Soal Bahasa Inggris
Soal Bahasa Inggris
Soal Bahasa Inggris
1. Tulislah nomor peserta pada lembar jawaban yang telah disediakan, kemudian berilah
tanda silang pada kotak di bawahnya.
2. Gunakan pensil 2B, tidak boleh mengerjakan soal dengan tinta/spidol.
3. Laporkan kepada pengawas, jika terdapat tulisan yang kurang jelas, rusak atau jumlah
soal kurang.
4. Jumlah soal sebanyak 40 butir (soal pilihan ganda 35 butir dan soal uraian 5 butir)
5. Dahulukan menjawab soal-soal yang kamu anggap mudah.
6. Berilah tanda silang ( X ) pada salah satu huruf yang kamu anggap benar pada soal
pilihan ganda, dan tulis jawaban isian dan uraian pada lembar jawaban yang telah
7. Apabila ada jawaban yang kamu anggap salah dan kamu ingin memperbaiki, hapuslah
jawaban yang salahkemudian ganti dengan jawaban lain yang kamu anggap benar.
8. Tidak diijinkan peserta membawa HP, buku, dan catatan lain yang membantu siswa.
9. Periksalah pekerjaanmu sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas.
3. Tomy goes to the market at eight o’clock. He is in the market for sixty minutes. What time does
Tomy go home from market?
a. At 08.00
b. At 07.30
c. At 09.00
d. At 09.30
6. She Is beautiful woman. She is a teacher of the state elementary school. She refers to . . . .
a. Father b. mother c. sister d. brother
Before starts the lesson, all students of sixth class help each other to clean the
classroom. Naya sweeps the floor, Indri cleans the whiteboard, James opens the
windows, Alfin and Roy mop the floor, Tomy and Deisy water the flowers. The classroom
is clean. They feel comfort to study in the classroom.
20. Chado is Japanese Tea Ceremony. It started at the end of twelfth century.
The word in bold is refers to . . . .
a. the chado b. the Buddhist c. the guest d. the government
21. This is a herbivore animal. It eats fruit and vegetable. It has long neck and tall feet. The color of
the skin is yellow and white. It also has a black spot. This animal known as . . . .
a. Zebra b. Cheetah c. Elephant d. Giraffe
Do you know what a hobby is? It is something that we do in our free time. There are so many
hobbies that we can do. One of them is cycling. It can make our body health. Beside that it can use
it to gathering with our friends who like cycling too. Sometimes we can make a new friend with it.
26. It happened in December to February. It is snowy and the snow makes the
ground white. It is very cold so you must wear a jacket to warm your body.
You can play ice skating in this season. The season is called . . . .
a. Spring
b. Autumn
c. Winter
d. Summer
27. The wind blows so fast. It can make one of the tree falls down. The weather is ...
a. cloudy
b. windy
c. rainy
d. sunny
28. My mother will go to Surabaya on Saturday. She will stay there in two days. So mother will come
home on . . . .
a. Sunday
b. Monday
c. Tuesday
d. Wednesday
30. Indra : How can I get to Andi’s house from the post office
Mira: Go straight on Melati street and then . . . on Kamboja
a. turn left
b. turn right
c. turn back
d. go straight
34. My mother always waters the flower and cleans the garden every day. Her hobby is . . . .
a. reading b. cooking c. gardening d. playing water
35. From earth this planet is the nearest among all planets. This also near to Mercury. It is the second
planet from the sun The first alphabet is V. What planet is it?
a. Venusa b. Venus c. Velice d. Valentino
II. Fill the blanks!
36. I wake up early in the morning, after that I take a bath and then eat
37. Mira : My mom like to make cake in her spare time, I think her hobby is cooking
Ana : My aunty too. She always give me a delicious cake made by herself.
38. My grandpa bought ten bar of chocolates and then three chocolate were given to me. My sister
got four chocolates because she want to give it one to her friend. So there are chocolate left.