Battlespace Rule Book

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Battlespace is a term used to signify a unified CONTENTS
military strategy to integrate and combine armed forces
for the military theatre of operations, including air, Introduction............................................................................2
information, land, sea, and space to achieve military goals. What you need to play...........................................................3
It includes the environment, factors, and conditions that Overview..................................................................................4
must be understood to successfully apply combat power, Set up.......................................................................................5
protect the force, or complete the mission. This includes Soldier attributes....................................................................6
enemy and friendly armed forces, infrastructure, weather, Playing the game....................................................................7
terrain, and the electromagnetic spectrum within the Turn phases.............................................................................8
operational areas and areas of interest. Enemy AI..............................................................................10
Advanced rules.....................................................................11
- US Department of Defence Missions.................................................................................17

Have questions about rules or other games we’ve designed?

Battlespace is an ultra modern military tabletop solo game that is designed to be easy to learn and quick to play. Using the
Quick Team build, a player selects 4 pre-made soldiers out of a 12 man squad for his fireteam. The soldiers’ cards have all
of the information required to get the them to the table, so you don’t spend time page flipping looking for stats. If you feel
like your fireteam is going in light on firepower or you just want to add tactical depth, gear cards are available to further
differentiate your soldiers.

The simple AI along with the Sitrep cards, direct the opposition giving the missions a dynamic feel each time you play.
Simply draw a card and follow the text.

Find cover and prepare for contact!

Models Gear Cards (Included)
14 - 20 models (4 representing your soldiers) Gear cards are equipped to soldiers and allow a tactical
(10 - 16 representing the Enemy Element). When the rules advantage. Some Gear cards give soldiers a specific role
refer to a model it includes the model’s base. on the team, while others are weapons at the soldier’s
Dice 1 D20, 1 D6
A D20 is primarily used in the game. When rolling, you SITREP Cards (Included)
must meet or exceed a threat level number (Threat lvl) SITREP card are the AI for enemy element and other
to be successful. When a random direction is required, situations that may arise. Simply read the instructions on
roll a D20 and use the point at the top of the number to the cards and play it out on the table.
determine the direction.
Enemy Element Cards (Included)
A D6 will be used when a random number of enemies The Enemy Element cards list the Threat lvl of the enemy,
must enter the mission area. the amount of wounds an enemy can sustain and any skills
the enemy type will have.
Maneuver Card (Included)
The Maneuver card is used for several things, but its Wound Markers
primary use is movement. Place the Maneuver card Use wound markers on enemies that can sustain more than
against the base of the model in the direction you intend one wound and your soldier when they receive wounds.
on moving it. Then, move the model up to the opposite
end of the Maneuver card. A model that needs to move Activation Markers
further (advance) will move up to two Maneuver card Use activation markers to track models that have activated
lengths. Other uses of the Maneuver card will be explained in the current turn.
later in the rules.
Suppression Fire Marker
Soldier Cards (Included) When a model uses suppression fire, use this marker to
These cards list your soldiers modifiers and any special represent the direction he is shooting.
skills they might have.

Battlespace is played in a number of turns depending on Games can be played on a 2’ x 2’, 2’ x 3’ or 3’ x 3’ table
the mission. Each turn consists of three phases. Because for larger games. Use models from any range that are on
this game is solo/cooperative there are no victor points. 25mm bases, as this is what was used to develop the game.
Players must complete objectives.
Failure to do so willresult in the loss of the mission. Remember, the game is most fun when you don’t try to
game the system. The AI is in place to give you a framework
A key aspect of the game is the Threat Level system. Think on how enemies should behave, but it’s up to you to make
of this as you rolling to determine if your soldier avoids them a truly formidable force.
a danger or “threat” to his well being. For example, if
an enemy is shooting at your soldier, you are rolling to
determine if your soldier avoids the gunfire.

For your first game, set up a table (referred to as the Mission Area) with a generous amount of terrain (10+ pieces) placed
at your discretion. Next, shuffle the Sitrep deck and place it near the mission area face down. Place the maneuver card, dice,
counters, and enemy element cards nearby to use as needed.

Note: For your first game, we suggest only using “Al Wahid Fighters”.

Before you can begin the mission, you must form a fireteam. Choose four Soldier cards to place in your fireteam. Each soldier
card will list the individual soldier’s modifiers and a specialty skill, if the soldier has one. The fireteam is also given 12 points
to acquire gear. The gear can then be distributed amongst the soldiers at your discretion.

