both the nodes, i.e., 7 and
18, would be recolored Black as shown in the below figure.

We also have to check whether the parent's parent

of the new node is the root node or not. As we can
observe in the above figure, the parent's parent of a
new node is the root node, so we do not need to
recolor it.

Step 5: The next element is 16. As 16 is greater than 10 but less than 18 and greater
than 15, so node 16 will come at the right of node 15. The tree is not empty; node 16
would be Red in color, as shown in the below figure:
In this figure, we can observe that it violates the
property of the parent-child relationship as it has a
red-red parent-child relationship. We have to apply
some rules to make a Red-Black tree. Since the
new node's parent is Red color, and the parent of
the new node has no sibling, so rule 4a will be
applied. The rule 4a says that some rotations and
recoloring would be performed on the tree.
Since node 16 is right of node 15 and the parent of
node 15 is node 18. Node 15 is the left of node 18.
Here we have an LR (Left Right) relationship, so
we require to perform two rotations. First, we will
perform left, and then we will perform the right
rotation. The left rotation would be performed on
nodes 15 and 16, where node 16 will move upward, and node 15 will move downward.
Once the left rotation is performed, the tree looks like as shown in the below figure:

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In the above figure, we can observe that
there is an LL (Left Left) relationship.
The above tree has a Red-red conflict, so
we perform the right rotation. When we
perform the right rotation, the median
element would be the root node. Once
the right rotation is performed, node 16
would become the root node, and nodes
15 and 18 would be the left child and
right child, respectively, as shown in the
below figure.
After rotation, node 16 and node 18 would be
recolored; the color of node 16 is red, so it will
change to black, and the color of node 18 is black,
so it will change to a red color as shown in the
below figure:

Step 6: The next element is 30. Node 30 is

inserted at the right of node 18. As the tree is
not empty, so the color of node 30 would be red.

The color of the parent and parent's

sibling of a new node is Red, so rule
4b is applied. In rule 4b, we have to
do only recoloring, i.e., no rotations
are required. The color of both the
parent (node 18) and parent's
sibling (node 15) would become

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black, as shown in the below image.
We also have to check the parent's parent of
the new node, whether it is a root node or
not. The parent's parent of the new node,
i.e., node 30 is node 16 and node 16 is not a
root node, so we will recolor the node 16 and
changes to the Red color. The parent of node
16 is node 10, and it is not in Red color, so
there is no Red-red conflict.

Step 7: The next element is 25, which we

have to insert in a tree. Since 25 is greater
than 10, 16, 18 but less than 30; so, it will
come at the left of node 30. As the tree is
not empty, node 25 would be in Red color.
Here Red-red conflict occurs as the parent
of the newly created is Red color.
Since there is no parent's sibling, so rule 4a is applied in which rotation, as well as
recoloring, are performed. First, we will perform rotations. As the newly created node
is at the left of its parent and the parent node is at the right of its parent, so the RL
relationship is formed. Firstly, the right rotation is performed in which node 25 goes
upwards, whereas node 30 goes
downwards, as shown in the below figure.

After the first rotation, there is an RR

relationship, so left rotation is performed.
After right rotation, the median element,
i.e., 25 would be the root node; node 30
would be at the right of 25 and node 18
would be at the left of node 25.

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Now recoloring would be performed on nodes 25 and 18; node 25 becomes black in
color, and node 18 becomes red in color.

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Step 8: The next element is 40. Since 40 is greater than 10, 16, 18, 25, and 30, so
node 40 will come at the right of node 30. As the tree is not empty, node 40 would be
Red in color. There is a Red-red conflict between nodes 40 and 30, so rule 4b will be
As the color of parent and parent's sibling
node of a new node is Red so recoloring
would be performed. The color of both the
nodes would become black, as shown in
the below image.
After recoloring, we also have to check the
parent's parent of a new node, i.e., 25,
which is not a root node, so recoloring
would be performed, and the color of node
25 changes to Red.
After recoloring, red-red conflict occurs
between nodes 25 and 16. Now node 25
would be considered as the new node. Since the parent of node 25 is red in color, and
the parent's sibling is black in color, rule 4a would be applied. Since 25 is at the right
of the node 16 and 16 is at the right of its parent, so there is an RR relationship. In
the RR relationship, left rotation is performed. After left rotation, the median element
16 would be the root node, as shown in the below figure.

After rotation, recoloring is

performed on nodes 16 and 10.
The color of node 10 and node 16
changes to Red and Black,
respectively as shown in the
below figure.

