The Nanoqey Mission: Ground To Space Quantum Key and Entanglement Distribution Using A Nanosatellite
The Nanoqey Mission: Ground To Space Quantum Key and Entanglement Distribution Using A Nanosatellite
The Nanoqey Mission: Ground To Space Quantum Key and Entanglement Distribution Using A Nanosatellite
Quantum key distribution (QKD) establishes highly secure keys between distant parties by using single photons to
transmit each bit of the key. According to the laws of quantum mechanics the photons cannot be tapped, copied or
measured without leaving tell-tale signs of observation. Such systems provide the peace-of-mind knowledge that
any eavesdropping can be immediately detected and addressed.
Terrestrial QKD networks using fiber optic cables or free-space atmospheric transmission are in operation today for
both research and niche commercial applications such as secure bank transactions and data transfers. There are,
however, some fundamental physical constraints that would require the implementation of a complementary solution
for distances beyond a few hundred kilometers. Even with the best-case ultra-low attenuation fiber optic cables,
light will suffer exponential signal losses as well as polarization and chromatic dispersion as it is transmitted through
the material. Conventional signal amplifiers cannot be used because doing so would effectively constitute an
observation of the quantum state of the single photons, thereby invalidating the very quantum mechanical techniques
upon which QKD depends for the detection of attack or manipulation. While transmission losses for free-space
QKD within the atmosphere can be lower than in optical fiber, such links are limited to line-of-sight and are
therefore subject to geographical constraints such as local landscape and ultimately the curvature of the Earth.
Emerging Technologies in Security and Defence II; and Quantum-Physics-based Information Security III, edited by
M. T. Gruneisen, M. Dusek, J. G. Rarity, K. L. Lewis, R. C. Hollins, T. J. Merlet, A. Toet, Proc. of SPIE
Vol. 9254, 925402 · © 2014 SPIE · CCC code: 0277-786X/14/$18 · doi: 10.1117/12.2067548
Concept of Operations
The minimum mission duration would be one year from launch. This is based on the design lifetime of the SFL
NEMO bus while providing sufficient time for commissioning and achieving both the primary mission –
demonstrating long-distance secure key distribution – as well as the secondary mission – performing Bell tests for
entangled photons. During nominal operations, when the NanoQEY satellite is in daylight it would be oriented for
optimal power generation and thermal control while protecting the quantum receiver payload optics from the Sun.
As the satellite approaches an optical ground station, it will slew to point the tracking beacon towards where the
station will appear on the horizon. The single photon quantum link would be acquired and the initiation of the
quantum protocol would begin, during which the resulting data would be stored for later downlink to the SFL TT&C
ground station.
In order to securely distribute encryption keys, the NanoQEY satellite will act as a “trusted node” in which the keys
would be held during operations. The satellite would create a secure key between itself and Ground Station A
during one or more passes, and then create another secure key between itself and Ground Station B during one or
more passes. To create a secure key between Station A and Station B, a Boolean combination of the two keys is
calculated on the satellite. The result is transmitted (classically and in the open) to one of the two ground stations.
Using the combined key and the knowledge of its own key, a station can then calculate the other station’s key and
use it for secure communications between themselves.
The proposed NanoQEY mission architecture is based on a quantum photon uplink from the ground to the satellite
in order to minimize the complexity of the spacecraft and payload. Having the photon source at the ground stations
would also allow for flexibility and future upgrades. The NanoQEY satellite would carry the photon polarization
detectors and the encryption key management software. Crucial systems for the mission include laser beacon
sources and receivers (at both ends) for link acquisition and tracking, polarization monitoring and compensation, and
clock alignment for the precise time-tagging of the photons is also essential. In addition to the quantum channel, a
non-secure classical RF communications link is also required for the key exchange.
QKD Payload Design
For the proposed NanoQEY mission, IQC has designed an innovative compact QKD payload that would be
compatible with the mass, volume, power and performance constraints of a low-cost nanosatellite platform. One of
the major simplifications of the payload was to remove the necessity for a fine pointing system. By using large
collection optics and narrowband filters, it is possible to increase the field-of-view (FOV) so as to collect the
quantum signal within the nominal attitude determination and control performance capabilities of the SFL NEMO
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Figure 3: Payload Solid Model (Left) and Block Diagram (Right). Solid model shows outer casing (grey), collection lens
(yellow) and radiator (brown).
A feasibility study performed by IQC and SFL has shown that a nanosatellite mission to demonstrate long-distance
QKD is feasible and practical with current technology. NanoQEY would employ SFL’s existing and proven NEMO
bus with an innovative compact QKD receiver payload designed by IQC that would be compatible with the mass,
volume, power and performance constraints of a low-cost nanosatellite platform. If executed using the low-cost
rapid schedule “microspace” approach of UTIAS/SFL, the proposed NanoQEY mission could be developed in 2.5
years from project kick-off to launch of the spacecraft, followed by a one-year on-orbit mission.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Federal Economic Development Agency for
Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario) administered by Communitech, NSERC, MEDI Ontario, CIFAR.
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