Oral Vs IV Treatment of Cellulitis

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J Antimicrob Chemother 2015; 70: 581 – 586

doi:10.1093/jac/dku397 Advance Access publication 21 October 2014

Oral versus parenteral antimicrobials for the treatment of cellulitis: a

randomized non-inferiority trial
Craig A. Aboltins1,2*, Anastasia F. Hutchinson3,4, Rabindra N. Sinnappu5, Damian Cresp3, Chrissie Risteski3,
Rajasutharsan Kathirgamanathan6, Mark A. Tacey3,7, Herman Chiu6 and Kwang Lim2,8

Department of Infectious Diseases, Northern Health, Epping, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia; 2Northwest Academic Centre, The University

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of Melbourne, Epping, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia; 3Northern Clinical Research Centre, Northern Health, Epping, Melbourne, Victoria,
Australia; 4School of Nursing & Midwifery, Deakin University, Northern Health, Epping, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia; 5Hospital In The
Home, Northern Health, Epping, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia; 6Emergency Department, Northern Health, Epping, Melbourne, Victoria,
Australia; 7Department of Medicine, The University of Melbourne, Parkville, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia; 8Department of Medicine,
Northern Health, Epping, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

*Corresponding author. Tel: +61-3-84058000; E-mail: [email protected]

Received 27 July 2014; returned 3 September 2014; revised 8 September 2014; accepted 13 September 2014

Objectives: To determine whether outcomes for patients with cellulitis treated with oral antimicrobials are as
good as for those who are treated with parenteral antimicrobials.
Methods: A prospective randomized non-inferiority trial was conducted at a tertiary teaching hospital in
Melbourne, Australia. Participants were patients referred by the emergency department for treatment of uncom-
plicated cellulitis with parenteral antimicrobials. Patients were randomized to receive either oral cefalexin or par-
enteral cefazolin. Parenteral antimicrobials were changed to oral after the area of cellulitis ceased progressing.
The primary outcome was days until no advancement of the area of cellulitis. A non-inferiority margin of 15%
was set for the oral arm compared with the parenteral arm. Secondary outcomes were failure of treatment, pain,
complications and satisfaction with care. This trial is registered with the Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials
Registry (ACTRN12611000685910).
Results: Twenty-four patients were randomized to oral antimicrobials and 23 to parenteral antimicrobials. Mean
days to no advancement of cellulitis was 1.29 (SD 0.62) for the oral arm and 1.78 (SD 1.13) for the parenteral arm,
with a mean difference of 20.49 (95% CI: 21.02 to +0.04). The upper limit of the 95% CI of the difference in
means of +0.04 was below the 15% non-inferiority margin of +0.27 days, indicating non-inferiority. More
patients failed treatment in the parenteral arm (5 of 23, 22%) compared with the oral arm (1 of 24, 4%), although
this difference was not statistically significant (P¼ 0.10). Pain, complications and satisfaction with care were simi-
lar for both groups.
Conclusions: Oral antimicrobials are as effective as parenteral antimicrobials for the treatment of uncomplicated

Keywords: drug therapy, antimicrobial agents, oral administration, parenteral infusions, randomized controlled trials

oral absorption and good activity against the bacteria that com-
monly cause cellulitis are readily available and are likely to be
Cellulitis is a potentially serious infection of the skin that is a com- cheaper and associated with fewer complications than parenteral
mon cause of presentation to emergency departments and antimicrobials. Only limited evidence exists comparing oral with
admission to hospital. Patients presenting to hospital are often parenteral antimicrobials for this infection.1,2 A recent Cochrane
treated with parenteral antimicrobial therapy because of the review states the need for further evaluation of this issue given
severity of infection or because of progression after initial treat- the potential benefits if oral antimicrobials were found to be
ment with oral antimicrobials. Parenteral antimicrobials, whether equivalent in efficacy to parenteral antimicrobials.3 The aim of
administered in the inpatient setting or with outpatient parenteral this study is to compare outcomes for patients with uncompli-
antimicrobial therapy (OPAT), are associated with inherent costs, cated cellulitis who are treated with oral antimicrobials with
complications and discomfort. Oral antimicrobials with reliable those who are treated with parenteral antimicrobials. Our

# The Author 2014. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. All rights reserved.
For Permissions, please e-mail: [email protected]

