Soal B.inggris Kelas VII
Soal B.inggris Kelas VII
Soal B.inggris Kelas VII
Tanggal :
Choose the correct answer by A, B, C or Garry : They are Mr. Bob and Mr.
D! Joe.They are American football
1. Rudi : I’m Rudi. .....
George : Mr. Bob is small and short. Mr.
Ani : my name is Ani Joe is ....(3)....
A . Nice to meet you Garry : I’ll talk with them. .... (4) Garry.
B. What’s your name? Garry : Bye.
C. See you later 3. A. big and tall C. small and tall
D. Thank you B. big and short D. small and short
2. Arrange the following sentences into a 4. A. Hello C. Good morning
good dialogue.
B. Thanks D. Goodbye
1. Hello, Dewi!
5. Arini : What time do you get up every
2. Hello, Mr. Hartawan. Nice to meet you day?
3. His name’s Hartawan Sinta : I usually ... at 5 o’clock.
4. Nice to meet you, Riska. A. got up C. gets up
5. Hi, Riska B. get up D. have got up
6. Riska, this is my father. 6. Adi : That’s a nice pet bird!
A. 5–1–4–3–2–6 Anton : .... I just got it at a pet shop.
B. 5–1–3–6–2–4 A. sorry C. see you later
C. 5–1–6–3–2–4 B. oh,thanks D. you’re welcome
D. 5–1–2–3–6-4 Our Library
Questions 3 and 4 Our school has a library. It is between
George : Who are they, Garry? the school office and the laboratory. Our
librarian is Mr. Pranata.
Mr. Pranata is in his office. It is in the Elizabeth’s favorite subject is History.
library. He is sitting behind his desk. He History is at 9:15 on Wednesday.
is numbering the new books. He is a busy Helen’s favorite subject is art. Art is
and hard working librarian. 12:00 on Friday.
Our school library opens everyday but 12. What is Mariana’s favorite subject on
Sunday. It starts at 8 a.m. and stops at 2 Tuesday?
p.m. On Friday, it closes earlier, usually
at 11 o’clock. A. English C. Math
B. good D. Annoying
22. Mrs. Dewi says, "Please 'study' the
material at home". What is the
synonym of the 28. The main idea of this paragraph is ....
underlined word?
A. Learn A. her days are quite long
B. Look
C. Inform B. Nancy is a housewife
D. Prepare
C. She has got 3 children
23. Bona : How old are you ?
Dina : .............................. D. Nancy is a busy woman
A. I am fine
B. My brother 29. Father : It’s getting hot in this
C. I am twelve room. Switch on ..., please.
D. I'm in the seventh grade
Daughter : Sure.
24. Bob : .......................
A. the fan C. the heater
Tim : I have one elder brother.
A. How is your elder brother? B. the light D. the
B. Where is your brother?
30. Y : Do you like to eat meat?
A. like C. dislike
B. love D. Enjoy