Article 17
Article 17
Article 17
Science and
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 22 (2008) 1084~1090
(Manuscript Received August 17, 2006; Revised March 3, 2008; Accepted March 10, 2008)
A new calibration method for industrial robot system calibration on a manufacturing floor is presented in this paper.
To calibrate the robot system, a laser sensor to measure the distance between robot tool and measurement surface is
attached to the robot end-effector and a grid is established in the floor. Given two position command pulses for a robot
manipulator and using the position difference between two command pulses, the relative position measurement calibra-
tion method will find the real robot kinematic parameters. The procedures developed have been applied to an industrial
robot. Finally, the effects of the models used to calibrate the robot are discussed. This calibration method represents an
effective, low cost and feasible technique for the industrial robot calibration in lab. projects and industrial environments.
Keywords: Robot calibration; Relative position; Laser sensor
orientation of the tool frame relative to the base frame 3. Calibration method
and PN is the displacement vector representing the
3.1 Position error model
Cartesian position of the tool frame relative to the
base frame. If the position of the end-effector with respect to
the base, assuming the position of the manipulator
2.2 Calibration model with nominal link parameters is given by Pt , and the
The differential change dAi is estimated as a lin- real position of the manipulator with kinematic errors
ear function of the four kinematic errors. Due to the is given by Ptc then the correct position can be ex-
modified kinematics resulting in the homogeneous pressed as:
transformation given by Eq. (2), the differential
change dAi should be estimated as a linear function Ptc = Pt + dPt (8)
of the five kinematic errors, assuming the errors are
small so that the higher order terms are negligible If small errors in the position of the end of the ma-
nipulator with respect to the base can be modeled as
∂Ai ∂A ∂A ∂A ∂A small variation in the link parameters, then the ma-
dAi = δθi + i δ di + i δ ai + i δαi + i δβi
∂θi ∂di ∂ai ∂αi ∂βi nipulator position error can be approximated as:
⎡ (T ⋅ B ⋅ iT ) ⎤
⎛ dPx ⎞ N ⎢ i −1 θ i N (1,4) ⎥
The final robot positional and orientational change
⎜ ⎟ ⎢ i ⎥
dPt = ⎜ dPy ⎟ = {⎢ (Ti −1 ⋅ Bθ i ⋅ TN ) (2,4) ⎥ ⋅ δθ i
can be calculated through Eq. (5). ⎜⎜ dP ⎟⎟ i =1 ⎢ ⎥
⎝ z⎠ ⎢ (Ti −1 ⋅ Bθ i ⋅ iTN ) (3,4) ⎥
⎣ ⎦
∂TN ∂T ∂T ∂T ∂T ⎡ (T ⋅ B ⋅ iT ) ⎤ ⎡ (T ⋅ B ⋅ iT ) ⎤
dTN = δθ1 + N δ d1 + N δ a1 + N δα1 + N δβ1 ⎢ i −1 di N (1,4) ⎥ ⎢ i −1 ai N (1,4) ⎥
∂θ1 ∂d1 ∂a1 ∂α1 ∂β1 ⎢ i ⎥ ⎢ i ⎥
+ ⎢ (Ti −1 ⋅ Bdi ⋅ TN ) (2,4) ⎥ ⋅ δ d i + ⎢ (Ti −1 ⋅ Bai ⋅ TN ) (2,4) ⎥ ⋅ δ ai
# ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ (Ti −1 ⋅ Bdi ⋅ iTN ) (3,4) ⎥ ⎢ (Ti −1 ⋅ Bai ⋅ iTN ) (3,4) ⎥
∂TN ∂TN ∂T ∂T ∂T ⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦
+ δθN + δ dN + N δ aN + N δα N + N δβN ⎡ (T ⋅ B ⋅ iT ) ⎤ ⎡ (T ⋅ B ⋅ iT ) ⎤
∂θN ∂d N ∂aN ∂α N ∂βN ⎢ i −1 α i N (1,4) ⎥ ⎢ i −1 β i N (1,4) ⎥
⎢ i ⎥ ⎢ i ⎥
(5) + ⎢ (Ti −1 ⋅ Bα i ⋅ TN ) (2,4) ⎥ ⋅ δα i + ⎢ (Ti −1 ⋅ Bβ i ⋅ TN ) (2,4) ⎥ ⋅ δβ i }
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ (Ti −1 ⋅ Bα i ⋅ iTN ) (3,4) ⎥ ⎢ (Ti −1 ⋅ Bβ i ⋅ iTN ) (3,4) ⎥
where, ⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦
∂TN ∂A ∂Ai
= A1 ∗ A2 ∗ " ∗ i ∗ Ai +1 ∗ " * AN , = Bxi
∂γ i ∂γ i ∂γ i The above equation can be written in the following
γ = {θ , d , a ,α , β } compact form as
dTN = Bθ 1 ⋅ 1TN ⋅ δθ1 + Bd 1 ⋅ 1TN ⋅ δ d1 + "
dPt = [ M θ ]δθ + [ Md ]δ d + [ Ma ]δ a + [ M α ]δα + [ M β ]δβ
+ T1 ⋅ Bθ 2 ⋅ 2TN ⋅ δθ 2 + T1 ⋅ Bd 2 ⋅ 2TN ⋅ δ d 2 + " (10)
+ TN ⋅ Bθ N ⋅ δθ N + TN ⋅ BdN ⋅ δ d N + " where,
M γ = Ti −1 ⋅ Bγ i ⋅ iTN
Therefore, (i-th column, γ = θ or d or a or α or β )
δθ , δ d , δ a, δα , and δβ : time invariant constant
dTN = ∑{(T
i =1
i −1 ⋅ Bθ i ⋅ iTN ) ⋅ δθi + (Ti −1 ⋅ Bdi ⋅ iTN ) ⋅ δ di 3.2 Relative position measurement method
dPt1 − dPt 2 : Relative position error model To find calibrated robot kinematic parameters, we
Pt1c − Ptc2 : Real robot relative position (Measure- use the least square method (L.S.M.).
Pt1 − Pt 2 : Nominal robot relative position (Known) Model equation: Y = Φ ∗ Χ (19)
∴ Χ = (ΦT ⋅ Φ ) −1 ⋅ ΦT ⋅ Y (20)
From Eq. (10), the relative position error model is
derived: where,
1 1 1 1 1
dPt1 = [Mθ ]δθ + [Md ]δ d + [Ma ]δ a + [Mα ]δα + [M β ]δβ
Y = dPt1 − dPt 2 = ( Pt1c − Ptc2 ) − ( Pt1 − Pt 2 )
Φ = [( M θ 1 − M θ 2 ) ( Md 1 − Md 2 ) ( Ma1 − Ma 2 )
dPt 2 = [Mθ 2 ]δθ + [Md 2 ]δ d + [Ma2 ]δ a + [Mα 2 ]δα + [M β 2 ]δβ
(16) ( M α 1 − M α 2 ) ( M β 1 − M β 2 )]
Χ = [δθ δ d δ a δα δβ ]
① Initialize nominal kinematic link parameter RS232C serial data communication is set up to in-
② Relative position measure (K numbers) tegrate the subsystems such as the robot, and the PC
③ Least square method into measurement and calibration system. After the
: Find optimal kinematic parameters robot moves to one position, its controller sends a
④ Update optimal kinematic parameter signal to request that the sensor start measurement.
⑤ Repeat 2-4 until some minimum value After the measurement is completed the robot moves
to the next position. This pattern continues until the
At this calibration process, using the nominal ki- whole measurement task (the number of K ) is done.
nematic parameters with zi −1 and zi parallel (Fig. Then the robot controller sends all joint pulse read-
1), the errors in di and di +1 are dependent since ings to the PC, and the sensor sends all the measure-
they have the same effect on the reference point posi- ments to the person. Based on all these data, the ki-
tion for any manipulator configuration. This depend- nematic identification algorithm is used to find the
ency will cause a singularity in the matrix of partial true parameter value.
derivative used in the calibration equations. Through The overall system figure is shown in Fig. 5.
the pivot check for the matrix of partial derivative, if
the pivot is smaller than any tolerance value then the 4.2 Calibration results
column factor is rejected and that parameter is set
zero. 4.2.1 Robot model
From the DH model (Fig. 1), the model of a six
4. Experiment DOF robot (MOTOMAN UP20) can be given as
4.1 System configuration
Then, nominal robot kinematic parameters are
The experimental system for calibration consists of given as in Table 1.
a six DOF robot (UP20) manufactured by
MOTOMAN comp., a laser height sensor manufac-
tured by OMRON, Inc., a grid plate (an interval of
0.1mm) by us, and a PC.
