Form of Subscription and Switching
Form of Subscription and Switching
Form of Subscription and Switching
Level 33, Two Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Hong Kong 香港金鐘道 88 號太古廣場二座 33 字樓
Switching Form
This form is designed for existing shareholders only. Please complete this form in block capitals and black ink.
III Switching Details I/We wish to redeem my holdings in the following fund(s) Currency & Amount No. of shares
本人/吾等欲贖回所持下列基金之股份 貨幣及總額 股份數量
Form Submission Method 遞交表格方式:
Please return the completed form to HSBC Transfer 2.
Agency either:
請填妥表格並以下列途徑交回 HSBC Transfer Agency: 3.
1) By POST 郵寄:
HSBC Transfer Agency, 5/F Tower 1 4.
HSBC Centre, 1 Sham Mong Road,
Kowloon, Hong Kong 5.
HSBC Transfer Agency
香港九龍深旺道 1 號 and invest the redemption proceeds in the following Currency & Amount Percentage
滙豐中心 1 座 5 樓 fund(s) 並將贖回款項投資於下列基金 貨幣及投資總額 百份比
2) By FAX 傳真:+852 3409 1079
(Only applicable to shareholder who has given fax 1.
authorisation, please refer to Note 2 & 4)
(只適用於已作出傳真授權的股份持有人,請參閱備註二及 2.
Agent Stamp(經紀蓋印)
IV Signature(s) 簽署
I/We have read the terms and conditions set out in the Application Form (including any subsequent amendments) 本人/吾等已閱讀有關基金的申請表格條款(包括任何隨後之修訂)及銷售說明書,謹
and the offering document of the relevant Fund(s) and undertake to observe and be bound by the terms and 承諾受其條款約束,並遵守有關成立文件(包括任何隨後之修訂)內的各項條款。本人
conditons contained therein and subject to the provisions of the relevant constitutive documents (including any /吾等如在本表格內作出申請認購基金股份,則在此促請施羅德及基金的其他人士把
subsequent amendments) and where I/we have subscribed for shares herein I/we apply to Schroders and other 本人/吾等認購之股份登記於股份持有人名冊內。
relevant parties of the Fund(s) to be entered in the Register(s) of shareholders as the holders of the shares of the
Fund(s) shown above or of shares of Fund(s) subscribed for hereafter. 本人/吾等明白透過上述之傳真授權,本人/吾等須承受某些風險及條款(請參閱備
I/We acknowledge that by giving the fax authorisation above I am/we are subject to certain risks as well as terms 註 2)。
and conditions. (see Note 2) 本人/吾等明瞭基金轉換之條款將以轉換時之慣例及本人/吾等與施羅德及基金之有
I/We understand the terms upon which the switch will be effected will be those current at the time of the switch 關人士之協議為準。
and as agreed between me/us and Schroders and other relevant parties of the Funds. 本人/吾等明白施羅德為本人/吾等認購、贖回、轉換或處理基金之股份提供服務。
I/we acknowledge that Schroders is providing the service that allows me/us to subscribe, redeem, switch or 本人/吾等確認施羅德已要求如本人/吾等希望,本人/吾等可尋求獨立的法律、稅
otherwise deal in the shares of the Fund(s). I/we confirm that Schroders has invited me/us to seek independent 務、財務或投資意見,使獨立顧問在考慮本人/吾等之財務狀況、投資經驗及投資目
legal, tax, financial, or investment advice if I/we wish so that the independent adviser can explain to me/us 標後,可向本人/吾等解釋基金如何適合本人/吾等。
that the Fund(s) is suitable for me/us having regard to my/our financial situation, investment experience and
investment objectives.
I am/we are informed of and I/we understand the result of my/our completion of the Risk Profile Questionnaire.
