The 9 Secret Skills of Straight A Students

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The 9 Secret Skills


Straight A

Daniel “Jay” Jones /// @thelearningjay

How I went from
to scoring straight
A’s and landing
offers from the top
universities in the uk.

Hi There, I’m Jay!

At present, I’m a straight A student with offers to study at a

number of the top 5 universities in the UK (and top 10 globally).
Before, people would’ve thought of me as an average student.
There was nothing exceptional about me, and as a matter of
fact it always seemed to take me a lot longer to learn what
others could in minutes. I’m talking extra hours. While my grades
used to fluctuate, for the past few years I have been a straight A

I was putting hours of additional work into my learning, seeking

help from tutors, and testing out every study technique that I
heard about. It seemed like nothing could possibly help me.

Quickly I became burned out. I was stressed. I felt guilty for

taking so long to grasp topics that seemed so simple to others.
As you’d expect, after a few years of this, my mental health
declined, my grades ebbed-and-flowed, and my understanding
of my subjects never really took off.

That was until I watched a video by Jim Kwik, a self-proclaimed

“brain coach”, who suggested that it wasn’t necessarily about
how much hard work you put in and neither was it about how
much external help you received, but that it was the way you
APPROACHED learning that had the biggest impact.
SO what is the right way to approach learning?

Well, the right approach is based entirely on INTERNAL skills. The

type of skills that you consistently find in the top-performing
students, this includes learning quickly, having a rock-solid
memory, and having the ability to solve problems both
efficiently and effectively!

I knew that the moment I began to follow this approach, I would

become “smart”. This lead to me going on a journey to master
the “Smart approach” to learning, and after a few short months I
went from struggling, to exceeding. Scoring numerous A* grades
across a series of final exams all while being able to
simultaneously manage my own business, social life, and health.

But what’s more, by learning the smart approach to learning, I

have been able to help hundreds of students to take control of
their education by applying the same, life-changing skills.

This smart approach is about more than achieving the higher

grades it makes possible, it’s about the long-lasting transferable
impact it can have on your life, mentally, socially, academically,
and professionally. These skills can help you earn more money,
perform better in your future jobs, and balance your time more

Tie all of this together, and this became the first major turning
point in helping me finally realise how important the way we
approach learning truly is.

Make sure to take this guide in depth, because I am sharing

EVERYTHING about the 9 skills that turned me from an
inconsistent, burned out student to a serene, straight A student,
with offers to study at some of the world’s leading global

In order for you to get the most out of this guide, please make
sure to read the next page very carefully.
The 9 Secrets of Straight A Students

For best results

Here’s how you should use this guide:
1. Grab yourself a pen and some paper.
2. Take summary notes on each topic after reading.
3. Actively apply what you learn ASAP.
4. Complete every JQ Question
The 9 Secrets of Straight A Students

Why use this guide?

The link between success in the
present & success in the future.
Your Ability to Achieve Grades
Matter A Lot.
There are so many reasons as to why your grades

Fundamentally, grades are hugely important if you

intend on accessing higher education within a top
organisation as the best colleges and universities
often require specific entry requirements.

Another aspect, professionally (and personally)

speaking, is the related idea of being a high achiever.
We all know what it’s like to hang out with somebody
who’s passionate and a high-achiever. And yes,
recruiters do love this in a candidate, but on a
personal side you should always be aiming to better
yourself, and what better way than to challenge
yourself to succeed academically?

I’ve always believed you should be the role model

that you wish you had growing up, and one of the
best ways to do this is to push yourself to achieve

Whether it’s personal, professional, financial, or

contextual goals, this guide is a fantastic tool to
achieve any of the aforementioned objectives.
The 9 Secrets of Straight A Students

The 2 types of approach

The Performance-Based Approach &
The Internal-Based Approach
What Makes a Smart Approach?
A Smart Approach to Learning is the
key to unlocking your academic
potential across each and any of your
They can improve your interdisciplinary performances, such as your
performance in Mathematics, English and the Sciences, whilst also improving
your personal performance in the way you lead your day to day life, your mental
performance in how you manage day-to-day stresses and problems, and also
your cognitive performance in how you manage your tasks, memory,
understanding, and of course both your Academic, and Emotional Intelligence.
Even if you’re not currently a student, learning the Smart Approach to Learning
will be the key to unlocking your limitless potential, individually, academically,
and professionally.

Without these approaches people will find themselves struggling to achieve

good grades, taking longer to improve in their studies, and will likely find
themselves suffering from declining confidence and negative self-talk. However,
with the Smart Approach, students and professionals alike easily achieve their
academic, professional, and personal goals with ease while still having more
time to do what they love and enjoy.

