and impressions
API: application programming interface: giao diện lập trình ứng dụng. Hàm/ thủ tục.
CPA: cost per action: Pricing model. Marketer pays for designated user actions, rather
than app installs.
CPC: Cost per click; Pay per click (PPC): Pricing model. Marketer pays for every click
on an ad. Splits the cost risk between marketer and publisher.
Example: Users see ads on search engines, social media platforms, and other publishers
Pricing model. Marketer pays every time a new user installs their app from an ad. Main
pricing model between marketers and ad networks.
CPM: cost per mille; cost per thousand (CPT): Pricing model. Marketer pays for every
1000 ad impressions (ad views/clicks).
CPV: Cost per View: Pricing model. Marketer pays for visual contacts generated by
requesting an ad medium (video ads) on a publisher's platform. (xem 30s quảng cáo/xem
full qc/tương tác với qc)
Cookies (HTTP): Also, Web cookie, Internet cookie, or Browser cookie: Data sent,
during browsing, from a website and stored on a user's computer to help a website
track user visits and activity. AppsFlyer does not use cookies for mobile app attribution
CTI: Click-to-Install
Advertising measurement that shows the ratio between the total number of app installs
and the total number of ad clicks.
CTIT: Click-to-install time: Distribution model used to detect install hijacking and click
CTR: click through rate: Advertising measurement that shows the ratio between ads
displayed to potential users (impressions) and subsequent clicks.
Conversion: Occurs when a user completes an ad-related action that is considered good
for business. In AppsFlyer, attributed installs, reinstalls and re-engagements are all
considered conversions. Example: User clicks on an ad, then installs. The install is a new
Creative: Concept, design, and artwork that goes into an ad. In the Smart Banners page,
marketers set banner visuals, texts, and buttons for each banner's creative, without the
need for a web developer.
CTV: Connected TV: Device (such as a Smart TV) that is used to stream content over the
internet. The content is most often streamed via CTV apps that are downloaded.
CUID: Customer ID: Unique user identifier. Usually generated and set by the app
owner at the time of user registration. CUID lets app owners follow user journeys
across different devices.
CV: conversion value: measure of user engagement set in an iOS app in the framework
of SKAdNetwork.
Data Locker: AppsFlyer feature for the delivery of raw data to an AWS bucket
(dedicated repository). Marketers get raw data from the AWS bucket.
DAU – daily active users: number of unique users who open a specific app in a 24—hour
DAU/MAU rate: Measures the stickiness of your product. For example, how many
users visit or interact with a product or service during a given interval.
Direct publisher: App owners who advertise other apps via their own apps.
eCPI : what cost you to get a new user to use your app; differs from CPI as a good app
can benefit from a “viral effect” that drives organic installs. Total spend / Number of
effective installations
ERPA (effective revenue per action): Actions include opening an app or performing
specific in-app events. Total revenue/ Number of trigger event instances.
Event: any action a user performs in an app. VD: sign-in, pass a game level, make a
purchase, …
Event CVR: % of user who completed a desired action. Indicates how many users an ad
converted. Unique events/ Attributions.
GEO: country
Last-click attributions:
LT; KPI that indicates user value during the time they use your app.
- LTV -
MMP mobile measure partner: helps apps measure campaign performance across
advertising marketing channels, media sources, and ad networks.
Native ads: Ad that matches the form and function of the platform on which it appears.
NOI: Non-organic install. VD: Paid ad campaigns and owned media email campaigns.
Organic install: a mobile app install that occurs without any direct effort by a marketer.
Postback: install or in-app event notification sent from an advertiser to a partner (ad
network) via AppsFlyer. Help partner optimize their campaigns.
Publisher: media source, site, app that sells ad space to ad networks or marketers.