I/we acknowledge and understand that if I/we invest in the shares of the Fund(s) which Schroder has classified as
not suitable for classification to which I/we belong, my/our investment in the shares of the Fund(s) may involve 以承受的為高而不適合本人/吾等,因此可能不符合本人/吾等的最佳利益。本人/
higher risks which I/we can take and may not be suitable for me/us per Schroders’ risk assessment and therefore 吾等明白施羅德為履行若干監管責任,可酌情拒絕向本人/吾等發售某些基金。
may not be in my/our best interest. I/We understand that to fulfill certain regulatory obligation Schroders 本人/吾等再次確認本人/吾等給予施羅德有關基金股份贖回及認購的各指示,均為
has the discretion not to make certain funds available to me/us. 本人/吾等獨立地,且不倚賴施羅德而作出的判斷和決定。本人/吾等就此承擔所有
I/we further confirm that I/we have independently and without reliance on Schroders made my/our own 責任。
judgements and decisions with regard to each instruction to Schroders to redeem and subscribe to the shares
of the Fund(s) and assume full responsibility therein.
As such, I/we also acknowledge and agree that Schroders and its officers, directors, employees, and authorised
agents do not owe me/us any fiduciary or similar duties and will have no liability with respect to my/our decision
to redeem and subscribe to the shares of the Fund(s). 本人/吾等明瞭根據有關基金銷售說明書的細則,轉換基金時本人/吾等或須繳付兌
I/We understand a conversion and other related charge may be payable where specified in the relevant offering 換及其他有關費用。
document. 本人/吾等瞭解並同意根據有關基金銷售說明書的細則,貨幣兌換之成本和有關收費
I/We understand and agree that the cost of currency conversion and the related charges and expenses will be 及支出將由本人/吾等承擔,且本人/吾等或須繳付其他費用。
borne by me/us, and other charges may be payable where specified in the relevant offering document.
I/We understand the cost of any currency conversion and the related charges and expenses (if applicable) will be 項中直接扣除,贖回款項在兌換至另一幣值後將用作再申請認購基金股份。
deducted from the redemption proceeds being applied as subscription monies for shares in another currency.
I/we acknowledge that any currency conversion is subject to risks, and the costs of currency conversion may be 本人/吾等明白任何有關貨幣兌換均有風險,且貨幣兌換可能產生巨額成本。
significant. 本人/吾等聲明所認購之股份並非由或代美國人士(請參閱有關基金銷售說明書)申請
I/We declare that the shares are not being acquired or held beneficially by or for a U.S. person (please refer to the 或持有,亦無觸犯任何適用的法例及法規。
relevant offering document) or in violation of any applicable laws and regulations. 本人/吾等明白投資基金(尤其是施羅德另類投資方略)涉及風險,及若本人/吾等決
I/We acknowledge that there are special risks involved with investment in any Fund, in particular, Schroder 定投資於任何基金,本人/吾等只應於細閱及完全明白於有關銷售文件所列之風險方
Alternative Solutions and if I/we decide to invest in any Fund, I/we shall only do so if I/we have read and fully 進行投資。
understood the risks set out in the relevant offering document. 本人/吾等在此保證若申請表內所提供之資料有任何重大變動,本人/吾等有責任通
I/We hereby undertake to notify Schroder Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited in the event of any 知施羅德投資管理(香港)有限公司。
material change to the information provided herein.
I/We hereby declare that all information given in this form and all documents provided to support this application
are true and accurate.
Payment Instructions 付款細則
Settlement details for Funds managed by Schroder Investment Management (Europe) SA are as follows:–
認購 Schroder Investment Management (Europe) SA 所管理的基金付款方法如下:
Telegraphic transfers for Schroder International Selection Fund (SISF) and Schroder Alternative Solutions (SAS)
以電匯方式認購施羅德環球基金系列 (SISF) 及施羅德另類投資方略 (SAS)
Corresponding Bank
Currency Bank Name
Account No. SWIFT Code IBAN Number 中介銀行
貨幣 收款銀行 戶口號碼 SWIFT 號碼 IBAN 號碼
收款賬戶 Name SWIFT Code Account No.
