Eye-Closure Increases Children's Memory, MASTROBERARDINO

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Eye-closure increases children's memory

accuracy for visual material

Serena Mastroberardino 1*
Annelies Vredeveldt 2

Research shows that closing the eyes during retrieval can help both adults and children to
remember more about witnessed events. In this study, we investigated whether the eye-closure
effect in children is explained by general cognitive load, modality-specific interference, or a
combination. 120 children (60 female) aged between 8 and 11 years viewed a 5-min clip
depicting a theft and were questioned about the event. During the cued-recall interview,
children either viewed a blank screen (blank-screen condition), kept their eyes closed (eye-
closure condition), were exposed to visual stimuli (visual-distraction condition), or were
exposed to auditory stimuli (auditory-distraction condition). Children in the blank-screen and
eye-closure conditions provided significantly more correct and fewer incorrect responses about
visual details than children in the visual- and auditory-distraction conditions. No advantage was
found for auditory details. These results support neither a pure cognitive-load explanation (in
which the effect is expected to be observed for recall of both visual and auditory details), nor a
pure modality-specific account (in which recall of visual details should only be disrupted by
visual distractions). Practical implications of the findings are discussed.


One critical point in criminal investigation, especially in the early stages, is gathering evidence
through questioning the witness/victim. When interviewing a child, this stage becomes even
more crucial due to the cognitive and psychological factors affecting performance of this
particular group of witnesses. In fact, children tend to report less information compared to
adults, despite being generally accurate (see Goodman and Melinder, 2007, for a review), and
may experience difficulties in focusing their attention for prolonged times. They are also prone
to be influenced by situational factors such as the characteristics of the interviewer (e.g., age and
status) and of the interview itself (e.g., social cues and types of requests; see Krähenbühl and
Blades, 2006; Quas et al., 2007). In order to overcome these issues, researchers have developed
or adapted a number of interview protocols with the purpose to help professionals gather
accurate information from a child witness (e.g., Cognitive Interview: Fisher and Geiselman,
1992; Stepwise Interview: Yuille et al., 1993). These protocols generally help the child to
remember more accurately, but there is also evidence of a small increase on the number of
errors (see, for example, Memon et al., 1997 for a meta analysis on the Cognitive Interview).

In addition, although experts in many countries are trained in one or more of such protocols,
surveys with police officers and other professionals, such as social workers, show that in many
cases they incorrectly or only partially make use of such techniques (Kebbell and Wagstaff,
1999; Kebbell et al., 1999; Clarke and Milne, 2001). This is frequently due to a lack of
appropriate training or time constraints when conducting the interview. Therefore, in recent
years researchers have focused on investigating simpler strategies to increase witnesses'
accuracy that are easier to implement in practice. Dando et al. (2009), for instance, proposed a
modified Cognitive Interview procedure based on the PEACE model, namely the Modified Peace
Cognitive Interview Procedure (MPCI), in which mental reinstatement of context is replaced by
a sketch mental reinstatement of context in which participants are asked to draw a
sketch of the event to generate their own retrieval cues. In its shortened version, including a
sketch free recall and a final free recall in lieu of a change of temporal order, this procedure
proved to be effective and less time-consuming than the standard MPCI. Another valuable
interviewing tool recently developed by Wagstaff and Wheatcroft (2010, Unpublished
document; as cited in Wagstaff et al., 2011a,b) is the Liverpool Interview Protocol—a brief
procedure for use in the field that combines the Focused Meditation, eye-closure, and context
reinstatement elements.

An even simpler strategy is instructing witnesses to close their eyes during recall. When one has
to focus on a task it is quite common for both children and adults to spontaneously close the
eyes or look away in order to reduce interference from external sources and perform better
(Doherty-Sneddon et al., 2002; Doherty-Sneddon and Phelps, 2005; Phelps et al.,
2006; Markson and Paterson, 2009; Wais et al., 2010). In recent studies, instructing adults or
children to close the eyes when recalling an event has been shown to increase the number of
correct details reported, while at the same time decreasing the number of errors. Studies
conducted with adults showed that eye-closure improves performance on mathematical and
general-knowledge tests (Glenberg et al., 1998). Furthermore, eye-closure increases memory
performance for visual details in a witnessed event (see Vredeveldt et al., 2012, 2013) and in
some studies also for auditory details (see Perfect et al., 2008; Vredeveldt and Penrod, 2012).
Studies conducted with children found that children instructed to avert their gaze (Phelps et al.,
2006) or close their eyes (Mastroberardino et al., 2012; Natali et al., 2012) also perform better
on arithmetic and verbal-reasoning tasks, and remember more correct information about
witnessed events. Additionally, Natali et al. found that eye-closure increased children's memory
accuracy for both visual and auditory details.

