Week 1-3

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MM101 –Materials and Nanotechnology

Spring 2023




MM101: Materials and Nanotechnology

Course Instructor:
Engr. Umair & Dr. Shanza Rehan

1. Text Book: Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction

Callister and Rethwisch. 9th Edition, 2014

2. Reference: Foundation of Materials Science and Engineering,

Smith & Hashemi. 4th Edition 2006

Chapter 1 – 9, 12
Grading Policy / Requirements
1. Mid: 30 %
2. Final 40 %
3. Four Quizzes each carrying 5 points i.e 20 % (Every Monday, 4pm)
4. Two Assignments each carrying 5 points i.e 10 %

You are required to:

Buy a copy of the text book either 2nd hand or new
Have 80 % attendance. Absence justified in writing
Understand problems either solved in the book or solved on CD
Explore CD for additional help ( Animation etc )
Understand and Practice drawing charts, graphs, diagrams
Derive mathematical expressions
Be precise, to the point, brief, explicit in examination
Use dimensions and units


You can contact me through email / MS Teams or Whatsapp

How to miss C and below→ ☺
Start from today:

►Read the book

►Ask questions in the class

►Tell others what you think you know (Discus)

Materials Science And Engineering deal with:
Mechanical; Thermal; Electrical; Magnetic; Optical; Chemical Properties.
Give examples of each type

For this purpose knowledge of:

Chemistry, Physics, Mechanics, English, Math
along with experience + Imagination
Is required
Stone, Bronze, Brass, Iron, Polymer, Si, Li. What
Note: Nanotechnology is emerging

Materials: Metals/Alloys; Ceramics; Polymers; Composites

What is nanotechnology?

Nanotechnology refers to the branch of science and engineering devoted to

designing, producing, and using structures, devices, and systems by
manipulating atoms and molecules at nanoscale, i.e. having one or more
dimensions of the order of 100 nanometres (100 millionth of a millimetre) or less
Materials & lifestyle
Make a list of materials which were

Available to ancient people for use

MM101 develops your skills and knowledge for

the production and manipulating of materials and basic
concepts of nanotechnology so that
the properties of materials can be improved
Low Carbon Steels
( 99.75wt% Iron + 0.25wt% Carbon )

Important considerations:
1. Iron available abundantly from earth crust (7%)
2. Iron deforms easily compared to glass or stone
3. Iron is Tougher than Stone, glass, china ware
4. Machine-able compared to what?
5. Weld-able easily (compared to what?)
7. Do you know of an undesirable property of Iron?

Which properties of materials are useful for

improving our life style?
Materials Science
to consumers

Next any bottle which is eatable !

How do materials respond when they are
subjected to:

► mechanical forces
►electrical fields
►magnetic fields
►optical fields
►temperature gradients
►corrosive (chemical) environments

We design materials such

that they behave according to our
needs and wishes
Materials and their properties
Electrical Magnetic Biological (self-
(conductors, (diamagnetic, replicating,
insulators, paramagnetic) specific )
Chemical optical
(toxic, corrosive, Mechanical fibers,
medicinal, (light, heavy night
pollutant, inert, strong, tough, vision
biodegradable) ductile melleable ) camera)
Optical performance of solid Al2O3
as a result of processing

Pores and
What? numerous
crystal Small crystals
Four components of the discipline of Materials Science
and Engineering

( society demands )

Metals, Ceramics, Polymers, Composites

Fracture Toughness of Different types of Materials
Electrical Conductivity of Different types of Materials
142 pm & 341 pm
Define structure and Processing ?
1. Structure of atom
2. Structure of molecule
3. Structure of crystal (Diamond, Graphite,
Graphene, CNT, Buckyballs)
4. Microscopic and Macroscopic structure
Interaction between atoms, ions, molecules,
When FA and FR are equal in magnitude but opposite in sign, there is no net force
Forces between molecules
Forces between atoms
Forces between molecules
1.Covalent bonds
2.Ionic bonds
3.Partial covalent bonds
4.Metallic bonds
5.Hydrogen bonds
6.Van der Waal Bonds
7.Dispersion forces
Physical states & influence of temperature / pressure on them
Certain bonds behave as vectors, others as scalars
Kinetic and Potential energies
In this course we will focus on solids only
Crystalline Solids
Crystalline & Amorphous solids

