Is - 4127 1983
Is - 4127 1983
Is - 4127 1983
Indian Standard
( First Revision )
First Reprint MAY 1993
0 Copyright 1984 [
Gr 6 August 1984
i_ b I_
IS:4127 -1983
Indian Standard
( First Revision )
Water Supply and Sanitation Sectional Committee, BDC 24
Chairman Representing
SHRI J. D’Cnuz Water Supply and Sewage Disposal Undertaking,
New Delhi
CHIEF ENQINEER ( CIVIL I ) (‘Alternate to
Shri J. D’Cruz )
ADVISER ( PHE ) Ministry of Works and Housing, New Delhi
DEPUTY ADVISER ( PHE ) ( Alternate )
SHRI N. S. BHAIRAVAN Public Health Engineering Department, Govern-
ment of Kerala, Trivandrum
SHRI I. CHANDRA Public Works Department, Public Health Branch,
Government of Haryana, Chandigarh
SHI~I K. K. GAND~II ( Alterrrate )
CHIEF ENQINEER ( CONSTRUCTION) Uttar Pradesh Jal Nigam, Lucknow
SHRI R. C. P. CHAUDHARY Engineers India Ltd, New Delhi
SHRI H. V. RAO ( Alternate )
SRRI S. K. DASQUPTA Calcutta Metropolitan Development Authority,
SHRI S. R. MUKHERJEE ( Alternate )
PROF .J. M. DAVE Institution of Engineers ( India ), Calcutta
SHRI S. G. DEOLALIKAR In personal capacity ( Flat No. 403, Sauitri Cinema
Commerical Complex, New Delhi )
SHRI B. R. N. GUPTA Engineer-in-Chief’s Branch, Army Headquarters
( Alternate )
HYDRA.ULIC ENGINEER Municipal Corporation of Greater Bombay,
PROJECTS ) ( Alternate )
( Confinurd on Pags 2 )
0 Copyright 1984
This publication is protected under the Indian Copyright Act (XIV of 1957 ) and
reproduction in whole or in part by any means except with written permission of the
publiler shall be deemed to be an infringement of copyright under the said Act.
IS: 4127-1983
IS : 4127- 1983
( First Revision )
0.1 This Indian Standard ( First Revision) was adopted by the Indian
_._ Institution on 30 November
- . ._? after the draft finalized by
the Water Supply and Sanitation Sectional Committee had been approved
by the Civil Engineering Division Council.
0,2 For all sewers and drains in ordinary ground, glazed stoneware pipes
are recommended in preference to other types of pipes, They are parti-
cularly suitable where acid effluents or acid subsoil conditions are likely to
be encountered. Laying of glazed stoneware pipes for drainage purposes
has been generally governed by the regulations laid down by the various
municipalities and municipal corporations. These regulations are intended
to ensure proper laying of pipes, giving due consideration to economy and
safety of workers engaged in pipe laying. However, there is no uniformity
in these regulations regarding minimum standards of laying which should
be fulfilled for proper and safe laying of stoneware pipes and this code is
intended to give the necessary guidance on sound practices of laying
stoneware pipes, It is being revised to incorporate improvements found
necessary in the light of usage of the standard. In this revision, the
quantity of spun yarn to be used in the joints have been omitted and the
guidance for the depth of yarn to be inserted in the joints have been given
( see ).
0.3 This code represents a standard of good practice and, therefore, takes
the .form of recommendations.
IS: 4127- 1983
1.1 This standard covers the methods of laying glazed stoneware pipes
below ground level for drainage purposes. It also includes
_ _ handling and
jointing of pipes, tests, backfilling, and restoration of sur!aces.
1.2 For the purpose of this code, stoneware pipes shall be those conform-
ing to IS : 651-1980* and IS : 3006-1979t.
1.3 This standard is only applicable to public sewers and pipes laid down
for building drainage in accordance with IS : 1742-19831.
2.1 For the purpose of this standard, the definitions of terms as given
in 2 of IS : 1742- 1983$. shall apply.
3.1 General - The.trench shall be so dug that the pipe can be laid to the
required alignment and at the required depth. When the pipeline is under
a roadway, a minimum cover of 90 cm is recommended for adoption, but
it may be modified to suit local conditions. The trench shall be excavated
only so far in advance of pipe laying as specified by the authority. The
trench shall be so shored and drained that the workmen may work therein
safely and efficiently. The discharge of the trench dewatering pumps shall
be conveyed either to drainage channels or to natural drains.
