Development, Optimization, and Scale-Up of Process Parameters: Pan Coating
Development, Optimization, and Scale-Up of Process Parameters: Pan Coating
Development, Optimization, and Scale-Up of Process Parameters: Pan Coating
Development, Optimization, and Scale-Up
of Process Parameters: Pan Coating
S. Porter1, G. Sackett2 and L. Liu3
Ashland Inc., Wilmington, DE, United States 2Freund-Vector Corporation, Cedar Rapids, IA, United States
Pfizer Inc., Morris Plains, NJ, United States
2% 12–15%
Molecular weight Polymer concentration
FIGURE 34.6 Typical molecular weight profile for a polymer. FIGURE 34.8 Effect of polymer concentration on the viscosity of
aqueous polymer solutions.
2. Medium level
140 of plasticizer
3. High level
of plasticizer
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 FIGURE 34.10 Effects of plasticizers on the mechanical properties
Quantity of plasticizer added (% w/w) of film coatings.
Oils Castor oil. FIGURE 34.11 Lack of plasticizer permanence (for propylene
Mineral oil. glycol in HPMC films).
FIGURE 34.13 Effects of pigment concentration and coating TABLE 34.6 Examples of Common Solvents Used in
thickness on the contrast ratios of colored film coatings.
Film-Coating Formulations
Class Examples
20 Water
18 Alcohols • Methanol
• Ethanol
Degradation rate constant (×10–3/min)
16 • Isopropanol
No pigment
14 Esters • Ethyl acetate
• Ethyl lactate
Ketones • Acetone
Chlorinated hydrocarbons • Methylene chloride
0.7% w/w TiO2
8 • 1:1:1 Trichloroethane
• Chloroform
TABLE 34.13 Examples of Common Polymers Used in Enteric by means of diffusion through an intact coating mem-
Coating Formulations brane. Polymer selection, and the general formulation
Polymer Comments strategies employed in this category will very much
depend on a number of factors, including a desire
Cellulose acetate phthalate Hydrolysis potential—higha to create a specific type of drug-release characteristic,
Cellulose acetate trimellitate Hydrolysis potential—mediuma minimize the risk of dose-dumping, utilize processing
Polyvinyl acetate phthalate Hydrolysis potential—lowa
methodologies that already exist within the company,
and prepare a unique dosage form that enables
Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose Hydrolysis potential—mediuma the manufacturer to take a proprietary position with
respect to dosage-form presentation.
Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose Hydrolysis potential—lowa In order to meet these requirements, critical objectives
acetate succinate include the need to:
Poly (MA-EA) 1:1
• Achieve the target drug-release characteristics in a
Poly (MA-MMA) 1:1 Relatively high dissolution pH reproducible manner;
Poly (MA-MMA) 1:2 Relatively high dissolution pH • Ensure that drug-release characteristics are
insensitive to expected variations in raw materials
When exposed to conditions of elevated temperature and humidity.
MA, Methacrylic acid; EA, Ethyl acrylate; MMA, Methyl methacrylate. and coating-process conditions;
• Confirm that the coating formulations
(and associated coating processes) are essentially
uncomplicated, and facilitate scale-up from the
TABLE 34.14 Examples of Aqueous Enteric Coating Systems
laboratory into production; and
Product Form Polymer • Ensure that the final product is stable and does not
exhibit time-dependent changes in drug-release
Eudragit L30D Latex dispersion Poly (MA-EA)
Eudragit L100-55 Spray-dried latex Poly (MA-EA)
When it comes to designing extended-release pro-
HP-F Micronized dry powder HPMCP ducts, these may take a number of forms, namely
Sureteric Formulated, dry powder system PVAP tablets, prepared as film-coated tablets, film-coated
Acryl-Eze Formulated, dry powder system Poly (MA-EA)
mini-tablets, or compacted, film-coated particulates, as
well as capsules, prepared as encapsulated, film-
Aquarius Control Formulated, dry powder system Poly (MA-EA) coated particulates, or film-coated capsules.
Coated multiparticulates often form the basis for
Aquateric Spray-dried pseudo latex CAP extended-release products when an applied coating is
Aquacoat ECD Pseudo latex dispersion CAP the main mediator of drug release because of the
desire to minimize dose dumping, and facilitate more
Aquasolve Micronized, dry powder HPMCAS
consistent gastro-intestinal transit times. Such coated
CAP Dry powder CAP multiparticulates (see Fig. 34.18) can take the form of
CAT Dry powder CAT drug-loaded pellets (nonpareils), granules (irregularly
shaped granules or granules that have been sphero-
Competitive acrylic products now available from BASF, Eastman, & Sanyo.
MA, Methacrylic acid; EA, Ethyl acrylate. nized), drug crystals, and finally drug/ion-exchange-
resin complexes.
In terms of designing extended-release coating
While enteric-coated products have conventionally formulations, the types of polymers used are often
taken the form of tablets, recently a preference has been selected for their ability to exhibit similar robustness
shown for coating multiparticulates because of their characteristics as those described for enteric coatings,
more consistent gastrointestinal transit characteristics. but also for their permeability characteristics that
Enteric-coated capsules (especially one-piece softgels, allow the drug to be released at a controlled rate
containing garlic or fish oils used in nutraceutical that is consistent with the biological requirements
applications) have also become quite commonplace. for that API (see Fig. 34.19).
