PDF With List and Compr KEY
PDF With List and Compr KEY
PDF With List and Compr KEY
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1 Warm up
1. Which picture shows chocolate milk and which one shows milk chocolate?
2. Which picture shows shoe leather and which shows leather shoes?
2 Listening
Listen to a man talking about one of his favourite family photos. Which photo is he describing?
Listen again and choose the phrases that the man uses in his description.
3 Language point
There are several ways to put nouns together in English. Read the examples and information and
choose the best option to complete the rules.
1. My wife and middle child Hannah are sitting together at the kitchen table.
2. My wife has always got a coffee cup with her.
3. In the picture frame on the wall is another photo that Grace took.
• We use noun + noun phrases for some everyday items that we often talk about.
• In these phrases the main noun is the first / second noun. The other noun has the same function
as an adjective / a verb.
• This explains the difference between chocolate milk and milk chocolate and the other items from
the Warm up.
When something is an everyday item / more unusual, we use a prepositional phrase to describe it.
We use ’ + -s to show that something belongs to someone. This punctuation is called a comma / an
We can use this form for things that belong to people, animals, countries, organisations or groups of
living things.
When the owners are plural, we put the punctuation before / after the final -s.
At that time, the back wall of the house was red brick.
When something belongs to or is related to a non-living thing, we use the preposition of: the name
of the street, the top of the page, the bottom of the sea.
4 Practice
Choose one word from column one and one word from column two to complete the sentences. Use
’s or a prepositional phrase to connect the nouns if you need to.
column 1 column 2
Australia books
box cake
chocolate cat
discussion coast
end house
John painting
roof pets
watercolour story
5 Speaking
Work in pairs. Student A: look at the instructions on this page. Student B: look at the instructions on
the next page.
You are going to play a game to review noun phrases from this lesson. There are two ways to play the
game. You can speak or you can draw. You can use each item in your list only once.
Speaking: without using any forms of the words in the noun phrase, describe the item to your
partner so they can guess.
Drawing: without using any words or letters, draw a picture of one item from your list for
your partner to guess.
a bus stop a song about a frog your own idea for a noun phrase
If you have time, think of original sentences for some of the items from your lists.
You are going to play a game to review noun phrases from this lesson. There are two ways to play the
game. You can speak or you can draw. You can use each item in your list only once.
Speaking: without using any forms of the words in the noun phrase, describe the item to your
partner so they can guess.
Drawing: without using any words or letters, draw a picture of one item from your list for
your partner to guess.
fruit salad a train station your own idea for a noun phrase
If you have time, think of original sentences for some of the items from your lists.
6 Extra practice/homework
Find and correct mistakes with some of the sentences below. If the sentence is correct, put a tick
next to it.
7 Optional extension
The names of lots of everyday things in a kitchen are formed like this: verb + -er. This means we
can describe an item in one word (a blender) instead of explaining what it does (a thing that blends).
Match the words and items.
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
2. Listening
Speaker: This is one of my favourite family photos. My oldest child Grace took this picture a couple
of years ago. It shows the whole family at home together in our kitchen - I remember this
day well.
Speaker: My wife and middle child Hannah are sitting together at the kitchen table. They’re working
on my wife’s laptop and they’re writing a story about a rabbit. They write lots of stories
using Hannah’s ideas.
Speaker: There’s a pot of pencils on the table because Hannah really likes drawing too.
Speaker: And my wife has always got a coffee cup with her, even if it’s empty - it’s a family joke! At
the back of the picture you can see me - they call me "the man with the knife" because I
do most of the cooking for the family.
Speaker: The child on the counter next to me is Ben, our youngest. At that time, the back wall of
the house was red brick.
Speaker: We’ve changed that recently and now it’s painted white. In the picture frame on the wall
is another photo that Grace took. She’s very creative.
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© Linguahouse.com. Photocopiable and licensed for use in Lucía Gimenez's lessons.
1. Warm up
5 mins.
Work with the whole class to answer the first two questions about the photographs. Elicit/explain the difference
between the pairs of items, as in the answers. This word order may not be intuitive for some students. Then pose
the next four questions to see if students have worked out how these noun + noun combinations work and if they
can think of any other pairs of items that work this way – it’s fine if they can’t. Tell them they will find out more
about noun + noun combinations, and other noun phrases in the lesson.
1. B is chocolate milk, a milk drink with a chocolate flavour, while A is milk chocolate, a type of chocolate made
with milk.
2. C shows shoe leather, a material which we use to make shoes, and D shows leather shoes, things we wear on
our feet which are made of leather.
