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Chapter I.

Production Engineering
Rotary Drilling Problems

(Tulsa Meeting, October, 1928)


Two types of automatic drilling controls, the Halliburton and the

Hild, are now available and are coming into more or less general use in
deep drilling. The primary function of both is to maintain a safe limit
of torque on the drill pipe, this being accomplished by automatically

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controlling the weight or pressure on the cutting tool. Neither type will
necessarily increase drilling speed, but by permitting advantage to be
taken of "breaks" in the hole higher average cutting speed may be main-
tained. The control is essentially a safety device, and should be con-
sidered as such.
It is not the purpose of this paper to discuss the merits of drilling
controls, although the advantages over manual feed at the brake drum are
obvious, but rather to point out some of the limitations.
The Halliburton Control
The Halliburton control is designed to operate during drilling through
the agency of the draw works. Automatic and constant control of the
torque on the bit is governed by clutches on the control itself, and the
line shaft to drum shaft drives on the draw works, In operations other
than drilling the control is simply a jackshaft between prime mover and
draw works. It is, of course, adaptable to any type of power.
Because control of the torque on the bit is dependent on the various
ratios or clutch combinations available on the Halliburton control and
the draw works, it follows that there are certain limitations in points of
control. Table 1 shows the possible ratios which can be obtained with
the control and a popular type of three-speed draw works, it being
assumed that the highest possible gear combination-the combination
which when engaged will suspend the least amount of weight-has a
value of 1.00.
According to the table there are" blind spots" in the series. This is
true particularly among the lowest ratios, which are most used to suspend
the major part of the weight when great depths are reached. It will
be noted that there is a difference of nearly three units in the value of the
.. L. W. Prunty Drilling Co.

TABLE 1.-Ratios Obtainable with Halliburton Control and Three-speed

Draw Works
Halliburton Control Speed Draw Works Speed Ratio

High High 1.00

High Second 1.88
High Low 3.09
Low High 2.48
Low Second 4.64
Low Low 7.58

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two lowest ratios. Low on the control and second on the draw works,
with a value of 4.64, will ordinarily be used with 6-in. drill pipe when
drilling between 3500 and 4000 ft. When the latter depth is reached
this ratio will no longer suspend sufficient weight and it is necessary
to employ low on the control and low on the draw works. This will,
however, suspend approximately one and two-thirds as much weight
as the 4.64 ratio, which, un(}er ordinary circumstances, may not permit
sufficient pressure to bear on the bit. The same condition occurs with
the other ratios, but not to so pronounced a degree. The significant
point is that at extreme depths, where accurate and sensitive control is
most desirable, it is least available.
This condition has made it necessary, in order to obtain proper pres-
sure on the bit, to use the brake drum on the draw works as an auxiliary
to the control at depths where the "blind spots" occur. To obtain the
full value of the control as a governing unit by this practice is not desir-
able, as it constitutes a partial reversion to the old type of manual feed,
with its disadvantages. When the brake must be employed to aid the
control in suspending a part of the weight of the drill pipe, it also acts as a
brake against the action of the control in hoisting the drill pipe, providing
the torque required to turn the bit builds up to a point greater than the
power required to lift the pipe and free it for rotation. The net result
is that a portion of the effectiveness of the control is destroyed, due to the
existing limitations in its gearing to the draw works.
The remedy for this condition appears to be an increase in the number
of speeds, or line shaft to drum shaft drives, on the draw works. Four-
speed draw works are now available, but the general tendency in new
design is to increase the high speed ratios rather than to provide more
low speed modifications, which are now the most needed for use with
the Halliburton control. Necessary limitations in the size of the draw
works will probably not permit of the addition of more than one speed to
existing types, and it is suggested that a double line shaft design may
be found desirable.
The H ild Drive
The Hild differential drive is designed only for electric power, and
hence its operation is confined to those fields where electric power is
available. In the Mid-Continent fields, this limits its use to a relatively
small part of the total oil-producing area. Another objection is the fact
that gear-driven slush pumps for electric drive are required for operation
with the Hild unit and have not been available in sufficiently large sizes
to satisfy the requirements for deep drilling. They are, however, now
being built.
In one important respect the Hild drive possesses a decided advantage

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over the Halliburton control, namely, that a large number of points of
weight control are available, making it more accurate in maintaining a
constant torque on the drill pipe, without the necessity of auxiliary
manual feed. No change in existing draw works design, unless it would
be for the purpose of accelerating pulling out of the hole, is required for
its operation.

Elimination of Drilling Controls Not Justified

It has been suggested that weight indicators can take the place of
drilling controls, and, in fact, will eliminate them from use. The idea is
that the driller, by using a weight indicator, can, with manual feed,
maintain a fairly constant pressure on the bit and a constant torque on
the drill pipe, thus performing the functions of the control. The writer
cannot subscribe to this theory and sees no justification for the elimination
of drilling controls. It is true that by closely watching a weight indicator
a practically constant pressure can be held on the cutting tool, but it does
not necessarily follow that a constant torque, within the safe limits of
torsional strength, will be maintained on the drill pipe. In different
ormations there is a considerable difference in the torque required to
turn the bit, even assuming exactly the same amount of weight is on it,
and it is quite within the bounds of possibility that cavings from the hole,
particularly a boulder or some such mass, might seriously impede the
rotation of the bit, without the addition of a pound of pressure. In such
an event, with the control, once the safe limit of power applied to the
rotary machine is reached, the drill pipe will be automatically hoisted
until the bit is freed, whereas with the manual control upon which the
driller must depend when using only a weight indicator, it would be
entirely possible to build up sufficient power to twist off the drill pipe.
Furthermore, the control, through its automatic action helps to eliminate
the human element in drilling, whereas with only a weight indicator the
operator must depend upon a driller and his judgment, which may not
at all times be infallible. As was previously stated, the drilling control
is a safety device which the weight indicator in no wise replaces.


