Unit Ii - Engineering Ethics
Unit Ii - Engineering Ethics
Unit Ii - Engineering Ethics
• Self-interest.
• Fear.
• Self-deception.
• Ignorance.
• Egocentric tendencies.
• Microscopic vision.
• Groupthink.
These are about ‘what ought to be’ and ‘what is good’. These questions identify and also justify
the morally desirable norms or standards.
Some of the questions are:
A. How far engineers are obligated to protect public safety in given situations?
B. When should engineers start whistle blowing on dangerous practices of their employers?
C. Whose values are primary in taking a moral decision, employee, public or govt?
D. Why are engineers obligated to protect public safety?
E. When is govt justified in interfering on such issues and why?
These questions should lead to clarifications on concepts, principles and issues in ethics.
Examples are:
A) What is ‘SAFETY’ and how is it related to ‘RISK’
B) ‘Protect the safety, health and welfare of public’-What does this statement mean?
C) What is a bribe?
D) What is a ‘profession’ and who are ‘professionals’?
These are inquiries used to uncover information using scientific techniques. These inquiries get
to information about business realities, history of engineering profession, procedures used in
assessment of risks and engineers psychology.
A person becomes morally autonomous by improving various practical skills listed below:
i) Proficiency is recognizing moral problems and issues in engineering.
ii) Skill in comprehending, clarifying and critically assessing arguments on opposing sides of
moral issues.
iii) The ability to form consistent and comprehensive viewpoints based upon consideration of
relevant facts.
iv) Awareness of alternate responses to issues and creative solutions for practical difficulties.
v) Sensitivity to genuine difficulties and subtleties
vi) Increased precision in the use of a common ethical language necessary to express and also
defend one’s views adequately.
vii) Appreciation of possibilities of using rational dialogue in resolving moral conflicts and the
need for tolerance of differences in perspective among orally reasonable people.
viii) A sense of importance of integrating one’s professional life and personal convictions
i.e. maintaining one’s moral integrity.
• Pre-conventional Level
Whatever benefits oneself or avoids punishment. This is the level of development of all young
children. -Avoid punishment & Gain Reward
• Conventional Level
Uncritical acceptance of one’s family, group or society are accepted as final standard of
morality. Most adults do not mature beyond this stage. -1.Gain Approval & Avoid Disapproval
& 2. Duty & Guilt
• Post-conventional Level
Motivation to do what is morally reasonable for its own sake, rather than solely from ulterior
motives, with also a desire to maintain their moral integrity, self-respect and the respect of other
autonomous individuals. They are ‘Morally autonomous’ people. -1. Agreed upon rights & 2.
Personal moral standards
Pre-conventional Level
This is the same as Kohlberg’s first level in that the person is preoccupied with self centered
reasoning, caring for the needs and desires of self.
Here the thinking is opposite in that, one is preoccupied with not hurting others and a
willingness to sacrifice one’s own interests in order to help or nurture others (or retain
Post-conventional Level
Achieved through context-oriented reasoning, rather than by applying abstract rules ranked in a
hierarchy of importance. Here the individual becomes able to strike a reasoned balance between
caring about other people and pursuing one’s own self-interest while exercising one’s rights.
Differences between the TWO THEORIES
I. Ethics of rules and rights Ethics of care
II. Studies based on well educated, white Studies included females and colored peoples
male’s only, tending male bias.
III. Application of abstract rules ranked in Application of context-oriented reasoning.
the order of importance
IV. Studies were hypothesized for both the Study was conducted on both genders and it was
genders even though the study was conducted found, men based their reasoning on ‘justice’
mostly on males and women based theirs on ‘care’
The famous example used by Kohlberg was called “Heinz’s dilemma”. A woman living
in Europe would die of cancer unless she was given an expensive drug. Her husband, Heinz,
could not afford it. But the local pharmacist, who had invented the drug at only one tenth of the
sale price refused to sell it to Heinz who could only raise half the required money from
borrowings. Desperation drives Heinz to break into the pharmacy and steal the drug to save his
When respondents were asked whether and why Heinz should or should not steal a drug to save
his wife from a life-threatening illness. The responses of the individuals were compared with a
prototypical response of individuals at particular stages of moral reasoning. Kohlberg noted that
irrespective of the level of the individual the response could be same, but the reasoning could be
For example, if a child reasoning at a ‘preconventional’ level might say that it is not right to steal
because it is against law and someone might see you.