Accuracy Hit Points
This number represents how competent the soldier is A soldier’s Hit points (HP) are tracked on his card. Once a
when firing his weapon. Add the soldier’s accuracy to the soldier receives a 3rd wound, he receives -1 to all of his rolls
D20 roll when making a shooting attack. for the remainder of the mission (regardless of receiving
medical aid). At the 4th wound, the soldier is Man Down
Fight (the soldier is laid on its side and can not perform any
This number represents how competent the soldier is orders). If the solder were to receive wounds beyond the
when he is in hand to hand combat. Add the soldier’s 4th wound, the solder is KIA (the soldier is removed from
Fight to the D20 roll when in base contact with an enemy. the game immediately)

Initiative Loadout
This number represents how quickly and how well the When giving gear to a soldier, place the gear card
soldier will react in a situation. Before a soldier can be underneath the soldier’s card to represent the gear being
issued orders, you must roll equal to or higher than his placed in the soldier’s loadout. Soldiers have access to the
initiative. This is referred to as an initiative roll. gear in their loadout at all times. A soldier can have up to
On a result of natural 20, the solder gets +1 order. 6 pts of gear in their loadout.

Some soldiers have a Specialty skill that can be used
during the mission. This skill will be listed on the soldiers
card along with any requirements needed to perform the
specialty skill .

Staging the Mission Area
Your soldiers will begin the mission in their deployment
zone. The location of the deployment zone depends on the
mission, but will normally be on an edge of the mission
area. When placing your soldiers in the deployment zone,
place them in an area within the size of the maneuver card.

Optional Rule: Alpha, Bravo

When playing with two fire teams, each fire team will have
its own deployment zone.

Place enemies that are beginning the game in their

designated spot on the mission area. This is noted in the
mission’s description. If you are not using a mission from
this rule book, you can randomly set this up by rolling on
the Random Enemy Staging Chart found on page 17.

Battlespace is played in turns. A turn consists of the

3 phases: Player Phase, Sitrep Phase, and Clear Phase.
The following rules will cover what a player will do during
each phase.

Primary Weapon
Shooting attacks are with the model’s
primary weapons by default.
Unless stated, a weapon deals 1 wound.

A new turn begins with the Player Phase. One by one
attempt to activate each soldier in the fireteam. Throw Weapon
A model does not need to have LoS to a target to throw a

To activate a soldier, roll equal to or higher than the weapon (e.g. grenade). As long as the throwing arc is not

soldier’s initiative (initiative roll). If you succeed, the blocked, the weapon can be thrown.

soldier is activated and can be issued up to 2 orders. Orders

are the actions a soldier can take during the player phase. Move

If you fail to roll the soldier’s initiative, draw a Sitrep card A standard move is up to the length of the maneuver

and follow its instructions immediately. Then place the card. Start the movement by placing the maneuver card

Sitrep card in the discard pile. The soldier may then be against the model’s base and move the model along the

issued only a move order. A soldier can only perform a “Movement Line” in the desired direction.

named order once in a turn (ie: shoot, advance, throw,

free). Once an initiative roll has been attempted for each Go Prone/Stand Up

soldier and all orders are issued, the Player Phase is over. Soldiers can go prone and lower an attacking enemy’s
Threat Lvl by -1. Standing up from the prone position is a

Note: When playing co-op, players will alternate between free order.

each other attempting to activate their soldiers.


ORDERS When a soldier is in base contact with an objective, for 1

order the soldier may interact with it.
Fire Weapon
A Shooting attack is the most common attack a model will Aimed Fire (primary weapon only)
make. To perform a shooting attack, a target must be in For 2 orders, a soldier receives +1 to his shooting attack
the models 360° LoS. There is no max range for a shooting roll.
All enemies have a Threat Level. This number Use Gear
represents the enemy’s competency on the battlefield. The Gear in a soldiers loadout has a quantity number that
Threat level number must be met or exceeded on a D20 reduces by 1 with each use. Once the quantity reaches 0,
roll to deal a wound when attacking. the soldier will discard the gear card from his loadout.

For 2 orders, a soldier can move up to 2x the length of the
maneuver card. Friendlies
Friendly models in the same fireteam
do not block LoS and can be moved
Climb through without penalty.
For 2 orders, when a soldier is in base contact with elevated
terrain he can climb up (or down). The soldier is placed
at the edge of the terrain parallel to where he began the
If a Sitrep card’s text cannot be applied, it is ignored
climb. The soldier’s activation is then over.
and the card is discarded.