The primary purposes of mud-laden fluid, or mud as it is commonly

termed, in its application to rotary drilling, are, first, to carry the cuttings
from the hole, permitting them. to settle out in the circulating pits, and,
second, to wall up the hole, once it is drilled, and seal off minor oil, gas or
water sands. It serves a further incidental purpose in acting as a cooling
medium on the cutting tool, and to a limited extent as a lubricant in the
hole. To accomplish these ends effectively it must be of approximately
the correct density and viscosity, and must have the property of pene-
trating sands encountered. It must also permit of easy circulation by

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t.he slush pumps.
The average rotary operator does not give much serious consideration
to the condition of his mud. Generally it is either good or bad according
to the individual driller's opinion and experience. Differences of as much
as 3 lb. per gal. in mud in use on wells drilling in the same field, under
practically identical conditions, have been observed. On one well a
difference of as much as 1Yz lb. per gal. during a single period of 12 hr.
has been checked. It is not illogical to assume that certain standards
could be worked out for the usual drilling conditions, and that greater
drilling efficiency would result if the correct type of mud were maintained,
rather than depending on the hit-or-miss methods sometimes followed.
Mud is a colloidal suspension of finely divided clay in water, the clay
being derived from the formations encountered in the hole and the mix-
ture resulting from the cutting and churning action of the cutting tool
with water flowing at high velocity from the slush pumps. When drilling
in a clay-bearing formation there is a tendency to "make" mud-to
form a heavier colloid-while in other formations, particularly sand, there
is the opposite tendency, that is, for the mud to thin. Normally, there is
an excess of mud-forming material drilled, such excess clay settling out
in the circulating system, and making it possible, by mixing or thinning
with water, to maintain a fluid of fairly identical characteristics.
Test for Mud
As a quick and effective method of testing various samples of mud the
writer employs an ordinary centrifugal oil-testing machine. When
rotated at a high velocity for a known time the samples separate into their
constituent materials, and by using graduated tubes it is readily possible
to determine the exact amounts of cuttings, free water, etc., in each.
Table 2 shows the results of such a test on four typical muds, taken from
four different deep wells in the Mid-Continent district.
The several samples differ greatly, although the four wells from
which they were taken were drilling under about the same conditions,
and the muds were considered suitable by each operator.
TABLE 2.-Analyses of Four Typical Muds Used in Mid-Continent Wells

Sample No. I Free Wat.(·r,

Per COIlt..
, Clay Residue,
Per Cent. Cuttings, Per cent., Weight fi'/ Gallon,

1 2.1 20.7 0.3 9.90

2 1.4 23.0 14.0 9.75
3 26.8 17.8 10.60
4 0.9 20.6 14.2 9.90

It is obvious that the amount of free water should be maintained at a

minimum, and that an excess indicates an unstable colloid. The clay
residue is largely dependent on the weight of the mud per gallon and

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varies with it, but should, if the proper weight is maintained, be kept at
the lowest possible point. With it, as with free water, the amount
deposited is in direct ratio to the stability of the colloid. Cuttings, by
which is meant foreign nonmud-forming constituents such as sand and
shale, should also be limited as much as possible. Not only do they
cause excessive wear in the slush pumps, but in the event of failure in the
circulating system they are liable to settle around the bit, preventing
either rotation or hoisting.
The most practical test for everyday purposes is a careful check of
the weight per gallon. If the operator will do this, he will find it easy to
maintain whatever standard his experiments prove most desirable. For
all general purposes the writer has found that a mud weighing about 10 lb.
per gal. is best. In such a mud the free water should not exceed 2 per
cent., the clay residue 19 per cent., and the cuttings 1 per cent.
Effect of Heavy Mud
A mud which is too heavy builds up on the walls of the hole and hinders
getting back onto bottom after having pulled out. The depositing action
on the walls is particularly noticeable in sand formations, and while it is
desirable that a sand should be sealed off, mud much heavier than 10 lb.
per gal. has a tendency to so reduce the diameter of the hole that it is
difficult to get a full gage cutting tool through, thus delaying drilling opera-
tions and often requiring some time for reaming the hole back to full gage.
If the colloid is especially stable, it is, of course, possible to use a heavier
mud without much settling, but such is not usually the case, and it has
been the writer's observation that where mud as heavy as llib. per gal.
has been regularly used, considerable time has been required to get back
on bottom after a trip out of the hole.
Mud much below the standard of weight favored by the writer, is not
sufficiently heavy to carry the cuttings from the hole, thus impeding the
progress of drilling. Nor will it properly wall up the hole, making it
liable to caving, with consequent loss of drilling speed and danger
of sticking.

Removal of Cuttings
The most effective method which I have found for settling out cuttings
is the use of a long ditch or conductor, through which the mud must pass
as it is discharged from the hole. It has also heen found that passing it
through a settling pit, where it is forced to spread out over a wide area,
is also effective for this purpose and leaves the circulating pits free of
foreign matter. If the weight of the mud will not be too seriously reduced
it is also advisable to inject a small stream of water into it as it is dis-
charged from the hole, in order to facilitate removal of the cuttings.
There is a general opinion among some drillers that the deeper a well

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is drilled the heavier the mud should be. This theory cannot be sound,
for mud performs the same functions at 5000 ft. that it does at 2000 ft.,
and any increase in weight will result in the conditions already referred to.
This is assuming, of course, that heavy gas pressures will not be encoun-
tered. If such is the case the mud must be as heavy as is practical to
handle, or rather, sufficient to maintain hydrostatic pressure at the
bottom of the hole to more than equal the sand pressure.
It is common practice with some operators, after reaching considerable
depths to use some crude or fuel oil in the mud, their purpose being to
provide a lubricant and a solvent for shale cuttings which might settle
around the cutting tool if circulation were suspended. The writer has
found that the addition of oil for this purpose is not desirable, as its actual
effect is to coat the finely divided cuttings, as in the flotation method
of ore separation, making it almost impossible to get them to settle out.
There is the further objection that a mud mixed with oil is difficult to
handle in the slush pumps, as it has a solvent action on the balata valve
disks commonly used in mud pumps. He suggests that the concentra-
tion of oil be not permitted to reach more than 2 per cent. by volume.
If the cutting tool is stuck, and can neither be hoisted nor rotated due
to cuttings settled around it, it is often possible to free it by circulating oil.
On the few occasions that it has been possible for the writer to check the
concentration of oil required for this purpose, it has been found that not
more than 25 per cent. by volume is necessary, although in extreme cases
pure oil and not an emulsion with mud is required.