A list of common polymers used for extended- Extended-release coatings release coating applications is shown in Table 34.15,
Extended-release coatings are typically completely while examples of aqueous-coating systems are shown
insoluble in water, and permit the release of the API in Table 34.16.
Product used Comments
Air in
Dust collector
Powder application
Exhaust fan
Rotating drum
Exhaust air dust
FIGURE 34.23 Air-flow diagram and chamber design of a partially perforated pan.
FIGURE 34.25 Air-flow diagram and chamber design of a fully perforated pan.
dehumidifier ACWD Final hepa filter
Rain hood and
bird screen
Inlet air
Clean steam
Chilled water humidifier
cooling coil optional
Louvered inlet damper
30% prefilter optional
85% prefilter Inlet blower
Chilled water dehumidification coil Face and bypass
Final heating coils
air streams to be blended to achieve the required set- blower is operating and product is loaded in the pan.
point temperature, as well as to allow temperature The exhaust blower must provide a vacuum pressure
changes to be made quickly and facilitate better at the required air flow that will overcome the losses
control of temperature. A conventional (nonbypass created by the different components between the
type) air handler will require some time to cool down coating pan and the exhaust blower.
because the heater coils remain in the process air The outlet process air duct should be connected to a
stream after the heat has been stopped. In addition, dust collector to collect solids that did not adhere to
as heat (either electric or steam) is provided, there the product or dust that is generated when product is
tends to be a greater risk of oscillations in temperature loaded into the coating pan. The duct work before and
occurring. after the dust collector, and the dust collector itself,
The finished product is normally cooled before must be able to withstand the amount of vacuum that
being removed from the coating pan after spray appli- will be created by the exhaust blower. The dust collec-
cation of the coating is completed. The face and bypass tor also must be designed with an explosion vent that
unit can achieve a shorter production time because a will relieve the pressure in case of a dust explosion.
heating coil does not have to cool down before cooling When film coating is performed using an organic sol-
the product. The air handler comprises a fan (blower), vent, the entire system must be designed either to con-
which must be rated for the proper quantity of process tain an explosion, or allow the explosion to be safely
air to facilitate heat transfer to the product. The final vented. Typically, the equipment manufacturer will
stage of an air handler should be a high-efficiency par- recommend a system that will satisfy the requirements
ticulate air (HEPA) filter to provide clean air with for a specific type of solvent.
99.97% efficiency. As mentioned previously, the partially perforated
The schematic shown in Fig. 34.28 illustrates the coating pan generally creates greater pressure drop,
typical components of an air-handling system. thus requiring a high-pressure blower; whereas a fully
The duct work between the HEPA filter and the coat- perforated coating pan produces a lower pressure
ing pan should be stainless steel to preserve the integ- drop, but requires a larger quantity of process air.
rity of the clean, process air. The quantity of process Finally, the exhaust blower should be capable of gener-
air is generally recommended by the equipment manu- ating the recommended air flow for heat transfer and
facturer for the size of the equipment. It is desirable to producing a vacuum of 25100 mm of water column
use the maximum amount of process air possible inside the coating pan. In areas where the noise of the
to achieve the maximum heat transfer and drying blower cannot be tolerated, especially on the systems
efficiency. However, caution must be exercised when that require a high pressure blower, a silencer should
increasing the air flow within the system because pres- be used after the exhaust blower. Most manufacturers
sure drop increases exponentially and turbulence can of coating pans will provide the above peripheral
be generated that will affect the spray patterns inside equipment as part of a turnkey system. Some systems
the coating pan. The inlet blower should be capable will have a bypass section that allows the process air to
of providing sufficient air pressure at the desired bypass the coating pan, typically being used where the
quantity of air to bring the pressure in the coating coating pan door must be opened for several minutes,
pan to atmospheric pressure or slightly negative (up thus allowing cool air to enter the coating pan. If the
to 100 mm of water column), when the exhaust temperature probe, which is used for the control loop,
is in the exhaust duct work, the control loop will call must be provided to change from spray to recircula-
for a higher temperature. When the coating pan door tion. A flow-measuring device is not needed for a posi-
is closed, the inlet process air temperature will be con- tive displacement pump, but is desirable. A separate
siderably higher, which in turn can cause the product pump can be provided for each spray gun or a single
temperature to exceed the set limits. The bypass allows pump connected through a manifold can feed all spray
the process air temperature to remain constant. The guns. The manifold can create different pressures at
bypass also must have a pressure drop to prevent each gun due to the pressure drops in the manifold
the air flow from increasing, thus causing a temperature tubing, which in turn will cause different droplet sizes
change during bypass conditions. Utilizing the bypass and distributions at each gun; a manifold system also
will then allow the temperature control loop to hold the has the additional disadvantage of causing extra liquid
process air at a constant temperature during the time to be fed to the remaining spray guns should one or
the airflow is not passing through the coating pan. more nozzles become blocked. Many spray systems
use a multiple pump configuration to prevent the pres- Spray systems sure drop problem.
