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(HALL TICKET NO: 2129-21-672-004)
Synopsis for project to be submitted for the award
of the degree of


Human Resource Management has come to be recognized as an inherent part of management,
which is concerned with the human resources of an organization. Its objective is the
maintenance of better human relations in the organization by the development, application
and evaluation of policies, procedures and programmes relating to human resources to
optimize their contribution towards the realization of organizational objectives.
In other words, HRM is concerned with getting better results with the collaboration of people.
It is an integral but distinctive part of management, concerned with people at work and their
relationships within the enterprise. HRM helps in attaining maximum individual
development, desirable working relationship between employees and employers, employees
and employees, and effective modeling of human resources as contrasted with physical
resources. It is the recruitment, selection, development, utilization, compensation and
motivation of human resources by the organization.
Human resources may be defined as “the total knowledge, skills, creative abilities, talents and
aptitudes of an organization's workforce, as well as the values, attitudes, approaches and
beliefs of the individuals involved”. – Leon C. Megginson
“Human resource management is concerned with the most effective use of people to achieve
organizational and individual goals”. – Ivancevich and Glueck
The early part of the century saw a concern for improved efficiency through careful
design of work. During the middle part of the century emphasis shifted to the employee's
productivity. Recent decades have focused on increased concern for the quality of working
life, total quality management and worker's participation in management. These three phases
may be termed as welfare, development and empowerment.
Human Resource Management: Nature
Human Resource Management is a process of bringing people and organizations
together so that the goals of each are met. The various features of HRM include:
 It is pervasive in nature as it is present in all enterprises.
 Its focus is on results rather than on rules.
 It tries to help employees develop their potential fully.
 It encourages employees to give their best to the organization.
 It is all about people at work, both as individuals and groups.
 It tries to put people on assigned jobs in order to produce good results.
 It helps an organization meet its goals in the future by providing for competent and
well-motivated employees.
• It tries to build and maintain cordial relations between people working at various levels in
the organization.
• It is a multidisciplinary activity, utilizing knowledge and inputs drawn from psychology,
economics, etc.
Human Resource Management: Scope
The scope of HRM is very wide:
1. Personnel aspect-This is concerned with manpower planning, recruitment, selection,
placement, transfer, promotion, training and development, layoff and retrenchment,
remuneration, incentives, productivity etc.
2. Welfare aspect-It deals with working conditions and amenities such as canteens, creches,
rest and lunch rooms, housing, transport, medical assistance, education, health and safety,
recreation facilities, etc.
3. Industrial relations aspect-This covers union-management relations, joint consultation,
collective bargaining, grievance and disciplinary procedures, settlement of disputes, etc.
 It is every manager's responsibility to ensure the development and utilization of the
capabilities of subordinates.
Human Resource Management: Objectives
 To help the organization reach its goals.
 To ensure effective utilization and maximum development of human resources.
 To ensure respect for human beings to identify and satisfy the needs of individuals.
 To ensure reconciliation of individual goals with those of the organization.
 To achieve and maintain high morale among employees.
 To provide the organization with well-trained and well-motivated employees.
 To increase to the fullest the employee's job satisfaction and self-actualization.
 To develop and maintain a quality of work life.
 To be ethically and socially responsive to the needs of society.
 To develop overall personality of each employee in its multidimensional aspect.
 To enhance employee's capabilities to perform the present job.
 To equip the employees with precision and clarity in transaction of business.
 To inculcate the sense of team spirit, team work and inter-team collaboration
In the Present competitive and dynamic environment, it has become essential for
organization to build and sustain competencies that would provide them sustainable
competitive advantage. Dynamic and growth-oriented organizations recognize training as an
important aspect of the managerial functions in a rapidly changing economic and social
environment. Every organization needs well-adjusted, trained, and experienced people to
perform its activities. As jobs in today’s dynamic organizations have become more complex,
the importance of employee training has increased.
Training refers to the teaching/learning carried on for the primary purpose of helping
members of all origin to acquire and apply the knowledge, skill, abilities and attitudes needed
by that organization.
Training is the short- term process utilizing a systematic and organized procedure by
which non –managerial personnel learn technical knowledge and skills for a definite purpose.
Training enables employees to develop and rise with in the organization and increase their
“Market Value” earning capacity and job security.
Training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skills of an employee for doing a
particular job. In other words, training improves, changes, moulds the employees knowledge,
skill, behaviour, aptitude and attitude towards the requirement of the job and organization.
Thus, training bridges the difference between job requirement and employees present.
 Training is defined as “a planned programme designed to improve performance and to
bring about measurable changes in knowledge, skills, attitude and social behavior of
employees for doing a particular job”.
 Training is a continuous process of learning in human resource development, which is
aimed at developing and enhancing an individual’s efficiency, capacity, and
effectiveness at work.
