Developments in The Design of Ship Prope
Developments in The Design of Ship Prope
Developments in The Design of Ship Prope
time consuming and expensive, more sophisticated The average wake velocity over the propeller disc is:
three-dimensional theories were been developed steady R R
and unsteady lifting-surface theory, quasy-steady v = 2π ∫ r vr dr / 2π ∫ rdr (2)
methods, Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) r r
b b
equations, boundary element methods/panel method. A velocity fields as function of radius and angular
The paper presents aspects regard propeller design position is presented in Figure 1 and 2.
procedure, which involves various theories and under-
lying assumptions, analytical tools, computational fluid
dynamics models and model tests, to predict the
hydrodynamics performances of marine propeller in
non-uniform wake field behind ship.
A propeller fitted at the stern of a ship operates in
water that has been disturbed by passage of the hull’s
ship, which “deform the original streamlines and
causes a retardation of the relative stream velocity due
to viscous actions”[2]. This disturbance behind the
ship is called wake. The wake velocity is associated
with the flow around ship’s hull and it varies in
magnitude and directions. The ratio of the average
velocity over the propeller disc to the ship speed V Figure 1. Curve of constant axial wake fraction.
is named the wake coefficient: w = 1-v/V, and its Transversal velocity in propeller disc
value depends largely of the shape of the hull and on Va/V
the propeller location. The rotation of the propeller 1
the hull and increase the resistance of the ship. This 0.8
means that the thrust force T on the propeller has to
0.6 0.4
overcome both the ship’s resistance R and this increase 0.5 0.5
named “augment of resistance” RT. This loss of thrust 0.4
is expressed by mean of t = 1-R/T, named thrust 0.3 0.8
open water. Compared to open water conditions, the 0 60 120 180 240 300 360
ciency, is a preference for a small number of blades. gral along the vortex line. The second way to establish
But the major criterion in the selection of the number this velocity field uses the Laplace’s differential
of blades is vibration considerations. The fluctuations equation, which applies since the flow outside of
of unsteady forces induced by the propeller and vortex space is a potential flow and the problem is
transmitted to the hull through the water by pressure reduced to a boundary problem of a linear partial
effects and thought the shaft bearing are lower for a differential equation [9].
larger number of blades. Not only the vibration A propeller that is rotates in the water induces three
excitation is to be considered, also attention is to be velocity components: axial, tangential and radial.
paid to the resonance structure. The choosing of the Certain assumptions are required: one of them is
number of blades, which has a common factor with that there is no contraction or reduction in diameter
the number of cylinders of the Diesel engine, could of the slipstream [10]. The radial component of the
lead to vibrations problems [7]. The expanded blade induced velocity can be ignored and the other two com-
area is a result of optimization and may be restricted ponents, axial uA and tangential uT must be calculated.
by cavitation criteria (for example Burill diagrams). From the circulation distribution, the induced velocities
The performances of a propeller designed based can be computed based on the Lerbs induction factors:
on the systematic series are insufficient for today’s ua 1 R dG dr0
expectation: the results give good agreement between =∫ ia ;
VA 2 r dro r - r0
shaft power, propeller revolution and ship speed and b (6)
will be used as a starting point for the next stages. uT 1 R dG dr0
= ∫ iT ;
4. DESIGN VA 2 r dro r - r0
When using systematic series charts, no account is where VA is a average, nominal axial wake velocity
taken of the variation of the wake over the propeller determined by means of measured axial wake ve-
disc and the propeller is designed to suit average flow locity components Vx (r, θ):
conditions behind ship [8]. Once the main parameters 1 1 2π
are fixed, the problem is to design a propeller to devel- VA = ∫ dr ∫ Vx (r, θ) (7)
oping thrust or absorbing the specified power at given 0π o
rpm, under given conditions. The inflow to the pro- and ia and iT are the Lerbs induction factor which
peller is assumed to vary radially and the objective are expressed in a Fourier series.