The design and operation of the spray-application Comparison of different spray guns
system is a critical element of the coating process. In
general, two types of spray systems are used, an open- Two types of spray guns are typically used for
loop system or a recirculation-loop arrangement. An coating: either pneumatic or hydraulic. A third type is
open-loop arrangement is typically used with both an ultrasonic, which has had limited success for
hydraulic spray guns (atomization is generated coating processes. For most circumstances, the use of
through a high liquid-line pressure) and pneumatic pneumatic spray guns dominates the industry today
spray guns (atomization is generated by a compressed because of the preference for using aqueous-coating
air stream that impinges on the liquid stream as it systems.
emerges from the nozzle), while a recirculation loop is
typically used only with pneumatic spray guns. Pneumatic spray guns
Generally, a recirculation loop provides more flexibil- The pneumatic gun sprays liquid out through
ity, but requires more equipment and tubing to config- an orifice, which is then subjected to a stream of
ure. When the spray is off, the coating formulation is compressed air that breaks the spray into droplets.
recirculated back to the solution tank, providing mix- The size of the droplets, the distribution of droplets,
ing in the tubing to prevent precipitation of solids out and the type of pattern is determined by the quantity
of solution. A separate agitator in the solution tank of compressed air flow and the physical configuration
should be employed for coating formulations prone to of the spray gun. An illustration of a pneumatic spray
precipitation. To use the recirculation loop, a valve in gun is provided in Fig. 34.29, and shows the different
the spray gun and a valve in the recirculation loop ports for the compressed air supply and solution feed.
Atomization air
FIGURE 34.29 Example of a pneumatic spray gun with separate adjustments for atomization air and pattern air.
34.3.5 General characteristics of system will need to be adjusted so that the pressure
the pharmaceutical coating process drop between guns is the same. Most spray guns are
equipped with a needle valve-adjustment cap that Typical process steps controls the clearance between the spray needle and
If this is the first time that a particular product has the liquid nozzle. Adjustment of the position of the
been coated, it is generally necessary to estimate the needle valve will in turn facilitate adjustment of
approximate batch size to use. Coating pans are the fluid delivery rate through a particular spray gun.
usually rated for a specific brim volume capacity. Brim After making an adjustment to the spray guns, the
volume can be defined as volume capacity, if loaded solution collection should be repeated. When uniform
to the very bottom of the pan opening. The initial pan solution delivery has been achieved, it is necessary to
load is usually somewhat less than brim volume in calibrate the nozzle air volume to the spray guns.
order to prevent product from spilling out of the pan Some spray guns have a common line for providing
opening should the product volume increase during atomization air and pattern air. For these systems, the
the coating process or if the product movement should air volume is achieved by setting the desired nozzle
change. As a starting point, the brim volume capacity air pressure. Other guns have separate controls for the
should be multiplied by 95% in order to estimate the atomization and pattern air, and a mist checker or
starting fill volume; this estimated volume can then be flow meter for display of the actual air volume. For
multiplied by the product’s bulk density (in g/mL) these systems, a needle valve (located on the spray
to determine the approximate maximum batch capac- gun body) is usually adjusted to set the atomization
ity. Product bulk density can be approximated by air volume. Once the atomization air volume has been
determining the weight of a 1-L volume of tablets. set for all of the guns, a second needle valve is
Batches of 7075% of the maximum can usually be adjusted to the desired volume for pattern air. After
coated without a problem. For smaller batch sizes, it is these air volumes have been set, it is possible to verify
necessary to examine product movement to verify the approximate dimensions of the spray pattern by
that it is adequate, and also determine that the passing a hand through the air stream. This spray
exhaust air plenums (in a fully perforated pan) are pattern should be checked at a distance that is equal
completely covered. Reduced height baffles can be to the distance between the tablet bed and the spray
used to improve product movement with smaller pan guns.
loading. In cases where the exhaust plenum is not
completely covered, it may also be necessary to use a Loading/charging
restrictor plate to reduce the exhaust opening, thus After proper set-up of the pan and spray equipment
preventing air from being drawn around the tablet has been confirmed, the pan can be loaded with prod-
bed rather than through it. uct either through the front of the pan (pan mouth
For continuous coating pan systems, the throughput ring) or through a discharge door located on the flat of
is controlled by a combination of the pan drum angle, the pan (if it is so equipped). During the loading of the
pan speed (rpm), and tablet input rate. A higher pan, the exhaust air is usually turned on to eliminate
throughput is achieved by increasing one or more of or minimize exposure to irritating and potentially
these factors. Either one of these changes causes the hazardous dusts. It is a good idea to minimize the
product to flow more rapidly through the pan, thus distance that the product is allowed to drop during
increasing the potential production rate. charging because this will minimize or eliminate tablet
breakage. It is usually recommended that the pan be Coating pan set-up jogged occasionally during loading to move product
The typical coating process consists of several towards the back of the pan.
different steps. The first step is to verify proper opera-
tion of the spray delivery system, which must be Preheat/de-dusting
calibrated to deliver a consistent gun-to-gun delivery After loading, the next step is to preheat the product
of the coating solution, especially when manifold to the desired process temperature. While the product
systems are used. Calibration can be accomplished by is being preheated, it is also de-dusted by the process
individually collecting and weighing the solution from airflow. This is a good time to circulate coating solu-
each spray gun for a set interval of time. The calibra- tion through the spray guns (if a recirculation system
tion procedure should determine if the overall delivery is used). Verification that the spray guns are posi-
of solution is accurate (if it matches the theoretical tioned correctly can be accomplished at this time,
rate) and also confirm that the variation in solution checking both the angle to and distance from the tablet
flow between guns is minimized. If there is an bed. During the preheat step, the product can either be
unacceptable variation (usually .6 5.0%), then the rotated continuously at a very slow speed (preferred)
or jogged intermittently. This will minimize attrition include: desired coating weight gain, coating process
while ensuring that the product is uniformly heated. efficiency, coating solution solids level, spray rate, and
For heat-sensitive products, it will be necessary to jog the size of the spray zone. The end of the spray cycle
on a more frequent basis to prevent overheating the is usually controlled by either time or the application
upper surface of the tablet bed. Tablets are generally of a set quantity of coating solution because these
preheated to a specific product or exhaust tempera- factors tend to be constant for a particular product.