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Step 9: The next element is 60. Since 60 is greater than 16, 25, 30, and 40, so node
60 will come at the right of node 40. As the tree is not empty, the color of node 60
would be Red.
As we can observe in the above tree that there is a Red-red conflict occurs. The parent
node is Red in color, and there is no parent's sibling exists in the tree, so rule 4a
would be applied. The first
rotation would be performed.
The RR relationship exists
between the nodes, so left
rotation would be performed.
When left rotation is
performed, node 40 will come
upwards, and node 30 will
come downwards, as shown in
the below figure:
After rotation, the recoloring is
performed on nodes 30 and 40.
The color of node 30 would
become Red, while the color of
node 40 would become black.
This tree is a Red-Black tree as
it follows all the Red-Black tree

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Deletion in Red Back tree
Let's understand how we can delete the particular node from the Red-Black tree. The
following are the rules used to delete the particular node from the tree:
Step 1: First, we perform BST rules for the deletion.
Step 2:
Case 1: if the node is Red, which is to be deleted, we simply delete it.
Let's understand case 1 through an example.
Suppose we want to delete node 30 from the
tree, which is given below.
Initially, we are having the address of the root
node. First, we will apply BST to search the node.
Since 30 is greater than 10 and 20, which means
that 30 is the right child of node 20. Node 30 is a
leaf node and Red in color, so it is simply deleted
from the tree.
If we want to delete the internal node that has one child. First, replace the value of
the internal node with the value of the child node and then simply delete the child
Let's take another example in which we want to delete the internal node, i.e.,
node 20.
We cannot delete the internal node; we can only
replace the value of that node with another value.
Node 20 is at the right of the root node, and it is
having only one child, node 30. So, node 20 is
replaced with a value 30, but the color of the node
would remain the same, i.e., Black. In the end, node
20 (leaf node) is deleted from the tree.

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If we want to delete the internal node that has two child nodes. In this case, we have
to decide from which we have to replace the value of the internal node (either left
subtree or right subtree). We have two ways:
o Inorder predecessor: We will replace with the largest value that exists in the
left subtree.
o Inorder successor: We will replace with the smallest value that exists in the
right subtree.
Suppose we want to delete node 30 from the tree, which is shown below:
Node 30 is at the right of the root node.
In this case, we will use the inorder
successor. The value 38 is the smallest
value in the right subtree, so we will
replace the value 30 with 38, but the node
would remain the same, i.e., Red. After
replacement, the leaf node, i.e., 30, would
be deleted from the tree. Since node 30 is
a leaf node and Red in color, we need to
delete it (we do not have to perform any
rotations or any recoloring).

Case 2: If the root node is also double

black, then simply remove the double
black and make it a single black.
Case 3: If the double black's sibling is
black and both its children are black.
o Remove the double black node.
o Add the color of the node to the
parent (P) node.

1. If the color of P is red then it becomes black.

2. If the color of P is black, then it becomes double black.
o The color of double black's sibling changes to red.
o If still double black situation arises, then we will apply other cases.

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Let's understand this case through an example.
Suppose we want to delete node 15 in the below tree.
We cannot simply delete node 15 from the
tree as node 15 is Black in color. Node 15 has
two children, which are nil. So, we replace
the value 15 with a nil value. As node 15 and
nil node are black in color, the node becomes
double black after replacement, as below figure.

In this tree, we can observe that the double

black's sibling is black in color and its
children are nil, which are also black. As the
double black's sibling and its children have black
so it cannot give its black color to neither of
these. Now, the double black's parent node is Red so double black's node add its black
color to its parent node. The color of the node 20 changes to black while the color of
the nil node changes to a single black as shown in the below figure.

After adding the color to its parent node, the

color of the double black's sibling, i.e., node
30 changes to red as shown in the below
In the above tree, we can observe that there
is no longer double black's problem exists,
and it is also a Red-Black tree.
Case 4: If double black's sibling is Red.
o Swap the color of its parent and its sibling.
o Rotate the parent node in the double black's direction.
o Reapply cases.

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Let's understand this case through an example.
Suppose we want to delete node 15.

Initially, the 15 is replaced with a nil value. After replacement, the node becomes
double black. Since double black's sibling is Red so color of the node 20 changes to
Red and the color of the node 30 changes to Black.
Once the swapping of the color is completed, the rotation towards the double black
would be performed. The node 30 will move upwards and the node 20 will move
downwards as shown in the below figure.

In the above tree, we can observe that double black situation still exists in the tree. It
satisfies the case 3 in which double black's sibling is black as well as both its children
are black. First, we remove the double black from the node and add the black color to
its parent node. At the end, the color of the double black's sibling, i.e., node 25
changes to Red as shown in the below figure.

