Income 20240423143123

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Order/adjustment ID Type Order created time(UTC) Order settled time(UTC)

576786105183930101 Order 2024/04/12 2024/04/23

576778866794071600 Order 2024/04/06 2024/04/16

576776807456736660 Order 2024/04/05 2024/04/15

576776588565448116 Order 2024/04/05 2024/04/15

576771503872051034 Order 2024/04/03 2024/04/14

576771531087709660 Order 2024/04/03 2024/04/13

576769427707692799 Order 2024/04/02 2024/04/13

576769316782572763 Order 2024/04/02 2024/04/13

576769293659047748 Order 2024/04/02 2024/04/12

576769238404204480 Order 2024/04/02 2024/04/11

576753243849327757 Order 2024/03/28 2024/04/09

576753233357407651 Order 2024/03/28 2024/04/09

576753018352403830 Order 2024/03/28 2024/04/08

576756188526380930 Order 2024/03/29 2024/04/07

576753787926513520 Order 2024/03/28 2024/04/07

576753629239870644 Order 2024/03/28 2024/04/07

576749768028685824 Order 2024/03/27 2024/04/07

576746290901452560 Order 2024/03/26 2024/04/05

576742693890328280 Order 2024/03/25 2024/04/03

576732714364470924 Order 2024/03/22 2024/04/02

576735840434816410 Order 2024/03/23 2024/04/01

576732692729005432 Order 2024/03/22 2024/04/01

576729565559555380 Order 2024/03/21 2024/03/31

576726672897246235 Order 2024/03/20 2024/03/30

576726632132871173 Order 2024/03/20 2024/03/30

576726702229718075 Order 2024/03/20 2024/03/29

576718347987158284 Order 2024/03/18 2024/03/29

576723715988424627 Order 2024/03/19 2024/03/28

576718148677960822 Order 2024/03/17 2024/03/28

576720692018250815 Order 2024/03/18 2024/03/27

576720579685024881 Order 2024/03/18 2024/03/27

576720583128024066 Order 2024/03/18 2024/03/27

576716414429857222 Order 2024/03/17 2024/03/26

576716390658049992 Order 2024/03/17 2024/03/26

576711453776315982 Order 2024/03/15 2024/03/25

576711424323389386 Order 2024/03/15 2024/03/25

576702677707228564 Order 2024/03/12 2024/03/24

576710266373638081 Order 2024/03/15 2024/03/23

576705607586514260 Order 2024/03/13 2024/03/22

576702645200389398 Order 2024/03/12 2024/03/22

576702572467029340 Order 2024/03/12 2024/03/22

576702637332792804 Order 2024/03/12 2024/03/21

576702571057284974 Order 2024/03/12 2024/03/21

576696155595113838 Order 2024/03/10 2024/03/21

576697734628738126 Order 2024/03/11 2024/03/20

576697586547328599 Order 2024/03/11 2024/03/20

576697475741352998 Order 2024/03/11 2024/03/20

576693356299519517 Order 2024/03/09 2024/03/18

576693316625401320 Order 2024/03/09 2024/03/18

576693282319926861 Order 2024/03/09 2024/03/18

576693240608293890 Order 2024/03/09 2024/03/18

576692701988489087 Order 2024/03/09 2024/03/18

576691792878470283 Order 2024/03/09 2024/03/18

576690866528749433 Order 2024/03/08 2024/03/18

576689661892396208 Order 2024/03/08 2024/03/18

576681826321466621 Order 2024/03/05 2024/03/17

576675554139604750 Order 2024/03/03 2024/03/17

576687047889749821 Order 2024/03/07 2024/03/16

576686870929835395 Order 2024/03/07 2024/03/16

576686126523058127 Order 2024/03/07 2024/03/16

576680508912534881 Order 2024/03/05 2024/03/16

576676501230618002 Order 2024/03/03 2024/03/16

576672051498878935 Order 2024/03/02 2024/03/16

576685602911127386 Order 2024/03/07 2024/03/15

576679207478461490 Order 2024/03/04 2024/03/15

576679051016373895 Order 2024/03/04 2024/03/15

576678514235180975 Order 2024/03/04 2024/03/15

576672139028694325 Order 2024/03/02 2024/03/15

576679164906210920 Order 2024/03/04 2024/03/14

576679077976704402 Order 2024/03/04 2024/03/14

576678495676499675 Order 2024/03/04 2024/03/14

576677769448490554 Order 2024/03/04 2024/03/14

576677714269275221 Order 2024/03/04 2024/03/14

576677679493317717 Order 2024/03/04 2024/03/14

576676570168198994 Order 2024/03/03 2024/03/14

576676521067579218 Order 2024/03/03 2024/03/14

576672618864936140 Order 2024/03/02 2024/03/14

576672560868394672 Order 2024/03/02 2024/03/14

576672252127184116 Order 2024/03/02 2024/03/14

576672158292412179 Order 2024/03/02 2024/03/14

576672114552571314 Order 2024/03/02 2024/03/14

576672094261708478 Order 2024/03/02 2024/03/14

576679133789914394 Order 2024/03/04 2024/03/13

576677750423520980 Order 2024/03/04 2024/03/13

576676634263389354 Order 2024/03/03 2024/03/13

576676617535719046 Order 2024/03/03 2024/03/13

576676483940976561 Order 2024/03/03 2024/03/13

576672150450636380 Order 2024/03/02 2024/03/13

576672126857480076 Order 2024/03/02 2024/03/13

576672115184076720 Order 2024/03/02 2024/03/13

576672031430837487 Order 2024/03/02 2024/03/13

576671944528267027 Order 2024/03/02 2024/03/13

576676566622438817 Order 2024/03/03 2024/03/12

576676516615849187 Order 2024/03/03 2024/03/12

576676410269075174 Order 2024/03/03 2024/03/12

576672183578625071 Order 2024/03/02 2024/03/12

576672153178768988 Order 2024/03/02 2024/03/12

576671979337385049 Order 2024/03/02 2024/03/12