is to find the blade geometry for a specified distribution
( )
of blade loading over the radius. The pitch of the ia j, j0 = ∑ Ian ( j) cos (nj0 )
sections can be chosen to suit the average wake at n=0 (8)
( )
each radius (wake adapted propeller) and the shape iT j, j0 = ∑ I nt ( j) cos (nj0 )
of the blade is chosen to minimize cavitation. The n=0
problem can be done using the circulation theory Propeller design using circulation theory is divided
(vortex theory) of propellers: lifting line theory with in two parts. The first part named hydrodynamic stage
correction factors on lifting surface theory. consists on determining the values of non-dimensional
In lifting line theory, each blade of propeller is re- circulation Γ and the induced velocities uA and uT. The
placed by a bound vortex or lifting line, the circulation second stage consists on determining the optimum
Γ of which depends on the radial coordinate r. The blade geometry from the point of view of cavitation
variation of Γ necessitates a free vortex line being suppression at the shock-free angles of attack and
shed from the lifting line. The free vortex line with a strength criteria. Lifting line calculation is always made
circulation distribution (Γ/dr)dr is not acted by forces. in steady conditions. The mean value of the wake
The assembly of adjacent free vortex lines forms a (average wake velocity over the propeller disc) and
free vortex sheet (trailing vortex sheet) helicoidal in the average velocity over one revolution at different
shape. radius are known. The required thrust or delivery
The velocity induced by the vortex system of the power has to be specified.
propeller can be determinate by the law of Biot Savart The diagram of velocities around a blade section at
or by Lapace’s equation. Using the Biot Savart law, radius r is presented in Figure 4, where α is the attack
the velocity vector induced by a vortex line of cir- angle, β the advance angle, βI the hydrodynamic pitch
culation Γ at a point in space is: angle, δ the final pitch angle.
Γ dl x R a
From the velocity diagram, the relation between
VP = ∫ (5) induced velocities uA and uT is:
4π l R 3
uA uT tgβ
+ tgβ i = i -1 (9)
where R is the vector distance between the point and
VA VA tgβ
the vortex vector dl. The problem is reduced at an inte-
Proceedings of the Workshop on VORTEX DOMINATED FLOWS. ACHIEVEMENTS AND OPEN PROBLEMS, Timisoara, Romania, June 10-11, 2005 135
CT = 4z ∫ G 1- w ( r ) -
tgβ V )
dr A suitable distribution of skew to define the ex-
i b A panded blade may be selected at this stage. Theoretical
3 (10)
1 G (1- w ( r )) u and experimental data show the advantages of highly
C P = 4z ∫ 1+ A dr skewed propellers compared with conventional pro-
i r tg β V
b A pellers. The advantages, in general are reduction in
unsteady bearing forces and pressure forces and
Iteratively, the hydrodynamic pitch angle β i is ad-
increased cavitation inception speeds. The reason
justed to match the ideal thrust loading coefficient (or
for the decrease of unsteady bearing forces with
the ideal power coefficient) to the required values:
increasing skew can be found by examining the ship
8T P wake. The purpose of skewing a blade is to allow
CT = i ,C i (11)
P =
i π × ρ × V 2 × D2 i π × ρ × V3 × D 2 each radial section of the blade to enter the wake at
The relation between the dimensionless circulation a different instant, thereby reducing the peak forces.
G and the lift coefficient CL is: The effect of skew on unsteady forces and moments
depends on the wake’s structure; an arbitrary skew
CL × c 2 π × G × cosβi use without consideration of the wake structure could
= (12)
D 1 uT lead to very disappointing results [11]
tgβ VA
where c is the chord length of blade section at r Once the design is completed, the propeller is analy-
radius and D-propeller diameter sis in all operation conditions taking into account the
When the final values of Γ, uA, uT, hydrodynamic complete wake distribution. This is the third stage,
pitch angle βI and CLc/D are determined, the geometri- known like ”direct” problem, and the objectives are to
cal design can started. The lift coefficient depends find the pressure distributions on propeller surfaces,
on upon the type of airfoil section, its chamber ratio, to evaluate the hydrodynamics performances of
thickness chord ratio and the angle of attack. The propeller in off-design conditions and to determine
problem is to select a combination of chord length, how the ship’s wake influences the cavitation per-
chamber, blade contour and pitch to match the data formances and the unsteady forces induced by the
from hydrodynamic design. The pitch is chosen propeller and transmitted to the hull through the water
according to the hydrodynamic pitch to attain shock by pressure effects and thought the shaft bearing. Some-
free entry, and the chord length c must satisfy cavitation times, the pressure distribution is taken as an indication
and strength criteria [2],[12]. of the behaviour of the cavitation on the blades.
The airfoil sections generally used in propeller In the design stage, the hydrodynamic performances
designed using the circulation theory are NACA 16, of the propeller are predicted at the design point,
136 Proceedings of the Workshop on VORTEX DOMINATED FLOWS. ACHIEVEMENTS AND OPEN PROBLEMS, Timisoara, Romania, June 10-11, 2005
fluid, the flow field around a propeller is characterized A numerical procedure to solve the boundary integral
by a perturbation velocity potential Φ, which satisfies equations (20) is presented in [16].