ture. The product and exhaust temperatures are If the spray cycle is controlled by solution quantity,
typically not the same, though they tend be fairly close this can be accomplished through the use of either
during the coating process. Once the exhaust air a mass-flow meter or a mass balance. Either of these
or product has been heated to the desired starting methods will provide a totalization of the solution
temperature, application of the coating liquid can be applied.
initiated. Gloss coat Application of a seal/barrier coat After the primary coating has been completed, a
In a few rare cases, it may be necessary to apply a dilute over-coating may be applied to prevent the
barrier-coating after the application of the primary tablets from blocking or sticking (such as with some of
film coating. The need for a barrier/seal coat typically the aqueous dispersions that are thermoplastic) or to
occurs when there is an interaction between the film provide a higher film gloss. If the purpose is to
polymer and the product substrate (eg, interaction provide a higher gloss, a dilute HPMC solution may
between an enteric polymer and tablets containing an be used. The process temperatures may be reduced
alkaline drug, or interaction between an acid labile slightly to reduce the amount of spray drying that
drug and an enteric polymer, which is acidic). In such occurs.
cases, a seal coat of an inert film polymer, such as For some of the aqueous coating dispersions, it is
HPMC prior to the enteric polymer coating, may be recommended that the product be maintained at a
used. A second example occurs when there is an slightly elevated temperature to fully cure the coating
interaction between the coating solvent and the prod- and provide a stable release profile. After coating, the
uct (ie, an aqueous coating and an effervescent product should be cooled prior to the application of a
product). To remedy this type of problem, a seal powdered wax (if one is to be applied to improve
coating with an alternative solvent may be used. It is tablet flow and gloss). Cooling the product after
possible to coat, for example, some effervescent coating also minimizes potential problems due to heat
products with aqueous solutions if the spray rate instability of the active (since product temperature will
for the initial phase of the coating is reduced, process rise after the spray is turned off due to loss of the
temperatures are substantially increased, and the evaporative cooling effect. A product is typically
solids content of the coating suspension is high cooled to an exhaust or product temperature of
(approximately 20% w/w). 2530 C before discharging from the pan.
in the air. Relative humidity can be used; however, process air) and conduction (due to the product tem-
the temperature of the air must also be known to perature). The desired exhaust temperature is depen-
determine the level of moisture. In the case of condi- dent on several factors, such as:
tioned air, variations are less (especially when the
1. Coating solution characteristics
process has the capability to dehumidify and rehumi-
The tackier the coating as it dries, the higher the
dify the air stream). With unconditioned air, these
exhaust or product temperatures must be to prevent
variations are great and can cause coating problems.
overwetting defects during the coating process.
If the air is unconditioned, the spray rate must be
If the film polymer is thermoplastic, the product
selected such that in the most humid condition
must be kept below the temperature at which the
that might occur, the film coating would still dry
polymer begins to soften to prevent the tablets
at a rate that would not result in overwetting or
from blocking or sticking together.
stability problems with the product. Some level of
2. Product temperature limits
spray-drying would occur since most batches would
If a product exhibits instability problems at
be coated at lower humidities. The severity of the
elevated temperatures, the product must be kept
spray-drying would be directly related to the variation
below these limits. This is most critical during
in the ambient humidity. Therefore, the growing
preheating of the tablet bed since evaporative
trend is to dehumidify the process air stream.
cooling of the bed is not occurring and the product
Dehumidification not only provides the coating
may not be uniformly heated if the pan is not
process with more consistent coating conditions,
being continuously rotated. The product
but also provides for greater evaporative capacity.
temperature will begin to rise immediately after
This allows the system to evaporate more moisture
the spray is stopped due to the loss of the
at a given airflow and temperature than an airflow
evaporative cooling effect. Therefore, it may be
of a higher humidity. With the advent of sustained
necessary to begin a cool-down cycle immediately
release coating, some companies have opted for
after the spray cycle.
a combination of dehumidification/humidification.