The laser height sensor can conduct height meas-
urement within its field of view and it has a meas-
urement range 80mm-140mm and its resolution is
0.01mm. Using the mechanical height gage (its accu-
racy is 0.01mm), the calibration for laser height sen-
sor is achieved in Fig. 4.
The grid plate made by CNC machine can conduct Fig. 5. Overall system for calibration method.
xy-axis position measurement and its grid interval is
0.1mm. Namely, the position accuracy of xy-axis is
0.1mm and that of z-axis is 0.01mm. d4
Z5 Z4 , X5
Z3 d6
d1 X1 X2
1 0.0 -70.0 -0.11 0.04 -69.85 0.03 Real robot Calibrated robot model
2 70.1 70.0 0.18 70.00 69.86 0.02 Num relative position relative position
3 -65.0 -5.2 0.01 -64.95 -5.08 0.04 (K) ∆X ∆Y ∆Z ∆X ∆Y ∆Z
4 0.0 9.8 0.04 0.02 9.78 0.02 1 0.0 -70.0 -0.11 0.0 -70.0 -0.11
5 -10.3 0.0 -11.12 -10.23 -0.02 -11.10 2 70.1 70.0 0.18 70.1 70.0 0.18
6 0.0 -9.7 4.66 0.00 -9.66 4.68 3 -65.0 -5.2 0.01 -65.0 -5.2 0.01
7 -15.0 -20.5 12.26 -14.97 -20.44 12.29 4 0.0 9.8 0.04 0.0 9.8 0.04
8 -10.1 -34.6 -0.04 -10.12 -34.51 0.03 5 -10.3 0.0 -11.12 -10.3 0.0 -11.12
9 40.3 19.7 8.84 40.21 19.68 8.78 6 0.0 -9.7 4.66 0.0 -9.7 4.66
10 40.3 -14.9 -48.28 40.23 -15.02 -48.19 7 -15.0 -20.5 12.26 -15.0 -20.5 12.26
RMS Error: 0.128 8 -10.1 -34.6 -0.04 -10.1 -34.6 -0.04
9 40.3 19.7 8.84 40.3 19.7 8.84
4.2.2 Robot relative position measurement 10 40.3 -14.9 -48.28 40.3 -14.9 -48.28
The real robot relative position is the measurement RMS Error: 0.0
data between the laser height sensor and grid plate.
The nominal robot model relative position is the cal-
Table 5. Absolute position data from robot base.
culation data of the kinematic equation from the real
robot joint pulses. P1 P2 P3
Then the measurement number (K) is 10 because X 1084.10 947.31 736.89
K ≥ N (6) × 5 / 3 = 10 . Nominal
Y 430.19 -326.24 181.86
The RMS error is the root mean square between the Z 524.41 563.93 -17.91
real robot relative position and the nominal robot X 1090.18 953.91 741.54
model relative position.
Calibration Data Y 433.70 -326.54 184.63
4.2.3 Calibrated kinematic parameter Z 524.21 564.10 -18.18
Based on all above data, the kinematic identifica- Measured X 1090.10 953.72 741.16
tion algorithm is used to find the true parameter value, Data Y 433.51 -326.77 184.75
and the calibrated kinematic parameters are results in (LTD500) Z 524.43 563.97 -18.10
Table 3. RMS Error
According to the calibration process, Fig. 3, in case (Nominal data vs. 7.02 6.61 5.42
of second iteration, the calibration accuracy of second Measured data)
iteration is finer than that of the first iteration. RMS Error
The number of parameters is the same as the joint (Calibration data vs. 0.30 0.32 0.40
number (a six DOF). Measured data)
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