The Performance-Based Approach & The Internal-Based Approach

The Performance-Based The Internal-Based

Approach Approach

These help you to determine This approach aims to keep you ahead
performance across every subject, of your class with ease, saving you time
including marks in exams and and getting the most out of every hour
assessments. of work.

There are 3 main components to There are 6 main components

the Performance-Based relating the the Internal Based
Approach: Approach:

1. Learning-to-Learn 1. Focus
2. Memory 2. Collaboration
3. Problem Solving 3. Health and Fitness
4. Time
5. Motivation
6. Pressure Tolerance
The 9 Secrets of Straight A Students

Smart Study Approach #1

How To Learn Anything Fast (any
Smart Study Approach #1
How To Learn Anything Fast (any
After learning what you need to know, the next critical next step is making sure
you don’t forget it. Without having a strong memory of what you need to know
your mind will feel like it’s gone blank in exams leading to you struggling to
answer questions and lowering your grades. Once you work on building an
improved memory and knowledge of the study skills needed you will never
forget what you need, and your exams and class will become light-work.


To strengthen your memory of a whole To combat the decline in your memory
subject or topic the key is in creating a we can use the tactic of spaced testing.
mind map that has a clear hierarchy. There are 2 parts to this tactic. The first
This means you start with the main is making sure you are testing yourself
topic in the middle, subtopics branching on what you need to know (active
off of it then individual main points off of recall), you can complete a topic test or
those subtopics. This mind map should a complete practice paper but the key
cover all the key points from the is to make sure you repeat these tests
syllabus as mentioned in Secret #1. With every 1,7,14,28 days. This is the ideal
this you will never forget what you need testing schedule but feel free to fit these
for every subject and every exam. tests in when you can over time.
Smart Study Approach #1
How To Learn Anything Fast (any


To strengthen the depth of your knowledge on a particular topic we can use
the Feynman Technique. This is where you take a topic you have previously
learned and you break the content down from its very complex form, to a
simple explanation. The key is to act as if you are explaining the topic to a five
year old, as in learning it is said that to become an expert at something, you
must begin to teach it. One easy way to do this, is to create a mindmap, or
bullet pointed list of the key aspects of a topic, and change the wording to
become more fluent.


To instantly reinforce what you have just learned or read it is crucial to
actively engage your brain, one way to do this is Active Recall. Active recall is
where after initially learning something, in order to review it you ask yourself
to write down and explain a topic fully without referring to your notes and
once you do this, your second step is to refer to the source material and take
note of any gaps and finally fill them in and test yourself again.
The 9 Secrets of Straight A Students

Smart Study Approach #2

How To Remember Everything You
Learn With Ease
Smart Study Approach #2:
How To Remember Everything
You Learn With Ease
The ability you have to learn and properly understand information is
critical to how you answer exam-related questions, and even how you
remember the information in the first place. Without having the ability
to learn everything across your courses’ modules, all of the content and
all of the key concepts, you will struggle. The good thing is that this side
of learning can easily be improved by employing the right methods
which can instantly improve your comprehension and learning skills.


The exams and assessments that you In order to learn information effectively
will inevitably be assessed on are we need to have a place-of-storage
rooted in the syllabus being taught to outside our own head where any
you through your lectures, classes, information that we need to know and
and textbooks. The material present in remember can be organised. This will
your course syllabus must then be the be your new way of taking notes, and
outline of everything testable in your we call it our “Second Brain”. Your
subjects and your courses. If you want second brain can be a book, a folder,
to learn faster and easier, begin to or a digital hub, which contains all of
create a very concise set of summary your mind maps, concise notes,
notes that answers the questions summary notes, flashcards, and
shown to you directly within your everything you need to know from
syllabus, including the bullet-points your course. If you want to take a
and key headings. This is one of the smart approach to learning, it is
most useful insights when trying to critical that you have this.
follow a smart approach to learning.
The 9 Secrets of Straight A Students

Smart Study Approach #3

How To Score Highly On Every
Assignment & Test
Smart Study Approach #3:
How To Score Highly On Every
Assignment & Test
The third Smart Approach to Learning which will help you to maximise
your grades by unlocking your ability to score highly on each exam is
found in how your present what you have learned and also
remembered. The secret here is learning a number of problem solving
frameworks that can package what you know into the exact way
examiners and markers are looking for in the assessments set to you
on your course. Through my 3+ years tutoring and coaching I have built
a number of frameworks to achieve this, with one of the very tactics
shown below.


When you know that an exam is coming up and you want to perform
well, here is the exact, step-by-step process you need to follow:

Step One:
Complete a full practice exam/essay. (Replicate exam conditions)

Step Two:
Mark it and see what topics you performed the worst on.

