Run Charts
Run Charts
Run Charts
A run chart is a line graph of data plotted over time. By collecting and charting data over time, trends or patterns in
the process becomes evident. Run charts do not use control limits and cannot show if a process is stable. They do
demonstrate how the process is running.
Causes of Variation
• Common Cause Variation – All processes inherently have variation. This is normal and predictable, and is
caused by normal variability within the system
• Special Cause Variation – occurs when there is some external influence (not normally observed) that causes
a significant change in the system’s performance
Significant Change
• This term refers to a “statistically significant change,” and means that the performance of the system has
• Quality improvement tries to make changes to a system (an external influence) that changes the system’s
performance (special cause variation) which leads to a significant change (improvement).
May 10 2023