576671902640080768 Order 2024/03/02 2024/03/11

576666270666950212 Order 2024/02/29 2024/03/10

576664291186672802 Order 2024/02/28 2024/03/09

576662810194511784 Order 2024/02/28 2024/03/09

576663815449969780 Order 2024/02/28 2024/03/08

576661317827135128 Order 2024/02/27 2024/03/07

576657986419655969 Order 2024/02/26 2024/03/06

576645017427412679 Order 2024/02/21 2024/03/03

576647218063050092 Order 2024/02/22 2024/03/02

576644580326737611 Order 2024/02/21 2024/03/02

578557422119782956 Order 2024/02/20 2024/02/29

578549350827723115 Order 2024/02/19 2024/02/28

578536847414234088 Order 2024/02/16 2024/02/25

578528245816002715 Order 2024/02/15 2024/02/25

578529706352478976 Order 2024/02/15 2024/02/23

578522661738088590 Order 2024/02/13 2024/02/23

578495399325239635 Order 2024/02/07 2024/02/23

578520238149962019 Order 2024/02/13 2024/02/22

578517418350643582 Order 2024/02/12 2024/02/22

578504127824563122 Order 2024/02/09 2024/02/19

578504153767709261 Order 2024/02/09 2024/02/18

578504072879442683 Order 2024/02/09 2024/02/18

578499938478099412 Order 2024/02/08 2024/02/17

578495183516043820 Order 2024/02/07 2024/02/16

578490848647153700 Order 2024/02/06 2024/02/15

578486214937184844 Order 2024/02/05 2024/02/15

578486180700719532 Order 2024/02/05 2024/02/15

578481765740087454 Order 2024/02/04 2024/02/13

578455662002997269 Order 2024/01/30 2024/02/09

578444965914446437 Order 2024/01/28 2024/02/07

578444735406639107 Order 2024/01/28 2024/02/07

578444697603246945 Order 2024/01/28 2024/02/07

Currency Total settlement amount Total revenue

IDR 23842 26000

IDR 16965 18500

IDR 66299 72300

IDR 25309 27600

IDR 16139 17600

IDR 86655 94499

IDR 37964 41400

IDR 40990 44700

IDR 40990 44700

IDR 5597 5999

IDR 55017 59997

IDR 40990 44700

IDR 40990 44700

IDR 13663 14900

IDR 18339 19999

IDR 67763 73897

IDR 40990 44700

IDR 40072 43700

IDR 12746 13900

IDR 45666 49799

IDR 40989 44700

IDR 25309 27600

IDR 53406 57998

IDR 16139 17600

IDR 110033 119994

IDR 32278 35200

IDR 40073 43700

IDR 27327 29800

IDR 31361 34200

IDR 40073 43700

IDR 23292 25400

IDR 44748 48799

IDR 86102 93896

IDR 72439 78996

IDR 40073 43700

IDR 40073 43700

IDR 72439 78996

IDR 90778 98995

IDR 42549 46400

IDR 40073 43700

IDR 54100 58997

IDR 7153 7800

IDR 54099 58997

IDR 11738 12800

IDR 77486 84500

IDR 38056 41500

IDR 26333 28599

IDR 23292 25400

IDR 103713 113100

IDR 24209 26400

IDR 47500 51800

IDR 49701 54200

IDR 69415 75700

IDR 34404 37399

IDR 40073 43700

IDR 35761 38998

IDR 67400 73500

IDR 11738 12800

IDR 40990 44700

IDR 13663 14900

IDR 26410 28800

IDR 77486 84500

IDR 48415 52798

IDR 12746 13900

IDR 21569 26400

IDR 33870 36698

IDR 54099 58997

IDR 99766 108796

IDR 37964 41400

IDR 6373 7800

IDR 26410 28800

IDR 104077 113498

IDR 36678 39998

IDR 40072 43700

IDR 40989 44700

IDR 23292 25400

IDR 54100 58997

IDR 54100 58997

IDR 37047 40400

IDR 54100 58997

IDR 40073 43700

IDR 62356 68000

IDR 49076 53399

IDR 26410 28800

IDR 34478 37600

IDR 12746 13900

IDR 40073 43700

IDR 18339 19999

IDR 40072 43700

IDR 47501 51800

IDR 37047 40400

IDR 30919 33599

IDR 49423 53898

IDR 35761 38998

IDR 48415 52798

IDR 61070 66598

IDR 17422 18999

IDR 37047 40400

IDR 47500 51800

IDR 12885 13900

IDR 54689 58997

IDR 12885 13900

IDR 122364 132000

IDR 11866 12800

IDR 122364 132000

IDR 12885 13900

IDR 137196 148000

IDR 137196 148000

IDR 138123 149000

IDR 137196 148000

IDR 12885 13900

IDR 12885 13900

IDR 137196 148000

IDR 12885 13900

IDR 40510 43700

IDR 137196 148000

IDR 137196 148000

IDR 40509 43700

IDR 59049 63699

IDR 23546 25400

IDR 137196 148000

IDR 137196 148000

IDR 137196 148000

IDR 29200 31500

IDR 39861 43000

IDR 137196 148000

IDR 54322 58600

IDR 14259 14900

IDR 42778 44700

IDR 14259 14900



Subtotal after seller discounts Subtotal before discounts Seller discounts

26000 70000 -44000

18500 38000 -19500

72300 145000 -72700

27600 70000 -42400

17600 36000 -18400

94499 213000 -118501

41400 105000 -63600

44700 105000 -60300

44700 105000 -60300

5999 15000 -9001

59997 114000 -54003

44700 105000 -60300

44700 105000 -60300

14900 35000 -20100

19999 38000 -18001

73897 139000 -65103

44700 105000 -60300

43700 75000 -31300

13900 35000 -21100

49799 108000 -58201

44700 105000 -60300

27600 70000 -42400

57998 120000 -62002

17600 36000 -18400

119994 228000 -108006

35200 72000 -36800

43700 105000 -61300

29800 50000 -20200

34200 72000 -37800

43700 105000 -61300

25400 54000 -28600

48799 88000 -39201

93896 187000 -93104

78996 152000 -73004

43700 105000 -61300

43700 75000 -31300

78996 152000 -73004

98995 190000 -91005

46400 106000 -59600

43700 105000 -61300

58997 114000 -55003

7800 18000 -10200

58997 114000 -55003

12800 35000 -22200

84500 180000 -95500

41500 95000 -53500

