Behavsci 13 00324
Behavsci 13 00324
Behavsci 13 00324
Italian Validation of the Online Student Engagement Scale
(OSE) in Higher Education
Francesco Sulla 1, * , Rachel Harrad 2 , Alice Tontodimamma 3 , Pierpaolo Limone 4 and Antonio Aquino 5
Abstract: During the COVID-19 pandemic, entire university courses were moved online. This
represented a challenge for universities, who were required to move toward an entirely online
learning environment without adequate time to manage the change from traditional courses to online
courses. However, beyond the emergency of the pandemic, higher education does increasingly
incorporate an online learning element, and such a provision does appear to reflect both the desires of
modern-day students and university offerings. For this reason, assessing students’ online engagement
is fundamental, not least because it has been seen to be related both to students’ satisfaction and
their academic achievement. A validated measure of student online engagement does not exist in
Italy. Therefore, this study aims to assess both the factor structure and the validity of the Online
Student Engagement (OSE) Scale in the Italian context. A convenience sample of 299 undergraduate
university students completed a series of online questionnaires. The Italian OSE scale presents good
psychometric properties and represents a valuable instrument for both practitioners and researchers
Citation: Sulla, F.; Harrad, R.;
examining students’ engagement in online learning.
Tontodimamma, A.; Limone, P.;
Aquino, A. Italian Validation of the
Keywords: online engagement; university students; online learning; higher education
Online Student Engagement Scale
(OSE) in Higher Education. Behav. Sci.
2023, 13, 324.
1. Introduction
Academic Editors: Kittisak
For many decades, both researchers and academic institutions have invested much
Jermsittiparsert, Ismail Suardi Wekke,
effort and attention into understanding students’ engagement with their studies, with Hu
Oytun Sozudogru and
Jamaluddin Ahmad
and Kuh [1], for example, suggesting that this may be the most important factor influencing
both learning and personal development during the college years. Despite the importance
Received: 12 March 2023 of student engagement within the academic context, there is not yet consensus on the
Revised: 5 April 2023 definition of the term. In his pioneering work, Astin [2] defines student engagement as
Accepted: 7 April 2023 the extent to which students participate in learning through “the investment of physical
Published: 10 April 2023 and psychological energy” (p. 519). Skinner and Belmont [3] describe engagement as the
intensity and quality of behavioural and emotional involvement during learning activities,
whilst Kuh [4–6] suggests that engagement can be defined as the amount of time and effort
students invest into academic activities relating to learning outcomes. A common theme
Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.
amongst these definitions is the requirement of time and investment of resources into
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
This article is an open access article
academic related activities.
distributed under the terms and
It is also possible to differentiate between different types of student engagement.
conditions of the Creative Commons Handelsman et al. [7] make distinctions between affective and behavioural components
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// of engagement, identifying four dimensions: Skills Engagement (such as keeping up with required reading and putting forth effort); Emotional Engagement (aspects such as making
4.0/). the course personally interesting or applying it to one’s own life); Participation/Interaction
The OSE Scale is widely cited and there is some evidence of its use outside of the
Western world, although to the best of our knowledge, there are no attempts to adapt or
validate the scale in this context. A translated version of the OSE Scale is employed by
Xinlei and Yiyang [23] who report a Cronbach alpha of 0.82 in their assessment of online
learning engagement amongst nursing students.
The OSE is widely used in English speaking countries to good effect, ascertaining fac-
tors that may predict online engagement [24], including stress perception and personality
traits [25]. In one study [25], the relationship between the aspects of the OSE Scale and
personality traits and stress is examined during the COVID-19 emergency. It finds that the
personality trait of extraversion predicts participation and performance whilst neuroticism
predicts both emotional and skills engagement, as well as performance. Agreeableness
predicts participation whilst openness to experience predicts emotional engagement. Mean-
while, conscientiousness predicts all factors of student online engagement, whilst stress
perceived as a hindrance is seen to negatively predict performance.
Other relevant factors influencing student online engagement have also been consid-
ered using the OSE Scale. Bollinger and Halupa [26], for example, focus on the relationship
between online student engagement and transactional distance, which is the “distance of
understandings and perceptions, caused in part by the geographic distance, that has to
be overcome by teachers, learners and educational organizations if effective, deliberate,
planned learning is to occur” (p. 2). Their results suggest that transactional distance pre-
dicts student engagement, such that as transactional distance decreases, levels of student
engagement increase, thus illustrating the utility of this scale for modern university settings
to consider ways to support students’ online learning.