Use of Clay Substitutes

When there is no reserve supply it is necessary to use some substitute
for clay in mixing mud. Ordinarily, cement, lime or plaster, which are
easily procured, is used. They are not very satisfactory because, in
spite of thorough mixing, they rapidly settle out. Barium sulfate and
iron oxide form true colloids, and either, if available, is much to be pre-
ferred as a mud-making substitute. For adding weight to mud, iron
oxide is particularly desirable as it can be readily used to make a mud
weighing from 15 to 16 lb. per gal. When the addition of such material
is necessary, it is common practice simply to dump it in the circulating
pits. By using a small tank conveniently located on the derrick floor,
and connecting it directly to the slush pump suction pipe one can obtain
exactly the mixture desired without sustaining any loss in getting it into
Mud for Deep Drilling
Due to the limitations of existing equipment, it has not been possible
to make extensive experiments with reference to the proper volume of
mud for deep drilling. The writer has found, however, that a volume

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of from 400 to 450 gal. per min. with a pressure of about 500 lb. per sq. in.
is desirable for a hole of 11 or 12 in. dia. For maximum drilling speed the
bit must be kept clean by washing, and all cuttings washed from the hole
ahead of it. In hard formations, where drilling speed is reduced, it is
entirely possible and desirable in order to save fuel to reduce the volume,
but it may be generally concluded that up to a volume of 450 gal. per
min., cutting speed per unit of time is in direct ratio to fluid volume.
For holes smaller than 11 or 12 in. dia. it is probable that the volume
should be calculated on the basis of the area of the hole for maximum
efficiency. It is considered entirely possible, in a small diameter hole, to
" wash" the hole, that is, to circulate a sufficient quantity of fluid under
high pressure, particularly in soft formations, to cause side wall caving,
and it is suggested that this point must be kept in mind in all volume
A check of the fluid efficiency of slush pumps might prove interesting
to many operators. Only by exercising considerable care has it been
possible to maintain an efficiency of 70 per cent., which is probably con-
siderably higher than the general field average. If the recommended
volume of at least 400 gal. per min. is to be maintained most of the slush
pumps now in use must operate at not less than 65 per cent. efficiency.
It will undoubtedly be found that efforts toward that end will be amply
repaid in increased cutting speed.
In this connection, it may be mentioned that the development of
large power-driven slush pumps is highly desirable. A number of manu-
facturers are now working on this problem, but it is certain that if other
forms of power than steam are to be applied to rotary operation larger
and heavier pumps for power drive than have hitherto been available must
be supplied to meet the competition of steam equipment.


It is obvious that the time factor is of primary importance in rotary

as well as other methods of drilling. Tools can be made to pay a reason-

able profit only by making reasonably good time in completing a well.

From the standpoint of fuel and water consumption increased drilling
speed also means decreased drilling costs. Moreover, in a highly produc-
tive area where flush production is important, a higher rate of drilling
speed means much quicker and greater returns. It is well known
that at times bonuses of considerable magnitude have been paid in an
effort to stimulate drilling operations.
A study of the distribution of time spent on rotary drilling wells was
therefore undertaken, with the idea of increasing general efficiency by
increasing the amount of effective drilling time and decreasing the amount
of lost or ineffective time. No two wells ever drill exactly alike, and,

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due to the great differences in other factors governing speed of drilling,
it does not necessarily follow that one with an average of 75 per cent.
effective time will make more footage than another with an average of
60 per cent. effective time. It is believed, however, that the effective
time to the total time ratio will serve as a fairly accurate index to drilling
speed. There can be no argument on the point that hole can be drilled
only by "setting it on bottom and turning it to the right."

A Study of Four Oklahoma Wells

The figures which follow are based on a study of four deep wells,
drilled within the past year, in north central Oklahoma, the first being an
ll-in. hole drilled to 4455 ft., the second an ll%-in. hole drilled to 4100
ft., the third a 12-in. hole drilled to 4200 ft., and the last an ll-in. hole
drilled to 4100 ft. Three of these wells were drilled in the fall and winter
of 1927, when weather conditions were not entirely favorable. Two were
drilled in the immediate vicinity of producing wells, while two should
be considered as wildcats. All were Wilcox sand wells, with an eventual
depth in excess of 5000 ft. The equipment was of late design, and may
be considered as representative of the best rotary machinery now avail-
able. All were powered with steam. As a whole, the four wells probably
represent a fair cross-section of the most difficult drilling conditions now
encountered in the Mid-Continent fields.
It should be noted that time spent in rigging up preparatory to start-
ing a well, and time lost while waiting for cement to set around casing is
not taken into consideration. No allowance is made, either, for time
lost in fishing or establishing lost circulation, nor for shutdowns aris-
ing from fuel or water shortage. The time covered is only such as would
normally be required for rotary operation, all conditions being favorable.
Fig. 1 shows the average effective drilling time for the four wells.
The curve as a whole shows a steady decline from approximately 80 per
cent. to approximately 57 per cent. From the surface to 2000 ft., drilling
time averaged 81 per cent. of the total elapsed time, with lost time amount-

ing to 19 per cent. Between 2000 and 3000 ft. drilling time fell off to
about 76 per cent., and lost time rose to 24 per cent. From 3000 to 4000
ft. drilling time declined to 70.5 per cent., and lost time increased to
29.5 per cent., while between 4000 and 4500 ft. drilling time dropped to
57.2 per cent., and lost time rose to 42.8 per cent.
For the purpose of comparison, Fig. 1 contains a line showing the
highest average of effective time maintained on anyone of the four wells
!esf l"-:;v/duq/ ;Jell
:)" 75
q-r- -
'b 70

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:;6 5 I',
1 00
~ 55
1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500
Depth, ft.

considered. It will be noted that at every point in the hole, the curve
shows a decided betterment over the general average, amounting at the
extreme depth of 4500 ft., practically to a 20 per cent. difference, which
indicates that it is quite possible to improve on the record of what may
be termed good rotary practice.
A reduction in drilling time due to incrcasing depths is to be expected.
The significant fact, however, appears to be that from 4000 ft. down the
decline becomes abrupt. This presents a serious problem to the operator,
inasmuch as a considerable proportion of the wells now being drilled in
the Mid-Continent fields have eventual depths in excess of 4000 feet.