28599 68000 -39401

25400 54000 -28600

113100 282000 -168900

26400 54000 -27600

51800 108000 -56200

54200 140000 -85800

75700 162000 -86300

37399 86000 -48601

43700 105000 -61300

38998 76000 -37002

73500 125000 -51500

12800 35000 -22200

44700 75000 -30300

14900 35000 -20100

28800 50000 -21200

84500 180000 -95500

52798 111000 -58202

13900 35000 -21100

26400 54000 -27600

36698 73000 -36302

58997 114000 -55003

108796 202000 -93204

41400 105000 -63600

7800 18000 -10200

28800 50000 -21200

113498 201000 -87502

39998 76000 -36002

43700 75000 -31300

44700 75000 -30300

25400 54000 -28600

58997 114000 -55003

58997 114000 -55003

40400 105000 -64600

58997 114000 -55003

43700 75000 -31300

68000 175000 -107000

53399 101000 -47601

28800 50000 -21200

37600 68000 -30400

13900 25000 -11100

43700 75000 -31300

19999 38000 -18001

43700 75000 -31300

51800 108000 -56200

40400 105000 -64600

33599 85000 -51401

53898 101000 -47102

38998 76000 -37002

52798 111000 -58202

66598 146000 -79402

18999 38000 -19001

40400 105000 -64600

51800 108000 -56200

13900 25000 -11100

58997 114000 -55003

13900 25000 -11100

132000 350000 -218000

12800 35000 -22200

132000 350000 -218000

13900 35000 -21100

148000 350000 -202000

148000 350000 -202000

149000 350000 -201000

148000 350000 -202000

13900 25000 -11100

13900 25000 -11100

148000 350000 -202000

13900 25000 -11100

43700 105000 -61300

148000 350000 -202000

148000 350000 -202000

43700 75000 -31300

63699 143000 -79301

25400 54000 -28600

148000 350000 -202000

148000 350000 -202000

148000 350000 -202000

31500 71000 -39500

43000 90000 -47000

148000 350000 -202000

58600 140000 -81400

14900 35000 -20100

44700 105000 -60300

14900 35000 -20100



Refund subtotal after seller discounts Refund subtotal before seller discounts Refund of seller discounts

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0
0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0
0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0
0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0
0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0
Total fees TikTok Shop commission fee Flat fee

-2158 -1118 0

-1535 -795 0

-6001 -3109 0

-2291 -1187 0

-1461 -757 0

-7844 -4063 0

-3436 -1780 0

-3710 -1922 0

-3710 -1922 0

-402 -162 0

-4980 -2580 0

-3710 -1922 0

-3710 -1922 0

-1237 -641 0

-1660 -860 0

-6134 -3178 0

-3710 -1922 0

-3628 -1879 0

-1154 -598 0

-4133 -2141 0

-3711 -1922 0

-2291 -1187 0

-4592 -2270 0

-1461 -757 0

-9961 -5160 0

-2922 -1514 0
-3627 -1879 0

-2473 -1281 0

-2839 -1471 0

-3627 -1879 0

-2108 -1092 0

-4051 -2098 0

-7794 -4038 0

-6557 -3397 0

-3627 -1879 0

-3627 -1879 0

-6557 -3397 0

-8217 -4257 0

-3851 -1995 0

-3627 -1879 0

-4897 -2537 0

-647 -335 0

-4898 -2537 0

-1062 -550 0

-7014 -3634 0

-3444 -1784 0

-2266 -1122 0

-2108 -1092 0

-9387 -4863 0

-2191 -1135 0

-4300 -2227 0

-4499 -2331 0

-6285 -3255 0
-2995 -1499 0

-3627 -1879 0

-3237 -1677 0

-6100 -3160 0

-1062 -550 0

-3710 -1922 0

-1237 -641 0

-2390 -1238 0

-7014 -3634 0

-4383 -2270 0

-1154 -598 0

-4831 -1135 0

-2828 -1360 0

-4898 -2537 0

-9030 -4678 0

-3436 -1780 0

-1427 -335 0

-2390 -1238 0

-9421 -4880 0

-3320 -1720 0

-3628 -1879 0

-3711 -1922 0

-2108 -1092 0

-4897 -2537 0

-4897 -2537 0

-3353 -1737 0

-4897 -2537 0
-3627 -1879 0

-5644 -2924 0

-4323 -2186 0

-2390 -1238 0

-3122 -1617 0

-1154 -598 0

-3627 -1879 0

-1660 -860 0

-3628 -1879 0

-4299 -2227 0

-3353 -1737 0

-2680 -1336 0

-4475 -2318 0

-3237 -1677 0

-4383 -2270 0

-5528 -2864 0

-1577 -817 0

-3353 -1737 0

-4300 -2227 0

-1015 -598 0

-4308 -2537 0

-1015 -598 0

-9636 -5676 0

-934 -550 0

-9636 -5676 0

-1015 -598 0

-10804 -6364 0
-10804 -6364 0

-10877 -6407 0

-10804 -6364 0

-1015 -598 0

-1015 -598 0

-10804 -6364 0

-1015 -598 0

-3190 -1879 0

-10804 -6364 0

-10804 -6364 0

-3191 -1879 0

-4650 -2739 0

-1854 -1092 0

-10804 -6364 0

-10804 -6364 0

-10804 -6364 0

-2300 -1354 0

-3139 -1849 0

-10804 -6364 0

-4278 -2520 0

-641 -641 0

-1922 -1922 0

-641 -641 0
Sales fee Payment fee Shipping cost

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 -1

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 -1

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 -1

0 0 0

0 0 -2

0 0 0

0 0 -1

0 0 0
0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 -1

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 -1

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 -1

0 0 0

0 0 -2
0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 -1

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 -1

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 -1

0 0 0

0 0 -1

0 0 -1

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0
0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 -1