Others [27] have identified relationships between learning satisfaction and online
engagement using the OSE Scale, for example, noting that greater levels of students’
perceived learning satisfaction is associated with an increased likelihood of online learning
engagement, whilst years of experience working post-qualification is associated with
decreased levels of learning engagement, illustrating the applicability of the use of this tool
for evaluation of higher education practice.
Despite its great utility, to the authors’ knowledge, the OSE Scale has not been trans-
lated into or validated in the Italian language. In fact, no such measure exists in Italy, which
means there is not a validated measure available to assess students’ levels of engagement
with their online courses. This is especially important as cultural aspects are a vital consid-
eration when evaluating students’ engagement. Research has demonstrated that academic
engagement potentially varies as a result of the different educational processes and cultural
traditions of the countries in which universities sit. In her cross-cultural analysis, Shche-
glova [28] observes that the levels of university student engagement vary across countries.
Drawing on the work of Hofstede [29], she notes how countries can be differentiated by
their individualistic and collectivist cultures, and in terms of Power Distance Indexes,
highlights that these factors can influence educational practices and subsequent student
engagement. This demonstrates the importance of evaluating both student engagement
and educational practices in the context of cultural factors and the need for context-relevant
instruments for the investigation of students’ engagement in online education.
Finally, it is important to note the benefits of this specific tool for the assessment of
online engagement. Dixson [22] highlights three primary benefits of this tool: to enable
research into the design of courses, to enable feedback on student engagement in response
to course design and to enable the evaluation of the effectiveness of teaching. There is
a justifiable need to validate this measure for use in Italy; therefore, this study aims to
assess both the factor structure and the validity of the OSE Scale in an Italian context.
We anticipated that the Italian version will demonstrate the same good psychometric
properties observed in the validations of the English version of the OSE Scale. To test the
convergent validity of the Italian OSE Scale, we correlate its dimensions with the Utrecht
Work Engagement Scale, Student version in its short form (UWES-S-9) [30], as it is, to the
best of our knowledge, the only reliable measure of university students’ engagement that
Behav. Sci. 2023, 13, 324 4 of 12
has an Italian adaptation and validation. The UWES-S includes three dimensions: Vigour,
Dedication and Absorption. More specifically, Vigour considers mental resilience, high
energy levels and persistence in the face of difficulties; Dedication refers to high levels of
involvement in one’s work, which also incorporates positive states such as enthusiasm,
pride, and inspiration; whilst Absorption is defined as a positive state of full immersion
in one’s work. We expect positive correlations amongst the sub-dimensions of the Italian
OSE Scale and the UWES-S-9, given that they share the common background of student
engagement, particularly regarding the affective components of engagement. However, we
also anticipate that these scales will be sufficiently distinct constructs (correlation index
below 0.70) given the differences between online learning and traditional (offline) learning.
2.2. Instruments
Online Student Engagement Scale (OSE) [21,22] Italian translation.
Respondents indicated their level of online engagement with their course by indicating
the extent to which 19 statements were characteristic of their behaviours using a 5-point
Likert scale, from 1 (“not at all characteristic of me”) to 5 (“very characteristic of me”). Four
dimensions of engagement were assessed: Skills (e.g., “taking good notes over readings,
PowerPoints, or video lectures”), Emotional Engagement (e.g., “really desiring to learn the
material”), Participation (e.g., “participating actively in small-group discussion forums”)
and Performance (e.g., “getting a good grade”).
Utrecht Work Engagement Scale, Student version, short form; Italian translation
(UWES-S-9), [30].
Respondents indicated their levels of engagement with their studies in terms of Vigour
(e.g., “When I get up in the morning, I feel like going to class”), Absorption (e.g., “I get
carried away when I am studying”) and Dedication (e.g., “I am enthusiastic about my
studies”), indicating the extent to which 9 statements applied to them on a 7-point Likert
scale, from 0 (Never) to 6 (Always, Every day).
English speakers independently translated the items of the scale into Italian (forward
translation). One translator additionally had a psychology background and was the as-
sessor of the translation. Next, two bilingual researchers, blind to the original version of
the scale, independently back-translated the scale into English. These two new English
versions were translated into Italian by two independent psychology researchers with a
certificated knowledge of the English language, and blind to the original version (backward
3. Results
3.1. Preliminary Analyses and Descriptive Statistics
The Mahalanobis distance test indicated that two participants could be considered
multivariate outliers with a distance value of 34.66 (p < 0.001) and 26.99 (p < 0.001), respec-
tively. For this reason, we deleted these two participants from the analyses. The retained
sample included 297 participants (287 females, M age = 23.29, SD = 5.02).