Based on their findings, Perfect et al. (2008) concluded that eye-closure has a general effect: it
reduces cognitive load, resulting in benefits for recall of both visual and auditory details (see
also Perfect et al., 2011, 2012). However, other findings that eye-closure predominantly benefits
recall of visual details (Vredeveldt et al., 2012, 2013) point to a modality-specific effect: eye-
closure reduces visual distractions in the environment, which specifically enhances performance
on tasks that are visual in nature, such as recall of visual details. Vredeveldt et al.
(2011) conducted a direct test of the general and modality-specific accounts of the eye-closure
effect, respectively, by varying the nature of distractions during the interview. They found
evidence for both general and modality-specific accounts. Thus, memory performance was
better when distraction during the interview was minimal (most likely due to a reduction in
general cognitive load). In addition, recall of visual material was most disrupted by exposure to
visual distractions, whereas recall of auditory material was most disrupted by exposure to
auditory distractions (i.e., a modality-specific interference effect). Finally, they found no
significant difference between participants who closed their eyes and participants who looked at
a blank screen during the interview, suggesting that reducing visual distractions in the
environment is as effective as eye-closure.

The study conducted by Vredeveldt et al. (2011) suggests that, for adults, eye-closure reduces
general cognitive load as well as modality-specific interference. However, it is not clear whether
eye-closure has the same effects on children's performance. For example, two recent studies on
the role of repeated recall and delay in the eye-closure effect, one conducted with adults
(Vredeveldt et al., 2013) and one conducted with children (Natali et al., 2012), came to slightly
different conclusions. In both studies, eye-closure during an interview taking place
approximately 1 week after the witnessed event significantly improved recall performance.
However, Natali et al. also found that children benefited from eye-closure during an interview
taking place immediately after the event, whereas Vredeveldt et al. did not observe such benefits
for adult participants. Thus, it is possible that eye-closure differentially affects memory in
children and adults. A possible explanation for any differences between children and adults may
relate to developmental differences. It is possible that the task of recalling information from a
video seen immediately prior to the interview was not too cognitively demanding for adults. This
could explain why eye-closure did not have an effect, since eye-closure is generally found to be
most beneficial for cognitive tasks that are at least moderately difficult (cf. Glenberg et al.,
1998). For children, on the other hand, even recall immediately after viewing an event may be a
relatively difficult task, due to age differences in cognitive control capacity of attention shifting
(see Enns, 1990, for a review). Thus, eye-closure may have helped children to allocate their
attentional resources more effectively, by allowing them to disengage from irrelevant
information in the environment and focusing their attention on the recall task.

In this study, we aim to investigate the relative influences of general and modality-specific
components in the eye-closure effect in children. Based on previous research with adults
(Vredeveldt et al., 2011), we hypothesized that (a) children exposed to minimal distraction
during the memory task would provide more correct responses and fewer incorrect responses
than children exposed to visual or auditory distractions, and (b) recall of visual material would
be most disrupted by visual distractions, whereas recall of auditory material would be most
disrupted by auditory distractions. However, due to differences related to development of
cognitive control of voluntary attention (i.e., attention shifting, see Enns, 1990), we could not be
certain that the same pattern would emerge in children.



One hundred and twenty children (60 female) aged between 8 and 11 years (M = 8.99; SD =
0.87) voluntarily participated in this study. Children were recruited from schools in Rome and
had no familiarity with spoken or written Hebrew. This study was approved by the ethical
committee of the Sapienza University of Rome and parents and teachers gave their informed
consent before participation.