0 0 0

0 0 -1

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 -1

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 -1

0 0 0

0 0 -1

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 -1

0 0 0

0 0 -1

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0
0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 -1

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 -1

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0
Shipping costs passed on to the logistics providerShipping cost borne by the platform Shipping cost paid by the customer

-29000 29000 0

-10000 0 10000

-9500 9500 0

-9500 0 9500

-9500 0 9500

-19500 19499 0

-25500 10000 15500

-23500 20000 3500

-9500 9500 0

-9500 0 9500

-33000 20000 13000

-33000 33000 0

-19000 0 19000

-9500 0 9500

-8000 7547 453

-12000 10000 2000

-18000 10000 8000

-9500 9499 0

-9500 9500 0

-26500 0 26500

-9500 9499 0

-10500 0 10500

-9500 9498 0

-9500 0 9500

-9500 9499 0

-8500 8500 0
-25500 10000 15500

-9500 0 9500

-9500 0 9500

-9500 9500 0

-9500 0 9500

-9500 9499 0

-9500 9500 0

-18000 10000 8000

-9500 0 9500

-17000 10000 7000

-34500 30000 4500

-9500 9500 0

-9500 9500 0

-9500 9500 0

-18000 0 18000

-9500 0 9500

-9500 9499 0

-31000 30000 1000

-20500 17083 3417

-15000 10000 5000

-9500 3333 6167

-12000 0 12000

-9500 9500 0

-9500 0 9500

-8500 8499 0

-9500 9500 0

-9500 9498 0
-12000 0 12000

-10500 10000 500

-21500 15000 6500

-61000 30000 31000

-9500 0 9500

-16000 0 16000

-15000 0 15000

-26500 22500 4000

-39500 30000 9500

-28000 27999 0

-9500 9500 0

-20500 0 20500

-20500 10000 10500

-9500 9499 0

-28000 25000 3000

-10500 10000 500

-9500 0 9500

-9500 9500 0

-9500 9499 0

-9500 9500 0

-9500 9499 0

-9500 9499 0

-9500 0 9500

-40500 30000 10500

-19000 10000 9000

-23500 20000 3500

-23500 20000 3500

-20500 10000 10500

-55500 20000 35500

-9500 9499 0

-9500 0 9500

-9500 9499 0

-9500 9500 0

-25500 10000 15500

-9500 0 9500

-9500 9499 0

-25500 10000 15500

-13000 10000 3000

-9500 9500 0

-9500 9499 0

-9500 9500 0

-9500 9499 0

-10500 10000 500

-9500 0 9500

-9500 0 9500

-9500 9499 0

-23500 23500 0

-9500 9499 0

-9500 0 9500

-9500 9500 0

-9500 0 9500

-9500 9500 0

-16000 0 16000

-9500 9500 0
-9500 9500 0

-9500 0 9500

-9500 9500 0

-9500 0 9500

-16000 0 16000

-9500 9500 0

-12000 0 12000

-43000 20000 23000

-9500 9500 0

-9500 9500 0

-16000 15999 0

-9500 9500 0

-9500 0 9500

-9500 9500 0

-9500 0 9500

-9500 0 9500

-9500 9499 0

-9500 0 9500

-9500 0 9500

-9376 9376 0

-9376 0 9376

-9376 0 9376

-9376 0 9376
Refunded shipping cost paid by the customer
Return shipping costs (passed on to the customer) Shipping cost subsidy

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0
0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0
0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0
0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0
0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0
Affiliate commission Affiliate partner commission SFP service fee

0 0 -1040

0 0 -740

0 0 -2892

0 0 -1104

0 0 -704

0 0 -3780

0 0 -1656

0 0 -1788

0 0 -1788

0 0 -240

0 0 -2400

0 0 -1788

0 0 -1788

0 0 -596

0 0 -800

0 0 -2956

0 0 -1788

0 0 -1748

0 0 -556

0 0 -1992

0 0 -1788

0 0 -1104

0 0 -2320

0 0 -704

0 0 -4800

0 0 -1408
0 0 -1748

0 0 -1192

0 0 -1368

0 0 -1748

0 0 -1016

0 0 -1952

0 0 -3756

0 0 -3160

0 0 -1748

0 0 -1748

0 0 -3160

0 0 -3960

0 0 -1856

0 0 -1748

0 0 -2360

0 0 -312

0 0 -2360

0 0 -512

0 0 -3380

0 0 -1660

0 0 -1144

0 0 -1016

0 0 -4524

0 0 -1056

0 0 -2072

0 0 -2168

0 0 -3028
0 0 -1496

0 0 -1748

0 0 -1560

0 0 -2940

0 0 -512

0 0 -1788

0 0 -596

0 0 -1152

0 0 -3380

0 0 -2112

0 0 -556

-2640 0 -1056

0 0 -1468

0 0 -2360

0 0 -4352

0 0 -1656

-780 0 -312

0 0 -1152

0 0 -4540

0 0 -1600

0 0 -1748

0 0 -1788

0 0 -1016

0 0 -2360

0 0 -2360

0 0 -1616

0 0 -2360
0 0 -1748

0 0 -2720

0 0 -2136

0 0 -1152

0 0 -1504

0 0 -556

0 0 -1748

0 0 -800

0 0 -1748

0 0 -2072

0 0 -1616

0 0 -1344

0 0 -2156

0 0 -1560

0 0 -2112

0 0 -2664

0 0 -760

0 0 -1616

0 0 -2072

0 0 -417

0 0 -1770

0 0 -417

0 0 -3960

0 0 -384

0 0 -3960

0 0 -417

0 0 -4440
0 0 -4440

0 0 -4470

0 0 -4440

0 0 -417

0 0 -417

0 0 -4440

0 0 -417

0 0 -1311

0 0 -4440

0 0 -4440

0 0 -1311

0 0 -1911

0 0 -762

0 0 -4440

0 0 -4440

0 0 -4440

0 0 -945

0 0 -1290

0 0 -4440

0 0 -1758

0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0
Ajustment amount Related order ID