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In this tree, we can observe that the
double black situation has been
resolved. It also satisfies the properties
of the Red Black tree.
Case 5: If double black's sibling is
black, sibling's child who is far from the
double black is black, but near child to
double black is red.
o Swap the color of double black's
sibling and the sibling child which is
nearer to the double black node.
o Rotate the sibling in the opposite direction of the double black.
o Apply case 6
Suppose we want to delete the node 1 in the below tree.

First, we replace the value 1 with the nil value. The node becomes double black as
both the nodes, i.e., 1 and nil are black. It satisfies the case 3 that implies if DB's
sibling is black and both its children are black. First, we remove the double black
of the nil node. Since the parent of DB is Black, so when the black color is added to
the parent node then it becomes double black. After adding the color, the double
black's sibling color changes to Red as shown below.

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We can observe in the above screenshot that the double black problem still exists in
the tree. So, we will reapply the cases. We will apply case 5 because the sibling of
node 5 is node 30, which is black in color, the child of node 30, which is far from node
5 is black, and the child of the node 30 which is near to node 5 is Red. In this case,
first we will swap the color of node 30 and node 25 so the color of node 30 changes to
Red and the color of node 25 changes to Black as shown below.

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Once the swapping of the color between the nodes is completed, we need to rotate the
sibling in the opposite direction of the double black node. In this rotation, the node 30
moves downwards while the node 25 moves upwards as shown below.

As we can observe in the above tree that double black situation still exists. So, we
need to case 6. Let's first see what is case 6.
Case 6: If double black's sibling is black, far child is Red
o Swap the color of Parent and its sibling node.
o Rotate the parent towards the Double black's direction
o Remove Double black
o Change the Red color to black.
Now we will apply case 6 in the above example to solve the double black's situation.
In the above example, the double black is node 5, and the sibling of node 5 is node
25, which is black in color. The far child of the double black node is node 30, which is
Red in color as shown in the below figure:

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First, we will swap the colors of Parent and its sibling. The parent of node 5 is node
10, and the sibling node is node 25. The colors of both the nodes are black, so there is
no swapping would occur.
In the second step, we need to rotate the parent in the double black's direction. After
rotation, node 25 will move upwards, whereas node 10 will move downwards. Once
the rotation is performed, the tree would like, as shown in the below figure:

In the next step, we will remove double black from node 5 and node 5 will give its
black color to the far child, i.e., node 30. Therefore, the color of node 30 changes to
black as shown in the below figure.

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Time Complexity

Sr. No. Algorithm Time Complexity

1. Search O(log n)

2. Insert O(log n)

3. Delete O(log n)

Where n is the total number of elements in the red-black tree.

Interesting points about Red-Black Tree:

1. The black height of the red-black tree is the number of black nodes on a
path from the root node to a leaf node. Leaf nodes are also counted as black
nodes. So, a red-black tree of height h has black height >= h/2.
2. Height of a red-black tree with n nodes is h<= 2 log2(n + 1).
3. All leaves (NIL) are black.
4. The black depth of a node is defined as the number of black nodes from the
root to that node i.e the number of black ancestors.
5. Every red-black tree is a special case of a binary tree.

1. Most of the self-balancing BST library functions like map, multiset, and
multimap in C++ or java packages like java.util.TreeMap and
java.util.TreeSet use Red-Black Trees.
2. It is used to implement CPU Scheduling Linux. Completely Fair
Scheduler uses it.
3. It is also used in the K-mean clustering algorithm in machine learning for
reducing time complexity.
4. Moreover, MySQL also uses the Red-Black tree for indexes on tables in
order to reduce the searching and insertion time.
5. Red Black Trees are used in the implementation of the virtual memory
manager in some operating systems, to keep track of memory pages and
their usage.

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6. Many programming languages such as Java, C++, and Python have
implemented Red Black Trees as a built-in data structure for efficient
searching and sorting of data.
7. Red Black Trees are used in the implementation of graph algorithms such as
Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm and Prim’s minimum spanning tree
8. Red Black Trees are used in the implementation of game engines.

1. Red Black Trees have a guaranteed time complexity of O(log n) for basic
operations like insertion, deletion, and searching.
2. Red Black Trees are self-balancing.
3. Red Black Trees can be used in a wide range of applications due to their
efficient performance and versatility.
4. The mechanism used to maintain balance in Red Black Trees is relatively
simple and easy to understand.

1. Red Black Trees require one extra bit of storage for each node to store the
color of the node (red or black).
2. Complexity of Implementation.
3. Although Red Black Trees provide efficient performance for basic
operations, they may not be the best choice for certain types of data or
specific use cases.

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