Microstrip Patch Antenna For Mimo Based 907eae51
Microstrip Patch Antenna For Mimo Based 907eae51
Microstrip Patch Antenna For Mimo Based 907eae51
Keywords: Bluetooth; DGS; ISM; Microstrip Patch Antenna; MIMO; WLAN; WiMAX;
Slotting Technique.
Open Access. Copyright ©Authors(s). Distributed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY).
Article history- Received: 1 March 2021 and Accepted: 6 August 2021.
1. Introduction
In today’s life, wireless communication is an
emerging means of data transmission. Application
such as mobile, satellite, government as well as a
commercial requires antenna with a low profile,
high performance with minimum cost [1]. The
antenna is the intermediator between the device and
the people for the data transmission and reception
process. The data might be available in any form i.e.,
audio, video, or image form [2]. In the last couple of Fig. 1: General structure of Patch Antenna
years, the growth in the wireless local area networks
(WLAN) shows one of the foremost interests in the A simple patch antenna might be of any
field of information and communication. Presently, shape, circular, square, rectangular an example of
the need of communication industries is that the rectangular patch antenna is shown in Fig. 2 along
antenna should operate at a different band with with the general shapes depicted in Figure 2 [4].
lightweight, low cost and high-performance rate.
The general structure of the patch antenna is shown
in Fig. 1 [3].
i. Diversity Schemes
ii. Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO)
iii. Smart Antenna Systems (SAS)
Bhat et al., AJEEE, ISSN: 2582-0257, Vol. 4, Issue 2, November 2021, pp. 31-39 | Page | 32
ADBU Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (AJEEE) | www.tinyurl.com/ajeee-adbu
The designed antenna consists of multiple Fig. 5: Transparent Antenna proposed by Y. Zhang
circular with square shapes having a dimension of r et al. [10]
= 2.9 mm, with an identical length and width of 5.6
J. Deng et al. in 2017 [11] presented an
inverted F shape Multiple Input-Multiple Output
C. S. Voon et al. in 2018 [9] presented an (MIMO) antenna, designed to cover dual-band, one
antenna designed for 2.4 and 5.15 GHz frequency of is at 2.4 GHz and the other is at 5 GHz. The antennae
size 17 mm 18 mm with 1.6 mm of thickness. The have been separated by 0.115λ 0 from each other.
antenna finds application in WLAN and 5 G. the An inverted T shape slot has been used on the
patch has been designed in the shape of π by slotting ground plane that helps to increase isolation between
2 U shaped slots on the patch as depicted in Figure the higher and lower band. Also, to increase the
4 [9]. impedance matching U shape slot has been created
near the feeding line. The results indicate 15 dB of
isolation compared to the existing design of the
MIMO antenna [11].
Bhat et al., AJEEE, ISSN: 2582-0257, Vol. 4, Issue 2, November 2021, pp. 31-39 | Page | 33
ADBU Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (AJEEE) | www.tinyurl.com/ajeee-adbu
Bhat et al., AJEEE, ISSN: 2582-0257, Vol. 4, Issue 2, November 2021, pp. 31-39 | Page | 34
ADBU Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (AJEEE) | www.tinyurl.com/ajeee-adbu
enhanced bandwidth. The results revealed that the A. Kumar et al. in 2020 [18] introduced an
antenna is suitable for Bluetooth and WLAN ultra-compact including two-port in the frequency
applications. The concept of DGS has been used to range of 3.1 to 10.6 GHz with dual band-notched
achieve better performance and reduce the size. The ultra-wideband (UWB) features of top and bottom
structure helps to reject unwanted frequencies and MIMO antenna. The complete size of this presented
hence offers wider bandwidth [16]. 2-port antenna is 19×30×0.8 mm3 and the minimum
isolation is greater than 18dB along with obtained
envelope correlation coefficient (ECC) has less than
0.13. The gain of the antenna lies in the range of 1.2–
2.91 dBi with a difference of 1.71 dBi only. The
obtained radiation frequency has been higher than
70% throughout the operating frequency band [18].
