Week 1-3
Week 1-3
Week 1-3
Spring 2023
Course Instructor:
Engr. Umair & Dr. Shanza Rehan
Chapter 1 – 9, 12
Grading Policy / Requirements
1. Mid: 30 %
2. Final 40 %
3. Four Quizzes each carrying 5 points i.e 20 % (Every Monday, 4pm)
4. Two Assignments each carrying 5 points i.e 10 %
Important considerations:
1. Iron available abundantly from earth crust (7%)
2. Iron deforms easily compared to glass or stone
3. Iron is Tougher than Stone, glass, china ware
4. Machine-able compared to what?
5. Weld-able easily (compared to what?)
7. Do you know of an undesirable property of Iron?
► mechanical forces
►electrical fields
►magnetic fields
►optical fields
►temperature gradients
►corrosive (chemical) environments
Pores and
What? numerous
crystal Small crystals
Four components of the discipline of Materials Science
and Engineering
( society demands )
Generalized coordinates q, r, s &
side lengths a, b, c of unit cell.
Distance along x = q.a
along y = r.b
along z = s.c
Locate the point
q= ¼
in the unit cell at the left
The vector is
positioned such that
it starts from the
( if it already doesn’t )
[100], [100], [010], [010], [001], [001] are all equivalent directions
1/3 2/3 1
3 3/2 1
6 3 2
Equivalent Planes: In cubic crystals
1. On a corner of a cube
2. Inside a cube
3. On a face of a cube
4. On an edge of a cube
Suggest a name for this unit cell of crystal structure - 2
Empty =32%
=48% Touch on
Touch on diagonal
C. No12
Empty =26%
Copper crystal
Is FCC with Touch on face
Side 0.361 nm diagonal
Metal Crystal Structure Atomic Radius (nm)
Area =
Face diagonal x side