All experimental materials were in Italian. A 5-min clip created for this experiment was used as
study material (see Supplementary Material for a detailed description). The clip shows a series
of events taking place in a private residence: a girl making a phone call, a parcel being delivered,
the delivery man stealing a 50 Euros bill from a wallet, and a group of friends meeting up for a
chat. In order to provide some memorable data to our participants, six clearly discriminable
people appeared in the video, different scenes took place in clearly identifiable rooms in an
apartment (i.e., kitchen, living room etc.), and names of the actors were clearly spoken.

Design and Procedure

This study employed a 4 (Interview Condition: blank screen, eyes closed, visual distraction,
auditory distraction) × 2 (Modality of Encoded Information: visual, auditory) mixed design. All
participants were tested individually in a small room during school hours. The experimenter
welcomed the children and told them that they were going to see a short movie and that they
had to answer some questions about it later. The clip was then presented on a 14.5' television
screen. Following this, participants were randomly assigned to one of the four interview
conditions and presented with an 18-item open-ended questionnaire (9 questions on visual and
9 questions on auditory details, see Supplementary Material). They were instructed to respond
according to what they remembered and to avoid guessing by saying “don't know.” Participants
in the blank screen condition (control group), were instructed to look at the blank screen
throughout the interview, while participants in the eye closure condition were asked to keep
their eyes closed. The visual- and auditory-distraction stimuli were identical to those used
by Vredeveldt et al. (2011) with adult participants. Children in the visual distraction condition
were instructed to look at the screen where Hebrew words (in Hebrew script) were presented in
random locations (one per second), while participants in the auditory distraction condition
looked at the blank screen while they heard Hebrew words being spoken (one per second). If, at
any point during the interview, participants failed to follow the instruction (e.g., they looked
away from the screen or opened their eyes) the interviewer reminded them what they were
instructed to do at the beginning of the questioning phase. All children completed the
experiment and after the questioning phase were fully debriefed and thanked for their


A preliminary analysis showed no significant influence of age on participants' performance. The

means and standard deviations for correct responses, incorrect responses, confabulated
responses, and “don't know” (DK) responses are shown in Table 1. For correct and incorrect
responses, we conducted 4 (Interview Condition: blank screen, eyes closed, visual distraction,
auditory distraction) × 2 (Modality of Encoded Information: visual, auditory) mixed analyses of
variance (ANOVA) with repeated measures on the second factor. For confabulated and DK
responses, we conducted Kruskal-Wallis tests, because the data were positively skewed and
leptokurtic, and transformations did not correct this.Discussion

We found that eye-closure (or looking at a blank screen) during recall substantially increased
correct responses, and substantially decreased errors, for recall of visual information about the
witnessed event, as compared to conditions in which children were exposed to visual and
auditory distractions during the interview. Our findings with children only partly
replicated Vredeveldt et al.'s (2011) findings with adults. Thus, we found a general effect of
sensory distractions on recall of visual details, but we did not find a general effect on recall of
auditory details. We also did not replicate their modality-specific effect (i.e., that recall of visual
details was most impaired by visual distractions and that recall of auditory details was most
impaired by auditory distractions).

In terms of visual distractions, our findings with children are in line with some findings with
adults, but not others. First, Perfect et al. (2012) manipulated visual distractions directly, and
found that increased visual distractions led to fewer correct and more incorrect responses about
both visual and auditory details in the event. We replicated this finding with regards to visual
details, but did not find that visual distractions impaired recall of auditory details. Second, some
adult studies manipulating eye-closure have found that eye-closure improved recall of both
visual and auditory details (Perfect et al., 2008 Experiments 3–5; Vredeveldt and Penrod, 2012).
However, other studies have found that eye-closure had selective benefits for recall of visual
details only (Perfect et al., Experiment 2; Vredeveldt et al., 2012, Experiment 1; Vredeveldt et al.,
2013). Similarly, in the present study, distractions in the interview environment only affected
recall of visual details.