 Dale S. Beach defines the training as “the organized procedure by which people learn
knowledge and/or skill for a definite purpose”.
Managers use the term Training and Development interchangeably. However, there
are some differences between them. Training is often referred to as importing specific skills
and behavior. The specificity is in terms of learning a specific course content or skill like a
computer language, machine operations, playing tennis, etc. The focus is on improvement in
performance after training along with a perceptible behavioral change. Training often caters
to organizational needs. The training programme may be prompted of certain changes present
or anticipated in the structure and processes of organizations. Hence, the impact of training
may be experienced and assessed by organization immediately. Usually administrative,
supervisory, and technical workforce may be exposed to training programmes.
Development on the other hand is holistic, often aiming at overall personality development.
The content of a development programme includes conceptual or theoretical inputs,
perspective strategic thinking or focusing on behavioral aspects such as leadership skills,
managing teams, groups, etc. The intent is to provide training in non technical areas of
problem solving, decision making, people skills, etc.
Significance OF TRAINING:
The significance of HR the board to an enormous degree relies upon HR improvement.
H.R.D. is only preparing of workers and preparing as its most significant procedure. No
association can get a hopeful who precisely suits with the activity and the beginnings
necessities. Consequently, preparing winds up fundamental is imperative to build up the
worker and make him reasonable the activity. Preparing progresses in the direction of
significant worth increments to the organization through HRD.
Occupation and hierarchical necessities are not static rather they are changed dynamic. Every
once in a while in perspective on the mechanical progression and charge in the consciousness
of the complete quality and profitability the executives (TQPM). The goals of the TQPM can
be accomplished distinctly through preparing, which creates human abilities and productivity.
Preparing workers would be an important resource for an association.
Authoritative effectiveness, profitability, advancement and improvement to a more prominent
degree depend up on preparing. On the off chance that the required preparing is a not given.
It prompts execution, disappointment of the representatives. Authoritative destinations like
feasibility, solidness and development can likewise be accomplished by giving through
preparing. Preparing is significant, as it establishes a critical piece of the executives control.
The preparation, improves four 'C's for the association viz.
 Competence
 Commitment
 Creativity
 Contribution
 How preparing Benefits the Organization: -
 Leads to improved productivity as well as increasingly inspirational frames of mind
towards benefits, association.
 Improves the activity learning and ability at all degrees of the association.
 Improves the spirit of the workforce.
 Helps individuals relate to hierarchical objectives.
 Fosters specialist, receptiveness and trust.
 Improves the connection send among manager and subordinates.
 Aids in authoritative advancement.
 Learns from the learner.
 Helps get ready rules for the frail guides in comprehension and completing
hierarchical approaches.
 Provides data for future needs in every aspect of the association.
 Organization gets increasingly emotional in basic leadership and critical thinking.
 Aids on creating initiative abilities inspiring reliability, better frames of mind and
different perspectives that effective specialists and directors generally show.
 Helps minimize expenses in numerous regions, for example creation, faculty,
organization and so forth.,
 Develops an awareness of other's expectations to the association for being equipped
and proficient.
 Improves work the board relations.
 Reduces outside counseling costs by using able inner counseling.
 Stimulates preventive administration rather than putting out flames.
 Eliminates sub-discretionary conduct, (for example, concealing instruments).
 Creates and fitting atmosphere for development and correspondence.
 Helps representatives modify o change.
 Aids in dealing with struggle, in this manner counteracting pressure and strain.
 Advantages to the person, which to turn eventually should profit the association:
The following are the outcomes of studies conducted by various researchers on Training and
development practices in Organizations:
TITLE: Training and development
AUTHOR: K.V.S.N Jawahar
JOURNAL: Published by babu K.V.S.N Jawahar,valliS.kaleshaMasthan
(Volume 14,Issue 2 (Nov,- Dec.2013))
Health, safety and the Training and development of promoting the efficiency of employee.
The various welfare measures provided by the employer will have immediate impact on the
health, physical and mental efficiency, alterness, morale and overall efficiency of the worker
and there by contributing to the higher productivity. The basic propose of Training and
development is to enrich the life of employees and to keep them happy and conducted.
Welfare measure may be both statutory and non-statutory; laws require the employer to
extend certain benefits to employees in addition to wages or salaries. In the present study an
attempt has been made to study the Training and development facilities and its impact on
emlpoyee’s efficiency at vindhaTelelinks Ltd. Rewa Madhya Pradesh. The study show the
Training and development facilities and its impact on employee efficiency at vindhatelelinks
Ltd. Rewa appear good. The average mean score and percentages score of the overall of 22
items has been computed at 3.64(66%).
TITLE:A study on Training and development
AUTHOR: Logasakthi K. and Rajagopal K
JOURAL:Published by Logasakthi K. and Rajagopal K.(2013)
Vol.1(1)pp 1 -10.(2013))
The present study is made an attempt to identity welfare facilities and employee’s satisfaction
level about welfare facilities adopted at Bosch limited, Bangalore. To achieve the aforesaid
objective data is gathered from 100 employees of thr organisation with random sampling
technique. It is found that most of the respondents are aware about the legislative and non-
legislative Training and development facilities provided at the company, welfare facilities