2. Listening
10 mins.
Explain the context and go over the instructions for the first listening activity. Call attention to the four photos
and elicit some similarities and differences between them to prepare students for the first listening task. Play the
recording and check answers. Ask students to justify their answers as well as to briefly explain why the other
three photos are not correct.
For the second listening activity, students will complete a discrimination task to support them in noticing some
of the key language points which will be presented in the next stage. Give students a minute to look through
the phrases and recall or guess the correct option. Elicit/explain the meaning of counter: a surface used for food
preparation in a kitchen. Then play the recording again for them to check their ideas. Check answers with the
whole class.
If you have time, students could work in pairs to read the transcript out loud.
C - correct picture
3. Language point
10 mins.
Students are formally introduced to the different types of noun phrase which they encountered in the Warm up
and Listening. Being able to construct noun phrases helps students to express themselves more naturally and
accurately and will also help them to access higher level input including Academic English. Go over the example
sentences and activities/questions with the whole class in stages.
Learn without forgetting! ii
Scan the QR at the top of Page 1 to review the lesson flashcards with Expemo.
© Linguahouse.com. Photocopiable and licensed for use in Lucía Gimenez's lessons.
Drill all the example sentences. Pose the follow-up question – students often find it helpful for their English to
reflect on how their own language works.
Note: this lesson deals with compound nouns that are expressed as two separate words, but other compound
nouns can be one word, or hyphenated.
Part 1
In these phrases the main noun is the second noun. The other noun has the same function as an adjective.
Part 2
1. an apostrophe
Part 4
When the owners are plural, we put the punctuation after the final -s.
Part 5
4. Practice
10 mins.
Go over the instructions with the class and do the first one as an example. Students can work alone, and then
check answers in pairs. Finally, check answers with the whole class. If you have time, ask students to read the
sentences out loud in pairs.
NOTE: If students are finding this difficult, skip the speaking stage and do the extra practice/homework exercises
in class for additional support.
5. Speaking
13 mins.
In this stage, students will activate the language from the lesson in an speaking/drawing activity. Make sure
students understand the aim of the activity is to get their partner to produce a noun phrase accurately and that
they will have to use their imagination. Choose the activity type which best suits your teaching context (they are
based on the popular games Taboo and Pictionary), or let students choose. It’s also fine to mix and match.
Set up A/B pairs and go over the instructions with the class, making sure students are looking at the correct page.
The teacher could demonstrate first with this example phrase: sun hat. You should first describe this for students
to guess by saying: when it’s very hot in the summer, you wear this on your head. Point out that you did not use the
word sun or hat. Then draw a simple sketch as an example. It’s fine to draw stick figures.
Give students a couple of minutes to look through the options and check any unknown vocabulary. They can use
their own ideas for any type of noun phrase as well, but if they do this, they may want to check with the teacher
When students are ready, give them a few minutes to play. Students should guide each other to the intended
phrase, rather than just saying, "You’re wrong" after one attempt. Monitor and support as necessary.
Early finishers can formulate original sentences using any of the items from the exercise.
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Scan the QR at the top of Page 1 to review the lesson flashcards with Expemo.
© Linguahouse.com. Photocopiable and licensed for use in Lucía Gimenez's lessons.
Then round off the activity by asking a few students to speak/draw, perhaps using their own ideas, and challenge
the group to produce the intended phrase. Choose examples that were very successful as being able to explain
what you mean is a very important skill to have in language learning. You could also offer error correction, including
6. Extra practice/homework
2 mins to explain.
These exercises can be assigned for homework or used instead of the writing activity if the class needs more
support. If you use these for homework, make sure that you mark the exercises in a future class, or collect them
from students and mark them yourself outside class. If you prefer, you can make the answers available to students
and they can check their own answers.
7. Optional extension
10 mins.
These exercises are designed as a cooler activity if you have time in your lesson. In this activity, students identify
kitchen items which end in -er. This suffix allows us to name the item by its function, without having to say a long
noun phrase like: it’s the thing that blends/freezes/grates, etc. Work with the whole class to match the words and
pictures and drill pronunciation. Set the first follow-up question and call attention to the example. Then students
can discuss this in pairs. Check answers and pose the final two questions to the whole class.
1D, 2B, 3A, 4C, 5F, 6H, 7E, 8G
Learn without forgetting! iv
Scan the QR at the top of Page 1 to review the lesson flashcards with Expemo.
© Linguahouse.com. Photocopiable and licensed for use in Lucía Gimenez's lessons.