Begin the Sitrep Phase by drawing a card from the
Sitrep deck. Follow the instructions on the Sitrep card
immediately and place the card in the discard pile. Sitrep
cards will often instruct you to activate enemy models
during this time.

Any enemy models that did not activate by the Sitrep card
drawn during the Sitrep phase, will now activate. These
enemies will move and attack a soldier in LoS. Once all
enemies that are able to activate have done so, the Strep
phase ends.
If there were no stragglers in the mission area when this
Sitrep card was drawn, you would simply place it in the
Clear Phase discard pile. If there are no cards in the SITREP deck,
shuffle the discard pile and set it back as the new SITREP
During the clear phase you will follow the steps below to
prepare for a new turn or end the game, depending on the
criteria of the mission.

Clear phase steps:

• Check for completed objectives
• Remove all activation markers
• Remove any status effects that have met their duration

Mission failure conditions:

• All of your soldiers are downed or KIA
• The mission reached its turn limit
• All objectives were failed
(or primary objectives were failed)
Threat Level Icon
The number inside of the icon is the enemy’s
Threat lvl. When an enemy is attacking a soldier,
the soldier must avoid the attack by meeting or
exceeding the enemy’s Threat lvl, otherwise the
enemy’s attack is successful.

Enemies should be controlled using these guidelines along Combat

with the instructions on the Sitrep Cards. Enemies will attack with their primary weapons (listed on
the card) before using any other weapon, unless specified.
Enemy Straggler Enemies will target the nearest soldier first. If more than
“Enemy Straggler” refers to a singular enemy model. This one soldier is at equal distance, they will choose to shoot
enemy model normally comes into the mission area alone, at the target with the lowest initiative. In a situation with
moves alone, and attacks alone. multiple soldiers at equal distance and initiative, the player
must choose between the soldiers. If multiple enemies are
Enemy Element in position to make shooting attacks, they will alternate
“Enemy Element” refers to a group of 2 or more enemy between targets.
models that started in the mission area together or that
entered together. The models in the enemy element will
stay within an area of the maneuver card when moving.
An Enemy Element will move and attack together, but
only enemy models in the enemy element with LoS can
participate in making individual attacks when the enemy
element is activated.

When moving, enemies will take the shortest route that
will get them into LoS of the player’s soldiers. Enemies will
use doors (or walk around) before climbing walls or over
objects that would impede their movement. Enemy Element Positioning
For fast movement and placement of an enemy element,
move the point man up to the required movement. Then,
place the other men in the element within the area of the
maneuver card at the point man’s new position.
Point man
Enemy A
Point man
Enemy B Enemy C
Enemy A

Enemy C
Enemy B

Enemy D Enemy F
Enemy D

Enemy E
Enemy E Enemy F
Enemies and Solid Cover
Enemies focus on attacking soldiers, not
getting into solid cover. Enemies will not
COVER deviate from an attacking position or
path to get into solid cover.
There are two types of cover that models can benefit from,
Obscured cover and Solid cover.

Obscured Cover
A model is considered to have obscured cover when
any part of the model is not visible from the LoS of the
attacking model. When a soldier has obscured cover and
is the target of a shooting attack, the Threat lvl is at -1. A
soldier targeting an enemy with obscured cover receives
-1 to his roll.

Solid Cover
In the image above, the soldier has obscured cover from
A model is considered to have solid cover when it is in
the attacking enemy model.
base contact with terrain and obscured from the LoS of
the attacking model. When a soldier has solid cover and
is the target of a shooting attack the Threat lvl is at -2. A
soldier targeting an enemy with solid cover receives -2 to
his roll.

The image above shows LoS from the attacking enemy

model’s prespctive. This is the best way to judge LoS.

In the image above, the soldier has solid cover from the No Mercy
attacking enemy model. Enemies will target soldiers that are Down if
there are no other available targets.

Hand to Hand Combat Multiple Combatants
When a soldier and an enemy come into base contact, For each additional soldier in the same
hand to hand combat, lower the threat
perform a melee combat immediately. Roll a D20 and Lvl by -1. Each additional enemy raises
add the soldier’s Fight. If the result meets or exceeds the the threat lvl by +1.
enemy’s Threat lvl, deal the enemy 1 wound. If it does not
meet or exceed the enemy’s Threat Lvl, deal the soldier 1 Cohesion
wound. If one of the combatants is not KIA or downded When all of the soldiers from the same fire team are within
the next time the enemy or soldier would activate, an area equal to the maneuver card, a soldier from the fire
immediately resolve another hand to hand combat. team receives +1 to his initiative roll.