like medical, canteen, working environment, safety measures etc., are provided by the
company. And most of the employees are satisfied with the welfare facilities adopted by the
company towards the employee’s welfare.
TITLE: Current trends in Training and development schemes.
AUTHOR: MohanReenu and Panwar J.S
JOURNAL:Published by MohanReenu and Panwar J.S (2013)
(Vol. 1,Issue 6, Nov 2013)
Employees are undeniably crucial stakeholders who influence organizational effectiveness by
stabilizing the tremors caused by business environment. Every organization has an
inexplicable role to play in providing welfare facilities to the stakeholders not just monetary
but also non-monetary, which go beyond money of which employees are the one who make
the cut if prioritized. A satisfied employee is the key ingredient for progress of every
organization and the concept of employee was and will always a part of organizational
efficiency. These facilities may either be voluntarily provided by the progressive and
enlightened at will as a social responsibility towards employee, or laws may compel them to
make provision for these facilities by the government and trade unions.Employee have
always been an integral part of an organisation and in and this study an effort is put to realize
the measure implemented to seek Training and development service sector by the way of
making their work life contented.
TITLE:Journal of Workplace Behavioural Health
AUTHOR: Joseph I. and Varghese R
JOURNAL:Published by Joseph I. and Varghese R.(2009)
Vol. 24 (1&2) pp: 221-242.
Welfare is concerned with the total well being of employees both at work and at home.
Training and development entails all those activities of employer, which are directed towards
providing the employees with certain facilities and done towards the comfort and
improvements of employees. Health, safety and Training and development of promoting the
efficiency of employee. The various welfare measures provided by the employer will have
immediate impact on the health , physical and mental efficiency, alertness ,moral and overall
efficiency of the worker and there by contributing to the higher productivity. The basic
purpose of Training and development is to enrich the life of employee and to keep them
happy and conducted. Welfare measures maybe both statutory and non-statutory,laws
required the employer to extension benefits to employees in additional to wages or salaries.
In this paper and attempt has been made to study the Training and development speciality and
it's impact on employees performance.
TITLE: Training and development measures in mining industry - A study with reference to
statutory welfare measures.
AUTHOR: Resma S. and Basavraju M.J
JOURNAL: Published by Resma S. and Basavraju M.J.(2013) Volume.3(7) PP.157-164.
The present study is made an attempt to identify the Training and development measures
adopted in IT industry . Training and development means anything done for the comfort and
improvement of the employees oven about the wages paid which is not a necessity of the
industry. The basic purpose of Training and development is to enrich the life of employees
and keep them happy. Employees spend at least half their time at work or getting to it or
leaving it. They know that they contribute to the organisation when they are reasonably free
from worry and they feel that when they are in trouble/problems, they are due to get
something back from the organisation. People are entitled to be treated as full human beings
with personal needs hopes and anxieties.
Training and development has lots of impact on employee’s performance. The only factor
which is point of hesitation for the employers is “cost”, used for the training and
development. Otherwise there is always a positive result from training and development.
 Creating a pool of readily available and adequate replacements for personnel who
may leave or move up in the organization.
 Enhancing the company’s ability to adopt and use advances in technology because of
highly knowledgeable staff.
 Building a more efficient, effective and highly motivated team, which enhances the
company’s competitive position and improves employee morale.
 Ensuring adequate human resources for expansion into new programmes.
Training is mainly job-oriented; it aims at maintaining and improving current job
performance. The need for a training programme may arise due to the following.
 Entry of New Recruits : New entrants need training to attain clarity in job
responsibility, nature of the job, and other organizational matters so that person-hours
are not wasted
 Promotions: Preparation of employees for higher level jobs like promotions requires
skill up gradation and Competency building.
 To Prevent Skill Obsolescence : Training and Development programmes foster the
initiative and creativity of employees and help to prevent obsolescence of skills,
which may be due to employees age, temperament, motivation, inability to adapt to
technological changes.
 To increase Quality: With globalization, increased competitiveness has resulted in
greater emphasis on producing or delivering quality goods and services. Hence
training in quality maintenance and quality management becomes essential.
 To Increase productivity: Instructions can help employees increase their level of
performance on their present assignment. Increases human performance often leads to
increased operational productivity and increased company profit.
 To meet organizational objectives: Future Organizational goals, plans dictate training
of its existing workforce, particularly, where there is dearth of skills to match the
needs of organizational plans.
 To support personal growth and development: Employees gain a lot by training and
development programmes. Management development programmes seem to give
participants a wider awareness, improved skills, and enlightened artistic philosophy
and make enhanced personal growth possible.
Employees’ being the main source for production, the success of an organization depends on
its employees. Since employee’s contribution plays a significant role in shaping modern
organization. It is the duty of an organization to care of its employee’s skill, abilities and
performance and develop them in a more prospective way for the development of the
employees which indirectly contributes to the organization. Employees can develop their
performance only when they are given training in particular skills which they are lacking.