The panel methods are useful for calculation of
∇ 2φ ( x, y, z, t ) = 0 (19)
blade pressure distribution in steady and unsteady
Considering a surface S composed of the propeller flow and for prediction the cavitation characteristics
blade surface SB, hub surface SH and wake surface of propeller. This method allows the calculation of
SW, a constant source and doublet distributions are minimum pressure at the leading edge and handles
used to write the perturbation potential φ (P, t ) at any the root and the tip better. A very dense grid with small
point P(x,y,z,t) on the boundary surface: panels is necessary at the leading edge.
The effect of viscosity on the flow around propeller
∂ 1 blades can be taken into account using numerical solu-
2πφ ( P ) = ∫∫ φ (Q, t ) dS -
S ∂n Q R ( P, Q ) tions of Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes (RANS)
(20) equations. The solutions of Navier Stokes equations
∂φ (Q, t ) 1 make it possible to calculate the flow in those regions
-∫∫ dS
S ∂n Q R ( P, Q ) which are dominated by viscous effects: the tip vortex,
the hub vortex and separation along the leading edge [19].
where Q(x’,y’,z’,t) is the source point where singu- The Reynolds-Averaged Navier Stokes equations
larity is located and R(P,Q) – distance between point are:
P and Q. The flow around propeller has to be derived
from the motion equations using boundary conditions ∂vi
as follows: ∂x
• the kinematic boundary conditions on SB and SH (25)
( τij - ρv'i v'j )
is that no flow across blade and hub surface : ∂ vi ∂ vi ∂p ∂
ρ + ρv j = ρ×F - +
∂φ (Q, t ) ∂t ∂x ∂x ∂x
= - VW ( x', r', θ' - Ωt) + Ω × r ) × n Q (21) j i j
∂n Q These equations are formally identical with Navier
Stokes equations valid for laminar flow with the
• the wake surface is assumed to have zero thickness.
The normal velocity jump and the pressure jump exception of the additional term τij (Reynolds stress
across SW is zero, while a jump in potential is tensor), which represents the transfer of momentum
allowed. due to turbulent fluctuations. Empirical models are
necessary to describe the effects of turbulent: the so-
∂φ +(Q, t ) ∂φ -( Q, t ) p + = p - pe S (22) called turbulence models. The K-ε turbulence model
= , W
∂n Q ∂n Q is one of the most employed two equations and it is
based on the solution of equations for the turbulent
where φ ± p ± are the value of potential and the kinetic energy and the turbulent dissipations rate [21].
pressure on the wake surface (on the upper and In some applications (turbo machines, propellers),
lower side). the control volume is rotating about some axis and the
A Kutta condition must be imposed at the trailing equations are solved in a rotating frame of reference.
edge. This is a physical condition that the velocity at The relative velocity is introduced:
the trailing edge of the blade should be finite. The W = V -ω×r (26)
Kutta condition was developed: the pressure same at
the two control points of the upper and lower panel and Coriolis and centripetal terms must be included
adjacent to the trailing edge: in source term..
To solve the Navier Stokes equations the boundary
ΔpTE ( r, t ) = pTE ( ) TE ( r, t ) = 0
+ r, t - p- (23) condition at the wall is the not slip conditions. For
the homogeneous inflow around propeller blade the
The solution of equation (20) is the perturbation
rotational periodic boundary condition can be use.
velocity potential. The perturbation velocities are
The advantage of application of viscous flow method
obtained by taking the derivatives of the velocity po-
is the possibility of taking into account the interaction
tential over the surface V ' = ∇φ . Adding the tangential
between the wake field of the ship and the propeller
component of the relative inflow VI (x,y,z,t) to the inflow. The RANS codes are important to the investi-
perturbation velocity, the total velocity on the surface gations of hull-propeller interactions problems. In
S is obtained. Applying the Bernoully’s equation in RANS calculations the notion of effective wake is also
unsteady flow, the pressure on propeller surface is: no longer necessary, the flow can be calculated from
1 2 2 ∂φ ( t ) the far upstream, even including the flow around the
p ( t ) = p0 + ρ VI ( t ) - V ( t ) - ρ (24)
2 ∂t hull. RANS codes required computational grids in the
138 Proceedings of the Workshop on VORTEX DOMINATED FLOWS. ACHIEVEMENTS AND OPEN PROBLEMS, Timisoara, Romania, June 10-11, 2005
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