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /
0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /
0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /
0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /
0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /

0 /
Customer payment Customer refund

26000 0

28500 0

72300 0

37100 0

27100 0

94499 0

56900 0

48200 0

44700 0

15499 0

72997 0

44700 0

63700 0

19400 0

20452 0

72345 0

52700 0

43700 0

13900 0

76299 0

44700 0

38100 0

57998 0

27100 0

112794 0

35200 0
59200 0

39300 0

43700 0

43700 0

34900 0

48799 0

80736 0

82256 0

53200 0

44225 0

78756 0

86174 0

46400 0

34960 0

65198 0

17300 0

48997 0

13800 0

85417 0

46500 0

34766 0

37400 0

108100 0

35900 0

51800 0

54200 0

73200 0
40225 0

44200 0

43965 0

101560 0

22300 0

60216 0

29900 0

32800 0

91500 0

52798 0

13900 0

46900 0

47198 0

31997 0

111796 0

41900 0

17300 0

20800 0

113438 0

39998 0

28700 0

44700 0

30708 0

69497 0

67997 0

43900 0

50698 0
45460 0

103500 0

53399 0

38300 0

37600 0

13900 0

59200 0

25499 0

43700 0

67300 0

36590 0

27599 0

53898 0

38998 0

52798 0

67098 0

28499 0

43840 0

51800 0

9630 0

58997 0

23400 0

127000 0

22300 0

127000 0

29900 0

148000 0
148000 0

158500 0

148000 0

23400 0

29900 0

148000 0

25900 0

66700 0

148000 0

148000 0

43700 0

63699 0

34900 0

148000 0

157500 0

135500 0

31500 0

52500 0

157500 0

58600 0

24276 0

54076 0

24276 0
Seller co-funded voucher discount Refund of seller co-funded voucher discount

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0
0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

-2500 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

-5000 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

-2500 0
0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

-2500 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0
0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

-5000 0

0 0

-5000 0

0 0

0 0
0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0
Platform discounts Refund of platform discounts

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

5000 0

0 0

3552 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

7200 0

0 0
0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

13160 0

4740 0

0 0

6475 0

4740 0

12821 0

0 0

8740 0

11799 0

0 0

10000 0

0 0

2500 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

5000 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

2500 0
9174 0

0 0

1533 0

2940 0

0 0

484 0

0 0

0 0

2500 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

27000 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

8000 0

60 0

0 0

15000 0

0 0

4192 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

11799 0
8740 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

4000 0

0 0

0 0

6810 0

6000 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

6060 0

0 0

4270 0

0 0

0 0

5000 0

0 0

5000 0

0 0

0 0
0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

22000 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0
Platform co-funded voucher discounts Refund of platform co-funded voucher discounts

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0
0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

2500 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

5000 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

2500 0
0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

2500 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0
0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

5000 0

0 0

5000 0

0 0

0 0
0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0
Seller shipping cost discount Estimated package weight (g)

0 100

0 50

0 250

0 100

0 100

0 350

0 150

0 200

0 200

0 40

0 150

0 200

0 200

0 50

0 50

0 200

0 150

0 150

0 50

0 150

0 150

0 100

0 330

0 100

0 300

0 200
0 200

0 95

0 200

0 200

0 150

0 150

0 250

0 200

0 200

0 150

0 200

0 250

0 200

0 200

0 150

0 50

0 150

0 50

0 500

0 150

0 140

0 150

0 500

0 150

0 300

0 200

0 450
0 190

0 200

0 100

0 250

0 50

0 150

0 50

0 100

0 500

0 150

0 50

0 150

0 180

0 150

0 300

0 200

0 50

0 100

0 350

0 100

0 150

0 150

0 150

0 150

0 150

0 150

0 150
0 150

0 250

0 235

0 100

0 150

0 50

0 150

0 50

0 150

0 300

0 150

0 140

0 150

0 100

0 150

0 200

0 50

0 150

0 300

0 50

0 150

0 50

0 500

0 50

0 500

0 50

0 500
0 500

0 500

0 500

0 50

0 50

0 500

0 50

0 150

0 500

0 500

0 150

0 250

0 150

0 500

0 500

0 500

0 150

0 250

0 500

0 200

0 50

0 150

0 50
Actual package weight (g) Shopping center items

100 /

50 1729997983587863085 * 1;

250 /

100 /

100 /

350 /

150 /

200 /

200 /

40 1730008156856420909 * 1;

150 /

200 /

200 /

50 /

50 /

200 /

150 /

150 /

50 /

150 /

150 /

100 1729985395613469229 * 2;

330 /

100 /

300 /

200 /
1729984944130918957 * 1;
1729984944131050029 * 1;
1729984944131639853 * 1;
1729999502655064621 * 1;
100 /
1729994099375049261 * 1;
1729994099375311405 * 1;
1729994099374918189 * 1;
1729994099374983725 * 1;
200 /

150 /

150 /
1729997987782167085 * 1;
1729984944130525741 * 1;
250 1729997983587863085 * 1;
1729997983587928621 * 1;
1729997983588059693 ** 2;
1729997987782167085 * 2;
200 /