Increasing Effective Time

The only method of increasing effective time is to decrease lost time.
This was analyzed with reference to the various operations incidental to

'" 15
E 1 1
~ 10 j lMO'~- -/.. -

1 r-J-. -J-.
- -- u ---
--u .--

.~!!£ 'liOn
0 ~
n .

I- r-- !-1

1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500

Depth, ft.

rotary drilling (Fig. 2). Time for going into the hole is that required to
lower the bit and pipe into the hole preparatory to drilling. Time f01
pulling out of the hole is that required for withdrawing the bit and pipe

from the hole, either for the purpose of putting on a fresh bit or for making
any repairs or changes that necessitate the suspension of drilling. Time
for making connections is that required for adding pipe to the string
in the hole, in order to continue drilling. Time for reaming is that
required to bring the hole already drilled out to the full gage of a fresh
bit, or to get on bottom due to the presence of cavings in the hole. All
other lost time, such as that required for making mechanical adjustments,
repairs, etc., is included in shutdown time.
Fig. 2 shows, in general, a steady increase in the time required for the
various operations. The time for going into the hole increases steadily
between the surface and 4000 ft., but from that point down it decreases,

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probably because at extreme depths fewer bit changes per unit of time
are normally made than at shallower depths, a rock bit being used exclu-
sively with no short runs of a disk or fishtail bit. The time for pulling
out of the hole increases steadily, following closely the time for going
into the hole up to 4000 ft., at which point it has a sharp increase that
more than compensates for the decrease in the time for going in. This
is probably due to the greatly increased weight of the string of drill pipe
below 4000 ft. requiring more careful and slower handling, especially if
additional lines are strung in the traveling block.
The time for making connections shows a steady decline from the top
of the hole to the bottom, being an exception in this respect. This is to be
expected, however, for normally the deeper a well is drilled the less footage
per unit of time is made, and hence the fewer additions of pipe are
required. Time for reaming shows a slight increase up to 3000 ft., but
from there on down is constant. It is subject to the condition of the
cutting tool, the formation drilled, and the condition of the hole. The
time for shutdown has a normal rise to 4000 ft. From that point down it
has an abrupt rise, the increase in percentage of total time being greater
than for any of the other operations considered.

Shutdown Time an Important Item

It is not the purpose of this paper to go into ways and means of

increasing effective time, but it is suggested that Fig. 2 shows quite clearly
that the item of shutdown time is the one which should first receive
consideration. The very considerable increase in this item for wells
below 4000 ft. also indicates that if wells are to be drilled successfully at
constantly increasing depths, shutdown time must be held to
a minimum.
Because of the lack of data it is impossible to make a comprehensive
comparison between California practice and the figures presented in this
paper. One well drilled on the West Coast to an approximate depth of
3800 ft. showed an average drilling time of only 37 per cent., but one well
cannot, of course, be assumed as a criterion of California practice.
Daily time records of all drilling wells may be kept. With such a
record it is readily possible for the individual operator to know how every
hour of the twenty-four is sp~nt, and to work out his own standards.


There are three factors which limit the permissible weight on the rock
bits during the course of drilling formations usually encountered in the
Mid-Continent fields. First, there is the fact that the rock bit cone bush-

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ings or bearings will not, under rotation, at depths below 2000 ft., support
more than a part of the total weight of the string of drill pipe without
excessive wear or crushing and consequent ruin of the cones or cutters.
It is of course possible to operate the rock bit in two distinct ways, as is
true of any cutting tool. The weight may be held off the bit and a high
speed of rotation maintained, or more weight may be set on the bit and
the speed of rotation decreased. Both methods have advocates, but
experience has shown that generally more footage, at about the same
cutting speed, can be secured by following the latter course. This
method is to give the bit a considerable amount of weight and rotate it
at a speed not to exceed 40 r.p.m. for ll-in. and larger size holes and 30
r.p.m. for 8-in. and smaller sizes. It is often possible to increase the rate
of cutting speed by giving the bit a considerable amount of weight, and
rotating it up to 60 or 70 r.p.m. This, however, usually results in exces-
sive cone bushing wear and requires more trips out of and back into the
hole, to put on fresh bits. Additional time so spent is lost and, when
cutting speed is balanced against total time, the resultant average footage
per hour is no higher than it would have been had the speed of rotation
been low.

Torsional Strength of Drill Pipe

A second factor which must influence the amount of weight used in
drilling is the drill pipe itself. It is obvious that the torsional stress to
which the pipe is subjected must increase with the amount of weight on
the bit. It is true, also, that the rate of increase is by no means as high
with a rock bit as with a drag bit of the fishtail type. The writer does not
know of any work that has been done along this particular line, and it
would be almost impossible to formulate theories for general application,
since no two holes are identical and there is a wide range of difference in
side-wall frictional resistance. However, I have observed that when the
amount of weight on the bit goes over a maximum of approximately
41,000 lb., there is a tendency for 6-in. drill pipe to bend and kink, par-

ticularly at the bottom or rock-bit joint, which would indicate that the
limit of safe operation with reference to the torsional strength of the drill
pipe was being approached.

A ngle of the Hole

The third factor limiting the amount of weight on the rock bit is the
maintenance of a uniformly straight or plumb hole. It is obvious that
as more weight is put on the cutting tool, the greater the tendency is for
it to slide with or follow along any formation which is inclined from the
horizontal with reference to the surface. As a general rule the slope of

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formation is not sufficiently abrupt in the Mid-Continent fields to affect
greatly the angle of the hole, but there are exceptions to this which have
resulted in serious losses. Considerable trouble has recently been encoun-
tered, on this account, in the deep wells drilling in the vicinity of Marshall,
Okla., the difficulty apparently centering in a formation at 900 ft. When
such a condition does exist too much weight on the bit will become a
serious factor in aggravating the tendency of the bit to go off center.

