Eimco - Briedenfilter Wedge Wire Blackflush Sytems
Eimco - Briedenfilter Wedge Wire Blackflush Sytems
Eimco - Briedenfilter Wedge Wire Blackflush Sytems
Brieden Automatic Backwashing Filters
Brieden Filters can vary the num- An EWT Brieden strainer during backflushing operation
ber of candles in each filter to
present the maximum filtering
area to the flow. This enables
Breathing Filter Guide
Breathing Filter Guide
The table provides a guide to filter specification, based upon filtration of media in m /hour
at ∆p approximately .15 bar. For flows greater than 9000m3/hour refer to EWT’s range of
Table 1 provides a guide to filter Debris filters – BGWSA Debris Filter catalogue.
specification, based upon filtra-
tion of media in m /hour at ∆p
EWT has fined-tuned the tradi- Wedge wire elements are avail- tion of media measured in m /hour
tional wedge wire filter element able with apertures ranging from at a ∆p of approximately .15 bar.
to produce stainless steel, duplex 50µm to 3,000µm and are re-
or super duplex ‘V’-Gap elements. nowned for their operational lon- For large capacity filters, other
V-Gap elements are capable of gevity – some elements have been applications, filtering systems
effectively filtering less clinging in use in filters for over 20 years. with a high solids loading, or for
impurities, or where coarser fil- further information on any of our
tration is acceptable. Table 1 provides a guide to filter strainers please consult EWT.
specification, based upon filtra-
Their advanced aperture shape
helps to deter media from caus-
ing blockages that would result
from using more orthodox wedge
wire elements, and they are par-
ticularly recommended for use
when very high differential pres-
sure is present.
Diagram 1. Filtration Diagram 2. Backflushing
V-Gap filter elements are manufactured from Backflushing is carried out by reversing the
Internal dimensions of V-Gap ele- wedge wire and have ‘V’ shaped filtration flow using the filtered fluid to clean the
apertures. Internal dimensions correspond filter elements. V-Gap filter elements have
ments are correlated to the re- to the required filtration aperture and open excellent filtration properties and are
quired filtration aperture and open out in the direction of the flow. For this suitable for high differential pressures. For
reason solids to be separated are received special requirements, fine filtration and
in the direction of the flow. This in front of the filtration apertures. The V-Gap difficult applications, such as sewage which
design (Diagram 1) means that shape minimises solids becoming lodged has fibrous or waxy solids we would
solids and media requiring sepa- within the filter and prevents blockages. recommend our ‘breathing filter elements’.
(if known)
6 • System pressure
Filter catalogue. Wedge wire elements are available with apertures ranging from 50µm
to 3,000µm.
Brieden Automatic Backwashing Filters
Brunel Way Tel: +44 (0) 1206 756600
Colchester Fax: +44 (0) 1206 756500
Essex, C04 9QX