The inlet temperature required to achieve the
Such a system allows the process to be conducted at
desired exhaust temperature will be affected by the
a consistent inlet dew-point temperature, regardless
spray rate, the percentage of solids in the coating
of the ambient conditions. A system that conditions
solution, the heat loss across the pan, and the
the inlet air stream to a consistent dew point
condition of the drying air.
allows the coating process to operate at a reproducible
3. Pan speed
drying rate regardless of fluctuations in ambient
To effectively optimize film-coating quality, the
tablets must be mixed such that each tablet has
the same probability of being in the spray zone for Temperatures an equal duration of time. Therefore, it is essential
As stated previously, the coating process can be suc- that the product be examined to ensure that mixing
cessfully controlled by the inlet, exhaust, or product is uniform. Mixing problems that occur include:
temperatures. Process control based on inlet air tem- sliding of tablets (usually seen with large capsules
perature control is most common. Control based on or oval-shaped tablets), “dead-spots” or sluggish
exhaust or product temperatures will often react product movement (this can be an extremely serious
slower because of the heat sink effect of the tablet bed problem if it occurs while the tablets are in the
(such control will also require fluctuations in inlet tem- spray zone), or product thrown into the spray zone
perature, spray rate, and process air volume to occur, by the mixing baffles.
with spray rate fluctuations being the least desirable). If product movement is not uniform, the first
With inlet temperature control, the exhaust tempera- course of action should be to evaluate the product
ture will drop slightly after the spray is started. This flow at different pan speeds. The pan speed selected
temperature drop is due to evaporative cooling. This should be the lowest speed that produces a rapid
will not occur with exhaust temperature control and continuous product flow through the spray
because the inlet temperature will be controlled to zone. This will allow for the uniform application
maintain the desired set-point. In any event, control of a film coating while subjecting the tablets to a
via any of these methods will yield the same approxi- minimal amount of attrition. In general, if tablet
mate temperatures. All of these temperatures are friability is less than 0.1%, tablet attrition will not be
equally important because the moisture from the spray a problem. A smaller tablet can be slightly softer
droplets is dried by both convection (due to the since these tablets produce a less abusive tumbling
analyzing the droplet size. A typical droplet distribution is increased, the spray pattern widens. An increase in
usually ranges from 5 to 250 µm. In general, if droplets the atomization air will cause a reduction in the pattern
vary in size from 5 to 1600 µm, it will be difficult to width. This is logical because the increased volume of
optimize the film-coating quality. atomization air would make it more difficult to flatten
or widen the pattern. Lastly, as the spray rate is Coating zone/pattern increased, the spray pattern is widened. Therefore, if the
As mentioned previously, the larger the spray zone atomization air volume or spray rates are adjusted, it
per spray gun, the higher the maximum spray rate then is important to reexamine the spray pattern width
that can be used per spray gun. Therefore, if the gun to ensure that the spray zone is effectively utilized.
spacing or the spray pattern is reduced, the spray Balancing the atomizing and pattern air correctly is
rate should be reduced proportionally. Applying more critical to maximizing the size of the spray zone while
spray per unit area of the tablet bed beyond a certain avoiding undesirable effects, such as creating a
point will change the film-coating appearance. If the dumbbell-shaped spray pattern.
spray rate is increased above this maximum, either
overwetting or spray drying will occur, depending on Coating analysis
whether the process is run dry or wet. These are some characteristics of a typical film
A recent trend in coating is to achieve greater coating process:
production through the use of elongated or “stretch”
coating pans. Lengthening the coating pan not only
increases its capacity but, more importantly, the spray Product specification: Tablet 8.0 mm
zone. This allows more spray guns to be used thereby diameter
increasing the overall spray rate. An increase in pan Weight 250.0 mg/tablet
volume achieved by increasing bed depth with Density 0.73 g/mL
no increase in spray zone does nothing to allow an
increase in overall spray rate. Therefore, one means of Coating solution Solids 12% w/w
scaling up the process time for coating can be achieved Density 1.0 g/mL
by using the following calculations: Quantity 62.5 kg
Spray time ðlarge panÞ 5 Spray time ðsmall panÞ Equipment Pan diameter 170 cm
Batch size ðlarge panÞ specifications:
Pan volume 550 L
Batch size ðsmall panÞ
Pan speed 5 RPM
Spray zone ðsmall panÞ
3 Four spray guns
Spray zone ðlarge panÞ
Coating conditions: Spray tate 125 g/min per
These calculations assume that the coating zones for gun
each of the pans are used efficiently. Total spray rate 500 g/min
A number of factors have an effect on the spray pat-
tern width. As the pattern air volume for the spray gun Spray time 125 min
• Assumptions:
• Spray zone:
Per spray gun 5 Spray width 3 Spray pattern length 5 7:5 cm 3 20:0 cm 5 150 cm2
Total spray zone 5 Number of spray guns 3 Spray zone per gun 5 4 3 150 cm2 5 600 cm2
Tablets per coating zone 5 Total spray zone 3 Number of tablets=cm2
Assume 3:5 tablets=cm2 in spray zone 5 600 cm2 3 3:5 tablets=cm2 5 2100 tablets=coating zone
Total spray length 5 Spray pattern width 3 Number of spray guns 5 20 cm 3 4 5 80 cm
Tablet bed velocity ðsame as the peripheral pan velocityÞ 5 Pan circumference 3 Pan speed
5 3:14 3 170 cm 3 5:0 RPM 5 2669 cm=minute
• Weight gain:
Weight gain=tablet 5 Coating per pass through the spray zone 3 Number of passes
Weight gain=tablet 5 0:080 mg solids=pass 3 55:0 passes 5 4:40 mg
Weight gain=tablet
Total weight gain
Tablet weight
4:40 mg
Total weight gain 2:0%
225 mg=tablet
In this analysis, each tablet would be within the application, uniformity of product movement, and
spray zone approximately 55 times over the course of achieving an adequate evaporative rate. These factors
a 125-minute coating trial. In actuality, many of these must all be examined and optimized in order to
tablets would be in the spray zone either more or less optimize the coating process.
frequently, depending on the uniformity of the prod-
uct movement. In addition, failure to optimize the Uniformity of the spray application
gun-to-gun delivery or spray distribution will have an Spray gun design
adverse effect on the coating uniformity. Therefore, There are a variety of spray gun manufacturers.
this factor should be examined to ensure a consistently Some of the more common suppliers include Binks,
high-quality film coating. Freund, Schlick, and Spraying Systems. The most com-
mon type of gun used is air atomizing or pneumatic.