150 /

200 /
1729997983587928621 * 1;
1729997983587994157 * 1;
250 1729997987782167085 * 1;
1729997987782232621 * 1;
200 1730000199910066733
/ * 1;

200 /

150 /

50 /

150 /

50 /

500 /
1729985395613469229 * 1;
150 1729985395613665837 * 1;
1729985383497501229 ** 1;
140 1729994099375180333 * 1;
1730008156856420909 * 1;
150 /

500 /
1729994099375245869 * 2;
1729994099375311405 * 1;
300 /

200 /

450 /
190 /
1729984944131050029 * 1;
1729984944131443245 * 1;
1729999502655064621 * 1;
1729984944130591277 * 1;
100 /

250 /

50 /

150 /

50 /

100 /
1729994099374918189 * 2;
1729994099375114797 * 2;
150 /

50 /

150 /

180 /

150 /

300 /

200 /

50 1729994099374983725 * 1;

100 /

350 /

100 /

150 /

150 /

150 /

150 /

150 /

150 /

150 /
150 /

250 /

240 /

100 /

150 /

50 1729992004305717805 * 1;

150 /

50 /

150 /

300 /

150 /

140 /

150 /

100 /

150 /

200 /

50 /

150 /

300 /

50 /

150 /

50 1729992004305717805 * 1;

500 /

50 /

500 /

50 /

500 /
500 /

500 /

500 /

50 /

50 1729991923234933293 * 1;

500 /

50 1729992004305717805 * 1;

150 /

500 /

500 /

150 /
1729984944130001453 * 1;
1729984944130132525 * 1;
250 1729984944130722349 * 1;
1729997983587928621 * 1;
150 1729999502655064621
/ * 1;

500 /

500 /

500 /

150 /

250 /

500 /

200 /

50 /

150 /

50 1729985380197239341 * 1;
Time period: 2024/01/31-2024/04/23

Currency IDR

Total settlement amount 6419624

Total revenue 6974414

Subtotal after seller discounts 6974414

Subtotal before discounts 15196000

Seller discounts -8221586

Refund subtotal after seller discounts 0

Refund subtotal before seller discounts 0

Refund of seller discounts 0

Total fees -554790

TikTok Shop commission fee -298923

Flat fee 0

Sales fee 0

Payment fee 0

Shipping cost -25

Shipping costs passed on to the logistics provider -1900004

Shipping cost borne by the platform 1123314

Shipping cost paid by the customer 776665

Return shipping costs (passed on to the customer) 0

Refunded shipping cost paid by the customer 0

Shipping cost subsidy 0

Affiliate commission -3420

Affiliate partner commission 0

SFP service fee -252422

Total adjustments 0

Shipping fee adjustment 0

Shipping fee compensation 0

Chargeback 0

Customer service compensation 0

Promotion adjustment 0

Platform compensation 0

Platform penalty 0

Sample shipping fee 0

Logistics reimbursement 0

Platform reimbursement 0

Deductions incurred by seller 0

Shipping fee rebate 0

Warehouse service fee 0

Platform commission adjustment 0

Platform commission compensation 0

Top up for ads from settled balances 0

Other adjustment 0
Type Reference ID Request time (UTC)

Withdrawal 7361038207113611016 2024/04/23

Earnings 3459618268098889261 2024/04/23

Earnings 3459582847098783277 2024/04/16

Earnings 3459578849660405293 2024/04/15

Earnings 3459574696368047661 2024/04/14

Earnings 3459571348573292077 2024/04/13

Earnings 3459568445443835437 2024/04/12

Withdrawal 7356596701375268616 2024/04/11

Earnings 3459565150050879021 2024/04/11

Earnings 3459557058625504813 2024/04/09

Earnings 3459551362400290349 2024/04/08

Earnings 3459545319857423917 2024/04/07

Withdrawal 7354604265803171604 2024/04/06

Earnings 3459533117551248941 2024/04/05

Earnings 3459518370546681389 2024/04/03

Earnings 3459510879709988397 2024/04/02

Earnings 3459502020596893229 2024/04/01

Earnings 3459494038359410221 2024/03/31

Earnings 3459486620571895341 2024/03/30

Earnings 3459478480970679853 2024/03/29

Earnings 3459470964975437357 2024/03/28

Earnings 3459463564684723757 2024/03/27

Earnings 3459453593702598189 2024/03/26

Earnings 3459439822591329837 2024/03/25

Earnings 3459427191895328301 2024/03/24

Withdrawal 7349568298617767687 2024/03/23

Earnings 3459414579008800301 2024/03/23

Earnings 3459403519469258285 2024/03/22

Earnings 3459392304312387117 2024/03/21

Earnings 3459380828349629997 2024/03/20

Earnings 3459358023046563373 2024/03/18

Earnings 3459345419408475693 2024/03/17

Earnings 3459334544518317613 2024/03/16

Earnings 3459322472786069037 2024/03/15

Earnings 3459313369649612333 2024/03/14

Earnings 3459301710929298989 2024/03/13

Earnings 3459291487678924333 2024/03/12

Earnings 3459280239554102829 2024/03/11

Earnings 3459271531393812013 2024/03/10

Earnings 3459262205828761133 2024/03/09

Earnings 3459253799726712365 2024/03/08

Earnings 3459244404650968621 2024/03/07

Earnings 3459235871355143725 2024/03/06

Earnings 3459206613881226797 2024/03/03

Earnings 3459196700750087725 2024/03/02

Withdrawal 7341006474137716488 2024/02/29

Earnings 3459179570630460973 2024/02/29

Earnings 3459169944202675757 2024/02/28

Withdrawal 7339527859457050369 2024/02/25

Earnings 3459143521163904557 2024/02/25

Earnings 3459127679008015917 2024/02/23

Withdrawal 7338419110231721729 2024/02/22

Earnings 3459119989453522477 2024/02/22

Earnings 3462608251995589165 2024/02/19

Earnings 3462590844476688941 2024/02/18

Earnings 3462576429323749933 2024/02/17

Withdrawal 7336181337563531014 2024/02/16

Earnings 3462559999877483053 2024/02/16

Earnings 3462546767518730797 2024/02/15

Earnings 3462516295700417069 2024/02/13

Earnings 3462457339383679533 2024/02/09

Earnings 3462422579726420525 2024/02/07

Amount Status Success time (UTC)