At a ‘conventional’ level, an individual might argue that it is not right to steal because it is
against law and laws are necessary for society to function.
At a ‘postconventional’ level, one may argue that stealing is wrong because is against law and it
is immoral.
• All individuals will not arrive at same verdict during their exercising their moral
• Aristotle noted long ago that morality is not as precise and clear-cut as arithmetic.
• Aim of teaching engg ethics is not to get unanimous conformity of outlook by
indoctrination, authoritarian and dogmatic teaching, hypnotism or any other technique but to
improve promotion of tolerance in the exercise of moral autonomy.
The conductor of a music orchestra has authority over the musicians and his authority is
respected by them by consensus as otherwise the music performance will suffer. Hence the
authority and autonomy are compatible.
On the other hand, tension arises between the needs for autonomy and the need for concerns
about authority. The difference between the two should be discussed openly to resolve the issue
to the common good.
Engineers normally imagine that they are servants to organizations rather than a public guardian.
Responsibility to the public is essential for a professional.
Who is a professional?
• Obviously a member of a profession.
What is a profession?
‘JOB’ or ‘OCCUPATION’ that meets the following criteria from which a person earns his
Knowledge – Exercise of skills, knowledge, judgment and discretion requiring
extensive formal criteria.
Organization - special bodies by members of the profession to set standard codes of
Public good-The occupation serves some important public good indicated by a code of
Who is a professional engineer?
• Has a bachelor’s degree in engineering from an accredited school
• Performs engineering work
• Is a registered and licensed Professional Engineer
• Acts in a morally responsible way while practicing engineering
Differing views on Professionals
“Only consulting engineers who are basically independent and have freedom from coercion can
be called as professionals.” -Robert L.Whitelaw
“Professionals have to meet the expectations of clients and employers. Professional restraints are
to be imposed by only laws and government regulations and not by personal
conscience.” -Samuel Florman
“Engineers are professionals when they 1) attain standards of achievement in education, job
performance or creativity in engineering and 2) accept the most basic moral responsibilities to
the public as well as employers, clients, colleagues and subordinates.”
-Mike Martin & Roland Schinzinger
A desire for interesting and challenging work and the pleasure in the act of changing the world.
The joy of creative efforts. Where a scientist’s interest is in discovering new technology,
engineers interest is derived from creatively solving practical problems.
The engineer shares the scientist’s job in understanding the laws and riddles of the universe.
The sheer magnitude of the nature – oceans, rivers, mountains and prairies – leads engineers to
build engineering marvels like ships, bridges, tunnels, etc., which appeal to human passion.
The pleasure of being in the presence of machines generating a comforting and absorbing
sense of a manageable, controlled and ordered world.
Strong sense of helping, of directing efforts towards easing the lot of one’s fellows.
The main pleasure of the engineer will always be to contribute to the well-being of his fellow-
1. SAVIOR: The representative engineer is a savior who will redeem society from poverty,
inefficiency, waste and the drudgery of manual labour.
2. GUARDIAN: Engineers know, the directions in which and pace at which, technology should
3. BUREAUCRATIC SERVANT: The engineer as the loyal organization person uses special
skills to solve problems.
4. SOCIAL SERVANT: Engineers, in co-operation with management, have the task of
receiving society’s directives and satisfying society’s desires.
5. SOCIAL ENABLER AND CATALYST: Engineers play a vital role beyond mere
compliance with orders. They help management and society understand their own needs and to
make informed decisions.
6. GAME PLAYER: Engineers are neither servants nor masters of anyone. They play
by the economic game rules that happen to be in effect at a given time.
Virtue Ethics
• Focuses on the type of person we should strive to be
• Actions which reflect good character traits (virtues) are inherently right
• Actions which reflect bad character traits (vices) are inherently wrong
• Virtue ethics are tied more to individual behavior than to that of an organization (e.g.
business, government)
Being morally responsible as a professional.