(six of them: three angles and three sides )

Structure at various levels
Tin transform from one crystal from to another
undergoing 27 % volume change
Most common crystal structures

❑ most metals and many

other solids have unit cell
structures described as
body center cubic (bcc),
face centered cubic (fcc) or
Hexagonal Close Packed
How to locate:
In unit cubic cell



Generalized coordinates q, r, s &
side lengths a, b, c of unit cell.
Distance along x = q.a
along y = r.b
along z = s.c
Locate the point
q= ¼
in the unit cell at the left

Along X→ q . a= 1/4 x 0.48

Along Y→ r . b= 1 x 0.46
Along Z→ s .c = 1/2 x 0.40
Locate atoms (points )
in the BCC unit cell
A two-dimensional lattice with
crystal planes

Miller indices: group of three numbers

that indicates the orientation of a plane
or set of parallel planes of atoms in a
Crystallographic Directions
Directions ( vectors )

The vector is
positioned such that
it starts from the
( if it already doesn’t )

Use square brackets only

Crystallographic Directions
1. Position vector through the
origin ( translate if necessary )
2. Measure its projections along
x, y, z & divide by a, b, c
3. Convert values from step 2
into smallest whole numbers
4. Write whole numbers from
step 3 as [uvw]
Note: Hexagonal crystals are not in course
For cubic Crystals:
Equivalent Directions are defined

[100], [100], [010], [010], [001], [001] are all equivalent directions

because atoms are spaced in the same way.

We write set of equivalent directions as: ‹100›
Crystallographic planes and determination of Millar Indices
1. If the plane passes through the origin: shift the plane or origin
2. Find intercepts in terms of a, b, c ( plane cuts or contains an axis )
3. Take reciprocal of intercepts
4. Change intercepts into smallest whole numbers, if necessary
5. Write them as: (hkl)
Plane not passing through the origin

Plane passing through the origin

1/3a 2/3b 1c

1/3 2/3 1

3 3/2 1

6 3 2

Equivalent Planes: In cubic crystals

(111), (111), (111), (111) , (111), (111), (111), (111)

are all equivalent in the sense that they have the

same atomic arrangement on them: set {111}
Aluminum (FCC) powder
Schematic diagram of an x-ray diffractometer; T x-ray source, S specimen, C
detector, and O the axis around which the specimen and detector rotate.
Four representations of simple cubic crystal structure – 1
Corner atoms touch each other along crystal sides

How many atoms are packed in unit cell of simple cubic

Contribution of corners to no. of atoms in unit cell
Sharing of atoms by unit cells
Where can atoms sit in a cube and how many?

1. On a corner of a cube
2. Inside a cube
3. On a face of a cube
4. On an edge of a cube
Suggest a name for this unit cell of crystal structure - 2

Iron crystal is BCC

with side 0.287 nm
Name for this unit cell is FCC
Crystal structure - 3
How many atoms per unit cell ?
Atoms= 1 Atoms=2
C.NO.6 Empty

Empty =32%
=48% Touch on
Touch on diagonal
C. No12

Empty =26%
Copper crystal
Is FCC with Touch on face
Side 0.361 nm diagonal
Metal Crystal Structure Atomic Radius (nm)

Aluminum FCC 0.1431

Cadmium HCP 0.1490

Chromium BCC 0.1249

Cobalt HCP 0.1253

Copper FCC 0.1278

Gold FCC 0.1442

Iron (Alpha) BCC 0.1241

Lead FCC 0.1750

Magnesium HCP 0.1599

Molybdenum BCC 0.1363

Nickel FCC 0.1246

Platinum FCC 0.1387

Silver FCC 0.1445

Tantalum BCC 0.1430

Titanium (Alpha) HCP 0.1445

Tungsten BCC 0.1371

Zinc HCP 0.1332

terms of the atomic radius R
Compute atomic packing factor for FCC unit cell
This unit contains four atoms
Experimental = 8.94 g / cm3

Watch: you have to write units through out

Planar Density

PD110 = 2 atoms / 8R2√2

PD110 =

(2 atoms / [(16√2 R2)/3]

Area =
Face diagonal x side

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