Aboltins et al.

hypothesis was that oral antimicrobials are at least as effective as until the area of cellulitis stopped advancing. Further assessments were
parenteral antimicrobials. undertaken on days 7 and 28 post-enrolment. A satisfaction survey was
administered on day 28. Assessments of both inpatients and outpatients
were completed by study nurses who had undergone training and
Methods calibration.
A randomized, open-label, non-inferiority trial was performed at a
single site, The Northern Hospital, a tertiary teaching hospital in metro- Outcome measures
politan Melbourne serving a population of 728 000 people. Ethics The primary outcome measure was time until no advancement of the area
approval for this study was from the Northern Health Research and of cellulitis.5 Secondary outcomes were failure of treatment, pain, compli-
Ethics Committee, approval number A43/10. Informed consent was cations of treatment and satisfaction with care. Failure of treatment was
given by all participants prior to taking part in this study. This trial is defined by persistent/relapsed symptoms requiring a change or further
registered with the Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry course of antibiotics, readmission to hospital or a surgical procedure

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(ACTRN12611000685910). such as abscess drainage for subsequent management.
A safety and monitoring committee reviewed outcome data after
20 patients had been recruited and agreed that continuing the trial
was safe.
Patients were eligible for inclusion in the study if they were referred by emer-
gency department medical staff for treatment of cellulitis with parenteral
antimicrobials because of severity of cellulitis or because of progression des- Statistical analysis
pite prior oral antimicrobial therapy. Cellulitis was defined by the presence of The trial was designed to assess non-inferiority of the oral arm when com-
acute dermal/epidermal inflammation lasting ,5 days and associated with pared with the parenteral arm. Based on clinician researcher opinion of
pain, fever with a temperature of ≥37.88C, tachycardia .90 beats/min, sys- acceptable clinical difference, a non-inferiority margin of 15% was used
temic symptoms or elevated inflammatory markers. for the primary outcome. Specifically, the oral arm was considered non-
Patients were required to be aged ≥16 years and were eligible regard- inferior if the upper limit of the 95% CI for the difference in means was
less of their referral being for treatment as an inpatient or with OPAT via the less than +15% of the mean value for the parenteral arm. Using an esti-
‘Hospital In The Home’ (HITH) programme. The location of treatment was mate of population variance of 0.15 days (SD) based on a previous study,5
determined by treating clinicians as per standard hospital protocols. a sample size of ≥18 patients in each arm was calculated to achieve 80%
Criteria for exclusion were inability to give consent, being unavailable for power, with a two-sided a error of 0.05. This sample size is a revised figure
follow-up, an alternative diagnosis to cellulitis, necrotizing fasciitis, compli- that was calculated 9 months after recruitment commenced, when the
cated cellulitis (presence of severe sepsis, extensive bullous skin initial pre-recruitment calculation of 58 was found to be based on incorrect
changes or abscess formation), mild cellulitis (limited area and no sys- assumptions. The revised calculation was made prior to interim examin-
temic symptoms), cellulitis complicating trauma, periorbital cellulitis, ation of results for the safety and monitoring committee and when recruit-
immunosuppressed patients, vomiting precluding oral antimicrobial ther- ment was to schedule. After the required sample size was recruited, the
apy and prior treatment with oral antimicrobials for .48 h or with paren- trial management committee decided that enrolment was to continue
teral antimicrobials for .12 h. Screening and enrolment of patients was by for as long as study funding was available. Tests of superiority were used
trained members of the HITH department or the infectious diseases for secondary outcomes. The Mann – Whitney test was used to compare
department. non-normally distributed continuous variables. The x2 test and Fisher’s
Assessment of consenting patients in the emergency department con- exact test were used for contingency tables. All tests were two-tailed
sisted of collection of demographic data, clinical symptoms and signs, and a P value of ,0.05 was considered to indicate statistical significance.
comorbidities and routine blood tests including white cell count and Statistical analysis was performed using Stata version 12.1 (StataCorp,
C-reactive protein. An indelible marker was used to draw an outline of TX, USA).
the area of cellulitis on the patients skin for comparison on following
assessments. The maximum diameter of the cellulitis was measured.
Pain was assessed with a visual analogue scale with a range of 0 –10. Results
Patients were randomized 1 : 1 with a 4 block schedule to either oral or
parenteral antimicrobial treatment arms. Randomization was achieved The study recruited patients from February 2011 until April 2013.
with a password-protected online randomization tool, Sealed Envelope Figure 1 summarizes patient flow through the study. Forty-seven
(Sealed Envelope, London, UK), by designated members of the study patients with one episode each of cellulitis were enrolled in the
team (C. A. A., A. F. H. and R. N. S.). The protocol for patients assigned to trial, with 23 patients in the parenteral arm and 24 patients
the oral arm was to receive 1 g of cefalexin orally four-times daily for in the oral arm. All enrolled patients were assessable for the pri-
10 days or, if they had immediate b-lactam hypersensitivity, 450 mg of mary outcome of non-progression of cellulitis. One patient, who
clindamycin orally three-times daily for 10 days. Patients assigned to the experienced treatment failure on day 3, was lost to follow-up
parenteral antimicrobial arm were to receive 2 g of cefazolin intravenously after day 7.
every 12 h or, if they had immediate penicillin hypersensitivity, 450 mg of Baseline demographic and clinical features were similar
clindamycin intravenously every 8 h. Parenteral antimicrobials were con- between the two treatment groups (Table 1). Twenty (43%)
tinued until the area of cellulitis was no longer progressing and the patient
patients had already received treatment with antibiotics for the
was afebrile, at which time treatment was continued with oral antibiotics,
current episode of cellulitis prior to enrolment. At enrolment, six
using doses as above, for a total antibiotic duration (parenteral plus oral)
of 10 days. The antibiotics used were those recommended for treatment
patients (two patients in the oral arm and four in the parenteral
of cellulitis by the Australian Therapeutic Guidelines.4 Patients kept a medi- arm) were admitted to hospital for the management of cellulitis
cation diary for doses of oral antibiotics. or other comorbid conditions. The remaining 41 patients were
Patients had daily assessment initially. If the area of cellulitis had managed at home.
spread outside any part of the outline drawn on the patient’s skin at the Treatment was initially with either cefazolin in the parenteral
time of enrolment, a new outline was drawn and this was repeated daily arm or cefalexin in the oral arm in all patients. No patients were