IS : 4127 - 1989
IS : 4125’ - 1983
3.8.1 The Authority shall have the right to order the sheeting to be
driven to the full depth of the trench or to such additional depths as may
be required for the protection of the work. Where the soil in the lower
limits of a trench has the necessary stability, the Authority at his discre .
tion, may permit stopping of the driving of sheeting at some designated
elevation above the trench bottom.
3.8.2 Sheeting and bracing which have been ordered left in place should
be removed for a distance of 0.9 m below the established street level or the
existing surface of the street, whichever is lower. Trench bracing, except
that which has been left in place, may be removed when the backfilling
has reached the respective level of such bracing. Sheeting, except that
which has been left in place, may be removed after the backfilling has
been completed or has been brought up to such an elevation as to permit
its safe removal. Sheeting and bracing may be removed before filling the
trench, but only in such a manner as will ensure the adequate protection
of the completed work and adjacent structures.
3.9 Care of Surface Material for Re-use - All surface materials which,
in the opinion of the Authority, are suitable for re-use in restoring the
surface shall be kept separate from the general excavation material as
directed by the Authority.
IS:4127- 1983
4.1 Bedding - Where the pipes are laid on a soft soil with the maximum
water table level, lying at the invert level of the pipe, the pipe shall be
bedded in concrete ( see Fig. 1 ). Alternatively, precast concrete sleepers
at suitable intervals with 90” contact may be used if approved by the
Authority when .the pipes are to be laid over swelling soil; sand fillin!!,
cushion of suitable thickness may be provided.
4.2 Haunching -Where the pipes have to be laid in a soft soil with the
maximum water table level rising above the invert level of the pipe, but
below the top of the barrel, the pipe sewers shall be haunched (see Fig. 2),
4.3 Surrounding or Encasing of Pipes - In the following cases the
pipes shall be completely encased or surrounded with concrete (see Fig. 3):
4 Where the maximum water table level is likely to rise above the
top of the barrel;
b) Where the sewers are to be laid adjacent to growing trees, to
avoid damage to the pipe likely to be caused by the roots of the
C>Where the depth of the pipe is less than 1.2 m under the road
surface; and
4 Whenever the intensity of loading on pipes exceeds the limits
given in Appendix A.
IS t 4127- 1983
5.1 Unloading of Pipes - While unloading, pipes shall not be thrown
down from the trucks on hard ground. Unloading them on timber skids
without a steadying rope and thus allowing the pipes to bump hard against
one another should not be allowed. In order to avoid damage to the pipes
and especially to the spigot end, pipes should not be dragged along
concrete and similar pavements with hard surfaces.
5.2 Handling of Stoneware Pipes into Trench - In shallow trenches
manual handling is enough, but in deep trenches they should be lowered
into the trench by means of ropes. Under no circumstances shall pipes
be dropped or dumped into the trench.
ISr 4127 - 1983
5.3 Detection of Cracks in Pipes and Fittings - The pipe and fittings
shall be inspected for defects, and be rung with a light hammer preferably
while suspended to detect cracks.
5.4 Cleaning Pipes and Fittings -All lumps, blisters and excess coat-
ing materials shall be removed gently from the socket and spigot end of
each pipe and the outside of the spigot and the inside of the socket shall
be wiped clean and dry before the pipe is laid.
5.5 Placing the Pipes in Trench 7 Every precaution shall be taken to
prevent foreign materials from entering the pipes when it is being placed
in the line. Normally the socket ends should face the up-stream. When
the line runs uphill the socket ends should face the up-grade.
5.5.1 After placing a length of pipe in the trench on concrete bedding
where that is specified, the spigot end shall be centered in the socket and
the pipe forced home and aligned to gradient. The pipe shall be secured
in place with approved backfill material or concrete tamped under it except
at the socket. Pipe and fittings which do not allow a sufficient and uniform
space for joints shall be removed and replaced with pipe and fittings of
proper dimensions to ensure such uniform space. Precautions shall be
taken to prevent dirt from entering the joint space.
5.5.2 At times when pipe laying is not in prcgress, the open ends of
pipe shall be closed by a watertight plug or canvas or other means appro-
ved by the Authority.