• On a result of natural 20, deal the enemy +1 wound.

• On a result of natural 1, deal the soldier +1 wound.

Man Down
A downed soldier is incapacitated and cannot receive any
orders, nor contribute to modifiers and is vulnerable to
AoE weapons.
A soldier can drag a downed model during his
move order if they are in base contact at the beginning of
the movement. The soldier dragging the downed model
is then considered to be using a sidearm. When he makes Point Blank Range
a shooting attack the roll is at -3. If a soldier is dragging A model making a shooting attack against a target within
a downed model and enters hand to hand combat, the the area of the maneuver card is considered at point blank
downed model is placed back on the ground beside the range. Deal +1 wound.
soldier that was dragging him.

Optional Rule: Bleeding Out

A downed soldier that does not receive
medical aid within two full turns is KIA.

Enemy KIA
Once an enemy is down, he
is immediately KIA.

Suppression Fire Team position icon Drift Icon
For 2 orders, a solider can perform suppression fire. Place
the point of impact (on the maneuver card) over the target. Gear
All models in the AoE of the maneuver card are under All gear cards have a point cost (pts). Depending on the
suppression fire. When a model is under suppression fire, type of gear, the card may also have:
it cannot move (or use a movement order) and can only
perform shooting attacks. If the model performing the Qty (quantity) - This is the amount of times the card can
suppression fire moves (willingly or forced), enters hand be used before it is removed from the soldier’s loadout.
to hand combat, or take any other orders, the suppression
is removed immediately. Drift - Normally associated with weapons. If a gear card
has a drift icon, then use the point of impact diagram on
• When an enemy is under suppression fire, their Threat the maneuver card to determine drift.
lvl is at - 2.
Team Position - These cards represent the “job” a soldier
• When a soldier is under suppression fire, he receives has on the team. Gear cards with the team position icon
-2 to all rolls. cannot be removed from the soldier loadout and can
not be given to or swapped with another soldier’s gear
• Enemies will avoid suppression fire if possible. card. Only one soldier in a fire team can have the named
Suppression fire is a constant stream of fire. Any model
entering the lane of fire between the model using Drift
suppression fire and the original target, is also under Roll 1D20 and refer to the maneuver card’s point of impact
suppression fire. The line of fire is the width of the diagram numbers to determine if the card is moved one
maneuver card (directional point facing the shooter). maneuver card distance in that direction. A result of 9 - 20
is a direct hit (the card does not drift).
Throwing Grenades
Place the maneuver card in contact with the model
throwing the grenade. This can be the model’s base,
weapon, limb, or anything attached to the model. Use
the throwing arc on the maneuver card to determine if
the toss will make it over any obstacles, such as terrain or
other models. The first image above shows how the maneuver card can
be placed against the model throwing the grenade. The
Use the exact spot on the mission area that the arrow at red arrow points to the end of the throwing arc, which is
the end of the throwing arc is pointing to as a point of now the reference point. The second image shows how the
reference. Line the edge of the maneuver card up to the maneuver card should be oriented. Notice, the blue arrow
point of reference with the directional point, pointing at points to the edge of the maneuver card at the same point
the model throwing the grenade. as the point of reference.
Elevation is terrain that stands higher than the height of
the scale models (standing) being used to play the game.

• A soldier on an elevation receives +2 to their roll

when shooting at a target that is below their elevation.

• An enemy on an elevation receives +2 to their Threat

lvl when targeting (or is a target) a soldier below their

• If the top of the elevated area is more than 3x the

height of the model, 2 more orders are required to
climb the distance. The soldier climbing the elevation
is considered to have stopped climbing at the midway
point. The soldier will continue to climb once he uses
2 more orders to climb the remaining distance.

Point of impact center mark Drift directions

Hindering Terrain
Hindering Terrain is anything that would interrupt or
impede a model’s movement. Hindering terrain ends
a model’s movement once the model comes into base
contact with it. When a model is in base contact or inside
an area of hindering terrain, the model cannot make an
advance movement. Leaving hindering terrain does not
end a model’s movement.

Note: Before the game starts, make sure to specify what Directional point (points at the targeting model)

terrain features are considered hindering terrain.

Weapon Jam
On a result of natural 1 when making a
shooting attack, the soldier’s weapon is
jammed he soldier must use 1 order to
clear the jam.