Oral versus parenteral antimicrobials for cellulitis JAC
Patients referred by the emergency
department for treatment of cellulitis with
intravenous antibiotics (n = 116)

Ineligible for enrolment (n = 69)

No consent (n = 14)
Unavailable for follow-up (n = 4)
Alternative diagnosis (n = 5)
Necrotizing fasciitis (n = 2)
Complicated cellulitis (n = 13)

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Mild cellulitis (n = 4)
Complicating trauma (n = 4)
Periorbital cellulitis (n = 1)
Randomized (n = 47) Immunosuppressed (n = 1)
Oral antimicrobials >48 h (n = 16)
Parenteral antimicrobials >12 h (n = 5)

Oral (n = 24)
(major protocol violation in one patient: only Parenteral (n = 23)
50% of dose of antimicrobial taken)

Followed until primary outcome. Analysed Followed until primary outcome. Analysed
for primary outcome (n = 24) for primary outcome (n = 23)

One patient
lost to follow-
up after day 7

Followed until day 28. Analysed for Followed until day 28. Analysed for
secondary outcomes (n = 24) secondary outcomes (n = 22)

Figure 1. Patient enrolment, exclusion, randomization and follow-up.

initially treated with clindamycin. For one patient in the oral arm, treatment (Figure 2). PP analysis of the primary outcome showed
treatment was changed to oral clindamycin after 5 days due to similar results after excluding the one patient with major protocol
development of an allergic rash. A major protocol violation violation from the oral arm, with the difference between the oral
occurred in one patient in the oral arm who received 500 mg and parenteral arms being 20.48 days (95% CI: 21.02 to +0.07),
of cefalexin four-times daily instead of 1 g of cefalexin four- also satisfying non-inferiority criteria. All patients were afebrile at
times daily. the time the cellulitis had stopped spreading.
On ITT analysis, the primary outcome of mean days to no The rate of failure of treatment was higher in the parenteral
advancement of cellulitis was 1.29 (SD 0.62) days for the oral arm (5 of 23, 22%) when compared with the oral arm (1 of 24,
arm and 1.78 (SD 1.13) days for the parenteral arm, with a 4%), although this difference was not statistically significant
mean difference of 20.49 (95% CI: 21.02 to +0.04). The upper (P ¼ 0.10). The mean pain score on day 1 was significantly higher
limit of the 95% CI of the mean difference of +0.04 was below in the oral arm compared with the parenteral arm (4.8 versus 2.8;
the specified +15% non-inferiority margin of +0.27 days, indicat- P ¼ 0.03); however, a higher baseline pain score in the oral arm
ing that the oral treatment was non-inferior to parenteral meant the reduction in mean pain score at that time was similar

Aboltins et al.