Recommended Weights on Bits

Manufacturers of rock bits make certain recommendations as to the

amount of weight which it is advisable to carryon their bits. In an
11-in. hole with 6-in. drill pipe the Hughes Tool Co. advises 11,000 lb. for
medium sand, 14,300 lb. for hard lime and 17,600 lb. for granite or basalt.
For identical conditions the Reed Roller Bit Co. recommends 7000 lb. for
sticky shale, 10,000 lb. for sand, 13,300 lb. for hard lime and 16,500 lb. for
granite or basalt. It has been the writer's observation, however, that
these weights are greatly exceeded in actual practice, and, in fact, the
recommended weight represents only a fractional part of the weight
required to secure anything approaching a good average cutting speed.

TABLE 3.-Cutting Speed of Bit for Different Weights on Bit

--" -~-.~------------.---~

Wpight on Bit, Lb.

Ft. per Hr.
Ft. per Hr.
Handy Limf',
Ft. per Hr.
Ft. per Hr.
I Hti(·ky Shale,
Ft. per Hr.
23,000 1.9 2.94 2.47
26,000 2.5 4.0 2.95 3.23
29,000 3.4 3.04 2.97 2.80
32,000 3.78 5.24 3.72 2.38
35,000 3.9 4.76 3.03 4.19 3.7
38,000 3.0 4.14 3.85 4.13 4.44
41,000 4.1 4.05 4.99 3.94 3.5
In an effort to determine the advisable weight for drilling an ll-in.
hole with 6-in. drill pipe in the various formations commonly encountered
in the Mid-Continent field, the writer has from actual records plotted
cutting speed against the weight on the bit. Table 3 shows the results of
these calculations, giving the cutting speed of the bit in feet per hour for
every variation of weight from 23,000 to 41,000 lb., in the five formations
which are ordinarily logged. Fig. 3 gives the same information in graphic
form. In considering the figures presented, it should be borne in mind
that cutting speed as shown is calculated only for actual drilling time.
No effort was made to allow for lost time due to the wide variations to

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r-r- r- -r-~r-+-
t-t--- r-
1/ I-I....... .,V
~~/ .......
I>s< ~
~ 4.0 f-- -~ t-- -, 'Jo ,
1/f'- .t'~/!!2~ P~Te :-7 ~-,
~ 3.5 f-- f--- f-- - )'(I.~

;. 3.0 1/ ' ' ~~

~ k I~e- -s\\~, . 'f.~ , 1/
~ 2.5 / /,~ ~ ,/

- -? .'
Jr/ Son c1~f~r.-·

.r 2.0
-+- ~/ v' .. f..-

3 1.5
1.0 L: t:::-. 1-"
oC> 0 0 0 gggggggg8ggggggggg
00 0 0
00 0 0 ~oooooO~c>oooOooqoo
0-' ~
C-.J ~ ~~~~~~g~~~~~~~~~~~
Weight On Rock Bit, lb.

which it is subject, and to the fact that these figures are only for formations
between approximately 2000 and 4000 ft. Cutting speeds of less than 2000
ft. are considerably higher than the averages shown here, due to the greater
degree of softness of the formations drilled, and to the fact that up to that
point a very considerable part of the hole may be made with either fishtail
or disk hits. There is not yet available sufficient information to make
a profitable study of the weight factor at depths below 4000 feet.
Table 3 shows clearly that, as a general rule, there is a steady increase
in cutting speed proportional to the increase in weight employed. The
average for 23,000 lb. is approximately 2.44 ft. per hr., whereas at 41,000
lb. the average is nearly 4.12 ft. per hr., which would appear to indicate
that the latter wpight, which is generally found not to be excessive for
safe operation, is productive of a considerable incr!'ase in drilling speed.
In general it might be concluded that between approximately 20,000 and
40,000 lb., rock bit cutting speed per hour under normal conditions is
about 1 ft. for every 10,000 lb. weight on the bit.

Further examination of Fig. 3 shows, however, that about 38,000 lb.

is the most effective weight. At this figure the highest footage per hour
is approached for each of the five formations considered, and beyond
that weight the curves tend either to flatten out or to show an actual
decline. Because the stress on cone bushings or bearings is less at 38,000
lb. than at 41,000 lb., and because as high a cutting speed can be main-
tained at the former figure, it would appear that 38,000 lb. offers the best
general average.
A study of the individual curves as they appear shows a steady
increase in cutting speed for lime, with only a slight rise, however, beyond
32,000 lb. The curve for sand is the least regular of any. It shows a

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sharp decline between 26,000 and 29,000 lb., and an even more abrupt
rise between 29,000 and 32,000 lb. From that point on the decline is
relatively constant. The writer is not prepared to offer any explanation
of this apparently erratic behavior, but is inclined to believe that it
arises from differences in the cementation of various bodies of sand, and
the resultant ease with which they chip or break under the impact of the
rock bit teeth. The curve for sandy lime shows a normal increase up to
35,000 lb., at which point the rise is accentuated, continuing to 41,000 lb.
The shale curve shows a relatively slow rise up to 24,000 lb., rises nor-
mally to 35,000 lb., and then flattens out with a slight fall to 41,000 lb.,
while the curve for sticky shale, behaves somewhat as does the curve for
sand, exhibiting a normal rise only between 32,000 and 38,000 lb. It was
found that a very low rotational speed with comparatively light mud was
most effective for drilling in this particular formation.
The figures given here are not conclusive as a much larger number of
wells would have to be taken into consideration before making any definite
conclusions, but they do indicate that considerably more weight than is
recommended by manufacturers is desirable for rock bit operation, and
that there is a definite relation between cutting speed and the amount
of weight on the bit.