In terms of auditory distractions, our findings with children are partly in line with what Perfect
et al. (2011) found for adults, namely that auditory distractions increased the number of errors
for visual details. However, unlike Perfect et al. (2011), (a) auditory distractions in the present
study also decreased the number of correct responses for visual details, and (b) auditory
distractions did not impair recall of auditory details. The latter finding is in line with Vredeveldt
et al. (2012, Experiment 2), who found that auditory distractions did not impair adults' recall of
auditory details (although they also found that auditory distractions did not impair recall of
visual details either, unlike the present study). In sum, our findings show that children perform
better when they are interviewed in a silent environment. However, if it is not possible to
conduct the interview in a silent environment, eye-closure during recall may help interviewees
to overcome accuracy impairments caused by auditory distractions (Perfect et al., 2011). Future
research should investigate whether this compensatory effect of eye-closure is also observed
with children.

We found that distractions during the interview did not interfere with children's recall
performance in a modality-specific way. Both auditory and visual distraction impaired
participants' recall of visual details. It appears that closing their eyes or looking at a blank screen
helped children to focus on the task of recalling visual information, while any type of external
distraction had a disruptive effect. This might be explained in the light of a cognitive load
hypothesis (Lavie and Tsal, 1994; Lavie, 2005; Lavie and Lin, 2009; Sweller et al., 2011), which
suggests that people have a limited amount of cognitive resources they can devote to cognitive
tasks. Therefore, performance on a cognitive task (such as attempting to retrieve information
about a witnessed event) will be impaired by any concurrent tasks that require cognitive
resources (such as monitoring the environment during the interview). Closing the eyes may be a
way to reduce interference of external stimulation and reduce rememberers' cognitive load, both
increasing the capability of the witness to focus on the memorial image and decreasing the
burden of monitoring the environment for social cues (Bond and Titus, 1983). Given that
children are particularly affected by the social and environmental components of an interview
(e.g., characteristics of the interviewer, social cues and types of requests; see Krähenbühl and
Blades, 2006; Quas et al., 2007), a reduction in cognitive load might explain the effect of eye-
closure in increasing children's accuracy. In the present study, children's performance was
affected by any form of distraction, probably because they experienced difficulties on focusing
and sustaining attention over time (Ruff and Rothbart, 1996; Dowsett and Livesey,
2000; NICHD Early Child Care Research Network, 2005). Unlike adults, where a modality-
specific effect was found, visual/auditory distraction had a general disruptive effect on children's

An alternative account emerges from developmental studies on working memory and

specifically on the “storage and processing” functions of the central executive (see Gathercole,
2000, for a review). According to this explanation, as the individual has to process incoming
data (e.g., visual/ auditory distraction) and at the same time recall information, there will be a
lower amount of activation available to support processing. Case et al. (1982) suggested that the
total processing space available remains constant over development and it is the operational
efficiency that is increased over time. Our results suggest that the latter was still inadequate in
our sample of children, therefore any form of distraction interfered with performance.

Our findings also suggest that children's recall of visual details is more vulnerable to external
distractions than their recall of auditory details. Why this is the case, is not clear. Perhaps, this
effect is related to task demand. Although our questions about visual and auditory details were
carefully designed, it is possible that our participants found it easier to respond to the latter, as
illustrated by their ability to sustain consistently high memory accuracy for auditory details,
even when faced with distractions during the interview. A second possible explanation may
relate to the study material. In our experiment, auditory material was mostly presented as
spoken by an actor within a social interaction. This may have produced a bimodal advantage
(i.e., audio-visual), resulting in an enhancement of participants' performance as compared to
visual material that was presented unimodally (see Mastroberardino et al., 2008 for a review).

In sum, our findings show that eye-closure is an ecologically valid and inexpensive way of
helping children to recall the visual aspects of an event. We found that eye-closure resulted in
sizeable benefits for children's recall of visual information. One of the most important (and
unique) selling points of the eye-closure instruction is that it not only increases correct recall,
but also decreases incorrect recall. Further, unlike many other interview protocols, it does not
require any training or additional interview time, and can be easily implemented in forensic
settings. Nevertheless, when questioning children one has to take into account that they do not
report spontaneously most of the information they remember and that they have to be prompted
using appropriate questioning (Goodman and Melinder, 2007; Melinder et al., 2010). Therefore,
more research needs to be conducted into possible associations between eye-closure and other
interview strategies to enhance children's memory performance.

Conflict of interest statement

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or
financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

Supplementary Material

The Supplementary Material for this article can be found online

at: http://www.frontiersin.org/journal/10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00241/abstract


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