Night Combat
When missions take place at night or in an area with little to no light source (a room without natural or artificial light),
initiative rolls are at -1 and all other rolls are at -2.

A soldier must be in base contact with the vehicle and use 1 order to enter it. Exiting a vehicle is a free order. Models in
vehicles are considered to have obscured cover. If the vehicle is armored, the models are considered to have solid cover. LoS
is made to and from the cabin of the vehicle. All movements for land based vehicles are up to an advanced movement.
There must be at least two models occupying a vehicle in order to operate a mounted weapon and move in the same turn.



Equipped with comms

Humvee 5 1 Yes / 5
Negate wounds from
MRAP 6 1 Yes / can not be disabled
small arms.

Sedan 4 0 No / 4 None

SUV 5 0 No / 4 None

free order to enter the

Technicals 2/1 1 No / 3
Military General
2/8 0 Optional / 4 or 5 None
Utility Truck

Once a vehicle (including its occupants) has been the

target of attacks equal to its protection, the vehicle is
disabled and can no longer be occupied.
List soldiers’ seating positions. Enemy
targeting will be based on the nearest
model with the driver taking priority.
If the vehicle has a mounted weapon,
enemies will make the soldier on the
mounted weapon their priority.

Civilians block LoS for soldiers, but not enemies. If an enemy has its LoS obscured by a civilian when targeting a soldier, the
enemy still makes the attack. The civilian is caught in the crossfire and removed after the attack is resolved. Civilians have
1 HP so any amount of wounds will remove a civilian from the mission area.

When civilians are present in the mission area, they may react to soldiers in different ways. The first time a civilian has a
soldier in unobscured LoS, roll a D20 on the civilian reaction chart.


1-3 Hostile!: The civilian reveals a weapon and becomes an enemy straggler.

The civilian screams: The civilian moves in the opposite direction of the soldier.
The nearest enemy moves toward the soldier that caused the civilian reaction.
Buy my DvDs: The civilian advances toward the soldier that caused the civilian reaction. If the civilian
8 - 13
enters base contact, use 1 order to remove him from the mission area (Get the hell outta here!).

15 - 19 The civilian does nothing.

The civilian is friendly: Discard the top card in the Sitrep deck. The civilian leaves the mission area
immediately (remove the civilian from the game).


1 - 10 1 enemy element of 4 men

11 - 15 3 enemy stragglers

9 - 14 2 enemy stragglers, 1 enemy element of 3 men

16 - 20 2 enemy elements of 3 men

For each enemy straggler or enemy element starting in the mission area, use the random enemy staging chart. One at a
time starting from the center of the mission area, use the drift indicator (directional point facing yourself) to determine
the enemy’s starting position. Make an advance from the center of the table in the direction rolled and place the enemy or
enemies within the AoE of the maneuver card.

The following missions layouts have been designed as a framework for the table setup.
You are encouraged to add more terrain to give the mission area variety and atmosphere for your setting.
All of these missions are played on a 3’ x 3’ area, but can easly be modified to accommodate a 2’ x 2’ area.

Mission 1
Command has just informed your fire team that a patrol
was ambushed by small arms fire on their way back to
the FOB. Your team is the only asset in the area and must
proceed to the site of the attack and recover any survivors.



• Search for survivors by interacting with the Humvee. EXFIL
(off the table edge)
roll 1D20:
1 - 12 the soldiers are missing DEPLOYMENT
(area of the maneuver card)
13 - 20 one wounded survivor.
(The wounded survivor must be carried by a member of the fire team.) ENEMY ELEMENT (EE)

• Move off the mission area via the highlighted edge to be exfil. At least CIVILIAN
3 of your soldiers and any survivors (if found) must make it to exfil.

Mission 2
Intelligence has located a high value target, Ahmad Yosef
Awad. The bomb maker is responsible for dozens of IED
attacks. Awad is currently in the village of Mohashan
developing IEDs for the Al Wahid. It is imperative that we
shut Awad down while we have the chance.
Your team is to enter the village at night and
locate and capture or kill Awad. NIGHT MISSION




• Breach the target buildings.
Awad is located in one of the 3 target buildings. Once a building is breached, roll a D6 to determine if Awad is in the
building. On a result 5+, you find Awad and 1 enemy Al Wahid soldier.
• Leave the mission area with at least one soldier from the fire team.
• Turn limit 8

Note: Use the Al Wahid Leader enemy card to represent Awad.

