Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions
The purpose of this slave contract is to instill all that such servitude implies. This contract is written to make clear
the expectations of Mistress and the consequences for failure to live up to this agreement. This agreement shall
serve as the basis for an extension of the relationship between Mistress and slave. Both are committed to promoting
health and happiness and improving both lives in the spirit of loving and consensual Dominance and submission,
with the intention of furthering self-awareness and exploration. Slave desires that virtue be a significant part of this
relationship. Therefore it iS a8‹eed that fundamental to his slavery will be the prayer ctices of the virtues of trust,
honesty, openness, loyalty and obedience. Without the praHice of these virtues in this relatton9hip to k‹istress,
thera can be no true slavery. Their practice therefore, Is expected and required at all times. These terms.and
conditions are set forth.as a formal way of defining the rules by which both enter into this safe, sane and consensual
relationship. With.a signature, both Mistress and slave agree and accept that these terms and conditions cannot be
altarad In any may excapt by mutual consent.
slave is allowed safewords in all activities when necessary and trusts implicity in Mistress to respect
the use of said safewords.
If a condition arises in which the slave needs to use a safeword,
Mistress will assses the situation and determine an appropriate
course of action. Caution: YELLOW, Stop: RED
Once slave has recovered, the Issues causing the use of the safeword vyiII be discussed end a mutual
arrangement for the future will be agread upon.
slave agreas to feal pain, which is part of the training process, and tfie training cannot be
done.without it.
slave will not accept or invite any act of discipline from anyone but Mistress. Any such
attempts will be brought to the attention of Mistress as quickly as possible. In this area, slave has
Mistress. exprqssed permission to resist any such attempts with any means at hand.
The method and type of discipline, with the exception of physical and mental abuse, is the
sole responsibility of Mistress.
Mistress will use Her good judgement and fairness in deciding. on the form of discipline, taking
slave.s limitations into consideration.
slave will keep an accurate record of both the act that created the need for discipline and the
punishment that was earned.
When physical discipline is applied (includes hands, flogger, crop, etc.) slave will count out
loud the number of strokes he is to receive and express his thanks to Mistress for Her attention.
If slave loses track of the count, the count wiil begin from the start.
Ohce the discipline has been completed, slave will be forgiven and the cause forgotten,
All discipline will be fair and not without cause. If slave has displeased Mistress as a result of
Mistress not being clear on Her rules and/or instructions, then no discipline is justified or will
be given.
At NO time will the physical relationship (cyber, phone or real life) Involve the following:
abuse (mental or phys‹caI)
body mutilation (including piercing, tatoos and branding).
7J blood play