Christianity and Sikhism - Edited

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Christianity and Sikhism

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#1: Rawlyk, G. A. (1996). Is Jesus your personal Saviour: in search of Canadian evangelicalism in

the 1990s. McGill-Queen's Press-MQUP.

The research findings are based on Angus Reid Poll's religious practices, attitudes, and

beliefs in the different parts of Canada. The poll is considered the largest public opinion survey

ever to be conducted in the country. Rawlyk argued that Canadian Evangelicalism is considered

to be more accommodating than its counterpart in the United States of America. The author

embarks on a journey of discovering the quintessential nature of evangelism in Canada in

comparison to the extreme evangelism in the southern part of the US in the 1990s. The empirical

data collected during the research showed that 16% of Canadians are evangelicals. He also uses

the earlier historical works in establishing the real connection existent between the current level

of evangelism and early Canadian evangelism. The study revealed a complex form of evangelism

in which what is considered the populist form of Christianity is practiced and experienced by

high-ranking evangelicals in this part of the world.

#2: The Story of Monasticism: Retrieving an Ancient Tradition for Contemporary Spirituality by Greg


The other introduces a wide range of debates as well as conclusions when it comes to the

contemporary New Testament. Whereas the reviews in the book aim at providing Biblical researchers

with a general overview of memory research, the greatest attention is paid to the general audience.

Ehrman tries to remind the readers about the gap of 40-60 between the life of Jesus Christ and the

period of the writing of the gospel books. He tries to make the readers understand how the stories of

Jesus passed through the years or rather traversed the gap. Therefore, he emphasizes the need for

scholars to engage in memory research as produced by anthropologists, sociologists, psychologists, and

other researchers. Ehrman opines that most of the New Testament scholars have failed to do so.
However, he does not acknowledge the fact that this could be considered the most energetic area as far

as the historical Jesus is concerned.

#3. Bass, D. B. (2021). Freeing Jesus: Rediscovering Jesus as Friend, Teacher, Savior, Lord, Way,

and Presence. Way, 161, 216.

The award-winning scholar and author describes the multi-faceted nature of Jesus by going

beyond the cultural wars by giving an account of refreshment. The author ties all she can to keep the

teachings not only relevant but also alive in our daily lives. She asks what one can do to ensure that he or

she remains a Christian. This emerges as the main question that Diana asks throughout the discussion.

She notes that this is one of the questions that most believers often ponder whenever they are wrestling

with disappointment as well as disillusionment in their leadership and church among other elements.

Whereas a large population of Christians reach the point of leaving their churches, they can never leave

their faith behind. In other words, Christians often maintain their faith even if they fall out with others

because of their church-related issues. The conflicts and other issues that arise in Churches can never

make Christians leave their faith.

Comparison to Sikhism

In comparison to book #1, Sikhism accounts for 2.1% of the Canadian population. The

population of Sikhists has increased exponentially since 1991. According to Rawlyk, Canada has

around 16% of the population being evangelicals. It is also worth noting that there is a strong

connection between the current Sikhism and the past Sikhism as there is a connection between

the current evangelism and what was practiced several years down the line. In book#2, the author

argues that there is a gap of 40-60 between the life of Jesus Christ and the period of the writing

of the gospel books. On the other hand, the first edition of the Sikhism book was 1604 and it was

completed and then approved by Guru Arjan. Arjan included his hymns as well as those of
others including the likes of Angad, Ram Das, and Amar Das as well as a collection of both

Islamic and Hindu Saints of the time. In article #3, Jesus is multi-faced and believers need to find

ways that can keep them in Jesus for the rest of their lives. On the other hand, Sikhists believe in

one God. They refer to God as Waheguru. They also believe in rebirth as well as Karma.

Religion is a way of life in both Christianity and Sikhism.


Bass, D. B. (2021). Freeing Jesus: Rediscovering Jesus as Friend, Teacher, Savior, Lord, Way, and

Presence. Way, 161, 216.

The Story of Monasticism: Retrieving an Ancient Tradition for Contemporary Spirituality by Greg Peters

Rawlyk, G. A. (1996). Is Jesus your personal Saviour: in search of Canadian evangelicalism in the 1990s. McGill-

Queen's Press-MQUP.

Regan, M. (2018). Understanding Sikhism.

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