Correct Weight for Disk Bit Operation

A close check of the weights for disk bit operation has not been made,
but casual observation indicates that the correct weight is in the neighbor-
hood of 20,000 lb. There is little or no opportunity in the Mid-Continent
field to make a study of fishtail bit operation, but some authorities in
California, where this type of cutting tool is widely used, recommend
from 6000 to 10,000 pounds.
In recent operations in Colorado, where very hard granite was encoun-
tered and which was drilled into approximately 230 ft., about 25,000 lb.
was found to be the advisable weight. With more than that amount the
teeth were very rapidly cut off the rock bit, and the cone bushings showed
excessive wear due to abrasion from particles of the granit~ which would
work in between the cones and bushings. No formation comparable to
this is encountered in the Mid-Continent fields.


Devices for weighing the load on the derrick, usually called weight
indicators, are coming into general use, for deep drilling in the Mid-
Continent fields. Indicators are of two types, namely those measuring
the deflection of the derrick as a load is imposed, and those weighing the
load directly by attachment to the dead line. The first have not proved

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very satisfactory. There is no standardization of derrick design, and
hence there is no generally applicable formula for determining the amount
the various derricks will deflect under different loads. Furthermore,
most derricks are subject to misalignment, which will constantly increase
with a steadily applied load, and frequent adjustments are necessary on
any instrument which measures deflection at a given point. This paper
will therefore consider only the dead line type of weight indicator, which
is now used almost to the exclusion of the other type.
This type, as the name implies, is attached at any convenient point to
the dead or stationary end of the drilling line. The line is held in a kink
by the weight indicator, and tends to pull straight under load. In so
doing it exerts a pressure pr:oportional to the load against a diaphragm.
This pressure is measured by ordinary gages, each unit of pressure repre-
senting a predetermined load value. The diaphragm unit is the only
part of the assembly having special or patented features, any type of
pressure gages being applicable for indicating the load. In practice, an
ordinary gage is so placed as to be readily visible to the driller, with a
recording gage placed at a protected point.
Weight indicators have certain definite advantages. They measure
the total load of the drill pipe when running into or coming ,.JUt of the hole.
During the course of drilling they measure the weight or pressure imposed
on the cutting tool, and when a recording gage is used, they provide a
permanent record of operations.

Weights Handled

In pulling the drill pipe out of the hole, or in handling long strings of
casing it is obvious that there is not only a very considerable amount of
weight to handle, but there is also the friction against the sides of the hole
to overcome. Weights of approximately 250,000 lb. have been recorded in
starting off bottom with the bit caught in a caving hole. It is not incon-
ceivable that, at extreme depths with 6-in. or larger drill pipe, weights

of as much as 300,000 lb. may be reached. Such loads approach the limits
of tensile strcngt.h of the hoist.ing equipment now in usc. High-grade
rotary wirc drilling lincs of I-in. din. havc a recoInllwndcd working stress
of from 9 to 10 tons, with a breaking stress of approximately five times
that figure. A load of 250,000 lb. distributed on seven lines gives a load
per line of about 18 tons, or double the recommended working stress for a
new line. If the line should be somewhat worn, excessive loads may
cause breakage and consequent dropping of the drill pipe. There is the
same possibility of breakage in the elevator, elevator links, and the hook,
and even of pulling the pipe apart, while derricks under extreme loads
may collapse. It is therefore, highly desirable to know, in the event of

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a hard pull, approximately what the load is, in order to keep it within the
safe working limits of the equipment used. We have found that it is
necessary to instruct all drillers regarding the maximum pull allowable.
At depths below 2000 ft. it is not normally desirable to set the entire
weight of the drill pipe down on the cutting tool. It is advisable to sus-
pend at least a part of the weight from the draw works brake drum or
drilling control. As pointed out elsewhere in this paper, varying amounts
of weight or pressure on the bit may be desirable in different formations
to get maximum cutting speed. Furthermore, as a well is drilled deeper
and more drill pipe is added to the string, the weight of the entire string
increases so that there is no constant ratio between the permissible pres-
sure on the bit and the weight of the drill pipe. It is therefore desirable
that the amount of weight on the bit be known at all times. The weight
indicator satisfies this requirement and permits of accurate regulation,
regardless of depth.

Use of Recording Gage

In the absence of other means, a recording gage will, when used with
the weight indicator, give the operator a permanent record of his opera-
tions. Drilling time, lost time, maximum loads, drilling pressures, and
other valuable data, the compilation of which would be of great service
to the individual operator, can be readily secured from recording gage
charts. It is suggested that through this medium it is now possible to
make comprehensive studies of rotary drilling, and to raise the general
average efficiency of rotary operation.
The most serious fault of the weight indicators now available is that
they are not as accurate as is desirable. They will not register, under
ordinary conditions, load changes of less than 2000 lb., which, particu-
larly with a fishing job, is not sufficiently close. Experiments are now
being conducted with electrical indicators and it is believed that in the
near future instruments of much greater accuracy than are now available
will he perfected.
A further minor fault in existing types of weight indicators is the fact
that continued hard pulling tends to set the kink in the dead line, upon
which the action of the weight indicator depends, making an occasional
change in its position necessary. Some trouble is also encountered in
maintaining perfectly tight conduits from the diaphragm unit to the
gages, but this is purely mechanical and can be corrected by the operator
in the field.
It should be borne in mind that the dead line indicator can only be
used on the dead line. If it becomes necessary to string the casing or
drilling line so that the dead end is tied into the traveling block instead of
to the calf wheel or derrick base, there is no point to which the indicator

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can be attached.