-355153 Transferred 2024/04/23

23842 Transferred 2024/04/23

16965 Transferred 2024/04/16

91608 Transferred 2024/04/15

16139 Transferred 2024/04/14

165609 Transferred 2024/04/13

40990 Transferred 2024/04/12

-283349 Transferred 2024/04/11

5597 Transferred 2024/04/11

96007 Transferred 2024/04/09

40990 Transferred 2024/04/08

140755 Transferred 2024/04/07

-894638 Transferred 2024/04/06

40072 Transferred 2024/04/05

12746 Transferred 2024/04/03

45666 Transferred 2024/04/02

66298 Transferred 2024/04/01

53406 Transferred 2024/03/31

126172 Transferred 2024/03/30

72351 Transferred 2024/03/29

58688 Transferred 2024/03/28

108113 Transferred 2024/03/27

158541 Transferred 2024/03/26

80146 Transferred 2024/03/25

72439 Transferred 2024/03/24

-3253845 Transferred 2024/03/23

90778 Transferred 2024/03/23

136722 Transferred 2024/03/22

72990 Transferred 2024/03/21

141875 Transferred 2024/03/20

392307 Transferred 2024/03/18

103161 Transferred 2024/03/17

218702 Transferred 2024/03/16

222050 Transferred 2024/03/15

617631 Transferred 2024/03/14

336661 Transferred 2024/03/13

249138 Transferred 2024/03/12

47500 Transferred 2024/03/11

12885 Transferred 2024/03/10

67574 Transferred 2024/03/09

122364 Transferred 2024/03/08

11866 Transferred 2024/03/07

122364 Transferred 2024/03/06

12885 Transferred 2024/03/03

274392 Transferred 2024/03/02

-275319 Transferred 2024/02/29

138123 Transferred 2024/02/29

137196 Transferred 2024/02/28

-216361 Transferred 2024/02/25

25770 Transferred 2024/02/25

190591 Transferred 2024/02/23

-534692 Transferred 2024/02/22

274392 Transferred 2024/02/22

40509 Transferred 2024/02/19

82595 Transferred 2024/02/18

137196 Transferred 2024/02/17

-606267 Transferred 2024/02/16

137196 Transferred 2024/02/16

206257 Transferred 2024/02/15

137196 Transferred 2024/02/13

54322 Transferred 2024/02/09

71296 Transferred 2024/02/07

Bank account










Fee explanation


Order/adjustment ID


Order created time

Order settled time


Total settlement amount

Total revenue

Subtotal after seller discounts

Subtotal before discounts

Seller discounts

Refund subtotal after seller discounts

Refund subtotal before seller discounts

Refund of seller discounts

Total fees

TikTok Shop commission fee

Flat fee

Sales fee

Payment fee

Shipping cost

Shipping costs passed on to the logistics provider

Shipping cost borne by the platform

Shipping cost paid by the customer

Refunded shipping cost paid by the customer

Return shipping costs (passed on to the customer)

Shipping cost subsidy

Affiliate commission

Affiliate partner commission

SFP service fee

Ajustment amount

Related order ID

Different types of adjustments:

Shipping fee adjustment

Shipping fee compensation


Customer service compensation

Promotion adjustment

Platform compensation

Platform penalty

Sample shipping fee

Logistics reimbursement

Platform reimbursement

Deductions incurred by seller

Shipping fee rebate

Warehouse service fee

Platform commission adjustment

Platform commission compensation

Top up for ads from settled balances

Other adjustment

Additional supporting information:

Customer payment

Customer refund

Seller co-funded voucher discount

Refund of seller co-funded voucher discount

Platform discounts

Refund of platform discounts

Platform co-funded voucher discounts

Refund of platform co-funded voucher discounts

Seller shipping cost discount

Estimated package weight

Actual package weight


Transaction ID


Creation time of the order as per UTC +0 timezone.

Time of settlement of the order to your account balance as per UTC +0 timezone.


The final amount to be settled to your account balance as per calculated by the platform

The subtotal amount derived from subtotal after seller discounts minus refund subtotal after seller discounts

Subtotal after seller discounts is the price after seller's discounts are deducted

Seller discounts
Subtotal is the totalisamount
before discounts the totalofprice
Seller by the seller.
discounts andThis amount
Platform is derived
discounts are from:
i) Discounts funded by seller through seller's own Promotional Tools (Product Discount, Flash Deal, Buy More Save More, Voucher and
Bundle Deal)
ii) Seller's portion of Co-Funded Voucher discount amount (funded by the seller) during seller's participation in Co-Funding Campaigns
The subtotal for
iii) Discounts refunded
funded SKUsduring
by seller after seller discounts
Campaign Price

The subtotal for refunded SKUs before seller discounts

The discounts refunded to the seller

The fees calculated by platform when the order meets the settlement rules

The commission fee is an amount charged for each successful sale made on TikTok Shop after 2022.06.06

The flat fee is a fixed amount charged per valid order

The sales fee is a percentage of the product price after the seller discount, charged to the seller

The technical service fee charged for online payments, refunds, settlements and other services before 2022.06.06

The net shipping cost borne by the seller.