5.5.3 Sight rails shall be provided at all changes of directions or
gradients at distances of about 30 m along straight lengths. The centre
line shall be marked on each horizontal rail which is fixed at true level.
All inverts shall be laid therefrom with the help of proper boning rods.
5.6 Cutting of Pipes -The cutting of pipe for inserting, fitting or
closure pieces shall be done in a neat and workmanlike manner without
damage to the pipe or cement lining so as to leave a smooth end at right
angles to the axis of the pipe.
5.7 Pipelines Crossing Railway Lines, Irrigation Channels or
Similar Works - The Authority should consult the appropriate authori-
ties before preparing plans and specifications for this part of work,
5.8 Connection to an Existing Sewer - The connection to an existing
sewer shall be done through manholes.
5.9 Connections to Manholes - Before connecting a pipe to a manhole,
a relieving arch or any other similar protection device should be made in
the manhole for the safety of the pipe.
5.10 Strength and Loading of Stoneware Pipes - The pipes, when
iaid, should not be subjected to superimposed load beyond their safe
Erushing strength and some guidance in this regard is given in Appendix A.
IS 8 4127 - 1983
6.1 Types of Joints - The stoneware pipes shall be cement jointed or
provided with bituminous joints as approved by the Authority.
6.1.1 Materials for Cement Joints - The materials shall consist of the
a) Spun yarn or tarred gaskets,
b) Cement ( see IS : 269-1976 *; IS : 455-1976T or IS : 1489-1978$ ),
c) Sand ( see IS : 1542-1977# ).
6.1.2 Jointing Procedure for Cement Joirh - The procedure as laid
in to shall be followed. Caulking of yarn or gasket - In each joint, spun yarn soaked
in neat cement slurry or tarred gasket shall be passed round the joint and
inserted in it by means of a caulking tool. More skeins of yarn or gasket
shall be added if necessary and shall be well caulked. Yarn or gasket so
rammed shall not occupy more. than one-fourth of the depth of socket. Caulking of cement mortar - Cement’ tiortar ( 1 : 1 ) -( one
part of cement to one part ,of sand ) shall be slightly moistened and care-
fully inserted by hand into the remaining space of the joint after caulking
of yarn or gasket. The mortar shall then be caulked into the joint with a
caulking tool. More cement mortar shall be added until the space of joint
has been completely filled with tightly caulked mortar. The joint shall
then be finished off neatly outside the socket at an angle of 45 degrees as
shown in Fig. 4. Curing - The cement mortar joints shall be cured at least
for seven days before testing. The approximate quantity of cement required for each joint
for certain common sizes of pipes are given below for guidance:
.Nominal Diameter of Pipe Cement
mm kg
100 1-O
150 l-5
200 2.0
250 2-5
300 3.25
350 4.5
400 5.5
*Specification for ordinary and low heat Portland cement ( third revision ).
tSpeci@ation for Portland slag cement ( third revision ).
SSpecification for Portland pozzolana cement ( second revs&w ).
#pecifitation for sand for plaster ( firJt revision ).
X = SocketLength
6.3 Jointing with Concrete Pipes - The procedure shall be the same
as described for cement joints ( see 6.1 ) but the socket or the spigot shall
be thoroughly wetted before the joints are made.
7.1 Test Pressure - All pipelines shall be subjected to a test pressure of
at least 2.5 m head of water at the highest point of the section under test.
The tolerance of two litres per centimetre of diameter per kilometre may
be allowed during a period of 10 minutes.
7.2 Before commencing the hydraulic test, the pipelines shall be tilled with
water and maintained full for 24 hours by adding water, if necessary, under
a head. of 0.6 m of water. The test shall be carried out by suitably plugg-
ing the low end of the drain and the ends of connections, if any, and
filling the system with water. A knuckle bend shall be temporarily jointed-
in at the top end and a sufficient length of vertical pipe jointed to it so as
to provide the required test head; or,the topend may be plugged with a
connection to a hose ending in a funnel which could be raised or lowered
IS:4127 -1989
till the required head is obtained and fixed suitably for observation. A
typical arrangement for hydraulic test is given in Appendix B.