Note: If a result of 1 is rolled on a D20 while a soldier from the fire team is in the building with Awad, a bomb is
detonated and deals 5 wounds to all models inside of the building.

Note: The fire team receives +1 to the D6 roll for each building that has been breached. If Awad is not found in any
of the breached buildings, he is tipped off and has escaped the area.

Mission 3 Objectives:
While returning to the FOB, your team is caught in an • At least 1 soldier must survive the ambush.
ambush. The lead humvee has been hit by an RPG and • Turn limit 5
is now disabled. Your team’s humvee has also sustained
damage. A quick reaction force is in route, but you must
set up a defensive perimeter and hold out until they arrive.

2 EE

Sniper ES




Mission 4
The Al Wahid have kidnapped 3 humanitarian workers
and are threatening to execute them if one of their generals
isn’t released from American custody within 48 hrs. Your
team will be going in to recover hostages.


3 EE 3 HW ES

• Eliminate the two Al Wahid fighters guarding the aid workers before the end of turn 5.

• Once the aid workers are within an area of the movement card with at least one soldier, use an order to pop red
smoke. (each soldier has one red smoke that does not count against their loadout for this mission)

Your team will be exfil along with any humanitarians at the end of the next turn after popping smoke. At least 1
humanitarian must survive for the mission to be considered a success.

• Turn limit 7

Note: The aid will be treated as soldiers for enemy targeting purposes.

Mission 5 Objectives:
While on a reconnaissance mission in the town of Dahath, • At least 2 soldiers from your fire team must make it
your team comes under fire from their rooftop position. out of the mission area.
Command has informed you of multiple enemy elements • Turn limit 7
closing in on your position. Your team must regress
immediately to be exfil before they are overwhelmed.

3 EE Al Wahid



Models that performed an action or order (e.g: shooting, Down (Downed)
moving, climbing). When a model is “down”, it is not allowed to make any
actions orders or activations.
Alternate Targets
When enemies have multiple soldiers that are possible
targets, enemies will prefer to target a soldier that has not Enemy
been targeted before in the current phase. Enemies are models that oppose the player’s soldiers.
Civilians can become enemies depending on the result of
AoE (Area of Effect) the civilian reaction chart or Sitrep cards.
An area equal to the size and shape of the maneuver card.
Benefit An area soldiers use to leave the mission area.
When a model can be effected by ability, effect
Failed Roll
Cabin of Vehicle When the result of a dice roll is less than the required
The cabin is the area of the vehicle where the driver and number.
passengers sit.
Civilians A FOB (forward operating base) is a secured forward
Civilians are models that don’t attack and only activate operational level military position, commonly a military
according to the civilian reaction chart. base, that is used to support strategic goals and tactical
Remove from its current location and place it with its Friendly
relative cards that are also discarded. (e.g. If referring to a Models that are akin.
Sitrep card, place the card in the discard pile.
Disregard An inactive model is unable to take any actions, orders or
When a card’s text tells you to disregard an effect, the activations for a required amount of game time.
model(s) ignore the results of the card’s effect.

Jammed Weapon Point of Impact
A weapon that can not be used until given care (jammed The point of impact is the center mark on the maneuver
cleared). card.

KIA (Killed in Action) Primary Weapon

Models that are KIA are removed from the game A primary weapon is always available to the model and
immediately. can never be traded or discarded, but it can be inoperative

LoS (Line of site) Re-Roll

A model’s LoS is 180 degrees at all times. When A re-roll can not be rolled again.
determining if a model has LoS, take the point of view
from the models table level. Small Arms Fire
Weapons such as assault rifles and handguns.
Medical Aid
When a model attempts to remove a wound from itself or Soldier
another model. A models that represent the player.

Point Man Spawning Enemies

A model at the forefront of an activity such as movement. When a Sitrep card reads “enters the mission area”, place
the enemy type onto the game area.

I want to thank my two brothers for serving this country that we love so much and to all those who protect our
freedom. You are the inspiration for this game. Without you, we wouldn’t be able to enjoy the simple things.

Thank you to all the members of our armed forces, past and present.

- Robert Salters

A game of intense action that is easy to learn and hard to win.
Lead your special forces team into combat against a dangerous
enemy element that has every intention of gunning your
soldiers down. Missions range from hostage rescue, night ops,
to capturing high value targets.

Battlespace includes:
24 Page Rule Book
12 Soldier Cards
28 Gear Cards
6 Enemy Cards
24 Sitrep Cards
1 Maneuver Card

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