Table 1 reports the descriptive statistics (Mean, Standard Deviation, Skewness and
Kurtosis) for the items of the Italian OSE Scale. Inspection of skewness and kurtosis values
indicated that items are normally distributed (the indices are between −0.96 and 0.68), so
no variable transformations are necessary.
Table 2. Fit indices of User Model (Standard) versus Baseline (Standard) Model.
Examining the factor loadings, all items have loadings greater than 0.30 on the expected
factor (Table 3). Specifically, the six items of the Skills factor show factor loadings between
0.64 and 0.79, the five items of the Emotional factor show factor loadings between 0.75 and
0.83 and the six items of Participation factor show factor loadings between 0.65 and 0.82.
Finally, the two items of Performance factor show factor loadings of 0.69 and 0.82.
Table 3. Results of CFA: Estimates (EST), Standard Error (SE), z-value and significance (p) values are
reported for each item of the OSE scale (the original item is reported in brackets).
EST SE z-Value p
Skills =~
S1: Assicurarsi di studiare con regolarità (Making sure to study on a
0.74 0.03 23.86 <0.001
regular basis)
S2: Stare al passo con le lezioni (Staying up on the readings) 0.64 0.03 17.04 <0.001
S3: Controllare gli appunti prima della lezione per essere certo di
0.74 0.03 24.73 <0.001
comprendere il materiale del corso (Looking over class notes . . . )
S4: Essere organizzatU (Being organized) 0.69 0.04 18.98 <0.001
S5: Prendere degli appunti accurati sulle lezioni, in PowerPoint o le
video lezioni 0.75 0.03 25.63 <0.001
(Taking good notes over readings, PowerPoints or, video lectures)
S6: Ascoltare/leggere attentamente (Listening/reading carefully) 0.79 0.03 26.06 <0.001
Emotional =~
E1: Metterci molto impegno (Putting forth effort) 0.75 0.04 18.79 <0.001
E2: Trovare modi per rendere il materiale del corso pertinente con la
0.83 0.03 31.97 <0.001
mia vita (Finding ways to make the course materials relevant to my life)
E3: Applicare i contenuti del corso alla mia vita (Applying course
0.78 0.03 28.54 <0.001
material to my life)
E4: Trovare modi per rendere il corso interessante per me (Finding
0.83 0.03 31.28 <0.001
ways to make the course interesting to me)
E5: Avere davvero voglia di imparare il materiale del corso (Really
0.75 0.03 24.50 <0.001
desiring to to learn the material)
Behav. Sci. 2023, 13, 324 8 of 12
Table 3. Cont.
EST SE z-Value p
Participation =~
PA1: Divertirsi nelle chat online, discussioni o via email con il
0.76 0.03 27.38 <0.001
docente o gli altri studenti (Having fun in online chats . . . )
PA2: Partecipare in maniera attiva in discussioni in piccolo gruppo
su forum (ad es. whatsapp, etc.) (Participating actively in small-group 0.79 0.03 30.54 <0.001
discussion forums)
PA3: Aiutare 3collegh3(Helping fellow students) 0.65 0.05 14.35 <0.001
PA4: Partecipare a conversazioni online (chat, discussioni, email) sul
0.82 0.02 33.82 <0.001
corso (Engaging in conversations online (chat, discussions, email))
PA5: Postare sul forum della piattaforma online (es. dolly, Teams)
0.71 0.03 22.01 <0.001
con regolarità (Posting in the discussion forum regularly)
PA6: Riuscire a conoscere altr3collegh3che frequentano il corso
0.69 0.04 18.29 <0.001
(Getting to know other students in the class)
Performance =~
PER1: Voler ottenere un buon voto (Getting a good grade) 0.69 0.05 13.97 <0.001
PER2: Avere buoni risultati nei (IN EVENTUALI) test/quiz (IN
0.82 0.05 16.14 <0.001
ITINERE) (es. Kahoot) (Doing well in the tests/quizzes)
In short, the CFA indicates that the Italian version of the OSE Scale shows a structure
comparable to the original, with excellent fit indices and factor loadings on the expected factor.
The latent variables are positively correlated with each other (Table 4). The strongest
correlation is observed between the Skills and Emotional engagement factors (Estimate = 0.65,
p < 0.001, whereas a weaker correlation is observed between the Participation and Emotional
engagement factors (Estimate = 0.46; p < 0.001).
