Datasciendeusingpython 6 Weeks
Datasciendeusingpython 6 Weeks
Datasciendeusingpython 6 Weeks
Using Python
Python Duration : 6 Weeks
Introduction To Python
Why Python
Python Versions
Installing Python
IDLE Editor and IDLE Shell
Understanding print() function
How to compile python program explicitly
Python Language Fundamentals
Character Set
User Input
Python Conditional Statements
If Statement
If else Statement
If elif Statement
If elif else Statement
Nested If Statement
Match case(new in 3.10)
Looping Statements
While Loop
For Loop
Nested Loops
Pass ,Break and Continue keywords
Standard Data Types
int ,float , bool ,
str ,list ,tuple,
dict ,set ,frozenset
String Handling
What is string
String representations
Unicode String
String Functions, Methods
String Indexing and Slicing
String Formatting
Python List
Creating and Accessing Lists
Indexing and Slicing Lists
List Methods
Nested Lists
List Comprehension
Python Tuple
Creating Tuple
Accessing Tuple
Immutability of tuple
Python Set
How to create a set
Iteration Over Sets
Python Set Methods
Python Dictionary
Creating a Dictionary
Dictionary Methods
Accessing values from Dictionary
Updating dictionary
Iterating dictionary
Dictionary Comprehension
Python Functions
Defining a Function
Calling a Function
Types of Functions
Function Arguments
Positional arguments , Keyword arguments ,
Default arguments , Non default arguments ,
Arbitrary arguments ,Keyword Arbitrary arguments
Function Return Statement
Nested Function
Function as argument
Function as return statement
map(),filter() ,reduce(),any() functions
Anonymous or lambda Function
Modules & Packages
Why Modules
Script v/s Module
Importing Module
Standard v/s Third Party Modules
Why Packages
Understanding pip utility
File I/O
Introduction to File Handling
File modes
Functions and methods related to File Handling
Understanding with block
Object Oriented Programming
Procedural v/s Object Oriented Programming
OOP Principles
Defining a Class & Object Creation
Object Attributes
Regular Expressions(Regex)
Need of regular Expressions
re module
Functions /Methods related to regex
Meta Characters & Special Sequences
GUI Programming
Introduction to Tkinter Programming
Tkinter Widgets
Tk , Label , Entry , TextBox , Buttons
Frame , messagebox , filedialogetc
Layout Managers
Event handling
Displaying image
Data Science
Numpy Package
Difference between list and numpy array
Vector and Matrix operations
Array indexing and slicing
Pandas Package
Introduction to pandas
Labeled and structured data
Series and DataFrame Objects
How to load datasets
From excel
From csv
From html table
Accessing data from Data Frame
at & iat
loc & iloc
head() & tail()
Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
boolean slicing / query()
Data Manipulation & Cleaning
Combining data frames
Adding/removing rows & columns
Sorting data
Handling missing values
Handling duplicacy
Handling Data Error
Categorical Data Encoding
Label Encoding
One Hot Encoding
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