Most basic and comprehensive professional virtue.
Creation of useful and safe technological products while respecting the autonomy of
clients and public, especially in matters of risk taking.
This encompasses a wide variety of the more specific virtues grouped as follows:
Fundamental virtues in exercising our moral autonomy and responsibility. e.g. self
understanding, humility, good moral judgment, courage, self discipline, perseverance,
commitments, self-respect and dignity
Focusing on the good of the clients and public affected by the engineers’ work by . not directly
and intentionally harming others i.e. ‘nonmaleficence’.
Benificence, sense of community, generosity are other virtues falling in this category.
Enables professionals to work successfully with others. E.g. collegiality, cooperativeness, the
ability to communicate, respect for authority, loyalty to employers and leadership qualities.
Mastery of one’s craft that characterize good engineering practice e.g. competence, diligence,
creativity, self-renewal through continuous education.
Moral integrity is the unity of character on the basis of moral concern, and especially on the basis
of honesty. The unity is consistency among our attitudes, emotions and conduct in relation to
justified moral values.
1. Valuing oneself in morally appropriate ways.
2,. Integral to finding meaning in one’s life and work
3. A pre-requisite for pursuing other moral ideals and virtues.
4. Self-respect is a moral concept of properly valuing oneself but self-esteem is a
psychological concept of positive attitude towards oneself.
Self-respect takes two forms.
1. Recognition self-respect is properly valuing oneself because of one’s inherent moral worth,
the same worth that every other human being has.
2. Appraisal self-respect is properly valuing ourselves according to how well we meet moral
standards and our personal ideals.
Responsibility ascribed by i) virtue, ii) obligations, iii) general moral capacities of people, iv)
liabilities and accountability for actions and v) blameworthiness or praiseworthiness.
1. By virtue: A person is said to be a responsible person when we ascribe a moral virtue to the
person. We expect that the person is regularly concerned to do the right thing, is conscientious
and diligent in meeting obligations. In this sense, professional responsibility is the central virtue
of engineers.
2. By obligation: Moral responsibilities can be thought of as obligations or duties to perform
morally right acts.
3. By general moral capacity: When we view a person as a whole rather than one with respect
to a specific area, we are actually thinking about the active capacity of the person for knowing
how to act in morally appropriate ways e.g. the capacity of children grow as they mature and
4. By accountability: Responsibility also means being accountable, answerable or liable to
meet particular obligations. The virtue of professional responsibility implies a willingness to be
accountable for one’s conduct.
5. By being blameworthy: When accountability for a wrongdoing is at issue, responsible
becomes a synonym for blameworthy. When right conduct is the issue, the context is
• That which produces the maximum benefit for the greatest number of people (e.g.
• Tries to achieve a balance between the good and bad consequences of an action
• Tries to maximize the well-being of society and emphasizes what will provide the most
benefits to the largest group of people
• This method is fundamental to many types of engineering analysis, including risk-benefit
analysis and cost-benefit analysis
1. Sometimes what is best for the community as a whole is bad for certain individuals in the
2. It is often impossible to know in advance which decision will lead to the most
good Organizing Principles to Resolving Ethical Issues
3. Utilitarian thinking
– a standard that promotes those individual actions or rules that produce the greatest total amount
of utility to those affected.
– A code that enjoins engineers to promote the safety, health, and welfare of the public.
2. Preference utilitarianism
– promote those conditions that allow each individual to pursue happiness as he or she conceives
– Two conditions necessary for this: freedom and well-being.
– Practically, for engineers, this advocates cost/benefit
analyses. Problems with Utilitarianism
• Difficult to quantify benefits for ALL those affected.
• “Greatest good” difficult to apply to an all-inclusive population.
• Someone gets “shafted” – approach justifies perpetrating injustice on individuals, i.e.,
someone gets left out.
• Three approaches:
1. Cost/benefit – quantifiable approach. Maximize positive utilities (benefits) against negative
utilities (costs).
2. Act utilitarian – “Will the course of action produce more good than any alternative course
of action that I could take”?
3. Rule utilitarian – “Would utility be maximized if everyone did the same thing in the same
circumstances”? Adoption of commonly accepted rules.