名稱 SWIFT 號碼 戶口號碼
The Hongkong and Shanghai
N.A. 不適用 N.A. 不適用 N.A. 不適用 N.A. 不適用
Banking Corporation Limited, 741399372001 HSBCHKHHHKH
Hong Kong Branch
HSBC Bank PLC 40051586883857 MIDLGB22 GB59MIDL40051586883857 HSBC Continental Europe CCFRFRPP FR7630056000100010000489151
Cheque in HKD should be crossed “a/c payee only, not negotiable” and payable to “SIMEU RE INV FUND COLL AC”.
港元支票應以「只入收款賬戶、不得轉讓」劃線,並以「SIMEU RE INV FUND COLL AC」為抬頭人。
Settlement details for Funds managed by Schroder Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited are as follows:–
Telegraphic transfers for Schroder Unit Trusts (excluding Schroder Hong Kong Money Market Fund & Schroder US Dollar Money Fund)
Currency Bank Name Account Name Account No. SWIFT Code IBAN Number
貨幣 收款銀行 收款賬戶 戶口號碼 SWIFT 號碼 IBAN 號碼
HKD 港元 The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, Hong Kong Branch SIMEU RE SIMHK FUND COLL AC 741400063001 HSBCHKHHHKH N.A. 不適用
CNH 人民幣 The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, Hong Kong Branch SIMEU RE SIMHK FUND COLL AC 741400089209 HSBCHKHHHKH N.A. 不適用
JPY 日圓 The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, Tokyo Branch SIMEU RE SIMHK FUND COLL AC 009059486030 HSBCJPJT N.A. 不適用
AUD 澳元 HSBC Bank Australia Limited SIMEU RE SIMHK FUND COLL AC 011661360005 HKBAAU2S N.A. 不適用
GBP 英鎊 HSBC Bank PLC SIMEU RE SIMHK FUND COLL AC 40417000031763 MIDLGB22 GB66MIDL40417000031763
Cheque in HKD should be crossed “a/c payee only, not negotiable” and payable to “SIMEU RE SIMHK FUND COLL AC”.
港元支票應以「只入收款賬戶、不得轉讓」劃線,並以「SIMEU RE SIMHK FUND COLL AC」為抬頭人。
Telegraphic transfers for Schroder Hong Kong Money Market Fund and Schroder US Dollar Money Fund
Cheque in HKD should be crossed “a/c payee only, not negotiable” and payable to “SIMEU RE SIMHK FUND COLL AC”.
港元支票應以「只入收款賬戶、不得轉讓」劃線,並以「SIMEU RE SIMHK FUND COLL AC」為抬頭人。
For all telegraphic transfers, please be reminded to quote reference “client no” and the shares subscribed for in all payment instructions. To avoid any delay, please provide us with a copy
of the transfer advice.
Notes and Instructions 備註
1. Shares or units (“shares”) are offered on the basis of the information contained in the current offering 1. 單位或股份(下稱「股份」)的發售乃按載於各基金最新之銷售說明書、基金
document of each Fund and the latest annual report(s) and accounts and, if later, semi-annual report(s) 最近之年報及財務報告書及期後刊發的中期報告書,及由施羅德集團發行並
of the Fund(s) and such other documents (if any) as may be issued by Schroders expressly in conjunction 明確表明須與銷售說明書一併發行之該等其他文件內之細則進行。任何由經
with the issue of such offering document. Any further information provided by or representations made 紀、推銷員或其他人士所提供之資料或陳述皆未經授權並不應予以倚賴。本
by any dealer, salesman or other person must be regarded as unauthorised and must not be relied 文提及的「信託人」,根據上下文意義可指基金或保管人或註冊處。
upon. Reference herein to a “Trustee” means the Fund itself or the Custodian or Registrar thereof as the
context requires.