Table 4. Zero-order correlations among the latent variables (Oblimin Rotation): Estimates (EST),
Standard Error (SE), z-value and significance (p) values.
EST SE z-Value p
Skills ~~
Emotional 0.65 0.03 18.51 <0.001
Participation 0.59 0.04 13.47 <0.001
Performance 0.59 0.05 10.87 <0.001
Emotional ~~
Participation 0.47 0.05 10.23 <0.001
Performance 0.46 0.06 7.38 <0.001
Participation ~~
Performance 0.59 0.06 10.41 <0.001
The CR for the four dimensions of the Italian translation of the OSE Scale (Skills,
Emotional Engagement, Participation and Performance) are 0.86, 0.89, 0.88, 0.72, respec-
tively, thus confirming good reliability. In addition, the four dimensions of the translated
OSE Scale show satisfactory values of AVE: Skills: 0.53, Emotional Engagement: 0.62,
Participation: 0.55 and Performance: 0.57.
Behav. Sci. 2023, 13, 324 9 of 12
Table 5. Zero-order Correlations between the Italian OSE Scale and the Italian UWES-S-9 dimensions.
4. Discussion
The aim of this study is to provide an Italian version of the OSE Scale and to test
its structure and validity. The results confirm the reliability and validity of the Italian
version of the OSE Scale [21,22] on a Western European university student population
from Italy. The confirmatory factor analysis suggests the same four-factor solution for the
Italian version: Skills (e.g., taking good notes), Emotional Engagement (e.g., finding ways
to make the course interesting), Participation (e.g., participating actively in small group
discussion forums) and Performance (e.g., obtaining a good grade). The four dimensions
show good reliability and good internal consistency. Finally, as expected, the factors of
the OSE Scale positively correlate with the dimensions of the UWES-S [30], demonstrating
the appropriateness of these scales for evaluating student engagement, which as online
learning increases, becomes more important.
Numerous studies have linked student engagement with a variety of positive educa-
tional outcomes, [8] such as academic achievement. Extensive empirical research on the
relationship between student engagement and academic achievement exists, and whilst
results are not always consistent, e.g., [37,38], a recent meta-analysis [39] analysing 69
independent samples found a moderately strong and positive correlation between overall
student engagement and academic achievement. As such, measuring students’ engage-
ment in a reliable way is vital. Blended or online-only courses provide instructors unique
opportunities to monitor engagement by using the trace data collected by the learning
environment. However, most higher education instructors are not educational researchers
or data specialists. Thus, the challenges of accessing and using some types of data might be
a barrier to successfully monitoring student engagement [40]. As such, there is a benefit
to instructors in employing the OSE Scale. Whilst achievement is not the only goal of an
education system, it is a common measure of its success. It is used to evaluate, together with
other indices, both the performance of schools and universities and to measure changes in
individual students’ level of achievement.
Student engagement has also been seen to have an influence on students’ satisfaction.
For example, Rajabalee and Santally [41] find a significant positive relationship between
Behav. Sci. 2023, 13, 324 10 of 12
satisfaction and engagement (measured with the OSE Scale) in a sample of 844 first year
university students across disciplines, as well as a weak but positive significant correla-
tion between satisfaction and engagement with students’ overall performance. Moreover,
Baloran et al. [42] find that satisfaction with an online course is significantly correlated
with online student engagement in a sample of 529 university Filipino students during the
COVID-19 pandemic. Through structural equation modelling, it is further demonstrated
that online course satisfaction is significantly related to students’ skills engagement, emo-
tional engagement, participation and performance, demonstrating the value of assessment
of online engagement as part of a range of considerations.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, F.S. and A.A.; methodology, F.S., R.H., A.T. and A.A.;
validation, F.S., R.H., P.L. and A.A.; formal analysis, A.T. and A.A.; investigation, F.S.; data curation,
F.S. and A.T.; writing—original draft preparation, F.S.; writing—review and editing, F.S., R.H. and
A.A.; all authors contributed to visualization; supervision, P.L.; project administration, F.S.; All
authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: The study was conducted in accordance with the Declaration
of Helsinki, following the general research principles and the ethical rules of the Italian Psychological
Association (AIP).
Informed Consent Statement: Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the study.
Behav. Sci. 2023, 13, 324 11 of 12
Data Availability Statement: The data presented in this study are available on request from the
corresponding author. The data are not publicly available due to privacy reasons.
Acknowledgments: The authors are very grateful to the students who participated in this study.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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