Determination of Moisture in Soils by Means of Calcium Carbide Gas Pressure Moisture Tester Fop For Aashto T 217 Scope
Determination of Moisture in Soils by Means of Calcium Carbide Gas Pressure Moisture Tester Fop For Aashto T 217 Scope
Determination of Moisture in Soils by Means of Calcium Carbide Gas Pressure Moisture Tester Fop For Aashto T 217 Scope
This procedure uses a calcium carbide gas pressure moisture tester to determine the moisture
content of materials passing the No. 4 sieve in accordance with AASHTO T 217-14. This
FOP does not apply to the Super 200 D tester (see AASHTO 217).
CAUTION: This procedure involves a potentially dangerous chemical reaction. When
calcium carbide reacts with water, acetylene gas is produced. Breathing the acetylene gas
and running the test where the potential for sparks or other ignition may cause a fire must be
• Calcium carbide gas pressure moisture tester.
• Balance or scale, conforming to the requirements for AASHTO M 231 and having a
capacity of 2 kg and sensitive to 0.1 g. Most testers include a balance built into the
transportation container.
• Cleaning brush and cloth.
• Scoop (or cap built into unit) for putting the soil sample into the pressure chamber. Some
testers include a cap built into the unit.
• Steel balls, 31.75 mm (1.25 inch)
• Calcium carbide reagent meeting the requirements of AASHTO T 217.
Note 1: Check the manufacturer’s recommendations for storage requirements and the maximum shelf life for
the calcium carbide reagent.
1. Place three scoops, approximately 24 g, of calcium carbide, into the body of the moisture
2. To prevent damage to the pressure gauge, place the moisture tester in a horizontal
position and insert the two steel balls into the vessel.
3. Obtain a representative wet mass sample of soil specified by the manufacturer, using the
built-in balance or external scale. Transfer the soil mass to the moisture tester cap or
scoop without loss of material.
Note 2: This method shall not be used on granular material retained on the No. 4 sieve where larger particles
may affect the accuracy of the test.
Note 3: If the anticipated moisture content of the wet mass exceeds the capacity of the instrument being used,
then one-half of the specified soil mass should be placed into the unit, and the resulting gauge reading
multiplied by two.
4. With the instrument still in a horizontal position, so that calcium carbide does not come
into contact with the soil, seat the cap on the body and tighten down on the clamp,
thereby sealing the tester.
5. Carefully raise the unit to a vertical orientation and gently tap the cap to allow the soil to
fall into the pressure vessel, taking care to prevent the steel balls from striking the bottom
of the pressure vessel.
6. After the soil mass is introduced to the calcium carbide, return the vessel to a horizontal
position. With a circular rotating motion vigorously roll the steel balls around the interior
perimeter of the vessel to break up lumps of soil. Do not allow the steel balls to hit the
cap or the bottom of the pressure vessel.
7. Continue this motion for 60 seconds. Allow time for the dissipation of the heat generated
by the chemical reaction. Repeat motion and resting cycles until no further reaction
8. When the gauge needle stops moving, take a reading while holding the unit in a
horizontal position at eye level.
9. Record the sample mass and the gauge reading. If the initial soil mass was reduced in
half, multiply gauge reading by two.
10. Position the unit so that the cap is away from the user and slowly loosen the clamp to
release the gas from the pressure chamber. Inspect the sample inside the pressure
chamber. If it is not completely pulverized, a new sample must be obtained and tested
after the instrument has been thoroughly cleaned.
Moisture Determination
1. The tester determines moisture content based on the wet mass of the soil. Moisture
content based on the dry mass of soil is obtained from a conversion chart or curve
supplied with each tester. See Figure 1 for curve from AASHTO T 217.
Note 4: Check the accuracy of the gauge and the conversion chart or curve periodically, in accordance with
agency requirements, by testing samples of known moisture content. Develop correction factors, if
Figure 1
Conversion Curve for Moisture Tester Reading
Moisture Content, Direct Reading (wet),
mass percent
Gauge reading: 18.5
Conversion from chart: 22.1
Recorded percent moisture: 22%
• On forms approved by the agency
• Sample ID
• Moisture content to the nearest 0.1 percent