1. Assess the available options
2. Assess the costs and benefits of each option for the entire audience affected
3. Make the decision that is likely to result in the greatest benefit relative to cost.
(professed by John Stuart Mills)
1. Focuses on individual actions, rather than general rules.
2. An act is right if it is likely to produce the most good for the most people involved in the
particular situation.
3. Rules may be broken whenever doing so will produce the most good in a specific situation.
4 Happiness is the only ‘intrinsic’ good and all others are ‘instrumental’ goods that serve as
the means of happiness.
(professed by Richard Brandt)
1. This regards moral values as primary.
2. We should follow the rules and avoid bribes, even when those acts do not have the best
consequences in a particular situation, because the general practice of following rules and not
bribing produce the most overall good
3. Rules should be considered in sets called ‘moral codes’. A moral code is justified when
followed, would maximize the public good more than alternative codes would.
DUTY ETHICS (Immanuel Kant’s view)
Contends that certain acts (or duties) should be performed because they are inherently ethical
such as:
be honest,
keep promises,
people, be fair,
Individuals who recognize their ethical duties will choose ethically correct moral
actions These duties should meet Kant’s 3 conditions i.e.
1. It should express respect for persons,
People deserve respect because they have capacity to be autonomous and for exercising
Goodwill is the conscientious and honest effort to do what is right according to universal
principles of duties.
Moral motives and intentions play a prominent role in duty ethics rather than utilitarianism.
2. It is an universal principle
Duties are binding on us only if they are applicable to everyone. They must be
3.It expresses command for autonomous moral agents. Duties prescribe certain actions
categorically, without qualifications or conditions attached. Valid principles of duties
are Categorical Imperatives. They contrast with non-moral commands called Hypothetical
Imperatives which are conditional.
We are basically not interested in which of the ethical theories is the best. It is believed that there
are areas in which each theory complements others by how they differ.
Procedure for General Evaluation:
1. The theory must be clear and formulated with concepts that are coherent and applicable.
2. It must be internally consistent in that none of its tenets contradicts any other.
3. Neither the theory nor its defense can rely upon false information.
4. It must be sufficiently comprehensive to provide guidance in specific situations of interest to
5. It must be compatible with our most carefully considered moral convictions about concrete
Factual Claims: “x is considered right in society y at time t” and “is considered wrong in
society z at time t”
This is either true or false (anthropology –a study of mankind , its customs, beliefs, etc.can
figure it out)
Normative (Ethical) Relativism:
Normative Claim: “What is considered right in society x at time t is right for that society”
A particular culture cannot be judged from outside of that culture.
‘Ethical Relativism’ says that actions are morally right when they are approved by law and
Ethical egoism tries to reduce moral reasons to matters of self interest, ‘ethicalrelativism’
attempts to reduce moral values to laws, conventions and customs of particular societies.
Consequences of Normative Relativism
We decide the value of our actions based only on what our particular society thinks
We should show a lot of tolerance for different customs and outlooks in a society in which
we live in. It means that customs can have moral significance in deciding how we should act.
This view is called ‘ethical pluralism’.
First, they are shaped over time from the central moral values of major world religions.
Societies often benefit from a variety of religions that make prominent particular virtues,
inspiring their members to pursue them beyond what is ordinarily seen as morally obligatory.
Divine Command Ethic:
This says that an act which is right is commanded by god and the one which is wrong is
forbidden by God.
The difficulty in this is to know precisely what God’s commands are and in knowing
whether God exists.
We can view that moral reasons are not reducible to religious matters, although religious belief
may provide an added inspiration for responding to them.
Uses Of Ethical Theories
1. Ethical theories aid in identifying the moral considerations or reasons that constitute a
2. They provide a precise sense of what kinds of information are relevant to solving moral
3. They sometimes, offer ways to rank the relevant moral considerations in order of
importance and provide a rough guidance in solving moral problems.
4. The theories help us identify the full moral ramifications of alternative courses of
action, urging a wide perspective on the moral implications of the options and providing a
systematic framework of comparing alternatives.
5. The theories augment the precision with which we use moral terms and they provide
frame works for moral reasoning when discussing moral issues with colleagues..