This study covers all aspects of training and development programs in HERO MOTOCORP
. This study covers the New Entrant Manager response towards the training programs in the


 To analyze and examine the effectiveness of training and development programmers


 To assess how often training programmes are conducted and how much are the

employees satisfied.

 To study to what extent the training programmes are applicable to their jobs.

 To study the employee’s opinion on the training and development in HERO





Step 1: Constituted the distributing of the questionnaire to the sample respondents.
Step 2: Constituted of collecting back the questionnaire from the respondents.
Step 3: Constituted of systematic analysis and the data gathering in the form of tables and
Step 4: Constituted of arriving of findings based on the study and giving suggestions they’re
Sources of data:
For the fulfillment of the study the student researcher has relied on two types of Data i.e.
primary data and secondary data.

Primary Data:
This study is almost based on primary data which is more acquainted for social science
research .The primary data has been collected by administering Questionnaire to the selected
respondents. Another sources of primary data is overall observations of companies working,
companies attitude on training and development. The student researcher has conducted
sufficient discussions with both the employer and employee to gather the information for the
aspects of Questionnaire.
Secondary Data:
The Secondary data has been obtained by studying existing training and developmental
program in HERO MOTOCORP PVT LTD . . Data is also obtained by referring to the earlier
studies conducted in smaller areas and also the annual reports, brochures, and other materials
served as secondary data.

Sampling plan:
The sample of 100 employees were chosen out of 121 New entrant managers which is more
than 35% of the universe for the purpose of the study on the basis of using simple random
sampling method. The selection of the sample includes all the departments and designations.
Tools and Techniques of data collection;
A Structured Questionnaire has been designed covering all relevant aspects of Training and
Development programs and administrated to the respondents for the collection of the data.
Whereas the information available from earlier studies, books, brochures, annual reports, files
and several other sources of secondary data. However, the data collection was painstaking
effort and endeavors were made to collect relevant information with missionary Zeal.

Data interpretation:
The data ventured to be collected through Questionnaire method the responses obtained are
then tabulated and analyzed and inferences are drawn. The statistical technique of percentage
method is used for the purpose of data analysis. Based on inferences drawn from the data a
suitable finding is made along with the necessary summary and conclusion.

Statistical tools used

Percentage method:
Percentage method is used in making
comparison between two or more series of data. This is used to describe relationship.

Percentage of respondents = No of respondents x 100

Total respondents

The method of study followed in this project (in brief):

Sample size : 100

Data collection method : Primary and Secondary.
Duration of study : 45 days.
Analysis : Through percentage method.