This type of gun allows for the use of variable spray
34.3.8 Controlling coating processes—critical
rates. In the past, hydraulic gun systems were used;
factors however, they did not allow flexibility in spray rates.
Once all formulation requirements have been ful- The solution nozzle orifice must be sized to match
filled, these factors can be examined to optimize the the desired spray rate. In order to change the spray
coating quality and system performance, and can gen- rate, a change in the fluid nozzle may be necessary.
erally be grouped into three areas: uniformity of spray In addition, the use of smaller nozzle orifices can
increase susceptibility to plugging of the gun tip. guns. Calibration is also recommended when using
With some types of spray guns, the air cap and spray- peristaltic pumps because the tubing is subject to
nozzle configuration produce a predetermined ratio of fatigue. Calibration is usually accomplished by adjust-
atomization to pattern air at a given supply pressure. ing a knob that controls the restriction of the spray
In other guns there are separate controls for adjusting nozzle by the spray needle.
the volumes of the atomization and pattern air. This
allows the separate adjustment of either atomization Atomization air volume/droplet size
or pattern without having to change the air cap
and/or the solution nozzle. For example, the width As stated previously, the atomization air volume
of the spray pattern can be changed without changing can be adjusted to control the mean droplet size of the
the spray droplet size. The atomization air breaks the spray. An increase in the atomization air volume can
reduce the mean or average droplet size. An increase
solution stream into a fine droplet size while the pat-
in either spray rate or solution viscosity will cause an
tern air serves to flatten the spray into a fan-shaped
increase in not only the droplet size distribution, but
pattern. The volume of atomization controls the mean
also the mean droplet size. Therefore, the droplet size
droplet size of the spray. The pattern air volume
controls the overall width of the spray. should be evaluated at the exact spray rate that will be
used for the coating trial. The quality of the spray Number of spray guns in terms of droplet size and distribution should be
evaluated at several different settings.
The number of spray guns needs to be adequate to
provide uniform coverage of the entire product bed.
To maximize the uniformity and application of the Spray gun angle
coating, the spray zone should cover from the front Ideally, the spray gun should be directed at the
edge to the back edge of the tablet bed. Adding more middle (midway between the leading and trailing
spray guns will not automatically guarantee that the edges of the tablet bed) and at a 90 degree angle to the
overall spray rate can be increased. The use of addi- moving tablet bed. If the spray guns are directed
tional guns is only justified if the existing number higher toward the leading edge of the tablet bed, it is
of guns is insufficient to cover the tablet bed from possible that spray could be applied to the pan or onto
the front to back of the pan. The objective is to pro- mixing baffles as they begin to emerge from the tablet
duce a uniform “curtain” of spray that the tablets bed. Conversely, if the spray guns are directed too low
pass through. Spray guns are usually capable of on the tablet bed, spray applied to the tablets may not
developing pattern widths of 1220 cm without have sufficient time to dry. This could result in the
adversely affecting the spray droplet distribution. At transfer of film from the tablets to the pan surface.
greater pattern widths, the volume of pattern air If the spray guns are not directed at a 90 degree angle
needed to fan out the spray can lead to a distortion of to the tablet bed then, the spray as it exits the solution
the droplet size distribution due to recombination nozzle has a tendency to build up on the wings of the
of spray droplets. The spray guns should be set up air cap.
such that adjacent spray patterns are as wide as
possible without overlapping. Overlapping of spray Uniformity of product movement
patterns can lead to localized overwetting of the
tablet bed. Pan speed
This area was covered in an earlier section (see Uniform gun-to-gun solution delivery Process Parameters-Pan Speed). Product movement
It would seem obvious that to achieve uniformity of must be uniform if a uniform application of the coating
solution application, all spray guns must be set up to solution is to be achieved and the minimum pan speed
deliver the same quantity of coating solution. A recent necessary to achieve this objective is recommended.
trend in coating systems is the use of a single-pump Once the pan speed has been determined, it can be
manifold for multiple spray guns. For these types of scaled up by duplicating the peripheral edge speed.
systems, it is mandatory that calibration be performed This is done by taking the ratio of the small pan to large
on a regular basis to ensure that all spray guns are pan diameter multiplied by the small pan speed.
delivering the same quantity of solution. Furthermore, One final note is that the product movement should
the calibration must be performed with the coating be continually evaluated and adjusted as necessary
solution to be used. Calibration with water will not be during the coating cycle. Frequently, the product
satisfactory because its viscosity is much lower than movement will change as a coating is applied to the
that of the coating liquid and it will not be as sensitive tablet surface and the degree of slip of the tablets
to differences in pressure drop between the spray increases.
and ultimately the level of film quality that a (ie, sustained release coatings), the tighter the range.