Step Three:
Take note of the topics you performed the worst on and complete a
full TOPIC test to find which sub-areas within this topic you struggle

Step Four:
Take note of the sub-areas that you struggled at within the topic test.

Step Five:
Revisit the textbook or course videos and complete exercise questions
until you have perfected them.

Step Six:
Repeat this process again and again until you are happy with the
mark you get in step one.
The 9 Secrets of Straight A Students

Smart Study Approach #4

How To Create Internal Motivation
And Feel Excited To Achieve Your
Smart Study Approach #4:
How To Create Internal
Motivation And Feel Excited To
Achieve Your Goals.
Both the amount of work you put in and the quality of that work depend
on how motivated you are to learn and complete it. If you are
unmotivated to learn a module on Maths or Science, you will naturally
put less effort resulting in a lower quality of work, alongside a lower
number of hours put in. The trick to improving your motivation is to
learn how to set goals that you actually care about by working
backwards from your ambitions and creating a plan which you can
execute in small, incremental steps. With this you will begin unlocking
your internal drive to succeed, helping you to stay on track and
consistently put effort into work. Without taking this internal, goal-
setting approach you will find yourself procrastinating and struggling


The best way to find your motivation is to write down detailed
answers to the following questions:

Question One:
What do I want to do with my life once this course is over?

Question Two:
Based on that, what are the final grades that I need in order to
make that happen? (Write in terms of average and absolute

Question Three:
At the moment, what marks am I getting in each

Question Four:
Based on my current approach which is getting me these marks,
what do I need to change in my personal and academic life to
make my new goals and grades a reality?
The 9 Secrets of Straight A Students

Smart Study Approach #5

How To Thrive In High Pressure
Smart Study Approach #5:
How To Thrive In High Pressure
At times where our brain experiences stress, it has a negative impact
on the available working memory that we can access. This means that
when we are overwhelmed with stress while sitting an exam, we
become more likely to make small, stupid mistakes, leading to us
choking and losing easy marks. To follow the Smart Student Approach
you will need to learn how to rise to the occasion and fend off stress
using the two following tactics in stress management.


From a scientific standpoint, if we Exposure therapy is the idea that if
want to calm down our nerves we you struggle with something (such as
should try to journal each thought stress, or making new friends), the
(positive or negative) that comes to best way to overcome this struggle is
our mind before taking an exam or an to increase your exposure to it.
assessment. By writing these thoughts Inherently this tactic is mentally
down, we signal to our brain that we challenging to initially implement, but
have acknowledged these thoughts, once you do this repeatedly over a
allowing the thoughts to come and go number of days and weeks you will
more smoothly, reducing the risk of us build up the exposure to become
choking or wasting our thoughts on comfortable under the same pressure
negative self-talk and validating fears. that you previously struggled with. In
Before the next exam you sit, spend 5- education, the best way to do this is to
10 minutes doing the following two put yourself in an uncomfortable, new
tactics and watch how this new situation, and complete a FULL
approach helps you to thrive. practice exam or essay, in similar
conditions to the ones you’ll be in on
exam day.
The 9 Secrets of Straight A Students

Smart Study Approach #6

How To Focus For Hours On End and
Get More Done In Less Time (Even if
you have AD&HD)
Smart Study Approach #6:
How To Focus For Hours On
End and Get More Done In Less
Your brain is a muscle that with the right training, can be developed to
create an uninterruptible level of focus.

As a means to create this immense level of focus, increasing the quality

of your work, and requiring less time to achieve far better results on
your often time-intensive exams, these are the two tactics that I


Wherever your go-to study area is, go Everyday for the next week, starting
there now and declutter your desk. today, see how long you can stay
Remove all things currently on it, and focused for. Follow the steps from the
then only add back on to your desk last tactic, and set yourself up at your
the things that are NECESSARY to help desk. Set a stopwatch and see how
you get work done (your laptop, long you can stay focused on your
textbook, pen, paper, light, etc). And if work. Can you maintain focus for 5
you aren’t currently working at a desk, minutes? 20 minutes? 2 hours? After
make sure that you find one to work tracking this a few times, you’ll be able
at. Finally, remove your phone entirely to set an incremental goal for you to
when you are studying. If you take this achieve every week so that you can
approach, you will easily be able to build up your daily focus to upwards
maintain focus for a longer period of of 4 hours. This approach is critical to
time. your success.
The 9 Secrets of Straight A Students

Smart Study Approach #7

How To Manage Your Energy And
Maintain Peak Performance Daily
Smart Study Approach #7:
How To Manage Your Energy &
Maintain Peak Performance
If you want to consistently perform at your best day in and day out you
are going to have to keep your mind and your body firing on all
cylinders. Our brain, body, and health are deeply interconnected, and to
achieve the best results over time, you need all of these key players to
be sharp. By improving your health, both physically and cognitively you
will become better at fighting off sickness, maintaining higher energy
throughout the day, and be able to unlock the deep reserves of
untapped potential in your learning. In my research I have found that
there are numerous studies explaining in deep detail that for your brain
to perform its best, our body must too be in good condition, but how
can we make that happen?