1. G. HARMON, * Ponca City, Okla. (written discussion).--There are so few points
in Mr. Cartwright's paper which are even open to argument that I will take very little
time in discussing the technical features of it. I do wish to emphasize the importance
of the Hild differential drive which has been used more on the west coast than in the
Mid-Continent fields, because of the more general availability of electricity, and the
Halliburton control, which is beginning to be used in the Mid-Continent.
At this time the Marland Production Co. will not let a contract for a deep rotary
well unless the contractor guarantees to usc the Halliburton control. We feel justified
in taking this position for several reasons. We have noticed that our contractors
using Halliburton controls Heidorn have fishing jobs, consequently this results in the
well being drilled more eheaply than otherwise. We know by experience that deep
rotary wells unless drilled with automatic control are very likely to be crooked, and
we know that crooked wells cost us a great deal more to produce than straight ones.
In one field, we have wells to the Wilcox sand drilled with the Halliburton control
and on the same lease wells drilled without the Halliburton control. The difference
in operating expenses is a very considerable item.
We find that some of our contractors who have been drilling with the Halliburton
control and are thoroughly sold on it are willing to take difficult deep wells for less
money than other contractors who are not experienced with the Halliburton method.
These same contractors assure me that they are making a fair profit, and as I see their
operations enlarge, I am inclined to think that they are successfully conducting
their business.
When I was invited to discuss this paper, I said that I did not care to discuss it
from a technical point of view: first, because I believe that the facts set out in the
paper are so fundar~entally sound that they are not open to discussion; second, for
the reason that I believe that there is another angle of our drilling problem which
should be presented to this society in a manner to emphasize its importance.
In discussing the production of oil with old-time producers, many of whom head
our large oil companies, we constantly hear the question, "Why do we not drill oil
wells as cheaply now as we did in the past?" The reasons why we cannot do so are
somewhat evident, it appears to me. We know that we do not have as efficientlabor
as we once had and unfortunately few of the better type of oil-field workers are willing
to learn the drilling business. The wage scale, i~ keeping with the general trend of
the times, has increased several fold. In addition to this, we are drilling deeper

* Marland Oil Co.


holes, running heavier and better pipe, heavier and better drilling equipment of all
kinds, and consequently we are spending much more money for material and equip-
ment than we did in the past. Our deep holes make this necessary.
The problem confronting us is, "How can we drill oil wells for less money?" I
have just compiled, from the records of the Marland Production Co., certain infor-
mation for the purpose of emphasizing the importance of this problem. During 4
years and 8 months, ending the thirty-first day of August this year, the Marland
Production Co. drilled 942 net interest oil wells. These wells were scattered through-
out Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado, Texas, Louisiana and Arkansas. They represent
all kinds of drilling conditions and depths, varying from shallow wells to deep wells.
The total expenditure for all these wells was $32,870,000, of which $14,662,000 was
for material and $18,208,000 was labor and other intangible drilling costs. During
this same period of time Marland Production Co. produced 31,000,000 bbl. of oil,

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with a total net lifting cost of $9,437,000, which includes all taxes and overhead. In
otber words, we spent almost four times as much money for drilling oil wells as we
did for producing the oil. We spent twice as much for intangible drilling costs alone
as we did for producing the oil. During the past 2 years and 8 months, the Marland
Production Co. has written off against its production all of its intangible drilling costs.
This has resulted in a write-off of 99 c. bhl. During this same period of time, the
lifting cost, including tax and overhead, has been 31 ('. per bbl. In other words,-from
any standpoint that one figures it, we are putting three times as much money into the
drilling of oil wells as we are into the lifting of oil. Notwithstanding this fact,
our engineers have concentrated on our lifting-cost problems, on our gas-lift, and
repressuring problems, on our material and equipment tests and on other production
problems. I know of few companies whose engineering staff is devoting much time
to a serious study of drilling problems.
According to these figures, if we could reduce the total cost of drilling an oil well
25 per cent., we would reduce the cost of producing a barrel of oil in the neighborhood
of 30 to 40 c. Is there any more worthy or important problem to which the engineers
of the oil industry and of this society can devote their energies?
It appears to me that there are a number of very apparent ways of attacking our
drilling problem. First is that of power equipment. Most of our oil wells are drilled
today with steam or gasoline engines and it is my belief that there is no less efficient
piece of equipment in the world than an oil-field boiler as it is commonly set up and
used. The water and the fuel bills are exorbitant. In many areas, such as West
Texas, a boiler will not last long enough to drill one well. The gas or gasoline engine
does the work, but like any other high-speed engine of this type, its life is short and
our experience is that a year or a year and a half of service is all that can be expected
of it.
It is my belief that in the future, the power for drilling oil wells will be generated
by full Diesel engines, probably directly connected to direct-current generators, either
as individual units or in central installations on leases. In the past, Diesel engines
have been designed with no thought of portability. The more metal that could be
added to the engine, the more likely the salesman was to get the contract. This
condition is rapidly changing. I believe that direct-current generators directly
connected to Diesel engines are the desirable installation, because of the variable
speed and because of the perfect drop allowed the tools. Our contr:actors prefer
drilling with electricity to any other method. One of our contractors recently com-
pleted a 4230-ft. cable-tool well in southeastern New Mexico, in 51 days. This well
was drilled with electricity, generated by a gasoline engine.
A field Diesel engine should very materially reduce the fuel and water bill to a
figure much less than it has been with steam. The fuel and water for drilling the
942 wells mentioned cost our company $1,335,000. A 50 per cent. saving would be
altogether possible with Diesel engines.
Mr. Cartwright's paper points out the lost time running in and pulling out in
rotary holes; the figures given are far better than the average contractor can show. If
we were able to devise a method of drilling rotary wells so that hole would be made
rapidly in hard rock and so that we would not have to spend an unreasonable amount
of time running in and pulling out, we would practically eliminate cable tools. This
is a desirable thing to do, (1) because good cable-tool drillers are hard to get, much
more so than good rotary drillers; (2) the elimination of cable tools eliminates a great
deal of pipe; (3) rotary holes, when once a satisfactory bit is found, will almost alwavs
be drilled faster than cable-tool holes. Consequently, all these facts considered ~e
should be able to drill rotary holes much more cheaply than cable-tool holes. Any
bit that will rapidly drill hard rock formations will, in all probability, be dependent