2. By giving the fax authorisation in the Application Form, the subscriber(s) has/have: 2. 藉申請表格內之傳真授權,認購人已:
2.1 authorised Schroders and the Trustee of the relevant Fund and any of their authorised agents to 2.1 授權施羅德和有關基金的信託人及其授權的任何代理人,依據以傳真方
act upon instructions given by facsimile, with regard to the shares subscribed for (and any further 式的指示,就有關認購股份(和任何進一步認購股份)或任何有關事宜
shares purchased) or any matter in connection with them or any of them without liability in respect 行事。施羅德和信託人及其授權的任何代理人就根據該等指示進行任何
of any transfer, payment or any other act done in accordance with such instructions, including the 轉讓、收付或任何其他有關行為,包括其後的股份認購、贖回或轉讓,
subsequent subscription, redemption, or switching of shares, or any other matter relating to the 或任何有關股份的其他事宜,包括出售股份所得款項的收付事宜毋須負
shares, including payment of proceeds from sales of shares; 責;
2.2 agreed and acknowledged that Schroders and the Trustee of the relevant Fund and any of their 2.2 同意並明白施羅德和有關基金的信託人及其授權的任何代理人,可以依
authorised agents shall be entitled to rely on the instructions which Schroders and the Trustee and 賴施羅德和有關基金的信託人及其授權的任何代理人合理地及善意地相
any of their authorised agents reasonably believe, in good faith, to be from the subscriber, or a 信是來自認購者或獲授權代認購者行事之人士的指示;
person authorised to act on the subscriber’s behalf;
2.3 acknowledged that this authorisation shall remain in force until an original notice in writing of 2.3 明白該授權在施羅德收到書面終止通知書正本前維持有效。任何該等通
its termination is received by Schroders and any such notice shall be without prejudice to the 知書無損已經依據該授權已進行之交易的完成;及
completion of transaction already initiated pursuant to this authorisation; and
2.4 agreed to indemnify and hold Schroders and the Trustee of the relevant Fund and any of their 2.4 同意彌償施羅德和有關基金的信託人及其授權的任何代理人,因根據以
authorised agents harmless from and against any loss arising in respect of acting on instructions 傳真、電話或電子方式的指示行事,或因拒絕根據該等指示行事而導致
given by facsimile, by telephone or by electronic means or a decision not to act on the basis of such 的任何損失,或因未收妥該等指示而導致的任何損失,或避免使施羅德
instructions or for any loss arising from the non-receipt of such instructions. 和有關基金的信託人及其授權的任何代理人因上述事件蒙受損失。
3. Not all Funds issue both distribution and accumulation shares – please refer to the offering document 3. 並非所有基金均設有收息及累積股份,詳情請參閱有關基金的銷售說明書。
of the relevant Fund for details.
4. This form must be signed by all joint shareholders unless written instruction was given to Schroders 4. 所有聯名股份持有人均須簽署本表格,除非此等聯名股份持有人已經以書面
specifying that any one of the joint holder’s signature is sufficient to operate the account or otherwise. 形通知施羅德,表明任何一位聯名持有人可就戶口之事項行事或以其他方式
Instructions for the subscription and switching of shares shall be given in this form. The completed form 行事。閣下須以本表格作出認購和轉換股份的指示。填妥的表格須通過郵寄
shall be sent to Schroders by post or by fax if you have given the fax authorisation in the Application 或傳真發送給施羅德(傳真只適用於已作出申請表格內之傳真授權,另請參閱
Form (please also refer to Note 2). 備註 2)。
5. If this form is signed by an attorney, original power of attorney or a duly certified copy thereof should 5. 如本表格由授權人士簽署,授權書正本或適當地經證明的副本應連同本表格
be submitted together with this form. 一併遞交。
6. Pursuant to applicable money laundering regulations, shareholders may be asked for proof of identity 6. 根據適用的防止清洗黑錢條例,股份持有人或會在賣出股份時被要求提供身
and an original of this form when selling shares. In this case Schroders and the relevant parties of the 份證明文件及表格正本,則施羅德及基金有關人士將在收到滿意證明及/或
Fund will not pay proceeds until satisfactory evidence and/or such original form have been received. 該等正本後,方會支付贖回款項。
7. In relation to any currency conversion, details of the charges and expenses applicable to a currency 7. 就任何貨幣兌換而言,適用於貨幣兌換交易的收費及支出詳情可應要求索取。
conversion transactions are available upon request.