Subsidence of the water may be due to one or more of the following
a) Absorption by pipes and joints,
b) Sweating of pipes or joints,
c) Leakage at joints or from defective pipes, and
d) Trapped air.
Allowance shall be made for (a) by adding water until absorption
has ceased and after which the proper test should commence.
Any leakage will be visible and the defective part of the work should
be cut out and made good. A slight amount of sweating which is uniform
may be overlooked; but excessive sweating from a particular pipe 01: joint
shall be watched for and taken as indicating a defect to be made good.
7.3 Rectification of Faulty Joints - Any joint found leaking or sweat-
ing, shall be rectified or embedded into 150 mm layer of cement concrete
( 1 : 2 : 4 ) 300 mm in length and the section retested.
8.1 Starting of Backfilling - Filling of the trench shall not be com-
menced until the length of pipes herein has been tested and passed.
8.2 Trench Zoning - For the purpose of backfilling, the depth of the
trench shall be considered as divided into the following three zones from
the bottom of the trench to its top:
Zone A - From the bottom of the trench or top of the concrete,
when concrete bedding is provided, to the level of the
centre line of the pipe.
Z,one B - From the level of the centre line of the pipe to a level
300 mm above the top of the pipe.
Zone C - From a level 300 mm above the top of the ‘pipe to the
top of the trench.
8.3 Backfill Material - All backfill material shall be free from cinders,
ashes, slag, refuse, rubbish, vegetable-or organic material, lumpy or frozen
material, boulders, rocks or stone or other material which in the opinion
of the Authority, is unsuitable or deleterious. However, material containing
stones up to 200 mm as their greatest dimension may be used in Zone C
unless otherwise specified herein.
8.3.1 BackJill Sand - Sand used for backfill shall be a natural sand
complying with 8.3, graded from fine to coarse. The total mass of loam
IS:4127- 1983
and clay in it shall not exceed 10 percent. All material shall pass through
a sieve of 20 mm aperture size [ see IS : 2405 ( Part 1 )-1980* ] and not
more than 5 percent shall remain on an IS sieve of aperture size 6.30 mm.
8.4 Backfilling in Freezing Weather - Backfilling shall not be done in
freezing weather except by permission of the Authority, and it shall not be
made with frozen material. No fill shall be made where the material
already in the trench is frozen.
8.5 Procedure
*Specification for industrial sieves: Part 1 Wire cloth sieves and square aperture
series (jfsl rsuikw ).
I’ *
8.8 Concrete Slabs Over Pipes - When pipes are laid under roads and
pavements subjected to heavy traffic loads, the trenches may be covered
with rcinfor ted concrete slabs of suitable dimensions.
8.9 Surface Finish -In refilling, the fill shall IX made 25 mm higher
per 300 mm depth of trench subject to a maximum of 75 mm than the
adjacent ground surface as the refill will settle with time, and it is most
undesirable that this settlement should form a depression above the pipe.
9.4 Cleaning Up - All construction materials, and all tools and tempor-
ary structures shall be removed from the site as directed by the Authority.
All dirt, rubbish and excess earth from the excavation shall be hauled to
a dump and the construction site left clean to the satisfaction of the
IS I 4127 - 1983
( Clause 5.10 )
A-I.1 The superimposed load should not normally exceed 1 600 kg per
metre length, .which is the minimum crushing strength specified in
IS : 651-1980*. The superimposed load on a laid pipe may be calculated
by Marston’s formula, given below:
W = load on pipe in kilogram/linear metre,
C = coefficient which depends upon the ratio of depth of
trench to the trench width and the filling materials
( see Table 1 ),
= weight of filling materials in kg/m3 ( seeTable 2 ), and
: C: width of trench in metres.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
0’5 0’46 0’46 0’47 0’47
0’85 0’86 0’88 0’90
;:; 1.18 I.21 I.24 l-28
2.0 1’46 l-53 1.56 1.62
2.5 1’70 1’76 1’84 1’92
1’90 1’98 2’08 2.20
33:; 2.08 2’17 2’30 2’44
4’0 2’22 2’33 2’49 2’66
4’5 2.34 2’47 2’65 2’87
5’0 2’45 2’59 2.80 3’03
2:; 2’54 2.69 2.93 3.19
2’61 2.78 3’04 3’33
6.5 2’68 2’86 3’14 3.46
7-o 2.73 2’93 3.22 3’57
7-5 2’78 2.98 3’30 3’67
8’0 2.81 3.03 3.37 3’76
8’5 2’85 3’07 3.42 3’85
;:; 2’90
2-88 3.14
3’11 3’52
3.48 3.98
10’0 2-92 3.17 3’56 4.04
11’0 2’95 3’21 3.63 4’ 14
12’0 2’97 3’24 3.m 4-22
13’0 2-99 3.27 3’72 4’29
14’0 3.00 3.28 3’75 4’34
15’0 3.01 3.30 3’77 4’38
Very great 3.03 3.33 3.85 4.55
Dry sand 1600
Ordinary ( damp ) aand 1840
Wet sand 1 920
Damp clay 1920
Saturated clay 2 080
Saturated topsoil 1840
Sand and damp soil 1 600
A-l.2 The load impost=d on the pipe due to surface ( traffic ) loads may
be found in accordance with the procedure given in 5.4 of IS : 783-1959*.