Bhat et al., AJEEE, ISSN: 2582-0257, Vol. 4, Issue 2, November 2021, pp. 31-39 | Page | 35
ADBU Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (AJEEE) | www.tinyurl.com/ajeee-adbu
Fig. 13: Proposed MIMO antenna by K. V. Babu Fig. 15: Proposed 4-element based MIMI by Z. Ren
and B. Anuradha [19] and A. Zhao [21]
N. Ojaroudi et al. in 2020 [20] presented an X. Zhang et al. in 2019 [22] proposed a
8-port antenna array that operates in the frequency UWB 8-port MIM antenna array in smartphones
ranges of 2.6 GHz band (2550–2650 MHz) for through an open slot metal frame for 5th generation
MIMO. The configuration strategy of this presented communication. This proposed framework can be
design has composed of 4-pairs low-profile dual- operated in the frequency range of 3.3 GHz to 6
polarized slot antennas placed symmetrically at the GHz, that composed of almost all 6 GHz bands in 5th
corners of a mobile-phone mainboard. It also generation applications. The highest agreement
involves a petal-ring slot radiator differently fed between the measured with simulated outcomes has
through a pair of 50 ohms rectangular microstrip been obtained which leads to presented work
lines and operates at 2.6 GHz [20]. producing promising performance [22].
Bhat et al., AJEEE, ISSN: 2582-0257, Vol. 4, Issue 2, November 2021, pp. 31-39 | Page | 36
ADBU Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (AJEEE) | www.tinyurl.com/ajeee-adbu
presented approach have identical, symmetrical and A. Zhao and Z. Ren in 2018 [25] presented
orthogonally distributed on both sides of the an antenna element that not only restricted to the
substrate. Moreover, the presented framework property of self–isolated but also had a compact size
involves reduced mutual coupling, lesser envelop presented for 5th generation MIMO system for
correlation coefficient (ECC), higher multiplexing smartphone devices. Mainly the size reduction is
efficiency, stable gain, with quasi-omnidirectional done by introducing the two vertical stubs into the
radiation patterns at the entire impedance bandwidth original self-isolated antenna element. It has to be
[23]. demonstrated that enhanced isolation, as well as
efficiency of antenna for 8-antenna MIMO system,
can be obtained without utilizing the additional
isolated elements or, decoupling techniques. The
proposed scheme is composed of a T-shaped feeding
element with an inverted U-shaped radiating
element including two extra vertical stubs [25].
Bhat et al., AJEEE, ISSN: 2582-0257, Vol. 4, Issue 2, November 2021, pp. 31-39 | Page | 37
ADBU Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (AJEEE) | www.tinyurl.com/ajeee-adbu
Bhat et al., AJEEE, ISSN: 2582-0257, Vol. 4, Issue 2, November 2021, pp. 31-39 | Page | 38
ADBU Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (AJEEE) | www.tinyurl.com/ajeee-adbu
[17] N. Yan, K. Ma, H. Zhang, and Y. He, “Dual‐ [25] A. Zhao and Z. Ren, “Size Reduction of Self-
band antenna with comb radiators for WLAN Isolated MIMO Antenna System for 5G
applications using SISL technology,” Mobile Phone Applications,” in IEEE
Electronics Letters, vol. 53, no. 13, pp. 822– Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters,
824, Jun. 2017, doi: 10.1049/el.2017.1010. vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 152-156, Jan. 2019, doi:
[18] A. Kumar, A. Q. Ansari, B. K. Kanaujia, J.
Kishor, and S. Kumar, “An ultra-compact two-
port UWB-MIMO antenna with dual band-
notched characteristics,” AEU - International
Journal of Electronics and Communications,
vol. 114, p. 152997, Feb. 2020, doi:
Bhat et al., AJEEE, ISSN: 2582-0257, Vol. 4, Issue 2, November 2021, pp. 31-39 | Page | 39