The shipping cost passed on to the logistics provider calculated based on the weight/dimensions measured by the provider

The shipping cost incentive provided by the platform

The shipping cost paid by the customer based on the product weight you uploaded

The shipping cost amount that was initially paid by the customer and has since been refunded to them

The shipping cost passed on to the customer for return deliveries

A positive amount represents a shipping cost subsidy you've received and a negative amount represents a shipping cost subsidy you need to retu
The amount the customer paid for the product (product price minus platform and seller discounts) multiplied by the respective affiliate
commission percentage.
The amount the customer paid for the product (product price minus platform and seller discounts) via affiliate partner's links multiplied by
the affiliate partner commission rate
As part of your participation in the [Seller Free Shipping Programme] and its benefits, the platform charges you the relevant service fee

The adjustment amount

Orders related to the adjustments, if any.

Adjustment when there are differences with or mistakes in the shipping fee paid by the seller

Compensation to sellers due to differences between the actual shipping fee and the pre-paid shipping fee
The charge that is returned to a payment card after a customer has successfully disputed an item on their account statement or transactions
Compensation paid by customer service to customer after the after-sales period is completed or extra compensation is paid

Adjustment when there are differences in the marketing activities paid by the seller

Compensation to seller as a result of seller's success in appealing from a customer dispute.

After identifying a violation towards our policies, we have deducted the corresponding penalty amount from your account in accordance
with our policies. Please see the notification that was sent to your email address.
Fees are charged for sending samples using platform logistics provider

Your order has been lost or damaged due to logistics issues. We apologize sincerely for this issue, and we have provided reimbursement for thi

The platform has verified the return or refund order ID with logistics, and the return/refund request for the order has been approved. Since the r

Reimbursement paid by TikTok Shop for losses due to logistics-related issues

Platform refund without return: Order has been processed using the TikTok refund without return policy. Since the buyer is responsible for the

Platform refund without return: Order has been processed using the TikTok refund without return policy. Once we've reviewed the order, you m

The platform has verified the return or refund order ID, and the return/refund request for the order has been approved. Since the reason for this

Subsidy paid by TikTok Shop as a result of customer dissatisfaction

User has submitted a 'Return and Refund' request for an order. According to TikTok Shop policy, the seller will be liable for return shipping co

Order was found to meet the definition of fraud, and to either have one of the following issues, or other similar issues: empty package sent to cu

According to the TikTok Shop Anti-counterfeit Policy, the product under order is considered counterfeit. The seller is responsible for costs rela

The product for order is considered defective and to have created a negative experience for the customer. According to TikTok Shop's policy, th

When a customer is unhappy with their experience due to an issue that is the seller's responsibility, the seller is responsible for related costs.

The shipping fee rebate given to the seller as part of seller's participation in a platform campaign
Fees that are charged as part of warehouse services provision, such as wrapping service operations fee, wrapping service fee, barcode
labelling fee, new product inspection service fee and so on
Adjustment when there are differences in the platform commission paid by the seller

Compensation to seller when there are differences in the platform commission paid by the seller

Settled balances of shops will be used to pay for ads, when sellers click "auto pay ads with shop GMV"

Adjustments for other reasons

The total amount paid by the customer

The exact amount refunded to the customer

Seller's portion of Co-Funded Voucher discount amount (funded by the seller) during seller's participation in Co-Funding Campaigns
The discount amount refunded to the seller which is derived from seller's portion of Co-Funded Voucher (funded by the seller) during
Platform discounts isinthe
seller's participation total amount
Co-Funding of discounts funded by the platform (TikTok Shop). This amount is derived from:
platformtothrough Platform's
the platform. This Direct Subsidy,
refunded amountPlatform Flash
is derived Deal, Platform Buy More Save More and Platform
ii) Platform'sfunded
i) Discounts portionby
Co-Funded Voucher
through discount
Platform's amount
Direct (funded
Subsidy, by the Flash
Platform platform)
Deal,during Co-Funding
Platform Buy MoreCampaigns.
Save More and Platform
ii) Platform's
Platform's portion
portion of Co-Funded
of Co-Funded Voucher
Voucher discount
discount amount
amount (funded
(funded by by
thethe platform)
platform) during
during Co-Funding
Co-Funding Campaigns.
The discount amount refunded to the platform which is derived from platform's portion of Co-Funded Voucher (funded by the platform)
during Co-Funding Campaigns.
The shipping cost discount provided by sellers.

Product weight uploaded by the seller

Weight measured by the platform logistics provider


Subtotal after seller discounts - Refund subtotal after seller discounts - TikTok Shop commission fee - Payment fee - Seller shipping fee - Affili

Subtotal after seller discounts - Refund subtotal after seller discounts

Subtotal before discounts - Seller discounts

Refund subtotal before seller discounts - Refund of seller discounts

TikTok Shop commission fee + Payment fee + Seller shipping fee + Affiliate commission + Affiliate partner commission

Flat fee + Sales fee

Rate * (Subtotal before discounts - Seller discounts)

Rate% * (customer payment - customer order refund)

Shipping costs passed on to the logistics provider - Shipping cost borne by the platform - Shipping cost paid by the customer + Refunded shipp

you need to return

ursement for this order.

oved. Since the reason for this refund is not the responsibility of the seller, TikTok has paid the refund amount to the customer.

ponsible for the issue with the order, we have provided reimbursement to cover the loss. Refer to the TikTok refund without return policy for more details.

the order, you may receive a subsidy to help neutralize your costs. Refer to the TikTok refund without return policy for more details.

e reason for this refund is not the responsibility of seller, TikTok has borne the refund amount to the customer.

turn shipping costs if the return or refund is caused by a product issue or late delivery.

ackage sent to customer, items sent not matching those on the product display page, items sent of lower value than advertised. The seller is responsible for co

ble for costs related to this issue.

Shop's policy, the seller is responsible for the cost of the compensation voucher provided to the customer.
pping fee - Affiliate commission - Affiliate partner commission + Adjustment amount

+ Refunded shipping cost paid by the customer + Return shipping costs

r more details.

esponsible for costs related to this issue.

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