 Due to time constraints the study was limited only for 45days.

 Random sampling method has been adopted and all limitations applicable to that method
are applicable here also.

 The authenticity of information provided by the New Entrant Manager cannot be assured.

 Analysis of the data has been done based on the assumptions that the information
provided by the respondents is genuine.

 The sample size is small when compared to total universe, Hence the capability of study
to the whole universe is constraint.
The automobile industry is one of India’s most vibrant and growing industries. This industry
accounts for 22 per cent of the country's manufacturing gross domestic product (GDP). The
auto sector is one of the biggest job creators, both directly and indirectly. It is estimated that
every job created in an auto company leads to three to five indirect ancillary jobs.
India's domestic market and its growth potential have been a big attraction for many global
automakers. India is presently the world's third largest exporter of two-wheelers after China
and Japan. According to a report by Standard Chartered Bank, India is likely to overtake
Thailand in global auto-export market share by the year 2020.
The next few years are projected to show solid but cautious growth due to improved
affordability, rising incomes and untapped markets. With the government’s backing, and
trends in the international scenario such as the decline in prices of natural rubber, the Indian
automobile industry is slated to witness some major growth.
Market size
The cumulative foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows into the Indian automobile industry
during the period April 2000 – August 2014 was recorded at US$ 10,119.68 million, as per
data by Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP).
Data from industry body Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers (SIAM) showed that
137,873 passenger cars were sold in July 2014 compared to 131,257 units during the
corresponding month of 2013. Among the auto makers, Maruti Suzuki, Hyundai Motor India
and Honda Cars India emerged the top three gainers with sales growth of 15.45 per cent, 12
per cent and 11 per cent, respectively.
The three-wheeler segment posted a 24 per cent growth to 51,461 units on the back of
increased demands from the urban market. Total sales across different vehicle segments grew
12 per cent year on year (y-o-y) to 1,586,123 units.
Scooter sales have jumped by 29 per cent in the ongoing fiscal, and now form 27 per cent of
the total two-wheeler market from just 8 per cent a decade back. The ever-rising demand for
scooters, which has far outstripped supply has prompted Honda to set up its first dedicated
scooter plant in Ahmedabad.
Tractor sales in the country is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR)
of 8–9 per cent in the next five years making India a high-potential market for many
international brands.

Hero MotoCorp Ltd. (Formerly Hero Honda Motors Ltd.) is the world's largest manufacturer
of two - wheelers, based in India.

In 2001, the company achieved the coveted position of being the largest two-wheeler
manufacturing company in India and also, the 'World No.1' two-wheeler company in terms of
unit volume sales in a calendar year. Hero MotoCorp Ltd. continues to maintain this position
till date.

The story of Hero Honda began with a simple vision - the vision of a mobile and an
empowered India, powered by its two wheelers. Hero MotoCorp Ltd., company's new
identity, reflects its commitment towards providing world class mobility solutions with
renewed focus on expanding company's footprint in the global arena.


Hero MotoCorp’s mission is to become a global enterprise fulfilling its customers' needs and
aspirations for mobility, setting benchmarks in technology, styling and quality so that it
converts its customers into its brand advocates. The company will provide an engaging
environment for its people to perform to their true potential. It will continue its focus on
value creation and enduring relationships with its partners


Hero MotoCorp’s key strategies are to build a robust product portfolio across categories,
explore growth opportunities globally, continuously improve its operational efficiency,
aggressively expand its reach to customers, continue to invest in brand building activities and
ensure customer and shareholder delight.

Hero MotoCorp two wheelers are manufactured across 3 globally benchmarked
manufacturing facilities. Two of these are based at Gurgaon and Dharuhera which are located
in the state of Haryana in northern India. The third and the latest manufacturing plant is based
at Haridwar, in the hill state of Uttrakhand.

In the 1980’s Hero Honda pioneered the introduction of fuel-efficient, environment friendly
four-stroke motorcycles in the country. Today, Hero Honda continues to be technology
pioneer. It became the first company to launch the Fuel Injection (FI) technology in Indian
motorcycles, with the launch of the Glamour FI in June 2006.

The Company's growth in the two wheeler market in India is the result of an intrinsic ability
to increase reach in new geographies and growth markets. Hero MotoCorp’s extensive sales
and service network now spans over to 6000 customer touch points. These comprise a mix of
authorized dealerships, service & spare parts outlets and dealer-appointed outlets across the

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