Pharmaceutical company deems acceptable. High dew-point temperatures can be reduced through
the use of a dehumidification system employing Spray gun-to-tablet-bed distance either chilled water coils or desiccant dehumidifica-
For small-scale coating systems, the gun-to-bed tion. Chilled water systems are usually specified to
distance can be as little as 2.55.0 cm. The typical control the dew point at 1012 C (5053 F) or an
gun-to-bed distance is 2025 cm for a production- absolute moisture content of 7.58.5 g/kg of air.
sized coating pan. This distance usually provides an With a desiccant dehumidification system, the dew
economical tradeoff between the cost of the number point can routinely be controlled to a temperature as
of guns needed to adequately cover the spray zone low as 26 C (21 F). Low dew-point temperatures
and the desired quality of spray. If the gun-to-bed can be adjusted by humidifying the air via the
distance is less than 20 cm, then either the spray injection of clean steam into the process air. If no
rate must be reduced or the inlet temperature and attempt is made to limit the variation of the inlet
product temperature increased to compensate for the dew point, then fluctuations in ambient air conditions
shortened evaporation time. If this distance is greater can lead to reduced coating efficiency (spray drying),
than 20 cm, the inlet process temperature should longer processing times, or film defects due to
be reduced otherwise more spray drying is likely overwetting.
to occur.
To scale up the coating process with any degree of Pan volumes 90.0 L 850.0 L
confidence, the spray rate must be determined using Batch size 60.0 kg 566.0 kg
the same gun-to-bed distance used in the larger coating
pan. Any change in the gun-to-bed distance will change Coating solution 2 kg 113 kg
the drying time for the spray droplets and thus alter the Number of spray guns 2 10
quality of the coating. The same spray rate used in the Spray pattern width (per gun) 20 cm 15 cm
small-scale pan can also be used in the production-scale
pan, assuming that the same spray gun spacing and Spray rate (per gun) 150 g/min To be determined
spray pattern widths are used. Typically, the use of Spray rate (total) 300 g/min To be determined
more spray guns without increasing the size of the Spray time 40 min To be determined
overall spray zone will not allow an increase in either
Total spray rate for pan #2 5 per gun spray rate ðpan #2Þ 3 number of spray guns ðpan #2Þ
Total spray rate for pan #2 5 113 g=minute per gun 3 10 spray guns 5 1; 130 g=minute=total Spray-rate-to-pan-speed ratio withstand a greater application per pass through the
One factor that is quite commonly overlooked is spray zone without any adverse effects on film
the ratio of the spray rate to the pan speed. The ratio quality or the uniformity of the coating. Whenever
of spray rate to pan speed has serious implications in the spray rate and pan speed are both increased, the
both the amount of film coating applied onto the indi- tablets should be evaluated for signs of overwetting
vidual tablets per pass through the spray zone and on or increased tablet attrition. One problem that may
the overall uniformity of the film coating itself. result if the pan speed and spray rates are too high
Therefore, with any increase in the spray rate, one relative to the evaporative rate is that wet film coating
should evaluate the need for an increase in the pan from the tablets may be transferred to the pan
speed. In some instances, the tablets may be able to surface.
prevent stability problems with moisture-sensitive a change in dissolution after film coating is often
products, such as effervescent tablets. caused by exposure of the tablet core to the coating
process conditions (such as heat) rather than as a result
of a direct effect of the applied film coating.
34.5.4 Compatibility
The compatibility of the tablet core with the
excipients in the film-coating solution must be verified. 34.6 COATING FORMULATION
In some instances, certain actives have exhibited an
interaction with the plasticizer in the coating solution. 34.6.1 Film mechanical strength
The film-coating formulation must be optimized
34.5.5 Shape such that the resultant film has adequate mechanical
strength. The reasons for this are twofold; first, the
If possible, certain tablet shapes should be avoided film must be strong enough to protect the tablet from
for film coating. Tablets with sharp edges may exhibit excessive attrition while tumbling during the coating
a greater tendency for edge wear. Cores with large, flat process and, second, the applied coating must be
tablet faces may result in poor product movement due sufficiently durable to resist the erosion of the film
to sliding. Tablets with large flat surfaces (such as itself. A weak film will usually exhibit wear or erosion
deep walled capsule shaped tablets) will also show a at the tablet edges, or may crack as a result of being
much greater tendency to exhibit twinning during subjected to mechanical stress (tumbling) or excessive
coating. Adding a slight concavity (0.10.2 mm) to the heat. The addition of too many nonfilm-forming exci-
tablet faces or tablet edges reduces the likelihood of pients (such as pigments and detackifying agents
agglomeration or twinning. like talc) will decrease the strength of the film.
Such reduced film strength may also occur if a drug is
added to the coating solution.
34.5.6 Logo design
Sharp corners or small islands on the tablet logo can
lead to logo attrition problems. If the logo is too fine or 34.6.2 Plasticizer level
contains too much detail, the film coating may bridge The function of a plasticizer is to reduce the glass
or cover the logo. A draft angle of 35 degree is recom- transition temperature (Tg) of the film or, in other
mended for film-coated tablets. Tooling manufacturers words, to produce a film that is not brittle under
are usually aware of the tool design specifications normal process and storage conditions. If the film is
for tablets to be film coated. Finally, placement of a inadequately plasticized, the film will be too brittle and
logo on the crown of a tablet may lead to more crown more prone to cracking. If a film-coating formulation
erosion. has an excessive level of plasticizer, the mechanical
strength of the film will be reduced, and excessive
tackiness may be observed.