IS :4127- 1983
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( Clause 7.2 )
B-I.3 Water for filling in is let through the funnel connected to the plug
provided at the upstream end. To allow the air to escape a small hole
is made on the pipe wall at the upstream end and after filling the pipe
completely the hole is plugged with a wooden plug wound with hemp.
B-l.4 The down stream end of the sewer and all slants in the sewer line
( provided for house service ) are plugged with the sewer testing plug and
B-l.6 The pipe line is considered sound if the water in the funnel does
not empty within 30 minutes.
IS : 4127- 1993
( Continuedfrom page 2 )
CHIEF ENQINEER Public Works Department, Government of Punjab,
Chandigarh _
CHIEF ENGINEER ( GENERAL ) Tarn&:;rdG Water Supply and Drainage Board,
Headquarters :
Manak Bhavan. 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg. NEW DELHI 110002
Telephones : 331 01 31 Telegrams : Manaksanstha
331 13 75 (Common to all Offices)
Regional Offices : Telephone
Central : Manak Bhavan. 9. Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg. 331 01 31
NEW DELHI 110002 i 331 13 75
o Eastern : l/l4 C.I.T. Scheme VII M. 37 66 62
V.I.P. Road, Maniktola, CALCUTTA 700054
Northern : SC0 445-446, Sector 35-C, CHANDIGARH 160036 21643
Southern : C.I.T. Campus, IV Cross Road, MADRAS 600113 41 29 16
t Western : Manakalaya, E9 MIDC. Marol. Andheri (East). 6 32 92 95
BOMBAY 400093
Branch Offices :
‘Poshpak’, Nurmohamed Shaikh Marg. Khanpur, AHMADABAD 360001 2 63 46
t Peenya Industrial Area, 1 st Stage, Bangalore-Tumkur Road, 39 49 55
Gangotri Complex, 5th Floor, Bhadbhada Road. T.T. Nagar. 55 40 21
BHOPAL 462003
Plot No. 62183, Lewis Road, BHUBANESHWAR 751002 5 36 27
Kalai Kathir Burlding, 6/48-A Avanasi Road, COIMBATORE 641037 2 67 05
Quality Marking Centre, N.H, IV, N.I.T,, FARIDABAD 121001 -
Savitri Complex, 116 G. T. Road, GHAZIABAD 201001 B-71 19 96
5315 Ward No. 29, R.G. Barua Road. 5th By-lane, 3 31 77
5-B-56C L. N. Gupta Marg, ( Nampally Station Road ) 23 10 63
RI4 Yudhister Marg, C Scheme, JAIPUR 302005 6 34 71
117/418 B Sarvodaya Nagar, KANPUR 206005 21 66 76
Plot No. A,9, House No. 561/63. Sindhu Nagar. Kanpur Road. 5 55 07
LUCKNOW 226005
Patliputra Industrial Estate, PATNA 600013 6 23 05
District Industries Centre Complex. Bagh-e-Ali Maiden, -
T. C. No. 14/1421, University P. 0.. Palayam. 6 21 04
Inspection Offices (With Sale Point) :
Pushpanjali, First Floor, 205-A West High Court Road. 52 61 71
Shankar Naoar Souare, NAGPUR 440010
Institution of Engineers (India) Building, 1332 Shivaji Nagar, 5 24 35 t
PUNE 411005