Table 1. Demographic and clinical features of patients at enrolment

Oral antimicrobials Parenteral antimicrobials

Variable (n¼24) (n¼23)

Age (years), mean (SD) 48.4 (17.8) 44.5 (14.7)

Male, n (%) 16 (67) 15 (65)
Duration of symptoms (h), mean (SD) 67.1 (43.2) 56.1 (44.9)
Maximum diameter of erythema at enrolment (cm), mean (SD) 28.2 (18.7) 29.7 (15.2)

Site of cellulitis

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upper limb 3 3
lower limb 21 20

Mean pain score (/10) 5.3 3.8

Systemic symptomsa, n (%) 19 (79) 16 (70)
Temperature ≥37.88C, n (%) 7 (29) 5 (22)
Heart rate .90 beats/min, n (%) 14 (58) 12 (52)
White blood cell count ≥12×10 cells/L, n (%)
13 (54) 9 (39)
C-reactive protein ≥100 mg/L, n (%) 14 (58) 8 (35)
Treatment of this episode prior to enrolment, n (%) 11 (46) 9 (39)
parenteral 3 4
oral 8 5
Previous episodes of cellulitis, n (%) 5 (21) 2 (9)
Diabetes mellitus, n (%) 5 (21) 5 (22)

Reported fever, rigors, nausea or malaise.

in the two groups (0.5 versus 0.5; P ¼0.31). Pain scores at days 7
and 28 were similar as were results from patient satisfaction sur-
veys (Table 2). The overall rate of complications of treatment was
difference –0.49 Pre-specified
similar across each group (29% in the oral group versus 32% in the –1.02 +0.04 range for
parenteral group; P ¼ 0.85).

Discussion –1.5 –1.0 –0.5 –0.27 0 +0.27 +0.5

The results of this study suggest that many patients with cellulitis Difference in means for the oral arm compared
referred for treatment with parenteral antimicrobial therapy with the parenteral arm
improve just as quickly with oral antimicrobials as with parenteral
Figure 2. CI and non-inferiority margin for difference in means in days to
antimicrobials, with oral antimicrobials shown to be non-inferior no advancement of cellulitis.
to parenteral antimicrobials in time to no advancement of cellu-
litis. Treating these patients with oral antimicrobials also appears
to be effective and safe, with each group experiencing similar study design did not include blinding of investigators, an important
rates of failure of treatment, improvement in pain scores and potential source of bias that we attempted to minimize by using
side effects of treatment. Patients in either group were similarly the objective primary outcome of time until no advancement of
satisfied with their treatment in this trial setting. the area of cellulitis. Cessation of spread of the area of cellulitis is
We have performed the only recent trial directly comparing a practical clinical outcome that has been suggested as a standard
oral and parenteral antimicrobials of similar class and spectrum for studies investigating the treatment of skin and soft tissue
of efficacy for the treatment of cellulitis. The antimicrobial regi- infections.5,7 Most clinicians would, however, be primarily inter-
mens used are those recommended and commonly prescribed ested in failure of treatment in judging the efficacy of a treatment.
in Australia for this indication. The patients in our study had evi- Although our study was not powered to detect differences in fail-
dence of significant systemic illness and/or progression of cellulitis ure of treatment, we did observe an unexpected trend to fewer
despite oral antimicrobials and so are representative of patients failures in the oral arm compared with the parenteral arm.
usually treated with parenteral antimicrobials, particularly with Twenty (43%) of the patients in our study had received antimicro-
OPAT, which is increasingly being used for such patients.6 Our bials for treatment of their cellulitis prior to enrolment, which may

Oral versus parenteral antimicrobials for cellulitis JAC
Table 2. Secondary outcomes for each treatment group