34.5.7 Core porosity
The tablet core must be formulated so that there is
good adhesion between the film coating and the tablet
34.6.3 Pigment level
surface. If the core porosity is low, poor adhesion If the coating solution contains insufficient pigment,
will result, and picking and/or peeling of the film will it will be impossible to develop the desired color
occur. Core porosity can be a problem with wax matrix intensity. In addition, low pigment levels can make it
tablets due to poor adhesion between the tablet surface difficult to minimize color variation due to poor opacity
and film-coating droplets. To remedy this, more of the applied coating. On the other hand, excessively
adhesive film polymers (ie, hydroxypropylcellulose, high pigment levels can, as stated previously, reduce
copovidone, or polyvinyl alcohol) may be used. the mechanical strength of the coating.
1. Overwetting/picking: This condition occurs when part of the film coating is pulled off one tablet and is deposited on another. If detected
early in the process, it can be covered. If detected late in the process the coating will likely be unacceptable.
Inadequate atomization Increase the nozzle air pressure or the atomization air volume
Poor distribution of spray Check the uniformity of solution delivery through the spray guns (calibration)
Insufficient drying rate Increase the inlet, exhaust, and product temperatures
Excessive variation in Process Air Dehumidify and/or humidify process air to maintain a constant inlet air dew point
2. Twinning: Twinning is a form of overwetting whereby two or more of the tablet cores are stuck together.
Poor tablet core design Change tablet design to eliminate large flat surfaces
3. Orange peel: Appears as a roughened film due to spray drying. This condition relates to the level of evaporation that occurs as the spray
droplets travel from the gun to the tablet bed. If there is excessive evaporation, the droplets do not have the ability to spread and form a
smooth coating. A narrow droplet size distribution is important to ensure that the majority of droplets dry at the same rate.
Excessive evaporative rate Reduce the inlet and exhaust air temperatures
Excessive atomization of the spray Reduce the nozzle air pressure or atomization air volume
4. Bridging: Bridging is a condition in which the film coating lifts up out of the tablet logo10.
Poor film adhesion Reformulate the film coating solution to improve adhesion
TABLE 34.18 (Continued)
6. Poor coating uniformity: Poor coating uniformity can manifest itself in either a visible variation in color from tablet to tablet, or in the form
of an unacceptable release profile for tablets.
Insufficient coating Apply a coating of 1.53.0% (for clear coating as little as 0.5%) weight gain to attain uniformity, requires higher
levels if the color of the tablets and the film are of very different colors
Poor color masking Reformulate the film coating to a darker color and/or increase the quantity of opacifier
Check the uniformity of solution delivery through the spray guns (calibration)
7. Tablet attrition/erosion: Attrition is exhibited when some portion of the product substrate exhibits a high level of friability. This typically occurs
at the tablet edge or face. Often signs of attrition will be minimal or nonexistent in smaller diameter coating pans. However, when the coating
process is scaled-up to a production-sized pan, this problem can become more severe due to the increased batch weight and bed friction11.
Insufficient tablet friability Reformulate the tablet core to a friability of no more than 0.1% friability
Poor film-coating formulation Reformulate to provide coating with greater mechanical strength
Excessive pan speed Reduce the pan speed to the minimum required to achieve a smooth and continuous bed movement
Insufficient spray rate Increase the spray rate to provide a protective film coating in a shorter time, this may require an adjustment in the
inlet air temperature
8. Core erosion: Core erosion is another type of attrition due specifically to overwetting of the tablet core. With this type of defect, excessive
overwetting may cause a partial disintegration of the core surface.
9. Peeling: Peeling occurs when large pieces or flakes of the film coating fall off the tablet core.
Poor adhesion Reduce the amount of insoluble additives in the coating solution
10. Loss of logo definition: This defect occurs when the tablet logo is no longer clearly legible. It may be due to one or more of the defects
previously covered: core erosion, tablet attrition, or bridging. Loss of definition can also occur when the logo is filled in with spray dried film.
TABLE 34.18 (Continued)
Excessive film-coating level Reduce the film-coating weight gain
Tablet attrition Reformulate the tablet core to a friability of no more than 0.1%
Reduce the pan speed to the minimum required to achieve a smooth and continuous bed movement
Increase the spray rate to provide a protective film coating in a shorter time; this may require an adjustment in the
inlet air temperature
Excessive drying rate Reduce the inlet and exhaust air temperatures
11. Core stability issues: These problems may manifest as discoloration of the core or degradation of the core active.
Tablet component incompatibility Investigate the compatibility of the tablet core with the coating formulation
12. Tablet marking: Usually evident as the presence of black marking on the face of the tablets.
Abrasion of oxide from the coating Change to a tablet shape that tumbles rather than slides (ie, round rather than oval/capsule)
pan surface
Reduce the level of titanium oxide in the coating
six-sigma/DMAIC, DOE, Kepner Tregoe analysis (KT), Case Study: Using Systematic and Statistical Tools
Brightest, Pareto Analysis, Gauge RR, Lean sigma, risk by Right-First-Time Approach to Address Film Coating
assessment, and other tools. Issues.