Final Fulltext Template

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Title (Capitalize Each Principal Word [Title Case], Bold,

Double Space, Times New Roman 18pt, Max. 15 Words)


The Abstract should concisely state the problems, approach, findings, and implications of the

work in 250 words maximum and use the following headings: Introduction, Methods, Results

and Conclusions. The Abstract must be formatted in A4 Paper with a 2.54 cm (1 inch) margin

on all sides. Please do not use any page numbers, headers or footers, within the paper.

Introduction: State the background or problems to be addressed and the study aims.

Methods: Describe the research design, settings (please do not mention the actual location,

but use geographic type or number if necessary); Participants (details of how the study

population was selected, inclusion and exclusion criteria, numbers entering and leaving the

study, and any relevant clinical and demographic characteristics).

Results: Report the main outcome(s) or findings including levels of statistical significance

and confidence intervals where relevant.

Conclusions: Provide conclusions that are relevant to the study aims, hypothesis and

practical implications.

Keywords: Add minimum 3 and maximum 5 keywords or phrases separated by semicolons

(;) for use in indexing this paper; avoid general and plural terms and multiple concepts; the

keywords should be referring to where relevant.

The Full-text manuscript must be double-spaced and formatted in A4 Paper with a 2.54 cm (1

inch) margin on all sides. Please do not use any page numbers, headers or footers, within the

paper. We encourage authors to write the full-text manuscript in no more than 3,000 words,

excluding the abstract, tables/figures, and references. All references should be formatted

using Mendeley.

Please be aware that this template is only intended for the conference’s full-text submission.

The template used in the targetted journals for the final publication may be different from


The heading of the article sections must be the followings: Introduction, Methods, Results,

Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgments (if any), Conflict of Interest, and References.

The headings must be written in UPPERCASE format (Times New Roman, Bold, 12pt). The

first sub-headings must be written in Title Case format (Times New Roman, Bold, 12pt). The

second sub-headings must be written in Sentence case format (Times New Roman, Italic,



The introduction should explain the problems, scale, chronology and state of the arts

of the study. Please be noted that the last paragraph of the introduction should include the

aims or purpose of study.


The methods should clearly explain the research procedure conducted including, but

not limited to, study design; population, sample size, and sampling; instruments; intervention

procedure (where relevant); data analysis; and ethical clearance.

Study Design

Explain the design and approach used in the study.

Population, Samples and Sampling

Describe the population, total sample, sampling technique used in the study. Inclusion

and exclusion criteria (if any) should also be stated in detail. Please also describe all variables

involved in the study.


Any instrument or questionnaire used in the study must be explained in detail,

including general information, total questions, scale or category, reporting criteria, reference,

as well as explanation about how to ensure its validity and reliability.


Explain the study procedure concisely. It may also describe the study process but

should not include the administrative aspect of the study (e.g., chronological order of getting

research permission).

Data Analysis

Explain about statistical method(s) used in the study, type of analysis, software(s) that

help the analysis, and who conducted the analysis.

Ethical Clearance

Explain the ethical consideration statement and state the number of ethical approval

and the issuing institution.


Report the main outcome(s) or findings including levels of statistical significance and

confidence intervals where relevant.

If you have any table to present, please format it as the followings. The table should

not use any vertical line. The horizontal line is only used in the top, bottom, and header row.
The table should be single-spaced with Times New Roman 12pt font (bold for the header,

normal for the rest). The title of the table must be placed on the top of the table. The authors

should provide concise explanation about the content of the table and give reference which

table it explains (e.g. Table 1). Please see the example below.

Table 1. Demographic characteristics of the respondents (example).

Characteristics n %
17-25 11 10
26-35 44 40
36-45 27 24.5
46-49 28 25.5
Not finished 1 0.9
Elementary School 10 9.1
Junior High School 25 22.7
Senior High School 56 50.9
Higher Education 18 16.4

If you have any figure to present, please format it as the followings. The figure must

be clearly readable and may not be written one on to of the other. The figure must appear

inside the designated margins. It is advisable the use of text boxes in this case. The title of the

figure must be placed on the bottom of the figure. Please see the example below.

Figure 1. The facial expression of the author while writing this manuscript (example).

The discussion should explain the findings and discuss it with the facts, theory and the

authors’ opinion. The discussion should also explain the limitation of the study.


Provide conclusions that are relevant to the study aims and hypothesis. Please give

brief explanation about the practical implications and recommendation for further research.


Acknowledgments should be limited to the appropriate professionals who contributed

to the paper, including technical help and financial or material support, as well as any general

support by a department chairperson.


Please ensure that a ‘Declaration of Conflicting Interests’ statement is included at the

end of your manuscript, after any acknowledgments and prior to the references. If no conflict

exists, please state that ‘The Author(s) declare(s) that there is no conflict of interest’.


The author-year notation system is required and completed. All reference mentioned

should be written down in reference using Harvard Cite Them Right 10th Edition style and

arranged from A to Z. Articles have minimal 20 recent references (last 10 years) and 80% are

from journal or main references. References from journal publication should be provided by

DOI. All cited references must be mentioned in in-text citation and using Mendeley. Please

download the reference style here.

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