Tet Syllabus Paper 2

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(Teacher Eligibility Test)

(for classes VI to VII) Upper Primary stage.


(1 mark each of MCQ)
(The test items on Child Development and Pedagogy will focus on educational psychology of teaching and learning relevant to the age group 11-14 years. They
will focus on understanding the characteristics needs and psychology of diverse learners, interaction with learners and the attributes and qualities of a good facilitator
of learning.)

Child Development (Upper Primary School child) (15 questions)

Concept of development and its relationship with growth and learning. Principles of Development of Children. Stages of Development of a child. Process of growth and
development -Physical, Cognitive, Emotional, Social, Moral, and Language Development of children. Influence of Heredity and Environment on Development of a child.
Role of Teacher, Parents, and Peers in the Development of a Child. Ideas of Piaget, Kohlberg and Vygotsky. Concept of child-centered and Progressive Education.
Concept of intelligence. Multi-Dimensional Intelligence. individual diff ernes among Learners. Enhancing Learning and Critical thinking and Assessing Learner ' s


Learners from diverse backgrounds including disadvantaged and deprived. Children with learning difficulties, impairment etc. Gifted, Creative, Specially abled Learners.

Learning and Pedagogy

How children think and learn. Basic processes of Teaching and Learning; Learning as a Social Activity; Social Context of learning. Child as a problem solver. Motivation
and learning. Factors contributing to learning personal and environmental.

2. LANGUAGE-1 (ENGLISH) (30 questions)

(1 mark each of MCQ)

a) CONTENT (15 questions)

(The questions in the test will be based on the topics of the prescribed syllabus of the Board of Secondary Education, Manipur for classes VI-VIII, but their
difficulty standard, as well as linkages, could be upto the senior secondary stage)

Language Comprehension- Two unseen passages.

The following items should be reflected in the quest ions;
Vocabulary Test including -Antonyms and synonyms * Comprehension Test * Reconstruction of sentences * improvement of sentences * Completion of passage *
Spelling Errors * Phrases and idioms * Voice - Active and Passive * Direct and redirect speech * Parts of speech * Determiners * Tenses * Punctuations *
Transformation of sentences.
All questions on comprehension will be from the two unseen passages.
b. Pedagogy of Language Development (15 quest ions)
Language Learning and acquisition. Principles of language teaching. Language skills. Role of speaking and listening in the function of language with special reference to
the Use of language by children. Role of grammar in learning a language and communicating ideas verbally and in written form. Challenges of teaching in a diverse
classroom; language difficulties, errors and disorders. Evaluating language comprehension and proficiency with reference to the four skills. Multilanguage resource of
the classroom. Remedial teaching. Basic element of classroom management.


(1 mark each of MCQ)
(* Modern Indian languages recognized by the Board of Secondary Education, Manipur are listed in the Application Form)

a) CONTENT (15 questions)

(The questions in the test will be based on the topics of the prescribed syllabus of the Board of Secondary Education, Manipur for classes VI- VII, but their difficulty
standard, as well as linkages, could be upto the senior secondary stage)

Language Comprehension - Two unseen prose passages (discursive or literary or narrative or scientific) with Quest ions on comprehension grammar and verbal ability.

The following items should be reflected in the questions.

Comprehension test * Phrases and Idioms * Parts of Speech * Punctuation marks * Vocabulary test (including antonyms and synonyms) * Sentence
transformation * Sentence improvement * Passage completion.

b. Pedagogy of Language Development (15 questions)

Language and its use. Acquisition of first language. Principles of language teaching. Role of grammar in language teaching. Language skills and their assessment.
Teaching of literature and functional grammar. Teaching-learning materials: Textbook and multi-materials. Remedial teaching

3. LANGUAGE - II (ENGLISH-II) (30 questions)

(1 mark each of MCQ)
a) CONTENT: (15 questions)
(The questions in the test will be based on the topics of the prescribed syllabus of the Board of Secondary Education, Manipur for classes VI- VIII, but their
difficulty standard, as well as linkages, could be upto the senior secondary stage)

Language Comprehension-Two unseen passages.

The following items should be reflected in the questions;

Verbs * Passive voice * Narration * Correct sentence * Phrases & idioms * Correct order of sentence *Correct spelling

All questions on comprehension will be from the two unseen passages.

b. Pedagogy of Language Development (15 questions)

Language Learning and acquisition. Principles of language teaching. Language skills. Role of speaking and listening in the function of language with special
reference to the Use of language by children. Role of grammar in learning a language and communicating ideas verbally and in written form. Challenges of
teaching in a diverse classroom; language difficulties, errors and disorders. Evaluating language comprehension and proficiency with reference to the four skills.
Multi language resource of the classroom. Remedial teaching. Basic element of classroom management.