Outcome/complication Oral antimicrobials (n¼24) Parenteral antimicrobials (n¼23) P

Treatment failure, n (%) 1 (4) 5 (22) 0.10

Complications of treatment, n (%) 7 (29) 7 (32) 0.85
pain, erythema at injection site — 3 (14) —
indigestion or nausea 4 (17) 2 (9) 0.45
allergic skin rashes 1 (4) 1 (4) 0.95
thrush 0 1 (4) 0.29
diarrhoea 3 (12) 1 (4) 0.34

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Pain score, mean+SD
baseline 5.3+2.7 3.8+3.8 0.13
day 1 4.8+2.4 2.8+2.9 0.03
day 7 1.9+1.7 1.9+2.7 0.33
day 28 0.3+0.6 0.4+1.7 0.19

Reduction in pain score, mean+SD

baseline to day 1 0.5+1.9 1.0+2.5 0.31
baseline to day 7 3.4+3.3 1.9+3.0 0.64
baseline to day 28 5.0+2.8 3.4+3.5 0.22

Satisfaction ratingsb,c, mean+SD

convenience 3.5+0.9 3.2+1.5 0.90
effectiveness 3.7+0.5 3.4+0.7 0.10
overall satisfaction 3.9+0.3 3.7+0.6 0.27

Data not obtained for one patient in parenteral arm for complications of treatment.
Three satisfaction surveys not returned.
Scale 0 –4: 0 ¼not satisfied; 4¼most satisfied.

have minimized any differences in treatment efficacy but does powered to compare this outcome. Importantly, findings from
reflect real-world practice and is consistent with previous studies this study cannot be applied to patients with more severe cellulitis
reporting outcomes with parenteral antimicrobials.5,8 presenting with features of severe sepsis or extensive bullous
Only a limited number of studies have previously compared changes that clearly need parenteral antimicrobials. There is
oral and parenteral antimicrobials for the treatment of cellulitis. also limited direct applicability to other skin and skin structure
In different trials in inpatients, roxithromycin was found to be infections such as complicated skin abscesses and diabetic foot
equivalent to initial parenteral then oral penicillin9 and oral pristi- infections, particularly in areas such as the USA with high rates
namycin was shown to be superior to initial intravenous then of community-acquired MRSA; however, comparisons of oral
oral penicillin in one other study.2 In one older, quasi-randomized and parenteral treatments for these infections would be feasible
trial, oral penicillin was found to be equivalent to parenteral peni- and useful.
cillin.1 This is the only other study apart from ours to compare oral
and parenteral antimicrobials of similar class and spectrum of
activity. Recent studies in this area have mostly compared differ-
ent parenteral treatments and have shown similar results to those Acknowledgements
achieved for primary and secondary outcomes in both groups in We thank Annie Bentley and the other staff of the HITH Department and
our study.5,10 – 12 Raquel Cowan, Karen Lim, Venkat Lavu and other staff of the Infectious
Diseases Department for assistance with enrolment and management
Current Australian and UK guidelines recommend parenteral
of patients.
antimicrobials for patients with significant systemic symptoms
or progression of erythema despite oral therapy.4,13 Although par-
enteral antimicrobials are effective, they come with inherent
costs, inconvenience of administration, discomfort and the rare Funding
although potentially serious complication of venous catheter- Funding was provided internally by Northern Health, a Victorian public
associated sepsis. Treating patients with oral antibiotics would health service.
obviate these issues.
This single-centre study is limited by its small size and its
results need to be confirmed with larger multicentre trials. In par-
ticular, the unexpected trend seen of fewer treatment failures Transparency declarations
with oral antimicrobials needs to be further explored in studies None to declare.

Aboltins et al.

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M. A. T. were involved in trial management and data acquisition. All authors
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had full access to the data. M. A. T., C. A. A., A. F. H. and K. L. performed
Health. Clin Infect Dis 2012; 55: 1114– 21.
the statistical analysis. C. A. A. wrote the initial draft. All authors were
involved in critical revision of the manuscript. C. A. A. is the guarantor. 8 Grayson ML, McDonald M, Gibson K et al. Once-daily intravenous cefazo-
lin plus oral probenecid is equivalent to once-daily intravenous ceftriaxone
plus oral placebo for the treatment of moderate-to-severe cellulitis in
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