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to a great degree on speed. The present rotary drilling speeds are not sufficiently
high to operate high-speed bits.
Would it be impossible to develop a multiple stage motor to be run into the hole
on a string of drill pipe, only the motor and bit to rotate? The bit might be made of
carborundum or the new hard metal carbol, which the General Electric Co. has recently
developed, and which is reported to be harder than glass, and capable of cutting ~
thread in glass. I do not believe that such an idea is fantastic, but of course it will
take a great deal of study, experimentation and money to perfect such equipment.
I have offered the suggestions with reference to the Diesel cngine and the electric
generator and multiple-stage motor and the high-speed bit only as suggestions of a
few ways of attacking the drilling problem, when in reality there are many ways
of attacking it. This problem must be worked out in conjunction with the manu-
facturer of engines and motors and bits and in consultation with metallurgists and
other specialists.
J. R. SUMAN, * Houston, Tex. (written discussion).-Weight indicators, as men-
tioned by Mr. Cartwright, are coming into general use. Many of the drillers need
more instruction in the reading of both the indicating and recording gages. The
indicating gage is quite commonly an ordinary 100-lb. gage, but many drillers think
that this gage reads in tons, no matter how many lines are strung up. All crews
should be furnish~d with tables from which they can quickly determine the weight
being carried according to the number of lines strung up.
Mr. Cartwright's deductions as to the efficiency of mud pumps are very good. We
have checked a number and rarely find one over 60 to 65 per cent. efficient.
The correct consistency of drilling mud is a vital factor to successful holemaking
and yet is given little attention. It varies greatly in different districts. In West
Texas the operators Prefer to drill with clear water, which is used until it becomes
necessary to load the hole to prevent blowouts. Tests show that much faster time
is made with the clear water and the cone bushings on the rock bits last much longer.
Increased carrying capacity for cuttings in this case is achieved by increasing the
velocity of the mud stream instead of increasing the specific gravity.
Mr. Cartwright's deductions as to increasing cutting efficiency by speeding up the
pumps is sound in almost all formations. It occurs to me, however, that we have about
reached the limit in pump size and therefore in mud velocities. I would like to suggest
a simple expedient for helping out in this connection. We now have blowout pre-
venters which rotate with the Kelly joint and it is very easy to drill with rotary
equipment, keeping the fluid under controlled pressure. By the simple expedient of
reversing the line of flow of the mud and making it come up through the drill stem
we can triple the velocity of the mud-laden fluid ~hich carries the cuttings and thereby
* Director Production Dept., Humble Qil & Refining Co.

enormously increase the size of material we are excavating. {Tnder this systf'm we
can lower thc sizp of t.he pumps with ('OITespoll<iing mcelJa.nieal effieieney on tilt' derrick
floor and excavate more material t.han we are now handling. The rever;;e rptuJ"n
system of drilling has been tried 011 t.he Gulf Coast with very satisfactory results and
I venture to predict that it will come into more and more common use over the United
States in the next five years. I would also venture the suggestion that we try to get
some more efficient pumping equipment and am wondering why plunger pumps or
compound centrifugals will not handle mud more cheaply than the present type
of piston pump.
The most vital factor that concerns the efficiency of rotary drilling is the relative
percentage of time the bit can be kept rotating on bottom. Rapid strides are being
made outside of Oklahoma in increasing this effective drilling time. This is being done
with new types of substitutes for fishtail bits and the rapidly gaining use of hard

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surfacing alloys and chemicals such as tungsten earbide. Fewer round trips with drill
bits is the best way to increase this effective drilling time. Of course, in Oklahoma,
where the rollers and core type of rock bits are used so extensively, this is hardly
possible. In Texas, the old-fashioned fishtail bit is rapidl~r going out of use. If you
use it in Oklahoma at all, I would consider it responsible for your crooked holes.

C. V. MILLIKAN, * Tulsa, Okla.-One well drilled with It fishtail bit made 1100 ft.
in 36 hr. drilling time and was not over one degree off vertical. A roek bit was used
below 1100 ft. and the hole beeame more and more off vertieal to 35()0 ft., where it
was off over 20°.

K. C. HEALD, t Pittsburgh, Pa.-I would like to ask about the automatic rontrol.
Is it not true that with such control you can put more pressure on the bit than wi thou t
such control, and that unless it is carefully handled you will have just as lTIlwh trouhle
as with any other type?
A diagram like that on page 21, without additional statements, leaves rf'ader~
like myself, who are not in close contact with activities in the field and who lllust get
their information from just such papers as this one, greatly in doubt; a comparison
of the cutting speeds of a number of rotary rigs does not mean anything unless all
were going at the same rate of speed and through the same type of formation. To
make the thing complete, statements concerning all possible variables would
seem desirable.
I want to ask Mr. Cartwright if he has had experience with the various casing
protectors and has found that they made a difference in cutting speed, or in the time
of going into the hole or coming out of it. Theoretically, they should speed the bit.
up a great deal. On the whole, as you go deeper it would seem that wall fridion would
become more and more a factor in absorbing the energy applied at the Kelly.

E. O. BENNETT, t Ponca City, Okla.-Both of these machines are torque-limiting

machines. They do not govern the pressure on the bit and unless used with proper
care one can get just as crooked a hole as when drilling without their use. However,
with proper intelligence a straighter hole should be drilled with an automatic machine
than without.

* Amerada Petroleum Corpn.

t Staff Geologist, The Gulf Companies.
t Chief Enginf'er, Marland Companies.
Big strides are now being made for improving the type of weight indicator. The
type now in use, which is strung up on the dead line, depends upon a principle which,
while accurate for light loading, is not suitable for heavy loads. The heavier the load,
the nearer the cable upon which the indicator is fastened becomes to a straight line and
the sensitivity and accuracy of the instrument diminishes.
The proper type, in my opinion, is one that at all times will weigh the actual load
supported on the derrick top, and one that will not hamper pulling on the dead line
when necessary in a great many cases. A few minutes may save many thousands
of dollars by enabling the removal of the string from the hole where the cable is dead-
ended on the calfwheel. Where the weight indicator is fastened to the dead line
immediate pulling on this line, in case of emergency, cannot be started. It is com-
mon practice in the Mid-Continent area to have one end on the rotary draw works
drum and the other on the calfwheel. The present type of indicator is good and

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serves a valuable purpose, but there is great room for improvement and I feel that
it will only be a short time until we will all be using a type that will weigh the actual
load at all times.

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