4. (A) (i) SCIENCE (30 Questions)

(1 mark each of MCQ)

(The questions in the test will be based on the topics of the prescribed syllabus of the Board of Secondary Education, Manipur for classes VI-VIII, but their difficulty
standard, as well as linkages, could be upto the senior secondary stage)

Nature and structure of matter: Separation of substances, Metals and non-metals. Changes around us. Structure of atom. Acids, Bases and salts. Carbon. Materials of
daily use. The Solar system: The sun and its planets. Measurement. Force and motion: Types of motion; Definition of force; Laws of force and its application. Heat and
Temperature: Transfer of heat and Different Scales of temperature. Light: Concept of reflection, refraction, dispersion and their laws with application. Wave and sound.
Electric charge at rest; flow of electric charge and Magnetism. Sources of energies. Living world; Characteristics and classification of the living beings. Structural
organization and functions of living organisms. Cell structure, function and reproduction. Micro-organisms. Food-components; food production and management.
Health and diseases. Environment.

4. (B) (ii) MATHEMATICS (30 Questions)

(1 mark each of MCQ)

(The questions in the test will be based on the topics of the prescribed syllabus of the Board of Secondary Education, Manipur for classes VI-VIII, but their difficulty
standard, as well as linkages, could be up to the senior secondary stage)

Number: Natural Numbers, Whole numbers, Integers, Fractions; The four fundamental operations among integers. Ratio and Proportion. Arithmetic of trade: profit and
loss, Percentage. Algebra: Algebraic expressions, Polynomials and multinomial. Operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication of algebraic expressions. Division of a
polynomial by a linear polynomial. Plane figures with special properties of identification. Different types of triangles and properties of triangles associated with sides
and the angles (Inequalities in triangles) Special points associated with a triangle: circum-center, in center, orthocenter and centroid of a triangle, pedal triangle of a

Symmetry and symmetrical figures in a plane; Line of symmetry and reflection. Construction of geometrical figures:
Construction of an angle, the perpendicular bisector of a line segment, construction of a triangle with given sides, the base and the base angles. Solid figures: Solids like
sphere, pyramid, cone, prism etc. Mensuration: Area, Volume and problems associated with area, volume and perimeters of plane figures. Data handling: Mean,
Median and Mode of a data. Bar diagram and histogram of a data.
(1 mark each of MCQ)

(The questions in the test will be based on the topics of the prescribed syllabus of the Board of Secondary Education, Manipur for classes VI-VIII, but their difficulty
standard, as well as linkages, could be upto the senior secondary stage).

Studying the past; Early Man & His Life. Ancient Civilizations-Indus Valley Civilizations &Vedic civilization. Rise of States-Mahajanapadas; Rise of Magadha. New ideas.
Mauryan Empire; Gupta Empire; Harshavardhana. Rise of small kingdoms in India in Medieval period. The Delhi Sultanate; The Mughal empire. States & Kingdoms in
North-east India in the 15th Century. Religious Developments.

Manipur in early 18th Century. British conquest of India. Impact of the British rule; Manipur & the British, Manipur under British rule. Socio-Religious Reform
Movements. Indian National Movement. The 2nd World War & Manipur.

Geography as a social study and as a science. The Earth in the Solar System. Latitude, longitude and motions of the earth. Natural environment: Air and Water. Human
environment: Settlement, transport and communication with special Reference to Manipur. Life in hot and cold desert regions. Natural resources: Land, wildlife,
natural vegetation, mineral and power resources. Agriculture. Human resources: Population-age and sex compositions, population change and Distribution with special
reference to Manipur.


Community Development. Local self-Government in Rural and Urban areas. District Administration. Presentation of Public Property and Historical Movements. Merger
of Manipur. State hood of Manipur. Indian Constitution and its basic values. National symbol and National density. Government at the Centre and States Directive
Principles of State Policy. Fundamental Rights and Duties. The Role of Citizens. Diversities in India. The Scenario of 20th Century World. Human Rights and the problem
of terrorism. India and United Nations. Population and Economic Development. Globalization and the World Trade Organization. The International Monetary Fund and
the World Bank. Environmental Degradation and natural Disaster.


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