We all know the goal quantity of sleep Think about what it is that you eat
is 8 hours per night, but how many of everyday. The food you eat turns into
us achieve this? If you want to bring our body’s fuel for the day. A simple
your A game every day, your sleep test we can do here is to write down
routine is where you should start, how we feel at certain periods of the
focusing on hitting that target of 7-8 day after a typical week of eating. Do
hours per night. By sleeping for this you find yourself sleepy after
interval you align your circadian and breakfast? Do you feel lethargic
ultradian rhythms better, improving around lunch time? If so, this indicates
your brain’s ability to function. To help you should change the way you are
make this 8 hour target realistic, try to eating, and monitor the changes
turn off all screens around an hour again after a week of eating these
before you sleep, while also making different foods. By learning what foods
sure to be sufficiently active every day keep you energised and healthy
(go on a walk, a run, play a sport, or throughout the day, your brain will
head to the gym). I personally like to thank you by becoming more
read for 20-40 minutes before I sleep. cognitively fit than ever before. If you
want to learn more about optimising
your diet for peak performance, I
recommend looking into “Eddie
The 9 Secrets of Straight A Students

Smart Study Approach #8

How To Build Effective Relationships
With Your Teachers, Friends and
Smart Study Approach #8:
How To Build Effective
Another Smart Approach to Learning is to foster strong, impactful
relationships. This is one of the easiest and fastest ways to improve,
and is why very often, services such as tutoring and coaching are able
to get great results. Improve your relationships with your friends, your
family, and your teachers. Make sure with your friends you spend time
actively enjoying their company and having fun, while also being able
to form serious study groups with the aligned goal of improving. You
become what you surround yourself by. By establishing relationships
with supportive teachers and family members you can create a
relentless aspect of external motivation to keep you on track even when
you feel down and out.


As mentioned in a previous Smart The people who mark your
Study Approach, the Feynman examinations and assessments, who
Technique is one of the key ways of set you assignments, and who have a
which you can improve your learning major stake in your learning
and memory. Another application of it, outcomes, are your teachers. Their
is to foster strong relationships by feedback is of the utmost importance.
teaching others what you have So, for assignments and exams make
learned, while also organising this sure you get as much feedback as
information in a coherent and logical possible in order to give you a clear
way. Form a study group for each strategy to follow on how to improve.
course and module you take wherein When you do this you safeguard
each member can take turns in yourself against areas of weakness
teaching each other topics to foster and help you to reap the learning
stronger bonds, and even stronger benefits that detailed and honest
memory. feedback can lead to.
The 9 Secrets of Straight A Students

Smart Study Approach #9

How To Achieve Your Dream Grades
Without Burning Out
Smart Study Approach #9:
How To Achieve Your Dream
Grades Without Burning Out
Whether you’re a student or a professional, you have a lot on your plate.
You have so much to manage. Be it hours of required extra-reading on
a particular concept, preparing for an examination, writing reports,
completing assignments, and sitting major exams, not to mention your
personal life. It can be a lot.

By taking the Time Management Mastery approach you enable yourself

to be proactive rather than reactive in getting tasks done, resulting in a
more flexible schedule for you to work around.


Keep a digital journal on your phone Spend some time at the start of every
to keep track of any upcoming week to generate a plan of everything
examinations and deadlines so you you need to get done to stay on track
can prepare ahead of time and be on any particular week, ranking tasks
proactive. based on urgency, importance, and
whether they are a “want” or a


Every night write yourself an action plan for tomorrow. This will consist of 5-10
tasks that you would like to complete tomorrow. Each task should be
organised by which part of your life it affects (finance, personal, health,
educational), as well as an expected duration.
By taking the Smart Approach to Learning you will help yourself reach
milestones you never thought were possible.

I am so excited to hear about your results from following these

approaches, and would love for you to keep me updated on your
journey. Make sure to follow @thelearningjay and tell me about your


With this Ebook, you have been given an opportunity to access EVERY Guide,
Template, and Resource we have every created for a hugely discounted price.

To purchase this, DM me on Instagram with the message: “DEVELOPMENT” and

I will show you how to access this offer.

Additionally, if you would like to personally work with me, TheLearningJay, you
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